Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (until 2017) > School of Social Science (until November 2012)"

Alison, Laurence, Almond, Louise, Christiansen, Paul, Waring, Sara, Power, Nicola and Villejoubert, Gaelle (2012) When do we believe experts? The power of the unorthodox view. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 30(6), pp. 729-748. ISSN (print) 0735-3936
Beck, Peter (2012) Locked in a dusty cupboard, neither accessible on the policymakers' desks nor cleared for early publication: Llewellyn Woodward's official diplomatic history of the Second World War. English Historical Review, 127(529), pp. 1435-1470. ISSN (print) 0013-8266
Beck, Peter J. (2012) Britain And the Olympic Games: London 1908, 1948 and 2012. Journal of Sport History, 39(1), pp. 21-43. ISSN (print) 0094-1700
Beck, Peter J. (2012) No longer "A Pole Apart": Antarctica 100 years on from Captain Scott. The Historian(114), pp. 16-21. ISSN (print) 0265-1076
Beck, Peter J. (2012) Presenting history: past and present. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 351p. ISBN 9780230242081
Casey, Emma (2012) Consumption, disorder and the London riots. In: Collisions, Coalitions and Riotous Subjects: The Riots one year on; 28 Sep 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Casey, Emma (2012) Familial rituals and routines: A MO case study of gambling and households. In: Mass Observation Anniversaries Conference; 4-6 Jul 2012, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Casey, Emma (2012) Gambling and the everyday practices of risk. In: 9th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues; 18-21 Sep 2012, Loutraki, Greece.
Casey, Emma (2012) Home as leisure space. In: Smith, SJ , Elsinga, M , Fox-O'Mahony, L , Ong, SE and Wachter, S, (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Oxford, U.K. : Elsevier. ISBN 9780080471631
Cavalcanti, Roxy, Goldsmith, Carlie, Measor, Lynda and Squires, Peter (2012) Riotous connections? Criminal Justice Matters, 87(1), pp. 34-35. ISSN (print) 0962-7251
Clark, Ailsa, Tran, Cathy, Weiss, Alexander, Caselli, Gabriele, Nikcevic, Ana and Spada, Marcantonio (2012) Personality and alcohol metacognitions as predictors of weekly levels of alcohol use in binge drinking university students. Addictive Behaviors, 37(4), pp. 537-540. ISSN (print) 0306-4603
Collins-Mayo, Sylvia (2012) Choosing my religion: young people’s personal Christian knowledge. In: Guest, Matthew and Arweck, Elisabeth, (eds.) Religion and knowledge: sociological perspectives. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 149-163. (Theology and religion in interdisciplinary perspective) ISBN 9781409427070
Crowhurst, Isabel (2012) Approaches to the regulation and governance of prostitution in contemporary Italy. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 9(3), pp. 223-232. ISSN (print) 1868-9884
Crowhurst, Isabel (2012) Caught in the victim/criminal paradigm: female migrant prostitution in contemporary Italy. Modern Italy, 17(4), pp. 493-506. ISSN (print) 1353-2944
Crowhurst, Isabel, Outshoorn, Joyce and Skilbrei, May-Len (2012) Introduction: prostitution policies in Europe. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 9(3), pp. 187-191. ISSN (print) 1868-9884
Crowhurst, Isabel and Bertone, Chiara (2012) Introduction: the politics of sexuality in contemporary Italy. Modern Italy, 17(4), pp. 413-418. ISSN (print) 1353-2944
Dixon, Paul, ed. (2012) The British approach to counterinsurgency: from Malaya and Northern Ireland to Iraq and Afghanistan. Houndmills, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 336p. ISBN 9780230293472
Evans, Elizabeth and Harrison, Lisa (2012) Candidate selection in British second order elections: a comparison of electoral system and party strategy effects. The Journal of Legislative Studies, 18(2), pp. 242-260. ISSN (print) 1357-2334
Evans, Elizabeth (2012) Selecting the 'Right Sort': Patterns of Political Recruitment in British By-elections. Parliamentary Affairs, 65(1), pp. 195-213. ISSN (print) 0031-2290
Farran, E.K., Courbois, Y., Van Herwegen, J., Cruickshank, A.G. and Blades, M. (2012) Colour as an environmental cue when learning a route in a virtual environment: typical and atypical development. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(3), pp. 900-908. ISSN (print) 0891-4222
