Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Communication, cultural and media studies"

Angel, Katherine (2014) Lana Del Rey : the latest powerful woman that we want to see as just another toy. The Independent, ISSN (print) 0951-9467
Balmain, Colette (2014) Crypto-cannibalism : Meat, murder and monstrosity in Tiwa Moeithasong’s The Meat Grinder. Horror Studies, 5(2), pp. 249-264. ISSN (print) 2040-3275
Balmain, Colette (2014) Pop goes Korean Popular Culture : an investigation into the popularity of Hallyu culture in the UK. In: Marinescu, Valentina, (ed.) The global impact of South Korean popular culture : Hallyu unbound. Maryland, U.S. : Lexington Books. pp. 81-88. ISBN 9780739193372
Balmain, Colette (2014) Southeast Asian Gothic cinema. In: Byron, Glennis and Townshend, Dale, (eds.) The Gothic world. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 399-411. (Routledge Worlds) ISBN 9780415637442
Baverstock, Alison and Steinitz, Jackie (2014) Barriers and opportunities for research in publishing studies. Learned Publishing, 27(3), pp. 207-221. ISSN (print) 0953-1513
Baverstock, Alison and Steinitz, Jackie (2014) How is the discipline of publishing studies accommodated within universities? Learned Publishing, 27(4), pp. 291-300. ISSN (print) 0953-1513
Baverstock, Alison (2014) Writing family memoir: a 60-minute masterclass. London, U.K. : The Guardian. 64p. (60-Minute Masterclasses)
Birchwood, Matthew and Dimmock, Matthew (2014) Popular xenophobia. In: Hadfield, Andrew , Dimmock, Matthew and Shinn, Abigail, (eds.) The Ashgate research companion to popular culture in early modern England. Farnham, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 207-220. (Ashgate Research Companion) ISBN 9781409436843
Brooker, Will (2014) Going pro: gendered responses to the incorporation of fan labour as user-generated content. In: Mann, Denise, (ed.) Wired TV: laboring over an interactive future. New Brunswick, U.S. : Rutgers University Press. pp. 72-97. ISBN 9780813564548
Carter, Fan (2014) What's Luff got to do with it? Teenage magazines, sexuality and regulation in the 1990s (too much, too young? teenage magazines, sexuality and regulation). In: Andrews, Maggie and McNamara, Sallie, (eds.) Women and the media: feminism and femininity in Britain, 1900 to the present. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 231-243. (Routledge research in gender and history) ISBN 9780415660365
Carter, Frances Hannah (2014) Magic and toyshops: narrative and meaning in the women's sex shop. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Cham, Karen (2014) Virtually an alternative? The medium, the message and the user experience ; collective agency in digital spaces and embodied social change. In: 5th LAEMOS Colloquium on Organization Studies Constructing Alternatives: How can we organize for alternative social, economic, and ecological balance; 02 - 05 Apr 2014, Havana, Cuba. (Unpublished)
Evans, Alex and Osbon, David (2014) From Vox Rosa to Follow the Sun: a journey through mixedmedia performance. In: Performart '14; 20 - 21 Dec 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2014) Measuring the relationship between study habits and preferred learning style in higher education. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) 2014 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings. IEEE. pp. 1323-1326. ISBN 9781479939213
Flintham, Matthew [Researcher] (2014) AIR-TO-AIR (Pitched Formation). Unsensed. .
Flintham, Matthew (2014) The military spatial complex : interpreting the emerging spaces of British militarism. In: Deriu, Davide , Kamvasinou, Krystallia and Shinkle, Eugenie, (eds.) Emerging landscapes : Between production and representation. Farnham, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 55-65. ISBN 9781409467052
Flynn, Thomas (2014) Fear of cultural objects. In: Sandis, Constantine, (ed.) Cultural heritage ethics: between theory and practice. Cambridge, U.K. : Open Book Publishers. pp. 135-148. ISBN 9781783740673
Fonseca, Tania Marisa Dias Almeida (2014) e-Literacy, schools and municipalities towards a common goal : e-citizenship. (PhD thesis), University of Lisbon, University of Aveiro, New University of Lisbon, .
