Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Allied health professions and studies"

Abramov, V.M., Kulikova, N.L., Khlebnikov, V.S., Vasiliev, A.M., Karlyshev, AM., Kosarev, I.V., Vasilenko, R.N., Sakulin, V.K., Kozlovskaya, G.D., Pchelintsev, S. Yu., Shcherbakov, G. Ya. and Uversky, V.N. (2002) IL-1 receptors on host cells as one of mooring bitts for 'Yershinia pestis'. In: Joint Meeting of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research, the International Cytokine Society, the Society for Leukocyte Biology, and the European Cytokine Society on Cytokines and Interferons; 06 - 10 Oct 2002, Turin, Italy.
Achan, Vinod, Tran, Cam T.L., Arrigoni, Francesca, Whitley, Guy St.J., Leiper, James M. and Vallance, Patrick (2002) all-trans-retinoic acid increases nitric oxide synthesis by endothelial cells: a role for the induction of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase. Circulation Research, 90(7), pp. 764-769. ISSN (print) 0009-7330
Ahmed, Sabbir, Adat, Shaheen, Murrells, Annabel and Owen, Caroline P. (2002) Novel oxazolidinone based compounds as inhibitors of aromatase and the use of the substrate-heme complex approach in the rationalisation of these compounds. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 294(2), pp. 380-383. ISSN (print) 0006-291X
Ahmed, Sabbir, James, Karen, Owen, Caroline P. and Patel, Chirag K. (2002) Synthesis and biochemical evaluation of novel and potent inhibitors of the enzyme oestrone sulphatase (ES). The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 80(4-5), pp. 419-427. ISSN (print) 0960-0760
Banti, Donatella and North, Michael (2002) Enyne metathesis of norbornene derivatives: a facile approach to polycyclic heterocycles. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 344(6-7), pp. 694-704. ISSN (print) 1615-4150
Banti, Donatella and North, Michael (2002) Totally atom economical tandem-metathesis and Diels–Alder approach to polycyclic compounds. Tetrahedron Letters, 43(8), pp. 1561-1564. ISSN (online) 0040-4039
Barcellona, Massimo and Thomson, Di (2002) Restoring psychological wellbeing of injured sportspeople. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 9(11), pp. 426-430. ISSN (print) 1759-779X
Bearne, L. M., Scott, D. L. and Hurley, M. V. (2002) Exercise can reverse quadriceps sensorimotor dysfunction that is associated with rheumatoid arthritis without exacerbating disease activity. Rheumatology, 41(2), pp. 157-166. ISSN (print) 1462-0324
Bowling, A (2002) An "inverse satisfaction law": Why don't older patients criticise health services? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 56(7), p. 482. ISSN (print) 0143-005X
Bowling, A., Banister, D., Sutton, S., Evans, O. and Windsor, J. (2002) A multidimensional model of the quality of life in older age. Aging & Mental Health, 6(4), pp. 355-371. ISSN (print) 1360-7863
Bowling, Ann, Mariotto, Aldo and Evans, Olga (2002) Are older people willing to give up their place in the queue for cardiac surgery to a younger person? Age and Ageing, 31(3), pp. 187-192. ISSN (print) 0002-0729
Christodoulou, Christodoulos, Loizou, Christos, Pattichis, Constantinos S., Pantziaris, Marios, Kyriacou, Efthyvoulos, Pattichis, Marios S., Schizas, Christos N. and Nicolaides, Andrew (2002) Despeckle filtering in ultrasound imaging of the carotid artery. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Proceedings of the Second Joint EMBS/BMES Conference, pp. 1027-1028. ISSN (online) 1094-687x
Corbett, Kevin P. and Khandra, Abbas (2002) Enabling men to access help for testicular cancer. Men's Health Journal, 1(5), pp. 53-54. ISSN (print) 1473-3021
Dehmeshki, J., Barker, G.J. and Tofts, P.S. (2002) Classification of disease subgroup and correlation with disease severity using magnetic resonance imaging whole-brain histograms: application to magnetization transfer ratios and multiple sclerosis. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 21(4), pp. 320-331. ISSN (print) 0278-0062
