Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture > School of Art & Design History"
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- Kingston University Faculties, Schools and Research Centres (292)
- Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture (292)
- School of Art & Design History (292)
- Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture (292)
Black, Jonathan (2017) 'Our warrior brown brethren' : identity and difference in images of non-white soldiers serving with the British Army in British art of the First World War. In: Walsh, Michael J.K. and Varnava, Andrekos, (eds.) The Great War and the British Empire : culture and society. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 129-150. ISBN 9781472462275
Black, Jonathan (2017) Winston Churchill in British art, 1900 to the Present Day : the Titan with many faces. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 320p. ISBN 9781472592392 (In Press)
Black, Jonathan (2016) Embracing Britannia : the concept of Britishness in the public sculpture and career of Dora Gordine (1895?-1991). In: Public Monuments and Sculpture Association Annual Conference : 'Emigres Sculptors in Britain c. 1500-2016'; 26 - 27 May 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2016) Eric Kennington and William Rothenstein and the Landscape of the Western Front, 1917-1919. In: McDougall, Sarah, (ed.) William Rothenstein and his circle. London : Ben Uri Gallery and Museum. ISBN 9780900157578
Black, Jonathan [Speaker] (2016) "Havoc from the Heavens" : the contribution of British air power to the destruction of Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Turkish Forces in 1918 through the eyes of British war artist Lieutenant Sydney Carline RAF. In: The First World War in the Air Lunchtime Lecture Series; 12 Aug 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2016) "On the edge of two worlds" : conquerors or victims? Eric Kennington (1888-1960), national identity and the depiction of the 16th Battalion, Canadian-Scottish (Highlanders of Canada), 1919-1920. In: Crossing Borders, Crossing Boundries : 83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History; 15 - 17 Apr 2016, Ottawa, Canada. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2016) 'Who are these Arabs?' : constructing an idea of the "true Arab" in Eric Kennington's portrait series for Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom. In: Borders and Beyond in the Middle East Since 1914 : Legacies, Changes, Continuities; 17 - 18 Jun 2016, York, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Ambasz, Emilio (1943-). In: Edwards, Clive , Atkinson, Harriet , Bhagat, Dipti , Kettley, Sarah , O'Brien, Sorcha , Raizman, David and Willis, Anne-Marie, (eds.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 37-38. ISBN 9781472521545
O'Brien, Sorcha (2016) Bouroullec, Ronan (1971–) and Erwan (1976–). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 184. ISBN 9781472521545
O'Brien, Sorcha (2016) Dunne & Raby (Dunne, Anthony 1964–; Raby, Fiona 1963–). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 444-445. ISBN 9781472521545
O'Brien, Sorcha (2016) Guixé, Martí (1964–). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 124. ISBN 9781472521552
O'Brien, Sorcha (2016) Heatherwick, Thomas (1970–). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 139. ISBN 9781472521552
O'Brien, Sorcha (2016) "Look what Santa’s brought for you, mummy”: women, domesticity and the vacuum cleaner in 1950s and 1960s Ireland’. In: Irish Women and Rural Society: from Medieval to Modern; 11-12 Mar 2016, Belfast, U.K.. (Unpublished)
O'Brien, Sorcha (2016) Rittel, Horst (1930–90). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 163-164. ISBN 9781472521569
Rossi, Catharine (2016) Squaring up to Superstudio: grids, modularity and utopianism in Italian Radical Design. In: Meltzer, Burkhard and von Oppeln, Tido, (eds.) Rethinking the modular. London, U.K. : Thames & Hudston. pp. 126-153. ISBN 9780500292358
Thomas, Sarah (2016) Creating a national identity: Australia's Impressionist landscapes. In: Christopher, Riopelle, (ed.) Australia's Impressionists. London, U.K. : The National Gallery. pp. 43-49. ISBN 9781857096125
Wickstead, Helen (2016) Prehistoric sex objects : the phalli of Windmill Hill. In: TAG 2016; 19-21 Dec 2016, Southampton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Wickstead, Helen (2016) The prehistoric phallus : a history of archaeology and sex. In: Centre for Medical History Seminar Series; 12 May 2016, Exeter, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2015) Reading behind the lines : war artists, war poets, reading and letter writing, 1917-1919. In: Towheed, Shafquat and King, Edmund G. C., (eds.) Reading and the First World War : readers, texts, archives. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 171-189. (New Directions in Book History) ISBN 9781137302700
Black, Jonathan (2015) 'The human element' : The contribution of C.R.W. Nevinson and Eric Kennington to the Britain's Efforts and Ideals lithographic project of 1917. In: Dethloff, Diana , Murdoch, Tessa , Sloan, Kim and Elam, Caroline, (eds.) Burning bright : essays in honour of David Bindman. London, U.K. : UCL Press. pp. 234-242. ISBN 9781910634189
Clarke, Jay A. and Black, Jonathan (2015) Machine age modernism: prints from the Daniel Cowin collection. Williamstown, U.S. : Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. 111p. ISBN 9780300211665
Cohen, Sara , Knifton, Robert , Leonard, Marion and Roberts, Les, eds. (2015) Sites of popular music heritage: memories, histories, places. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 267p. (Routledge Studies in Popular Music) ISBN 9780415824507
Edwards, Clive , O'Brien, Sorcha , Atkinson, Harriet , Kettley, Sarah , Bhagat, Dipti , Raizman, David and Willis, Anne-Marie, eds. (2015) Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 1533p. ISBN 9781472521576
Knifton, Robert and Lloyd, Fran (2015) Kingston School of Art: 140 years, 1875-2015. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 84p. ISBN 9781907684289
Knott, Stephen (2015) Amateur craft: history and theory. London : Bloomsbury. 160p. ISBN 9781472577344
Lawrence, David, Taylor, Sheila [Editor] and Green, Oliver [Author of introduction, etc.] (2015) The moving metropolis: a history of London's transport since 1800. 2nd ed. London, U.K. : Laurence King. 448p. ISBN 9781780676715
O'Brien, Sorcha (2015) The things I love the most. In: Galway International Arts Festival: First Thought Talks; 13-26 Jul 2015, Galway, Ireland. (Unpublished)
O'Shea, Paddy (2015) Adam, Ken (1921-). In: Edwards, Clive , Atkinson, Harriet , Bhagat, Dipti , Kettley, Sarah , O'Brien, Sorcha , Raizman, David and Willis, Anne-Marie, (eds.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 6-7. ISBN 9781472521545
Rossi, Catharine (2015) Abitare (1961-). In: Edwards, Clive , Atkinson, Harriet , Bhagat, Dipti , Kettley, Sarah , O'Brien, Sorcha , Raizman, David and Willis, Anne-Marie, (eds.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 4. ISBN 9781472521545
Rossi, Catharine (2015) Crafting design in Italy : from post-war to postmodernism. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. 304p. (Studies in Design) ISBN 9780719089404
Rossi, Catharine (2015) From East to West, and back again : Utopianism in Italian Radical Design. In: Blauvelt, Andrew, (ed.) Hippie Modernism: the struggle for Utopia. Minneapolis, U.S. : Walker Art Center. ISBN 9781935963097
Rossi, Catharine [Curator of an exhibition] and Upham, Sumitra [Curator of an exhibition] (2015) Radical disco: architecture and nightlife in Italy, 1965-1975. Radical disco: architecture and nightlife in Italy, 1965-1975. .
