Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Art and design"

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Number of items: 96.


Allion, Marcus Leis [Designer] (2012) TOOOLS. (Graphic artwork).

Anderson, Anne (2012) Grimm illustrations: the legacy of Arthur Rackham. In: After Grimm: Fairy tales and the art of storytelling; 06 - 08 Sep 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Avermaete, Tom and Massey, Anne, eds. (2012) Hotel lobbies and lounges: the architecture of professional hospitality. London, U.K. : Routledge. 242p. (Interior architecture) ISBN 9780415496537

Baghramian, Nairy, Cullinan, Charlotte, Richards, JeanineDa and Nashashibi, Rosalind (2012) Participating beyond the lone object: reflections on the new contemporaries selection process. In: Daly, Eileen and Heald, Rebecca, (eds.) Bloomberg new contemporaries 2012. London, U.K. : New Contemporaries [1988] Ltd. pp. 7-10. ISBN 9780956613325

Balogh, Péter István and Fatsar, Kristof (2012) Szabadtértervezés történeti környezetben – Egy választható egyetemi tárgy története és tapasztalatai = Open space design in historically sensitive environment - History and results of a seminar. 4D - Tájépítészeti és Kertművészeti Folyóirat, 25, pp. 18-40. ISSN (print) 1787-6613

Barnet, SE (2012) Story of elsewhere : not these people, not this place. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Bennett, Sarah [Artist] (2012) Institutional traits. (Photographs).

Bick, Andrew [Artist] (2012) Andrew Bick, school studies, an architectural problem. School studies. .

Bick, Andrew [Artist] (2012) Andrew Bick, school studies, new work and selected works. 1993 onwards. .

Bick, Andrew [Artist] (2012) School studies, ghosts, arguments. .

Black, Jonathan (2012) For the people's good: Hans Schleger (1898-1976), poster design and British national identity, 1935-1960. Visual Culture in Britain, 13(2), pp. 169-190. ISSN (print) 1471-4787

Black, Jonathan (2012) In the Titan's shadow: the Second World War and Ivor Roberts-Jones, Oscar Nemon and Franta Belsky. In: New Perspectives on Post-War Art in Britain: Cross-Cultural Engagements; 16 Mar 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Black, SM and Imperatore, L (2012) Drawing into knowing : a natural history. In: Drawing Research Network Conference 2012 : Drawing Knowledge; 10 - 11 Sep 2012, Loughborough, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Black, Stephanie (2012) Rear view mirror. In: Plymouth University/VaroomLab Boundaries Illustration Symposium; 14-15 Sep 2012, Plymouth, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Blacksell, Ruth (2012) From visual to textual : typography in/as conceptual art. In: In numbers : serial publications by artists since 1955; 29 Feb 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Blair, Bernadette (2012) 'It's just very vague so I kind of didn't spend too long on it explaining things. So I just moved on because there's nowhere else to put what you actually think.' How do art and design students understand and interpret the questions in the National Student Survey? In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Bramkamp, Martina (2012) Harry Kramer: eine Bewegungsstudie. In: Theaterfiguren im Kolk; 22 Feb 2012, Lubeck, Germany.

Brown, Sass (2012) Fashion & sustainability. In: Be Open Conference at Salone de Mobile; 17 - 19 Apr, Milan, Italy. (Unpublished)

Brown, Simon (2012) The Brighton School and the quest for natural color – redux. In: Brown, Simon , Street, Sarah and Watkins, Liz, (eds.) Color and the moving image: history, theory, aesthetics, archive. Oxford, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 13-22. (AFI Film Readers) ISBN 9780415892643

Clarke, Sarah E. Braddock and Harris, Jane (2012) Digital visions for fashion + textiles: made in code. London, U.K. : Thames & Hudson Ltd. 240p. ISBN 9780500516447

Dalke, H, Corso, A, Conduit, G and Riaz, A (2012) Visibility prediction software: five factors of contrast perception for people with vision impairment in the real world. In: CWUAAT: 6th Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology; 27-29 Mar 2012, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Dalke, H, Corso, A, Conduit, G and Riaz, A (2012) Visibility prediction software: five factors of contrast perception for people with vision impairment in the real world. In: Langdon, Patrick , Clarkson, John , Robinson, Peter , Lazar, Jonathan and Heylighen, Ann, (eds.) Designing inclusive systems: designing inclusion for real-world applications. London, U.K. : Springer. pp. 93-102. ISBN 9781447128663

Dalke, Hilary [Designer] (2012) Mile End Hospital, Columbia Ward. Design conversion of a ward.