Delcros, Jean-Guy, Tomasi, Sophie, Carrington, Simon, Martin, Bénédicte, Renault, Jacques, Blagbrough, Ian S. and Uriac, Philippe (2002) Effect of spermine conjugation on the cytotoxicity and cellular transport of acridine. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 45(23), pp. 5098-5111. ISSN (print) 0022-2623
Dhesi, J. K., Bearne, L. M., Moniz, C., Hurley, M. V., Jackson, S. H. D., Swift, C. G. and Allain, T. J. (2002) Neuromuscular and psychomotor function in elderly subjects who fall and the relationship with vitamin D status. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (JBMR), 17(5), pp. 891-897. ISSN (print) 0884-0431
Dudley, Nigel J., Bowling, Ann, Bond, Matthew, McKee, Dorothy, McClay Scott, Marie, Banning, Adrian, Elder, Andrew T., Martin, A. Tony and Blackman, Iva (2002) Age- and sex-related bias in the management of heart disease in a district general hospital. Age and Ageing, 31(1), pp. 37-42. ISSN (print) 0002-0729
Ellison, G. T. H. and Dangour, A. D. (2002) Why did they blame the respondents? Annals of Human Biology, 29(2), pp. 219-220. ISSN (print) 0301-4460
Ellison, G.T.H. and Rosato, M. (2002) The impact of editorial guidelines on the classification of race/ethnicity in the British Medical Journal. In: The Society for Social Medicine, 46th Annual Scientific Meeting; 11-13 Sep 2002, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
Ellison, George T. H. and Jones, Ian Rees (2002) Social identities and the 'new genetics': scientific and social consequences. Critical Public Health, 12(3), pp. 265-282. ISSN (print) 0958-1596
Ellison, George T.H. (2002) Letting the Gini out of the bottle? Challenges facing the relative income hypothesis. Social Science & Medicine, 54(4), pp. 561-576. ISSN (print) 0277-9536
Ennals, Richard (2002) Health and safety: the balance of work and leisure in industry. UK WON Journal, 3, pp. 25-27. ISSN (print) 1740-0139
Ennals, Richard (2002) Partnership for sustainable healthy workplaces. In: Meeting of the British Occupatonal Hygiene Society; 09 Apr 2002, Sheffield, U.K..
Ennals, Richard (2002) Partnership for sustainable healthy workplaces: Warner Lecture, British Occupational Hygiene Society, Sheffield 9 April 2002. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 46(4), pp. 423-428. ISSN (print) 0003-4878
Garrod, R., Paul, E. A. and Wedzicha, J. A. (2002) An evaluation of the reliability and sensitivity of the London Chest Activity of Daily Living Scale (LCADL). Respiratory Medicine, 96(9), pp. 725-730. ISSN (print) 0954-6111
Garrod, Rachel and Wedzicha, Jadwiga (2002) Pulmonary rehabilitation: a multidisciplinary intervention. In: Pryor, Jennifer A. and Prasad, S. Ammani, (eds.) Physiotherapy for respiratory and cardiac problems: adults and paeditrics. 3rd ed. Edinburgh, UK : Churchill Livingstone. pp. 471-492. ISBN 044307075x
Gilleard, Chris (2002) Aging and old age in medieval society and the transition of modernity. Journal of Aging and Identity, 7(1), pp. 25-41. ISSN (print) 1087-3732
Gilleard, Chris (2002) Women aging and body talk. In: Andersson, Lars, (ed.) Cultural gerontology. Westport, Conn., USA : Auburn House. pp. 139-160. ISBN 0865693277
Gilleard, Chris and Higgs, Paul (2002) The third age: class, cohort or generation? Ageing and Society, 22(3), pp. 369-382. ISSN (print) 0144-686X
Green, Helen, Ross, Gillian, Peacock, John, Owen, Roger, Yarnold, John and Houlston, Richard (2002) Variation in the manganese superoxide dismutase gene (SOD2) is not a major cause of radiotherapy complications in breast cancer patients. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 63(2), pp. 213-216. ISSN (online) 0167-8140
Hall, Nigel and Samuriwo, Petronilla (2002) Children affected by HIV/AIDS: dissemination workshop report. London, U.K. : Save The Children. 44p.
Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni (2002) Political ideology, helping mechanisms and empowerment of mental health self-help/mutual aid groups. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 12(4), pp. 271-285. ISSN (print) 1052-9284
Hawkins, P, Johnson, L C, Nikoletou, D, Hamnegard, C-H, Sherwood, R, Polkey, M I and Moxham, J (2002) Proportional assist ventilation as an aid to exercise training in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax, 57(10), pp. 853-859. ISSN (print) 0040-6376
Hurley, M V (2002) Muscle, exercise and arthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (ARD), 61(8), pp. 673-675. ISSN (print) 0003-4967
Jarvis, Mark, Seddon, Alan, McNaughton, Lars and Thompson, Dylan (2002) The acute 1-week effects of the Zone diet on body composition, blood lipid levels, and performance in recreational endurance athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 16(1), pp. 50-57. ISSN (print) 1064-8011
Jones, Fiona (2002) Later rehabilitation. In: Partridge, Cecily, (ed.) Neurological physiotherapy: bases of evidence for practice. London, U.K. : Whurr. pp. 43-57. ISBN 186156225x
Jones, Ian Rees (2002) Book Review of: Work stress: the making of a modern epidemic by David Wainright and Michael Calnan. International Journal of Epidemiology, 31(6), pp. 1282-1283. ISSN (print) 0300-5771
Jones, Lester (2002) Book review of: Key topics in chronic pain by KM Grady, AM Severn and PR Eldridge. Physiotherapy, 88(7), p. 443. ISSN (print) 0031-9406
Jones, Simon Andrew, Joy, Mark Patrick and Pearson, Jon (2002) Forecasting demand of emergency care. Health Care Management Science, 5(4), pp. 297-305. ISSN (print) 1386-9620
Karlyshev, A.V., Dorrell, N., Winzeler, E. and Wren, B.W. (2002) Further strategies for signature-tagged mutagenesis and the application of oligonucleotide microarrays for the quantification of DNA-tagged strains. In: Wren, Brendan and Dorrell, Nick, (eds.) Functional Microbial Genomics. London : Academic Press. pp. 167-184. (Methods in Microbiology, (33)) ISSN (print) 0580-9517 ISBN 9780125215336
Kasprzak, Henryk and Pierscionek, Barbara Krystyna (2002) Modelling the gravitational sag of the cornea and the subsequent quality of the refracted image. Journal of Modern Optics, 49(13), pp. 2153-2166. ISSN (print) 0950-0340
Kelly, Moira (2002) Who sets the agenda? Are opportunistic brief interventions for 'excessive drinkers' and patient centred care compatible? Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 9(1), pp. 1-6. ISSN (print) 0968-7637
Kirk, R.S., Morritt, D., Lewis, J.W. and Kennedy, C.R. (2002) The osmotic relationship of the swimbladder nematode Anguillicola crassus with seawater eels. Parasitology, 124(3), pp. 339-347. ISSN (print) 0031-1820
La Torre, G., Boccia, A., Damiani, G., D'Errico, M.M., Farinaro, E., Gregorio, P., Nante, N., Sante, P., Siliquini, R., Bowling, A., McKee, D., McClay, M., Dickinson, E. and Ricciardi, G. (2002) Age related policy in cardiology: comparison of health care provision in UK and Italy. In: 10th Annual EUPHA meeting; 28 - 30 Nov 2002, Dresden, Germany. (Unpublished)
Liao, Yong-Hong, Brown, Marc B., Nazir, Tahir, Quader, Abdul and Martin, Gary P. (2002) Effects of sucrose and trehalose on the preservation of the native structure of spray-dried lysozyme. Pharmaceutical Research, 19(12), pp. 1847-1853. ISSN (print) 0724-8741
Liu, Zu D., Kayyali, Reem, Hider, Robert C., Porter, John B. and Theobald, Anthony E. (2002) Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel 2-substituted 3-hydroxypyridin-4-ones: structure activity investigation of metalloenzyme inhibition by iron chelators. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 45(3), pp. 631-639. ISSN (print) 0022-2623
Meszaros, Agnes and Vincze, Z (2002) Assessment of quality of life in children with asthma. In: European Respiratory Society Annual Congress; 14-18 Sep 2002, Stockholm.