Rossi, Catharine (2015) The numbers game. Collect 2015 Catalogue, pp. 8-13.
Stafford, Jonathan (2015) A maritime modernity? The culture of global travel aboard the steamships of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company 1837-1874. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Thomas, Sarah (2015) Allegorizing extinction: Humboldt, Darwin and the valedictory image. In: Brauer, Fae, (ed.) Picturing Evolution and Extinction. Newcastle, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781443872539
Vellodi, Kamini (2015) Tintoretto's time. Art History, 38(3), pp. 414-433. ISSN (print) 0141-6790
Wickstead, Helen and Barber, Martyn (2015) Aerial archaeology and the 'lost gardens' of Seething Wells. London Archaeologist, 14(3), pp. 73-78. ISSN (print) 0024-5984
Wickstead, Helen and Barber, Martyn (2015) Concrete prehistories : the making of megalithic modernism. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 2(1), pp. 195-216. ISSN (print) 2051-3429
Wildgoose, Jane (2015) Collecting and interpreting human skulls and hair in late Nineteenth Century London : passing fables & comparative readings at The Wildgoose Memorial Library : an artist’s response to the DCMS Guidance for the Care of Human Remains in Museums (2005). (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Ayres, Sara (2014) Ivor Roberts-Jones's Churchill, Oslo - AK Dolven's Untuned Bell, Ekenas: dematerialisation of the public memorial. In: The Yale Conference on Balatic & Scandinavian Studies; 13-15 Mar 2014, New Haven, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Barber, Stephen (2014) Performance projections: film and the body in action. London, U.K. : Reaktion Books. 256p. ISBN 9781780233697
Benyei, Tamas and Stara, Alexandra (2014) Introduction: the arts of trauma. In: Benyei, Tamas and Stara, Alexandra, (eds.) The edges of trauma: explorations in visual art and literature. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 1-17. ISBN 9781443853422
Benyei, Tamas and Stara, Alexandra, eds. (2014) The edges of trauma: explorations in visual art and literature. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 224p. ISBN 9781443853422
Black, Jonathan (2014) "Broken warriors, tortured souls": constructions of physical and psychological trauma in British art of the First World War, c. 1916-1919. In: Benyei, Tamas and Stara, Alexandra, (eds.) The edges of trauma: explorations in visual art and literature. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 18-35. ISBN 9781443853422
Black, Jonathan (2014) C.R.W. Nevinson: the complete prints. Farnham, U.K. : Lund Humphries. 208p. ISBN 9781848221574
Black, Jonathan (2014) “Our Warrior Brown Brethren”: identity and difference in images of non-white soldiers serving with the British Army in the First World War British Art c.1917-1921. In: The British Empire and the First World War; 19-22 Feb 2014, Singapore. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2014) Uncertain allies, formidable enemies: the image of Arabs and Turks in British war art, 1917-21. In: Not all quiet on the Ottoman fronts: neglected perspectives on a global war, 1914-1918; 08-12 Apr 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)
Carter, Frances Hannah (2014) Magic and toyshops: narrative and meaning in the women's sex shop. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Dalla Mura, Maddalena [Interviewer] and Rossi, Catharine [Interviewee] (2014) Learning between past and present: Interview with Catharine Rossi by Maddalena Dalla Mura. In: Camuffo, Giorgio , Dalla Mura, Maddalena and Mattozzi, Alvise, (eds.) About learning and design. Bolzano, Italy : Bozen-Bolzano University Press. pp. 81-86. ISBN 9788860460677
Flynn, Thomas (2014) The Parthenon marbles: an opportunity to foster cultural unity in a divided world. In: van Gene-Saillet, Patricia, (ed.) The reunification of the Parthenon marbles: a European concern. Brussels, Belgium : Editions Bruylant. pp. 33-36. (Collection du Centre Européen de la Culture) ISBN 9782802747246
Grewcock, Duncan (2014) Performing heritage (studies) at the Lord Mayor’s show. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 20(7-8), pp. 760-781. ISSN (print) 1352-7258
Horrocks, Chris (2014) Genteel perversion: the films of Gilbert and George. Chicago, U.S. : Solar Books. 104p. ISBN 9780983248071
Knott, Stephen (2014) Amateur work: Reader participation and dialogism in late-nineteenth-century domestic design advice. Interiors: Design/Architecture/Culture, 5(2), pp. 161-177. ISSN (print) 2041-9112
Knott, Stephen (2014) Concours des vitraux de Jeanne d’Arc: The multiple ways of materializing the past in late nineteenth-century French stained glass. West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture, 21(2), pp. 192-215. ISSN (print) 2153-5531
Knott, Stephen (2014) Working class, middle class, upper class, evening class: Supplementary education and craft instruction, 1889–1939. The Journal of Modern Craft, 7(1), pp. 7-32. ISSN (print) 1749-6772
Lawrence, David, ed. (2014) Omnibus : a social history of the London bus. London, U.K. : London Transport Museum. 292p. ISBN 9781871829235
Lawrence, David [Researcher] (2014) Remarkable lives. Royal Mail.