Farran, Emily K., Courbois, Yannick, Van Herwegen, Jo and Blades, Mark (2012) How useful are landmarks when learning a route in a virtual environment? Evidence from typical development and Williams syndrome. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 111(4), pp. 571-586. ISSN (print) 0022-0965
Felisberti, F M, Wanli, J, Cox, R and Dover, C (2012) Age-related contextual modulation in face recognition. In: ECVP 2012: 35th European Conference on Visual Perception; 02 - 06 Sep 2012, Alghero, Italy. (Unpublished)
Felisberti, F M (2012) Individual differences in self-face recognition. In: AVA Christmas Meeting; 18 Dec 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Felisberti, Fatima and Terry, Phil (2012) Alcohol enhances the recognition of microexpressions of disgust and contempt. In: CERE 2012: Fourth European Conference on Emotion; 02 - 05 May 2007, Canterbury, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Gilmore, Jonathan (2012) A different kind of power: good international citizenship and future UK foreign and security policy. In: UK Security in a Multipolar World; 10 July 2012, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. (Unpublished)
Goldsmith, Carlie (2012) 'It just feels like it's always us': young people, peer bereavement and community safety. Journal of Youth Studies, 15(5), pp. 657-675. ISSN (print) 1367-6261
Grey, Jonathan, Terry, Phil and Higgs, Suzanne (2012) Contrasting effects of different cannabinoid receptor ligands on mouse ingestive behaviour. Behavioural Pharmacology, 23(5-6), pp. 551-559. ISSN (print) 0955-8810
Hawkins, John Walter (2012) Henry Gardner's Trust for the Blind : formation, development and decline. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Hawkins, Mike (2012) Social Darwinism and female education, 1870-1920. In: Bernstorff, Florian and Langewand, Alfred, (eds.) Darwinismus, Bildung, Erziehung. Berlin, Germany : LIT Verlag. pp. 15-31. ISBN 9783643115638
Hewer, C.J. and Roberts, R. (2012) History, culture and cognition: towards a dynamic model of social memory. Culture & Psychology, 18(2), pp. 167-183. ISSN (print) 1354-067X
Hewer, C.J. (2012) Tracing the social dynamics of peace and conflict. Papers on Social Representations, 21(2), 12.1-12.22. ISSN (print) 1021-5573
Higginbottom, Andrew (2012) Structure and essence in 'Capital I': extra surplus-value and the stages of capitalism. Journal of Australian Political Economy(70), pp. 251-270. ISSN (print) 0156-5826
Howarth, Anita (2012) Participatory politics, environmental journalism and newspaper campaigns. Journalism Studies, 13(2), pp. 210-225. ISSN (print) 1461-670X
Jamel, Joanna (2012) Theoretical perspectives on the policing of transphobic hate crime in London. In: 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology: Thinking about context: challenges for crime and justice; 14 - 17 Nov 2012, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.. (Unpublished)
Juanchich, Marie, Sirota, Miroslav and Butler, Christina Lea (2012) The perceived functions of linguistic risk quantifiers and their effect on risk, negativity perception and decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 118(1), pp. 72-81. ISSN (print) 0749-5978
Karmiloff-Smith, Annette, D'Souza, Dean, Dekker, Tessa M., Van Herwegen, Jo, Xu, Fei, Rodic, Maja and Ansari, Daniel (2012) Genetic and environmental vulnerabilities in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 109(Sup. 2), pp. 17261-17265. ISSN (print) 0027-8424
Kusev, Petko, Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira, van Schaik, Paul and Chater, Nick (2012) Modeling judgment of sequentially presented categories using weighting and sampling without replacement. Behavior Research Methods, 44(4), pp. 1129-1134. ISSN (print) 1554-351X
Latimer, Amanda (2012) States of sovereignty and regional integration in the Andes. Latin American Perspectives, 39(1), pp. 78-95. ISSN (print) 0094-582X
Latimer, Amanda [Speaker] (2012) A modernidade da superexploracao : segmentacao laboral e a luta pela unidade no movimento brasileiro contra ALCA = The modernity of Superexploitation : labour segmentation and the struggle for unity in the Brazilian movement against the FTAA. In: 1st International Conference on Labor Theory of Value and Social Sciences.; 18 - 19 Oct 2012, Brasilia, Brazil.