Milne, A and Hatzidimitriadou, E (2002) The caring in later life report: a secondary analysis of the 1995 General Household Survey. Quality in Ageing, 3(3), pp. 3-15. ISSN (print) 1471-7794
Naughton, Declan, Zhang, Zhi, Sumi, Y and Imaizumi, A (2002) Teijin Ltd Chemical compound containing a superoxide scavenger and an organic nitrate or nitrite moiety. US Patent No. 6,346,634 B1.
Nikoletou, D., Hart, N., Jackson, S.H.D., Polkey, M.I. and Moxham, J. (2002) Effect of ageing on respiratory muscle endurance. In: Annual Congress 2002; 14-18 Sep 2002, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)
Opara, E (2002) Food allergy. In: Calder, Philip C. , Field, Catherine J. and Gill, Harsharnjit S., (eds.) Nutrition and immune function. Wallingford, UK : CABI. pp. 321-346. (Frontiers in nutritional science, (1)) ISBN 0851995837
Page, N. M. (2002) The endocrinology of pre-eclampsia. Clinical Endocrinology, 57(4), pp. 413-423. ISSN (print) 0300-0664
Page, Nigel M., Kemp, C. Fred, Butlin, David J. and Lowry, Philip J. (2002) Placental peptides as markers of gestational disease. Reproduction, 123, pp. 487-495. ISSN (print) 1470-1626
Pierscionek, Barbara, Green, Roger J. and Dolgobrodov, Sergey G. (2002) Retinal images seen through a cataractous lens modeled as a phase-aberrating screen. Optical Society of America. Journal A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision, 19(8), pp. 1491-1500. ISSN (print) 1084-7529
Quinn, Tom, Butters, Andrew and Todd, Ian (2002) Implementing paramedic thrombolysis – an overview. Accident and Emergency Nursing, 10(4), pp. 189-196. ISSN (print) 0965-2302
Scambler, Graham, Higgs, Paul and Jones, Ian Rees (2002) A critical realist perspective on class relations and health inequalities. In: Kronenfeld, Jennie Jacobs, (ed.) Social inequalities, health and health care delivery. Amsterdam, Netherlands : JAI. (Research in the Sociology of Healthcare, 20) ISBN 9780762309573
Simms, Mary (2002) Medicalisation as a form of social inclusion? British Medical Journal, ISSN (online) 1468-5833
Urquhart, Christine, Chambers, Mary, Connor, Samantha, Lewis, Leo, Murphy, Jeannette, Roberts, Ruth and Thomas, Rhian (2002) Evaluation of distance learning delivery of health information management and health informatics programmes : a UK perspective. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 19(3), pp. 146-157. ISSN (print) 1471-1834
Vaddadi, Krishna S., Gilleard, Chris and Fryer, Helen (2002) Abuse of carers by relatives with severe mental illness. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 48(2), pp. 149-155. ISSN (print) 0020-7640
Vara, A, Britten, A J, Frank, P and Todd, C (2002) Practical contamination monitoring: how fast? How close? In: 30th Annual Meeting of the British Nuclear Medicine Society; 8-10 April 2002., Manchester.
Walker, A.F., Bundy, R., Hicks, S.M. and Middleton, R.W. (2002) Bromelain reduces mild acute knee pain and improves well-being in a dose-dependent fashion in an open study of otherwise healthy adults. Phytomedicine, 9(8), pp. 681-686. ISSN (print) 0944-7113