Moran, Anna and O'Brien, Sorcha, eds. (2014) Love objects: emotion, design and material culture. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. 184p. ISBN 9781472517197
O'Brien, Sorcha [Organizer of meeting], Moran, Anna [Organizer of meeting], Hemmings, Jessica [Commentator], Carter, Frances [Speaker], Wilson, Ann [Speaker] and McGuire, Noreen [Speaker] (2014) Love Objects Studio Session. In: Love Objects Studio Session; 1 Oct 2014, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
O'Brien, Sorcha (2014) Making meaning with ephemera: electrical technology and Irish national identity in the 1920s. In: 10th European Social Science History Conference; 23-26 Apr 2014, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)
O'Brien, Sorcha (2014) Power games: British and German influences in Irish electrical power generation architecture. In: American Association for Irish Studies and the Canadian Association for Irish Studies Annual Conference; 11 - 14 Jun 2014, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
O'Brien, Sorcha (2014) Review of The Story of Design. Journal of Design History, 27(4), pp. 413-414. ISSN (print) 0952-4649
Rossi, Catharine (2014) Architecture goes disco. AA Files(69), pp. 138-145.
Rossi, Catharine (2014) Craft and "made in Italy". In: Stanfill, Sonnet, (ed.) The glamour of Italian fashion since 1945. London, U.K. : V&A Publishing. pp. 94-103. ISBN 9781851777761
Rossi, Catharine (2014) Crafting a design counterculture: the pastoral and the primitive in Italian radical design, 1972-1976. In: Lees-Maffei, Grace and Fallan, Kjetil, (eds.) Made in Italy: rethinking a century of Italian design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9780857853882
Rossi, Catharine (2014) Giorgio Casali: photographer/Domus 1951–1983 - architecture, design and art in Italy. Journal of Modern Craft, 7(1), pp. 99-102. ISSN (print) 1749-6772
Rossi, Catharine (2014) Made in Italy 2.0: the prominence of craftsmanship in contemporary Italian furniture design. In: Current issues in global furniture; 20 Nov 2013, Great Missenden, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Rossi, Catharine (2014) Primary text: commentary and interview. Journal of Modern Craft, 7(1), pp. 75-80. ISSN (print) 1749-6772
Rossi, Catharine (2014) Swiss army knife, Switzerland (Karl Elsener, Victorinox, 1891). In: Lees-Maffei, Grace, (ed.) Iconic designs: 50 stories about 50 things. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Visual Arts. pp. 206-209. ISBN 9780857853523
Rossi, Catharine (2014) Utopian and dystopian domesticiites: the home on film in 1970s Italian radical design. In: Domestic imaginaries: homes in film, literature and popular culture symposium; 21 Jan 2014, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Rossi, Catharine (2014) A history of socially engaged craft. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Hidden agenda: socially conscious craft. Crafts Council.
Rossi, Catharine (2014) A new domestic landscape. In: Bagnato, Andrea , Grima, Joseph and Shafrir, Tamar, (eds.) sqm: the quantified home. Zürich : Lars Müller. ISBN 9783037784532
Rossi, Catharine (2014) A new domestic landscape. Catharine Rossi on the environments of Joe Colombo and Superstudio. In: Grima, Joseph , Bagnato, Andrea and Shafrir, Tamar, (eds.) sqm: the quantified home. Zurich, Switzerland : Lars Müller. pp. 50-59. ISBN 9783037784532
Stara, Alexandra (2014) City and river in contemporary landscape photography. In: Riverine Conference 2014; 26-28 Jun 2014, Canterbury, U.K. (Unpublished)
Stara, Alexandra (2014) Traces of trauma: the photography of Ori Gersht. In: Benyei, Tamas and Stara, Alexandra, (eds.) The edges of trauma: explorations in visual art and literature. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 181-190. ISBN 9781443853422
Thomas, Sarah (2014) The artist travels: Augustus Earle at sea. In: Cusack, Tricia, (ed.) Framing the ocean, 1700 to the present: envisaging the sea as social space. Farnham, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 71-83. ISBN 9781409465683
Beard, Alice (2013) Fun with pins and rope: how Caroline Baker styled the seventies. In: Bartlett, Djurdja , Cole, Shaun and Rocamora, Agnes, (eds.) Fashion media: past and present. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Publishing plc. ISBN 9780857853066
Black, Jonathan , Falkner, David , Fisher, Fiona , Lloyd, Fran , Preston, Rebecca and Sparke, Penny, eds. (2013) Picker House and collection: a late 1960s home for art and design. London, U.K. : Philip Wilson. 211p. ISBN 9781781300053
Coles, Alex and Rossi, Catharine, eds. (2013) The Italian avant-garde: 1968 - 1976. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg Press. 224p. (EP) ISBN 9783943365498
Cottington, David (2013) The Avant-Garde: a very short introduction. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. 136p. (Very short introductions) ISBN 9780199582730
Cottington, David (2013) Made in Paris: cubismo e avanguardia. In: Eyerman, Charlotte, (ed.) Cubisti cubismo. Milan, Italy : Skira. ISBN 9788857219035
Gray, Maggie (2013) Alan Moore. In: Smith, Matthew J and Duncan, Randy, (eds.) Icons of the American comic book: from Captain America to Wonder Woman. Santa Barbara, USA. : Greenwood. pp. 531-544. (Greenwood Icons) ISBN 9780313399237
Gray, Maggie (2013) A Gothic politics: Alan Moore's Swamp Thing and radical ecology. In: Green, Matthew J A, (ed.) Alan Moore and the Gothic tradition. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 42-62. ISBN 9781784993634
Grindon, Gavin (2013) Revolutionary Romanticism: Henri Lefebvre's revolution-as-festival. Third Text, 27(2), pp. 208-220. ISSN (print) 0952-8822
Holcombe, Lyanne (2013) Modernisation in the metropolis: interiors, gender and luxury in the Regent Palace Hotel (1888-1935). (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Kirkham, Patricia, ed. (2013) Eva Zeisel: life, design and beauty. San Francisco, U.S.A. : Chronicle Books. 255p. ISBN 9781452108520
Kirkham, Patricia and Weber, Susan, eds. (2013) History of design: decorative arts and material culture, 1400-2000. London, U.K. : Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History and Material Culture: Yale University Press. 698p. ISBN 9780300196146
Knifton, Robert (2013) Art, town and gown: Kingston University and public art. In: Artscapes: urban art and the public; 27-28 Jun 2013, Canterbury, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Knott, Stephen (2013) Design in the age of prosumption: The craft of design after the object. Design and Culture, 5(1), pp. 45-67. ISSN (print) 1754-7075
Latimer, Tirza and Riches, Harriet (2013) Women and photography. In: Courtright, Nicola, (ed.) Grove Art Online. New York, U.S.A. : Oxford University Press.
Lloyd, Fran (2013) Kurt Schwitters: responses to place. Douglas, Isle of Man, U.K. : The Sayle Gallery. 59p. ISBN 9781907684258
O'Brien, Sorcha (2013) Behind the Interface: Space, Time and Infrastructure in Internet-Based Delivery for Design Education.