Eichelmann, Volker [Artist] (2012) Azami, Princess of Brink and Flora. (Collage and watercolour on card). 70 x 50 cm.

Eichelmann, Volker [Artist] (2012) Fredericka, Baroness Rollo [Pronounced RAHL-o] Raven. (Collage and watercolour on card). 70 x 50 cm.

Eichelmann, Volker [Artist] (2012) Grand Duchess Hence Allover-Mink. (Collage and watercolour on card). 70 x 50 cm.

Eichelmann, Volker [Artist] (2012) Joan Hester 'Jill' Bottomley-Spokes. (Collage and watercolour on card). 70 x 50 cm.

Eichelmann, Volker [Artist] (2012) Malina Venton-Gimps. (Collage and watercolour on card). 70 x 50 cm.

Eichelmann, Volker [Artist] (2012) Nora St. John Smith. (Collage and watercolour on card). 70 x 50 cm.

Eichelmann, Volker [Artist] (2012) [Property of a Lady of Title]. (Collage and watercolour on card). 70 x 50 cm.

Eichelmann, Volker [Artist] (2012) The Rt Hon. Anise Cherub. (Collage and watercolour on card). 70 x 50 cm.

Eichelmann, Volker [Artist] (2012) Sanctissima Huberta Picea. (Collage and watercolour on card). 70 x 50 cm.

Eichelmann, Volker [Artist] (2012) Veronika 'Willie' Vontberg-Foss. (Collage and watercolour on card). 70 x 50 cm.

Eichelmann, Volker [Artist] (2012) Zelah & Mulfra, The Indian Queens. (Collage and watercolour on card). 70 x 50 cm.

Fatehrad, Azadeh (2012) Enghelab Avenue. London, U.K. : Azadeh Fatehrad.

Fatehrad, Azadeh, ed. (2012) Power Station. London, U.K. : Ditto Press. 91p.

Fatsar, Kristof (2012) Az oroszlány-majkpusztai egykori kamalduli remeteség kertjeinek története. In: Fatsar, Kristof, (ed.) Kalászat: Kerttörténeti tanulmányok Baloghné Ormos Ilona 70. születésnapjára. Hungary : Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem. pp. 23-46. ISBN 9789635035243

Fatsar, Kristof (2012) Bless'd isle admired: The English countryside as a reflection of economic power in the first half of the 19th century. In: ECLAS 2012 Conference: The Power of Landscape; 19-22 Sep 2012, Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)

Fatsar, Kristof, ed. (2012) Kalászat : Kerttörténeti tanulmányok Baloghné Ormos Ilona 70. születésnapjára. Hungary : Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem. 150p. ISBN 9789635035243

Fatsar, Kristof (2012) Magyarországi szerzetesközösségek kertjei. In: Fatsar, Kristof , Balogh, Péter István and Mohácsi, Sándor, (eds.) Van egy kert: útikalauz monostori kertekhez = There is a garden: guide to monastic gardens. Hungary : Magyar Bencés Kongregáció Pannonhalmi Főapátság. pp. 31-56.

Fatsar, Kristof , Balogh, Péter István and Mohácsi, Sándor, eds. (2012) Van egy kert: útikalauz monostori kertekhez = There is a garden: guide to monastic gardens. Hungary : Magyar Bencés Kongregáció Pannonhalmi Főapátság. 103p.

Fatsar, Kristof (2012) A keresztény szerzetesközösségek kertművészete. In: Fatsar, Kristof , Balogh, Péter István and Mohácsi, Sándor, (eds.) Van egy ker: útikalauz monostori kertekhez = There is a garden: guide to monastic gardens. Hungary : Magyar Bencés Kongregáció Pannonhalmi Főapátság. pp. 7-28.

Flintham, Matthew (2012) The military-pastoral complex : contemporary representations of militarism in the landscape. Tate Papers, 17, ISSN (online) 1753-9854

Gannon, Rachel and Davies, Colin (2012) Networks and Meshworks – topologies for cross-disciplinary teaching in drawing. In: Drawing Knowledge: 2012 Drawing Research Network Conference; 10-11 Dec 2012, Loughborough University. (Unpublished)

Geoff, Grandfield [Illustrator] (2012) The Jewel House, The Tower of London Historic Royal Palace. (Exhibition narrative). The Jewel House, Tower of London : Historic Royal Palaces. Six 1.5 metre light boxes, 8 metre wide narrative panels, two full wall transfer 18 x 4 metres and a digital projection covering a wall 4 x 6 metres. 16 designed separate panels across four formats.