Linton, Marisa [Interviewee] (2012) Versailles the palace of pleasure. (Television Broadcast).
Maher-Edwards, L, Fernie, B.A., Murphy, G., Nikcevic, A.V. and Spada, M.M. (2012) Metacognitive factors in chronic fatigue syndrome. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 19(6), pp. 552-557. ISSN (print) 1063-3995
Mammone, Andrea and Peace, Timothy (2012) Cross-national ideology in local elections : the case of Azione Sociale and the British National Party. In: Mammone, Andrea , Godin, Emmanuel and Jenkins, Brian, (eds.) Mapping the extreme right in contemporary Europe : from local to transnational. 9780415502641. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 288-302.
Mammone, Andrea , Godin, Emmanuel and Jenkins, Brian, eds. (2012) Mapping the extreme right in contemporary Europe : from local to transnational. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 344p. (Routledge Studies in Extremism and Democracy) ISBN 9780415502641
Naylor, Lauren and Van Herwegen, Jo (2012) The production of figurative language in typically developing children and Williams Syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(2), pp. 711-716. ISSN (print) 0891-4222
Pavey, L., Greitemeyer, T. and Sparks, P. (2012) “I help because I want to, not because you tell me to”: Empathy increases autonomously motivated helping. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(5), pp. 681-689. ISSN (print) 0146-1672
Pavey, Louisa (2012) Motivating employees to take part in health promotion programmes : review of the literature. In: Affinity Health at Work Research Consortium on workplace health, well-being and engagement; 28 Mar 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Purser, Harry, Farran, Emily K., Courbois, Yannick, Lemahieu, Axelle, Mellier, Daniel [Author-contributor], Sockeel, Pascal and Blades, Mark (2012) Short-term memory, executive control, and children’s route learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 113(2), pp. 273-285. ISSN (print) 0022-0965
Roseneil, Sasha, Crowhurst, Isabel, Hellesund, Tone, Santos, Ana Cristina and Stoilova, Marya (2012) Remaking intimate citizenship in multicultural Europe: experiences outside the conventional family. In: Roseneil, Sasha , Halsaa, Beatrice and Sumer, Sevil, (eds.) Remaking citizenship in multicultural Europe: women's movements, gender and diversity. Palgrave. (Citizenship, Gender and Diversity) ISBN 9780230276284
Samara, Muthanna, Davidson, Julia, Terry, Philip, Hamerton, Christopher, Penson, Mark and Al Jaber, Mohammed (2012) Comparative study of cyberbullying in Qatar and the UK: risk factors, impact on health and solutions. In: International Conference on Cyberbullying: COST IS0801; 28-29 June 2012, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Sirota, Miroslav and Juanchich, Marie (2012) Risk communication on shaky ground. Science, 338(6112), pp. 1286-1287. ISSN (print) 0036-8075
Sirota, Miroslav and Juanchich, Marie (2012) To what extent do politeness expectations shape risk perception? Even numerical probabilities are under their spell! Acta Psychologica, 141(3), pp. 391-399. ISSN (print) 0001-6918
Smith, Peter K., Kupferberg, Allison, Mora-Merchan, Joaquin A., Samara, Muthanna, Bosley, Sue and Osborn, Rob (2012) A content analysis of school anti-bullying policies: a follow-up after six years. Educational Psychology in Practice, 28(1), pp. 47-70. ISSN (print) 0266-7363