Planel, Alice (2013) Artists of Algerian origin exhibiting in France 1989-2012: an analysis of selected artists' work and its reception - the urban, the home and the Arab woman, and the 'global' art world. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Rau Dawes, Ann (2013) Milein Cosman: a critique of the biography and representation of the Jewish emigre artist between 1939-1959. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University.
Riches, Harriet (2013) Negotiating interiority: displacement and belonging in the 'Autoportraits' of Lydia Maria Julien. In: Massey, Anne and Sparke, Penny, (eds.) Biography, identity and the modern interior. Farnham, U.K. : Ashgate. ISBN 9781409439448
Rossi, Catharine (2013) Between the nomadic and the impossible: radical architecture and the Cavart Group. In: Coles, Alex and Rossi, Catharine, (eds.) The Italian avant-garde. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg Press. pp. 43-66. (EP) ISBN 9783943365498
Rossi, Catharine [Reviewer] (2013) Book Review of: 'Makers: a history of American studio craft' by Janet Koplos and Bruce Metcalf. Journal of Modern Craft, 6(1), pp. 119-121. ISSN (print) 1749-6772
Rossi, Catharine (2013) Bricolage, hybridity, circularity: crafting production strategies in critical and conceptual design. Design and culture, 5(1), pp. 69-87. ISSN (print) 1754-7075
Rossi, Catharine (2013) Craft: the future in the making. In: Held, Peter and Sealy Lineberry, Heather, (eds.) Crafting a continuum: rethinking contemporary craft. Santa Barbara : Perpetua Press. pp. 173-174. ISBN 9781469612805
Rossi, Catharine (2013) Design and jewellery. Disegno(4), pp. 92-109.
Rossi, Catharine (2013) From Mari to Memphis: the role of prototypes in Italian radical and Postmodern design. In: Valentine, Louise, (ed.) Prototype: design and craft in the 21st Century. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9780857856821
Rossi, Catharine (2013) Makers: A History of American Studio Craft - Janet Koplos and Bruce Metcalf. The Journal of Modern Craft, 6(1), pp. 119-121. ISSN (print) 1749-6772
Rossi, Catharine (2013) Paper utopias: image-making in 1970s Italian radical design. In: Iconic images in modern Italy: politics, culture and society; 22-23 Nov 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Smith, Marquard (2013) Theses on the philosophy of history: the work of research in the age of digital searchability and distributability. Journal of Visual Culture, 12(3), pp. 375-403. ISSN (print) 1470-4129
Smith, Marquard (2013) The erotic doll : a modern fetish. New Haven, U.S. : Yale University Press. 376p. ISBN 9780300152029
Stara, Alexandra (2013) 'Making Strange': The Photography of Steffi Klenz and Thomas Weinberger. History of Photography, 37(3), pp. 353-359. ISSN (print) 0308-7298
Thomas, Sarah (2013) Violence and memory: slavery in the museum. In: Rycroft, Daniel J., (ed.) World art and the legacies of colonial violence. Farnham, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 113-132. ISBN 9781409455882
Thomas, Sarah (2013) The spectre of empire in the British art museum. Museum History Journal, 6(1), pp. 105-121. ISSN (print) 1936-9816
Tromans, Nicholas (2013) 'The defeat of narrative by vision': Said and the image. In: Elmarsafy, Ziad , Bernard, Anna and Attwell, David, (eds.) Debating orientalism. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230303522
Wickstead, Helen (2013) Between the lines: drawing archaeology. In: Graves-Brown, Paul , Harrison, Rodney and Piccini, Angela, (eds.) The Oxford handbook of the archaeology of the contemporary world. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 549-564. (Oxford handbooks in archaeology) ISBN 9780199602001
Angwin, Benjamin (2012) Moments of modernism: the Omega Workshops and Unit One: Appropriation, Anglicisation and the modern interior. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University.
Barber, Stephen (2012) Muybridge, the eye in motion: tracing cinema's origins. Washington, D.C., U.S. : Solar Books. 200p. (Solar Film Directives) ISBN 9780983248057
Black, Jonathan (2012) For the people's good: Hans Schleger (1898-1976), poster design and British national identity, 1935-1960. Visual Culture in Britain, 13(2), pp. 169-190. ISSN (print) 1471-4787
Black, Jonathan, Fisher, Fiona and Sparke, Penny (2012) Leisure interiors in the work of the Camden Town Group. In: Bonett, Helena , Holt, Ysanne and Munday, Jennifer, (eds.) The Camden Town Group in context. London, U.K. : Tate.
