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Number of items: 48.


Archbold, Paul (2004) Recoil. (piano tape combination). score and compact disc. (Unpublished)

Archbold, Paul [Composer] (2004) a little night music. (music).


Barber, Stephen (2004) Jean Genet. London, U.K. : Reaktion Books. 160p. (Critical lives) ISBN 1861891784

Ben-Tal, Oded and Berger, Jonathan (2004) Creative aspects of sonification. Leonardo, 37(3), pp. 229-232. ISSN (print) 0024-094X

Ben-Tal, Oded [Composer] (2004) Nebulae for double woodwind quintet. (music). (Unpublished)

Brooker, Will (2004) The Blade Runner experience: pilgrimage and liminal space. In: Brooker, Will, (ed.) The Blade Runner experience: the legacy of a science fiction classic. London, UK : Wallflower Press. pp. 11-30. ISBN 1904764304

Brooker, Will, ed. (2004) The Blade Runner experience: the legacy of a science fiction classic. London, U.K. : Wallflower Press. 250p. ISBN 1904764304

Brooker, Will (2004) Book review of 'Matters of gravity: special effects and supermen in the 20th century' by Scott Bukatman. Popular Communication, 2(3), pp. 171-177. ISSN (print) 1540-5702

Brooker, Will (2004) Introduction: 2019 vision. In: Brooker, Will, (ed.) The Blade Runner experience: the legacy of a science fiction classic. London, UK : Wallflower Press. pp. 1-10. ISBN 1904764304

Brooker, Will (2004) Living on Dawson's Creek: teen viewers, cultural convergence, and television overflow. In: Allen, Robert C. and Hill, Annette, (eds.) The television studies reader. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 569-580. ISBN 9780415283243

Brooker, Will (2004) New hope: the postmodern project of Star Wars. In: Redmond, Sean, (ed.) Liquid metal: the science fiction film reader. London, U.K. : Wallflower. pp. 298-307. ISBN 1903364876

Brown, Ian (2004) Gateways from the past to the future. In: Brown, Ian, (ed.) Journey's beginning: the Gateway theatre building and company, 1884-1965. Bristol, U.K. : Intellect Books. pp. 1-14. (Theatre and performance) ISBN 1841501085

Brown, Ian, ed. (2004) Journey's beginning: the Gateway theatre building and company, 1884-1965. Bristol, U.K. : Intellect Books. 81p. (Theatre and performance) ISBN 1841501085

Brown, Ian and Tomlinson, Roger (2004) Revealing the vision of Caithness: an arts development study of Caithness. (Project Report) Wick, U.K. : Highland Council. 91 p.

Brown, Simon [Speaker] (2004) World War I & the British horror film. In: ‘Goodbye to all that’ British Silent Cinema and World War I; 05-19 Apr 2004, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Chambers, Colin (2004) Bolt, Robert Oxton [Bob] (1924-1995). In: Cannadine, David, (ed.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press.

Chambers, Colin (2004) Developments in the profession of theatre, 1946–2000. In: Kershaw, Baz, (ed.) The Cambridge history of British theatre. Vol.3: Since 1895. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press. pp. 377-396. ISBN 0521651328

Chambers, Colin (2004) Inside the Royal Shakespeare Company: creativity and the institution. London, UK : Routledge. 262p. ISBN 0415212022

Chambers, Colin (2004) Mercer, David Stuart (1928-1980). In: Cannadine, David, (ed.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press.

Chambers, Colin and Steed, Maggie (2004) Playing on the front foot: actors and audience in British popular theatre, 1970-1990. In: Milling, Jane and Banham, Martin, (eds.) Extraordinary actors: essays on popular performers: studies in honour of Peter Thomson. Exeter, U.K. : University of Exeter Press. pp. 191-209. ISBN 0859897354

Chambers, Colin (2004) Ramsay [nee Venniker], Margaret Francesca [Peggy] (1908-1991). In: Cannadine, David, (ed.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press.


Ewers, Tim [Composer] (2004) Flautando. (flute with piano accompaniment). (Unpublished)


Gartrell, Carol, ed. (2004) Baryton and voice at the Vienna Hofkapelle by Antonio Draghi, Attilio Ariosti and Johann Joseph Fux. Hebden Bridge, U.K. : Peacock Press. 10p.

Glauert, Amanda (2004) Art and music: the case for hybridity - Review of: 'Visible deeds of music: art and music from Cage to Wagner' by Simon Shaw-Miller. Oxford Art Journal, 27(3), pp. 431-433. ISSN (print) 0142-6540

Glauert, Amanda (2004) 'Ich denke dein': Beethoven's retelling of Goethe's poetry. In: Goethe: musical poet, musical catalyst; 26 - 27 Mar 2004, Maynooth, Ireland.