Giaxoglou, Korina (2014) Digital mourning: on Web 2.0 death and mourning. Pamphlet Magazine,
Giaxoglou, Korina (2014) “R.I.P. man…u are missed and loved by many”: entextualising moments of mourning on a Facebook Rest In Peace group site. Thanatos, 3(1), pp. 10-28. ISSN (online) 2242-6280
Giles, Katie and White, Frances (2014) Widening the Arc of Friendship: exploring the letters from Iris Murdoch and Philippa Foot with the local community. In: Discovering collections, discovering communities: forging collection-based collaboration between archives, museums and academia; 29 - 30 Oct 2014, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Gonzalez-Lopez, Irene (2014) Wakao Ayako and post-war Japanese studio system : celebrity and performer. Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema, 6(1), pp. 39-54. ISSN (print) 1756-4905
Harris, Roderick (2014) Dissociative methodology as synthetic networkology : a theatrical phenomenology of plastic and the Zee. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Heath, Terry, Cham, Karen and Yates, Carl (2014) Inside the minds of gamers. In: Garner, Cathy , Bolfek-Radovani, Jasmina , Fogg, Helen , Riedel, Jana , Ternouth, Phil , Briscoe, Gerard , Dima, Mariza , Shiach, Morag and Virani, Tarek, (eds.) London creative and digital fusion. London, U.K. : London Fusion. pp. 54-57.
Heath, Terry, Krause, Sven and Cham, Karen (2014) Unlocking the minds of gamers. In: Innovation Powerhouse; 15 Nov 2014, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ikoniadou, Eleni (2014) The rhythmic event: art, media and the sonic. Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S. : MIT Press. 136p. (Technologies of Lived Abstraction) ISBN 9780262027649
Jones, Ray (2014) The story of Baby P: setting the record straight. Bristol, U.K. : Policy Press. 339p. ISBN 9781447316220
Lambrou, Marina (2014) Narratives of trauma re-lived: the ethnographer's paradox and other tales. In: Thomas, Bronwen and Round, Julia, (eds.) Real lives and celebrity stories: narratives of ordinary and extraordinary people across media. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 113-128. ISBN 9781441102386
Lambrou, Marina and Durant, Alan (2014) The analysis of the media. In: Stockwell, Peter and Whitely, Sarah, (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Stylistics. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 503-519. (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics) ISBN 9781107028876
Leis Allion, Marcus (2014) Ubiquitous typography. In: Carvalhais, Miguel and Verdicchio, Mario, (eds.) xCoAx2014 Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computation Communication Aesthetics and X Porto, Portugal. Porto, Portugal : Universidade do Porto. pp. 380-391. ISSN (print) 2183-9069 ISBN 9789897460364
Melia, Matthew (2014) The scream in visual culture: the scream as fearful response. In: Smith, Shilinka and Hill, Shona, (eds.) Transforming fear, horror and terror; multidisciplinary reflections. Oxford, U.K. : Inter-disciplinary Press. ISBN 9781848881969
Mencia, Maria (2014) Excerpts from "From digital poetry to digital art: image-sound-text, convergent media, and the development of new media languages". In: Elkins, James, (ed.) Artists with PhDs : on the new doctoral degree in studio art. 2nd ed. Washington, U.S. : New Academia Publishing. pp. 419-428. ISBN 9780991504756
Miller, Janice (2014) Collars and class. Film, Fashion & Consumption, 3(3), pp. 173-179. ISSN (print) 2044-2823
Miller, Janice (2014) Making up is masculine : the increasing cultural connections between masculinity and make-up. Critical Studies in Men's Fashion, 1(3), pp. 241-253. ISSN (print) 2050-070X
Morrison, James (2014) Armchair auditing and the great town hall transparency swindle. In: Charles, Alec, (ed.) The End of Journalism version 2.0: industry, technology and politics. Oxford, U.K. : Peter Lang Ltd. pp. 153-170. ISBN 9781906165482