Clarke, John (2012) Eco-construction trumps: a teaching tool to aid understanding of the environmental impact of construction materials. In: Ecobuild; 20 - 22 Mar 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cottington, David (2012) The formation of the Avant-Garde in Paris and London, c. 1880-1915. Art History, 35(3), pp. 596-621. ISSN (print) 0141-6790
Dalke, H, Corso, A, Conduit, G and Riaz, A (2012) Visibility prediction software: five factors of contrast perception for people with vision impairment in the real world. In: CWUAAT: 6th Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology; 27-29 Mar 2012, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Dalke, H, Corso, A, Conduit, G and Riaz, A (2012) Visibility prediction software: five factors of contrast perception for people with vision impairment in the real world. In: Langdon, Patrick , Clarkson, John , Robinson, Peter , Lazar, Jonathan and Heylighen, Ann, (eds.) Designing inclusive systems: designing inclusion for real-world applications. London, U.K. : Springer. pp. 93-102. ISBN 9781447128663
Keefe, John (2012) A spectatorial dramaturgy: ethical principles of recycling, habitus and estrangement. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Knott, Stephen (2012) Keen House: Scale and the architectures of enthusiasts. Design and Culture, 4(1), pp. 75-78. ISSN (print) 1754-7075
Kristensen, Juliette C. (2012) Writing acts: the rise of mechanised writing and the body of modernity, 1711-1905. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Lloyd, Fran (2012) Art beyond exile: Ernst Eisenmayer. London, U.K. : Austrian Cultural Forum. 63p. ISBN 9781907684142
McKever, Rosalind (2012) Futurism and the past: temporalities, avant-gardism and tradition in Italian art and its histories 1909-1919. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
O'Brien, Sorcha (2012) Between art & industry. In: Between Art and Industry: New Models in a Post Industrial World; 29 Jun 2012, Kilkenny, Ireland. (Unpublished)
O'Brien, Sorcha (2012) Men, machines and tourists: Visual representations of the Shannon Scheme from advertisements to postcards. In: Revealing the Modern in Post-Civil War Ireland: Lecture Series to Coincide with ‘Seán Keating and the ESB: Enlightenment and Legacy’ at the RHA Dublin; 12 Sep - 17 Oct 2012, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Protheroe, Keren Louise (2012) Bloom and blotch: the printed floral and modernity in the textile designs of Winifred Mold and Minnie McLeish 1910-1929. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Renton, Lucy [Research team member], Postle, Paul [Research team member], Gale, Cathy [Research team member] and Blair, Bernadette [Research team head] (2012) Presentation on Open Educational Resources in FADA. In: Practising Open Education: developing the potential of open educational resources in art, design & media; 15 Sep 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Rice, Charles (2012) Stalking John Portman. AA Files(64), pp. 21-29. ISSN (print) 0261-6823
Riches, Harriet (2012) Projecting touch: Francesca Woodman's late "blueprints". Photographies, 5(2), pp. 135-157. ISSN (print) 1754-0763
Tromans, Nicholas (2012) A portrait of the artist in London: the critical reception of Raeburn's Royal Academy exhibits, 1792-1823. In: Coltman, Viccy and Lloyd, Stephen, (eds.) Henry Raeburn: context, reception and reputation. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 179-207. ISBN 9780748654833
Bass, Jennifer and Kirkham, Patricia (2011) Saul Bass: a life in film & design. Laurence King Publishing. 423p. ISBN 9781856697521
Black, Jonathan (2011) The illusion of permanence: archaeology, imperialism and British public sculpture between the World Wars. In: Bonaventura, Paul and Jones, Andrew, (eds.) Sculpture and archeology. Farnham, U.K. : Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 61-81. ISBN 9780754658313
Dalke, Hilary, Corso, Alessio, Stott, Laura, Dusmohamed, Haroon and Hunt, Rebecca (2011) Living with dementia: can design make a difference? (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 240 p. ISBN 9781907684135
Fryman, Olivia (2011) Making the bed : the practice, role and significance of housekeeping in the royal bedchambers at Hampton Court Palace 1689-1737. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Gray, Maggie (2011) Alan Moore’s underground : The formation of a dissident cultural practice. Studies in Comics, 2(1), pp. 21-37. ISSN (online) 2040-3232
Horrocks, C. W. (2011) Techno-theory: critiques of culture and technological being. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Lloyd, Fran (2011) Forging artistic careers in exile: Ernst Eisenmayer and Kurt Weiler in 1940s Britain. In: Dogramaci, Burcu and Wimmer, Karin, (eds.) Netzwerke des Exils: Kunstlerische Verflechtungen, Austausch und Patronage nach 1933. Berlin, Germany : Gebruder Mann Verlag. pp. 243-260. ISBN 9783786126584
Lloyd, Fran, Potkin, Helen and Thackara, Davina (2011) Public sculpture of Outer South and West London. Liverpool, U.K. : Liverpool University Press. 404p. (Public sculpture of Britain) ISBN 9781846312250
McKever, Rosalind [Reviewer] (2011) Book Review of: 'Writing art history: disciplinary departures' by Margaret Iversen and Stephen Melville. Journal of Visual Culture, 10(3), pp. 410-412. ISSN (print) 1470-4129
O'Brien, Sorcha (2011) Exhibition Review of: 'The moderns: the arts in Ireland from the 1900s to the 1970s' at The Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin. Artefact(5), pp. 83-89. ISSN (print) 2009-0528
O'Brien, Sorcha (2011) Technology and modernity: the Shannon Scheme and visions of national progress. In: King, Linda and Sisson, Elaine, (eds.) Ireland, design and visual culture: negotiating modernity, 1922-1992. Cork, Ireland : Cork University Press. pp. 59-71. ISBN 9781859184721
Potkin, Helen (2011) In-habiting site: contemporary art practices within the historic(al) interior. In: Fisher, Fiona , Lara-Betancourt, Patricia , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Performance, fashion and the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. London, U.K. : Berg. pp. 207-218. ISBN 9781847887825
Rice, Charles and Matthews, Linda (2011) Designing (in) the PhD in Architecture: knowledge, discipline and pedagogy. In: Lee, Alison and Danby, Susan, (eds.) Reshaping Doctoral Education: International Approaches and Pedagogies. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 99-112. ISBN 9780415618120
Riches, Harriet (2011) Girlish games: playfulness and "drawingness" in the work of Francesca Woodman and Lucy Gunning. In: Grant, Catherine and Waxman, Lori, (eds.) Girls! Girls! Girls! in contemporary art. Bristol, U.K. : Intellect. pp. 63-86. ISBN 9781841503486
Rossi, Catharine (2011) How Memphis was made. Crafts(232), pp. 60-63. ISSN (print) 0306-610X
Rossi, Catharine (2011) Making Memphis: 'Glue culture' and postmodern production strategies. In: Adamson, Glenn and Pavitt, Jane, (eds.) Postmodernism: style and subversion, 1970-1990. London, U.K. : V&A Publishing. pp. 160-165. ISBN 9781851776597