Glauert, Amanda (2004) Review of: 'Nineteenth-Century music: selected proceedings of the tenth international conference' by Jim Samson and Bennett Zon (eds.). Music and Letters, 85(3), pp. 457-460. ISSN (print) 0027-4224

Glauert, Amanda (2004) Review of: Lieder nach Heine und Lenau by Wolf. Stephan Genz bar Roger Vignoles pf (Hyperion CDA67343). Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 1(1), pp. 199-201. ISSN (print) 1479-4098

Glauert, Amanda (2004) The lieder of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. In: Parsons, James, (ed.) The Cambridge companion to the Lied. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. pp. 63-82. (Cambridge companions to music) ISBN 052180471X


Hall, Peter [Producer] (2004) Man and superman. Man and superman. July - August 2004, Bath, United Kingdom.

Hall, Peter (2004) Shakespeare's 'As you like it'. Shakespeare's 'As You Like It'. 30 Nov - 18 Dec 2004, Kingston, United Kingdom.


Jones, Kevin (2004) Breaking Elgar's enigmatic code. New Scientist, 104(2479/80), ISSN (print) 0262-4079


Knapper, Stephen (2004) Complicite's Comintern: internationalism and 'The noise of time'. Contemporary Theatre Review, 14(1), pp. 61-73. ISSN (print) 1048-6801

Knapper, Stephen (2004) Fellini and the commedia dell'arte. Fellini Il Maestro - NFT Study Day. 18 September 2004, London, United Kingdom.


Manning, Jane (2004) Miss Donnithorne's Maggot: Psappha Unconducted featuring Jane Manning. (CD). Peter Maxwell Davies: Miss Donnithorne's Maggot. 7 - 8 Feb 2004, Great Hall, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK. Glossop, U.K. : Psappha.

Manning, Jane [Singer] (2004) Peter Maxwell Davies' 'The Medium'. (solo voice). United Kingdom : MaxOpus Music. (42 mins) compact disc.

Mermikides, Alex, Lavender, Andy and Rebellato, Dan (2004) Here's what I did with my body one day : a genetic detective thriller. Here's what I did with my body one day : a genetic detective thriller. October 2004, London, United Kingdom.

Minors, Helen Julia (2004) 'I will destroy it': Paul Dukas's La Peri and variation form. In: International Symposium on Music in France 1830-1940; 17 - 19 Jul 2004, Victoria, Australia. (Unpublished)

Minors, Helen Julia (2004) Reassessing Paul Dukas's La Peri (1911). In: 37th Royal Musical Association Annual Music Research Students' Conference; 07 - 10 Jan 2004, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Mullarkey, John (2004) Forget the virtual: Bergson, actualism, and the refraction of reality. Continental Philosophy Review, 37(4), pp. 469-493. ISSN (print) 1387-2842


Pateman, Matthew (2004) Julian Barnes. Tavistock, U.K. : Northcote House. 128p. (Writers and their work) ISBN 9780746309780

Pateman, Matthew (2004) My name's Buffy and your history: the myth/misquotation of history. In: The Slayage conference on Buffy the vampire slayer; 28 - 30 May 2004, Nashville, U.S.. (Unpublished)


Rabalska, Carmen (2004) The grotesque mirror: deformity, mutilation and transgression. In: Santaolalla Ramon, Isabel, (ed.) Bunuel, siglo XXI. Zaragoza, Spain : Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza. pp. 419-428. ISBN 8477336946


Searby, Mike (2004) Ligeti's Le grand macabre: an experiment in postmodernism? In: 36th Royal Musical Association Annual Music Research Students' Conference; 7-10 Jan 2004, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Smart, Jackie (2004) The technology of the real: Wayne McGregor's "Nemesis" and the ecology of perception. In: Carver, Gavin and Beardon, Colin, (eds.) New visions in performance: the impact of digital technologies. Lisse, The Netherlands : Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers. pp. 41-54. ISBN 9026519664


Tarr, Carrie (2004) Exile and displacement in the Cinema of Tony Gatlif: 'Les Princes' (1983) and 'Gadjo dilo' (1998). In: Everett, Wendy and Wagstaff, Peter, (eds.) Cultures of Exile: Images of Displacement. New York and London : Berghahn Books. pp. 3-15. (Polygons: Cultural Diversities and Intersections, (7)) ISBN 1571815910

Tarr, Carrie (2004) Masculinity and exclusion in post-1995 beur and 'banlieue' films. In: Powrie, Phil , Davies, Ann and Babington, Bruce, (eds.) The trouble with men: masculinities in European and Hollywood cinema. London, U.K. : Wallflower Press. pp. 110-120. ISBN 1904764088

Tynan, Kenneth, Nelson, Richard [Adapter/Arranger] and Chambers, Colin [Adapter/Arranger] (2004) Tynan: based on the book The diaries of Kenneth Tynan. London, UK : Faber and Faber. 43p. ISBN 0571227295


van Elferen, Isabella (2004) 'Sie creutzigen alle Sinne des Leibes!' : Multimediality, consolatio tragoediae and Lutheran pedagogy in the German baroque passion meditation. In: Hoogvliet, Margriet, (ed.) Multi-media compositions from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern period. Leuven, Belgium : Peeters. pp. 121-144. (Groningen Studies in Cultural Change, (9)) ISBN 9789042915329

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