Gough, Tim (2012) Diagrammatic Architecture. le Journal Spéciale'Z(4), pp. 8-23.

Gough, Tim (2012) A memory of the Serpentine Pavilion, 2012. Bozzetto, 3, pp. 4-5.

Grandfield, Geoffrey [Illustrator] (2012) Cover design and 8 black and white illustrations for "No cloak, no dagger" by Benjamin Cowburn. (Book illustration). London, U.K. : The Folio Society.

Greenwood, Mark (2012) The performing body in the event of writing : 'Lad Broke', Camp & Furnace, Liverpool, April 2012. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Hakim, Lina [Reviewer] (2012) Book Review of: 'Spacesuit : fashioning Apollo' by Nicholas de Monchaux. Critical Quarterly, 54(3), pp. 121-125. ISSN (print) 0011-1562

Harris, Jane (2012) Digital practice in material hands: how craft and computing practices are advancing digital aesthetic and conceptual methods. Craft Research, 3(1), pp. 91-112. ISSN (print) 2040-4689

Hays, Dan (2012) Screen as landscape. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Horrocks, Christopher [Editor] (2012) Cultures of Colour: visual, material, textual. Berghahn Books. 188p. ISBN 9780857454645

Imas, J. Miguel (2012) The curious organisational world of imagination, art and the precariat: imagining a friend. Revista Electrônica de Gestão Organizacional, 10(3), pp. 436-444. ISSN (online) 1679-1827

Jakob, Anke (2012) Improving the emotional well-being of people living with dementia. In: 8th International Conference on Design & Emotion : D&E 2012; 11-14 Sep 2012, London, U.K..

Keefe, John (2012) A spectatorial dramaturgy : ethical principles of recycling, habitus and estrangement. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Kelly, Ben [Designer] (2012) British design 1948-2012: innovation in the modern age. .

Kenning, Dean (2012) Refusing conformity and exclusion in art education. Mute, ISSN (online) 1356-7748

Kenning, Dean [Artist] (2012) Untitled. (Kinetic sound sculpture installation).

Kenning, Dean (2012) What schools can offer art : towards an avant-gardist conception of gallery education. In: Towards an avant-gardist conception of gallery education; 08 Dec 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Kosmala, Katarzyna and Imas, J. Miguel (2012) Favela is painting: an UrbansparkZ/art installation of social commitment and organisational change. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 10(2), pp. 466-469. ISSN (online) 1679-3951

Kubicki, Kathy (2012) The Archive : Kecskemeet : found images from Hungary. Photography & Culture, 5(2), pp. 219-229. ISSN (print) 1751-4517

Kuzma, Marta , Osborne, Peter and Lafuente, Pablo, eds. (2012) The state of things. Oslo, Norway : Office for Contemporary Art Norway. 290p. (Verksted, (14)) ISSN (print) 1503-8467 ISBN 9788292495186

Lawrence, David (2012) When A to B is not the point... The nocturnal geography of the motorway service station. In: Corkish, Alan, (ed.) In the company of ghosts: the poetics of the motorway. Liverpool, U.K. : erbacce press. pp. 81-99. ISBN 9781907878428

Leonard, Marie and Knifton, Robert (2012) 'Museums of sound': collecting and curating everyday popular music experiences. In: Snape, Robert , Pussard, Helen and Constantine, Matthew, (eds.) Recording leisure lives: everyday leisure in 20th century Britain. Eastbourne, U.K. : Leisure Studies Association. pp. 67-83. ISBN 9781905369294

Lloyd, Fran [Curator] (2012) Ernst Eisenmayer: art beyond exile. Ernst Eisenmayer: Art Beyond Exile. .

Maidment, Simon [Designer] (2012) Intelligent making. (Three dimensional).

Maidment, Simon [Designer] (2012) Zimbabwe baskets. (3 dimensional).