Smith, Marquard (2011) Visual culture studies. In: Ryan, Michael, (ed.) Encyclopedia of literature and cultural theory. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781405183123
Thomas, Sarah (2011) "On the Spot": travelling artists and Abolitionism, 1770-1830. Atlantic Studies: Global Currents, 8(2), pp. 213-232. ISSN (print) 1478-8810
Thomas, Sarah (2011) Visualising Terra Australis: The Flinders and Baudin Expedition. In: Bunbury, Alisa, (ed.) This wondrous land : colonial art on paper. Melbourne, Australia : Melbourne National Gallery of Victoria. pp. 26-37. ISBN 9780724103447
Tromans, Nicholas [Reviewer] (2011) Book Review of: 'The poetic home: designing the 19th-century domestic interior' by Stefan Muthesius. Interiors: Design, Architecture and Culture, 2(2), pp. 268-269. ISSN (print) 2041-9112
Tromans, Nicholas (2011) Bringing it home? Orientalist painting and the art market. In: Inankur, Zeynep , Lewis, Reina and Roberts, Mary, (eds.) The poetics and politics of place: Ottoman Istanbul and British Orientalism. Istanbul, Turkey : Pera Museum. pp. 65-74. (Symposium Series, no. 1) ISBN 9780295991108
Tromans, Nicholas (2011) Hope: the life and times of a Victorian icon. Compton, U.K. : Watts Gallery. 80p. ISBN 9780956102270
Tromans, Nicholas (2011) Richard Dadd: the artist and the asylum. London, U.K. : Tate Publishing. 208p. ISBN 9781854379597
Vermorel, Fred (2011) Biography & identity, celebrity & fanhood: researching intersections of avant-garde and popular culture. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Andrews, June, Dalke, Hilary, Corso, Alessio, Burton, Elizabeth and Mitchell, Lynne (2010) A design for life: reshaping the mould for older people's housing. Access by Design(125), pp. 9-16. ISSN (print) 0959-1591
Black, Jonathan (2010) "Konig Midas war nichts dagegen" T.E. Lawrence und Eric Kennington. In: Fansa, Mamoun and Hoffmann, Detleff, (eds.) Lawrence von Arabien: Genese eines Mythos. Mainz, Germany : Philipp von Zabern. pp. 199-218. ISBN 9783805342438
Black, Jonathan (2010) 'Touching civilisation in it's tender mood': nationalism and art in the friendship between Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and Edward Wadsworth, 1914-1915. In: Walsh, Michael J.K., (ed.) London, modernism, and 1914. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 165-195. ISBN 9780521195805
Carrigan, James and Micklethwaite, Paul (2010) 7.9 cubic metres: a gallery within a gallery. KIOSK(4), pp. 64-73. ISSN (print) 1755-9626
Dalke, Hilary, Corso, Alessio and Stott, Laura (2010) Schools for special needs: autism and sensory design. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 66 p. ISBN 9781907684159
Horrocks, Christopher (2010) Press "Escape": the sad case of the death and virtual life of the Korean IT worker. Kiosk(4), pp. 58-63. ISSN (print) 1755-9626
Lohmann, Julia and Micklethwaite, Paul (2010) Laminarium. KIOSK(4), pp. 84-93. ISSN (print) 1755-9626
Massey, Anne and Turpin, John (2010) Editorial introduction. Interiors: Design, Architecture and Culture, 1(1-2), pp. 5-6. ISSN (print) 2041-9112
Penner, Barbara and Rice, Charles (2010) The Conder Room: evidencing the interior's dissolution. In: O'Neill, Morna and Hatt, Michael, (eds.) The Edwardian sense: art, design, and performance in Britain, 1901-1910. New Haven, U.S. : Yale University Press. pp. 127-133. (Studies in British Art, no. 20) ISBN 9780300163353
Rice, Charles (2010) On historical versus material objects, or, what it means to care rather than simply to clean. Interiors: Design, Architecture and Culture, 1(1-2), pp. 19-28. ISSN (print) 2041-9112
Rice, Charles (2010) On message: an interview with Michael Chertoff. Architectural Design, 80(5), pp. 124-125. ISSN (print) 0003-8504
Riches, Harriet (2010) Suspicious acts in sensitive places. KIOSK(4), pp. 22-31. ISSN (print) 1755-9626
Rossi, Catharine [Reviewer] (2010) Book Review of: 'Craft, space and interior design, 1855-2005' edited by Sandra Alfoldy and Janice Helland. Design and Culture, 2(1), pp. 115-117. ISSN (print) 1754-7075
Rossi, Catharine [Reviewer] (2010) Book Review of: 'Italian design' (MoMA Design Series) by Giampiero Bosoni. Design and Culture, 2(3), pp. 366-367. ISSN (print) 1754-7075
Rossi, Catharine (2010) Commentary. Journal of Modern Craft, 3(2), pp. 225-226. ISSN (print) 1749-6772
Rossi, Catharine (2010) An Enquiry on Handicrafts "Points of View: An Enquiry on Handicrafts (Où en sommes-nous avec l'artisanat?)," Zodiac no. 4/5, 1959. The Journal of Modern Craft, 3(2), pp. 227-251. ISSN (print) 1749-6772
Rossi, Catharine (2010) Foreword. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Pallet project. United Kingdom : Studiomama. pp. 5-7.
Saunders, Gill, Heyse-Moore, Dominique and Keeble, Trevor (2010) Walls are talking: wallpaper, art and culture. Manchester, U.K. : The Whitworh Art Gallery. 128p. ISBN 9780903261654
Smith, Marquard [Curator of an exhibition] (2010) How we became metadata. How we became metadata. .
Tromans, Nicholas (2010) Nineteenth-century Orientalist painting. Groniek: Gronings historisch tijdschrift(187), pp. 157-170. ISSN (print) 0169-2801
Tromans, Nicholas (2010) The psychiatric sublime. Tate papers(13), ISSN (online) 1753-9854
Benjamin, Andrew and Rice, Charles (2009) Introduction: Walter Benjamin and the architecture of modernity. In: Benjamin, Andrew and Rice, Charles, (eds.) Walter Benjamin and the architecture of modernity. Melbourne, Australia : pp. 3-8. (Anamnesis) ISBN 9780980544022
Benjamin, Andrew and Rice, Charles, eds. (2009) Walter Benjamin and the architecture of modernity. Melbourne, Australia : 224p. ISBN 9780980544022
Black, Jonathan (2009) 'The past is immaterial': the enigma of Dora Gordine (1895-1991). In: Jensen, Meg and Jordan, Jane, (eds.) Life writing: the spirit of the age and the state of the art. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 152-165. ISBN 9781443805261
Cadringher, Gabrielle and Wealleans, Anne (2009) Manifesti Navali. Milan, Italy : Jaca Book. 400p. ISBN 9788816604216
Carter, Frances (2009) Want longer lasting sex? Try silicone. KIOSK(3), pp. 50-55. ISSN (print) 1755-9626
Corso, Alessio, Dalke, Hilary, Stott, Laura and Krieger, Uta (2009) Designing environments for the elderly: measuring and tracing the shifts in emotional responses. In: MINET Conference: Measurement, sensation and cognition; 10 - 12 Nov 2009, Teddington, U.K..
Dalke, Hilary, Conduit, Gareth, Conduit, Bryce and Corso, Alessio (2009) Measurement for a more visible world: colour contrast and visual impairment. In: MINET Conference: Measurement, sensation and cognition; 10 - 12 Nov 2009, Teddington, U.K..
Davis, Lennard J. [Speaker], Horrocks, Chris [Speaker] and Watson, Ben [Speaker] (2009) The future is tomorrow. In: The Future is Tomorrow; 21 Nov 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Fryman, Olivia (2009) 'Venerable relics': state beds and the conservation of monarchical memories. In: Living in the Past: Histories, Heritage and the Interior: 6th Modern Interiors Research Conference; 14 - 15 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Grewcock, Duncan (2009) Disrupting the museum: doing museology differently. (PhD thesis), University College London.