Morrison, James (2014) Chilling at the grassroots? The impact of Leveson on reporter-source relations. In: MeCCSA Policy Network Conference: Local and Regional Journalism after Leveson; 5 Nov 2014, Chester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
O'Brien, Catherine (2014) "Love, What Have You Done to Me?” Eros and agape in Alfred Hitchcock's I Confess. Journal of Religion and Film, 18(1), ISSN (online) 1092-1311
Pratt, Lande [Speaker] (2014) Nigerian films in the diaspora : exploring creative intellectual property and new distribution strategies. In: NECS 2014 Conference: Creative Energies / Creative Inustries; 19 - 21 Jun 2014, Milano, Italy. (Unpublished)
Pratt, Lande (2014) Research reflections : conversations with practitioners: creative enterprise in an age of digital borrowing and appropriation. Creativeworks London,
Quinlivan, Davina (2014) Film, healing and the body in crisis : a twenty-first century aesthetics of hope and reparation. Screen, 55(1), pp. 103-117. ISSN (print) 0036-9543
Quinlivan, Davina (2014) Girls on film. Times Higher Education(2159), ISSN (print) 0049-3929
Quinlivan, Davina (2014) Hopefulness, healing and its contestation in film. LOLA(5),
Rettie, Ruth, Burchell, Kevin and Harries, Tim (2014) Energy consumption feedback: engagement by design. In: Marcus, Aaron, (ed.) Design, user experience, and usability: user experience design for everyday life applications and services. Springer International Publishing. pp. 594-604. (Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, 8519) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783319076348
Rinke, Andrea (2014) Performing drug addiction on film. In: Reynolds, James and Zontou, Zoe, (eds.) Addiction and performance. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 43-66. ISBN 9781443856577
Roberts, Ron (2014) The psychodynamics of film. Book review of: 'Visible mind : movies, modernity and the unconscious' by Christopher Hauke. The Psychologist, 27(1), p. 52. ISSN (print) 0952-8229
Rossi, Catharine (2014) Utopian and dystopian domesticiites: the home on film in 1970s Italian radical design. In: Domestic imaginaries: homes in film, literature and popular culture symposium; 21 Jan 2014, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Stapleton, Erin Kathleen Loveday (2014) The intoxication of destruction: Georges Bataille’s economy of expenditure and sovereignty in visual cultures. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
van Elferen, Isabella (2014) Alien music. In: Science Museum Lates; 30 Apr 2014, London U.K.. (Unpublished)
Wickstead, Helen (2014) Another proof of the preceding theory : film, materialities and Stonehenge. In: Russell, Ian Alden and Cochrane, Andrew, (eds.) Art and archaeology : collaborations, conversations, criticisms. London, U.K. : Springer. pp. 99-114. (One World Archaeology, (11)) ISBN 9781461489894
Wilson, Scott (2014) Melancology: black metal theory and ecology. Winchester, U.K. : Zero Books. 246p. ISBN 9781780991894
Yilmaz, Aybige and Trandafoiu, Ruxandra (2014) Introduction. In: Yilmaz, Aybige , Trandafoiu, Ruxandra and Mousoutzanis, Aris, (eds.) Media and cosmopolitanism. Bern, Switzerland : Peter Lang. pp. 1-28. (New visions of the cosmopolitan, (3)) ISBN 9783034309691
Yilmaz, Aybige , Trandafoiu, Ruxandra and Mousoutzanis, Aris, eds. (2014) Media and cosmopolitanism. Bern, Switzerland : Peter Lang. 282p. (New visions of the cosmopolitan, (3)) ISBN 9783034309691
Yilmaz, Aybige (2014) 'Not' mediating cosmopolitanism: media ethics, morality and media freedom a la Turca. In: Yilmaz, Aybige , Trandafoiu, Ruxandra and Mousoutzanis, Aris, (eds.) Media and cosmopolitanism. Bern, Switzerland : Peter Lang. pp. 227-252. (New visions of the cosmopolitan, (3)) ISBN 9783034309691