McKever, Rosalind (2012) Futurism and the past : temporalities, avant-gardism and tradition in Italian art and its histories 1909-1919. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Mencia, Maria [Speaker] (2012) ReadWrite digital textualities: searching for new languages. In: MIX: A Conference Exploring Transmedia Writing & Digital Creativity; 16 - 18 Jul 2012, Bath, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Micklethwaite, Paul (2012) Book Review of: 'Open design now: why design cannot remain exclusive' by Bas van Abel, Lucas Evers, Roel Klaassen and Peter Troxler. The Design Journal, 15(4), pp. 493-496. ISSN (print) 1460-6925

Millward, Frank [Composer], Stevens, Gary [Director] and Keens, Heather [Performer] (2012) Conversations with my voice. Brisbane Festive 2012. 35 min.

Nelson, Mike [Artist] (2012) Mike Nelson - 408 tons of imperfect geometry. .

Nelson, Mike [Artist] (2012) Space that saw (platform for a performance in two parts). .

Nixon, Louis [Artist] (2012) Island. .

O'Brien, Sorcha (2012) Between art & industry. In: Between Art and Industry: New Models in a Post Industrial World; 29 Jun 2012, Kilkenny, Ireland. (Unpublished)

O'Brien, Sorcha (2012) Men, machines and tourists: Visual representations of the Shannon Scheme from advertisements to postcards. In: Revealing the Modern in Post-Civil War Ireland: Lecture Series to Coincide with ‘Seán Keating and the ESB: Enlightenment and Legacy’ at the RHA Dublin; 12 Sep - 17 Oct 2012, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Partington, Angela (2012) Creative professionals/professional creatives. Art & Design and..Business, Innovation and Management, pp. 72-75.

Peldszus, Regina (2012) Designing for emotional survival : anticipating and addressing the behavioural dimension of unprecedented deep space exploration mission scenarios on a spectrum of operational evidence and speculative design. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Protheroe, Keren Louise (2012) Bloom and blotch: the printed floral and modernity in the textile designs of Winifred Mold and Minnie McLeish 1910-1929. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Renton, Lucy and Postle, Paul (2012) Getting to Grips: A presentation at Drawing on all resources event. In: Drawing on all resources; 16 May 2012, Brighton, U.K..

Renton, Lucy (2012) Opening out : edgeless Virtual Learning Environments and student producers. In: Future Tense; 18 May 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Renton, Lucy [Research team member], Postle, Paul [Research team member], Gale, Cathy [Research team member] and Blair, Bernadette [Research team head] (2012) Presentation on Open Educational Resources in FADA. In: Practising Open Education: developing the potential of open educational resources in art, design & media; 15 Sep 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Self, James, Dalke, Hilary and Evans, Mark (2012) Innovation in knowledge exchange: an approach to the dissemination of research findings in support of design practice. Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 10(2), pp. 127-146. ISSN (print) 1474-273X

Squires, Richard [Artist] (2012) Der Ängstliche Organismus = Ontologically Anxious Organism. The Incredible Simultaneity Console III. .

Taylor, Fig (2012) Freelancing for beginners. In: Owen, Alysoun, (ed.) Writers' & artists' yearbook 2013. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. pp. 467-473. ISBN 9781408157497

Teplin, Alexis [Artist] (2012) Progress PLEAS. .

Tromans, Nicholas (2012) A portrait of the artist in London: the critical reception of Raeburn's Royal Academy exhibits, 1792-1823. In: Coltman, Viccy and Lloyd, Stephen, (eds.) Henry Raeburn: context, reception and reputation. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 179-207. ISBN 9780748654833

Vasseur, Roman (2012) Let us pray for those now residing in the designated area. In: Phillips, Andrea and Erdemci, Fulya, (eds.) Social housing, housing the social: art, property and spatial justice. Berlin, Germay : Sternberg Press. pp. 183-201. ISBN 9783943365177

Warnell, Phillip [Director] and Raedeker, David [Cinematographer] (2012) I first saw the light. (Silent experimental documentary film).

Webb, Iain (2012) Fashion and art. In: British Fashion Council, (ed.) Fashion and Art Collusion. London, U.K. : Booth-Clibborn Editions. pp. 11-17. ISBN 9781861543271

Webb, Iain R [Curator] and Harden, Rosemary [Curator] (2012) Sport and Fashion. .

Webb, Iain R [Curator] (2012) Stephen Jones : from Georgiana to Boy Boy George. .

Webb, Iain R [Curator] (2012) Stephen Jones : from Georgiana to Boy George. .

Wickstead, Helen and Barber, Martyn (2012) A Spectacular History of Survey by Flying Machine! Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 22(1), pp. 71-88. ISSN (print) 0959-7743

ten Bhomer, Marloes [Designer] (2012) Women in Various States. (design research film).

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