Kennedy, Andrew (2009) The lighthouse and the cave: colonial views of Britain and India. KIOSK(3), pp. 44-49. ISSN (print) 1755-9626
Kirkham, Patricia (2009) New environments for modern living: 'At home with the Eameses'. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior : from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 171-182. ISBN 9781847882882
Knifton, Robert (2009) The Liverpool artists' sessions. In: Biggs, Bryan and Sheldon, Julie, (eds.) Art in a city revisited. Liverpool, U.K. : Liverpool University Press. pp. 123-149. ISBN 9781846310836
Kristensen, Juliette (2009) Take a run and jump. KIOSK(3), pp. 86-89. ISSN (print) 1755-9626
Micklethwaite, Paul (2009) Malevolent design. KIOSK(3), pp. 14-18.
O'Brien, Sorcha (2009) Images of Ardnacrusha: photography, electrical technology, and modernity in the Irish Free State. In: Flannery, Eoin and Griffin, Michael, (eds.) Ireland in Focus: film, photography, and popular culture. Syracuse, New York, U.S. : Syracuse University Press. pp. 71-85. (Irish Studies) ISBN 9780815632030
O'Brien, Sorcha (2009) Photographic connections: electrical technology in the making of Ireland in the 1920s. In: Glynne, Jonathan , Hackney, Fiona and Minton, Viv, (eds.) Networks of design: proceedings of the 2008 annual international conference of the Design History Society (UK): University College Falmouth 3-6 September. Boca Raton, Florida, U.S. : Universal Publishers. pp. 246-253. ISBN 9781599429069
Potkin, Helen (2009) In-habiting site: contemporary art practices within the historic interior. In: Living in the Past: Histories, Heritage and the Interior: 6th Modern Interiors Research Conference; 14 - 15 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Rice, Charles (2009) 'So the flaneur goes for a walk in his room': interior, arcade, cinema, metropolis. In: Di Palma, Vittoria , Periton, Diana and Lathouri, Marina, (eds.) Intimate metropolis: urban subjects in the modern city. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 72-89. ISBN 9780415415064
Rice, Charles (2009) The geography of the diagram: the Rose Seidler house. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 131-143. ISBN 9781847882882
Rice, Charles (2009) The inside of space: some issues concerning heterogeneity, the interior, and the weather. In: Hensel, Michael , Menges, Achim and Hight, Christopher, (eds.) Space reader: heterogeneous space in architecture. London, U.K. : Wiley. pp. 185-193. (AD Reader) ISBN 9780470519424
Rossi, Catharine (2009) Furniture, feminism and the feminine: women designers in post-war Italy, 1945 to 1970. Journal of Design History, 22(3), pp. 243-257. ISSN (print) 0952-4649
Smith, Marquard (2009) Politics: An Interview with W. J. T. Mitchell. Culture, Theory and Critique, 50(2&3), pp. 321-335. ISSN (print) 1473-5784
Smith, Marquard (2009) Questionnaire on Barack Obama. Journal of Visual Culture, 8(2), pp. 123-124. ISSN (print) 1470-4129
Smith, Marquard (2009) Visual culture studies: questions of history, theory, and practice. In: Preziosi, Donald, (ed.) The art of art history: a critical anthology. 2nd ed. Oxford, U.K : Oxford University Press. pp. 455-467. (Oxford History of Art) ISBN 9780199229840
Thomas, Sarah (2009) Slavery, a "Scandal to Christian Nations": Charles Darwin, Augustus Earle and the compass of morality. In: Hoorn, Jeanette, (ed.) Reframing Darwin: evolution and art in Australia. Carlton, Australia : Victoria Miegunyah Press. ISBN 9780522856842
Thomas, Sarah (2009) The Wanderer, the Slave and the Aboriginal: Augustus Earle in Rio de Janeiro and Sydney in the 1820s. In: Anderson, Jaynie, (ed.) Crossing cultures: conflict, migration and convergence. Carlton, Australia : Miegunyah Press. (The Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress in the History of Art) ISBN 9780522857108
Tromans, Nicholas (2009) Book Review of: 'Painting out of the ordinary: modernity and the art of everyday life in early nineteenth-century Britain' by David H. Solkin. The Burlington Magazine, 151(1273), pp. 247-248. ISSN (print) 0007-6287
Tromans, Nicholas (2009) Exhibition Review of: 'G.F. Watts: London and Harrogate'. Burlington Magazine, 151(1273), pp. 256-257. ISSN (print) 0007-6287
Tromans, Nicholas [Speaker] (2009) Goya, Wilkie and the disasters of war. In: The Discovery of Spain; 22 Sep 2009, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Tromans, Nicholas (2009) The age of Goya. In: Baker, Christopher , Howarth, David and Stirton, Paul, (eds.) The discovery of Spain: British artists and collectors, Goya to Picasso. Edinburgh, U.K. : National Galleries of Scotland. pp. 29-45. ISBN 9781906270186
Tromans, Nick (2009) The psychiatric sublime. In: The Sublime in Crisis? New Perspectives on the Sublime in British Visual Culture, 1760-1900; 14 - 15 Sep 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ungley, Portia (2009) Juneau projects: the maker's hand in digital performance art. KIOSK(3), pp. 64-68.