Spada, M.M., Caselli, G., Manfredi, C., Rebecchi, D., Rovetto, F., Ruggiero, G., Nikcevic, A.V. and Sassaroli, S. (2012) Parental overprotection and metacognitions as predictors of worry and anxiety. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 40(3), pp. 287-296. ISSN (print) 1352-4658
Spalek, Basia and Davies, Lynn (2012) Mentoring in relation to violent extremism: a study of role, purpose, and outcomes. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 35(5), pp. 354-368. ISSN (print) 1057-610X
Steffen, Edith and Coyle, Adrian (2012) ' Sense of presence ' experiences in bereavement and their relationship to mental health : a critical examination of a continuing controversy. In: Murray, Craig, (ed.) Mental health and anomalous experience. Hauppauge, U.S. : Nova Science Publishers. pp. 33 - 56. (Psychology Research Progress, (3)) ISBN 9781621003502
Stuart, John (2012) Dorothea Lehmann and John V. Taylor: Researching Church and Society in Late Colonial Africa. In: Harries, Patrick and Maxwell, David, (eds.) The Spiritual in the Secular: Missionaries and Knowldge about Africa. Grand Rapids and Cambridge : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. pp. 293-312. (Studies in the History of Christian Missions) ISBN 9780802866349
Tenenbaum, Harriet R and Ruck, Martin D. (2012) British adolescents' and young adults' understanding and reasoning about the religious and nonreligious rights of asylum-seeker youth. Child Development, 83(3), pp. 1102-1115. ISSN (print) 0009-3920
Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2012) Utilities in the 2-4-6 task. Experimental Psychology, 59(5), pp. 265-271. ISSN (print) 1618-3169
Villejoubert, Gaelle and Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2012) Relevance-driven information search in "pseudodiagnostic" reasoning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65(3), pp. 541-552. ISSN (print) 0272-4987
Vyas, Nora, Shamsi, Syed A, Malhotra, Anil K, Aitchison, Katherine J and Kumari, Veena (2012) Can genetics inform the management of cognitive deficits in schizophrenia? Journal of Psychopharmacology, 26(3), pp. 334-48. ISSN (print) 0269-8811
Vyas, Nora and Gogtay, Nitin (2012) Treatment of early onset schizophrenia: recent trends, challenges and future considerations. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 3, p. 29. ISSN (print) 1664-0640
Vyas, Nora S and Puri, Basant K (2012) Evidence for an association between brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met gene polymorphism and general intellectual ability in early-onset schizophrenia. Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences, 49(2), pp. 137-144. ISSN (print) 0333-7308
Wahgo, S. and Roberts, R. (2012) Fourth wave feminism : protests and prospects. Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy, 12(4), pp. 216-220. ISSN (print) 1471-7646
Woodbridge, S. (2012) Richmond Library and the problem of fascist propaganda. Richmond History Journal(33), pp. 37-40. ISSN (print) 0263-0958
Woodbridge, Steven (2012) Local and vocal: Arnold Leese and British Fascism in small-town politics. Socialist History(41), pp. 43-59. ISSN (print) 0969-4331
Woodbridge, Steven (2012) Reluctant rebels: Sunbury Ratepayers Association 1923-1927. Journal of the Sunbury and Shepperton Local History Society(68), pp. 2-4. ISSN (print) 0140-1114
Woodbridge, Steven (2012) The construction of 'History' by the British Extreme Right. In: Cultures of British fascism since WWII; 21 Mar 2012, Newcastle, U.K.. (Unpublished)