Beard, Alice (2008) Hairstyling in the fashion magazine: Nova in the 1970s. In: Biddle-Perry, Geraldine and Cheang, Sarah, (eds.) Hair: styling, culture and fashion. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 229-240. ISBN 9781845207915
Beard, Alice (2008) Show and tell: an interview with Penny Martin, editor in chief of SHOWstudio. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress Body & Culture, 12(2), pp. 181-195. ISSN (print) 1362-704X
Black, Jonathan and Martin, Brenda, eds. (2008) Dora Gordine: sculptor, artist, designer. London, UK : Philip Wilson. 272p. ISBN 9780856676444
Black, Jonathan (2008) Orientalism and 'exotic' sculpture in an imperial age. In: Black, Jonathan and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Dora Gordine; sculptor, artist, designer. London, UK : Philip Wilson. pp. 93-143. ISBN 9780856676444
Black, Jonathan (2008) 'Pictures with a sting': the London Underground and the interwar Modernist poster. In: Bownes, David and Green, Oliver, (eds.) London transport posters: a century of art and design. Aldershot : Lund Humphries. pp. 147-165. ISBN 9780853319849
Black, Jonathan (2008) Portraiture, patronage and networking. In: Black, Jonathan and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Dora Gordine; sculptor, artist, designer. London, UK : Philip Wilson. pp. 19-71. ISBN 9780856676444
Black, Jonathan (2008) 'An unsettling aura of inscrutability': imperialism, racial stereotyping and the construction of the 'exotic' by British women sculptors during the 1920s and 1930s. In: Brown, Karen E, (ed.) Women's contributions to visual culture, 1918-1939. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 57-77. ISBN 9780754664000
Briffa, Sancha (2008) The wood effect: made from wood - better than wood! KIOSK(2), pp. 64-71. ISSN (print) 1755-9626
Ferry, Emma (2008) Stories from home: English domestic interiors, 1750-1850. Journal of Design History, 21(2), pp. 200-202. ISSN (print) 0952-4649
Horrocks, Christopher [Curator of an exhibition] and Riding, Christine [Curator of an exhibition] (2008) The lure of the East: British Orientalist painting. The lure of the East: British Orientalist painting. , 4 Jun - 31 Aug 2008 , Tate Britain, London.
Lloyd, Fran (2008) Modern sculpture: Gordine and her contemporaries. In: Black, Jonathan and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Dora Gordine; sculptor, artist, designer. London, UK : Philip Wilson. pp. 73-91. ISBN 9780856676444
Martin, Brenda (2008) Four studio houses: a negotiation of modernism. In: Black, Jonathan and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Dora Gordine; sculptor, artist, designer. London, UK : Philip Wilson. pp. 163-205. ISBN 9780856676444
Massey, Anne (2008) Art Deco for Swells at Sea: the Normandie's magnificent glass mural graces the Met. Wall Street Journal Online,
Massey, Anne (2008) Interior design since 1900. New and expanded ed. London, U.K. : Thames and Hudson. 256p. (World of Art) ISBN 9780500203972
O'Brien, Sorcha (2008) Photographic connections: electrical technology in the making in Ireland in the 1920s. In: 2008 Annual International Conference of the Design History Society (UK); 03 - 06 Sep 2008, Falmouth, U.K.. ISBN 9781599429069
Rice, Charles (2008) The atmosphere of interior urbanism: OMA at IIT. Architectural Design, 78(3), pp. 88-91. ISSN (print) 0003-8504
Sparke, Penny (2008) Mobility history from a design historian's perspective: the T2M conference, 2007. The Journal of Transport History, 29(1), pp. 131-135. ISSN (print) 0022-5266
Sparke, Penny (2008) A modern decorator in the French tradition. In: Black, Jonathan and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Dora Gordine; sculptor, artist, designer. London, UK : Philip Wilson. pp. 145-161. ISBN 9780856676444
Tromans, Nicholas (2008) Palestine: picture of prophecy. In: Lochnan, Katharine and Jacobi, Carol, (eds.) Holman Hunt and the Pre-Raphaelite vision. Toronto : Art Gallery of Ontario. pp. 135-158. ISBN 9780300148329
Tromans, Nicholas (2008) The future of Orientalism. KIOSK(2), pp. 6-11. ISSN (print) 1755-9626
Tromans, Nicholas, Kabbani, Rana, Mernissi, Fatema, Riding, Christine and Weeks, Emily M (2008) The lure of the East: British Orientalist painting. London : Tate Publishing. 224p. ISBN 9781854377333
Cottington, David (2007) Reading between the lines: Pettibon, Picasso and the future of drawing. TRACEY: Contemporary Drawing Research, ISSN (online) 1742-3570
Rice, Charles (2007) Critical post-critical: problems of effect, experience and immersion. In: Rendell, Jane , Hill, Jonathan , Fraser, Murray and Dorrian, Mark, (eds.) Critical architecture. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 261-68. (Critiques: critical studies in architectural humanities, no. 1) ISBN 9780415415378
Rice, Charles (2007) For a concept of the domestic interior: some historical theoretical challenges. In: Hollis, Edward , Milligan, Andrew , Milton, Alex , Plunkett, Drew , Gigli, John and Hay, Frazer, (eds.) Thinking inside the box: a reader in interiors for the 21st century. London, U.K. : Middlesex University Press. pp. 177-185.
Rice, Charles (2007) Interior/image: authorship and the spatialities of domestic life. In: Anstey, Tim , Grillner, Katja and Hughes, Rolf, (eds.) Architecture and Authorship. London, U.K. : Black Dog Publishing. pp. 74-81. ISBN 9781904772743
Protheroe, Keren (2006) Jacobean and jazz: printed textile design in a London design studio 1919-1924. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University.
Rice, Charles (2006) The emergence of the interior: architecture, modernity, domesticity. London, U.K. : Routledge. 176p. ISBN 9780415384674
Smith, Marquard and Morra, Joanne, eds. (2006) The prosthetic impulse : from a posthuman present to a biocultural future. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press. 297p. ISBN 0262195305
Smith, Marquard (2006) The vulnerable articulate: prosthetics, aesthetics, and erotics in James Gillingham, Aimee Mullins, and Matthew Barney. In: Davis, Lennard J., (ed.) The disability studies reader. 2nd ed. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 309-319. ISBN 9780415953344
Tromans, Nicholas [Reviewer] (2006) Book Review of: 'French art in nineteenth-century Britain' by Edward Morris. The Burlington Magazine, 148(1238), pp. 348-349. ISSN (print) 0007-6287
Beard, Alice (2005) From hot to cool: a critical reappraisal of Nova Magazine, 1965-1975. In: Media History and History in the Media; 31 Mar - 01 Apr 2005, Gregynog, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Beard, Alice (2005) Inside out: the real and imagined spaces of Nova Magazine. In: Locating Design: The Design History Society Annual Conference; 07 - 09 Sep 2005, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cottington, David (2005) Modern art: a very short introduction. Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press. 152p. ISBN 0192803646
Keeble, Trevor [Speaker] (2005) Between public and private: re-spatialising a personal modernity. In: Locating Design: The Design History Society Annual Conference; 07 - 09 Sep 2005, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Micklethwaite, Paul (2005) Discussing art and design education: themes from interviews with UK design stakeholders. The International Journal of Art & Design Education, 24(1), pp. 84-92. ISSN (print) 1476-8062
Rice, Charles (2005) Evidence, experience and conjecture: reading the interior through Benjamin and Bloch. Home Cultures, 2(3), pp. 285-298. ISSN (print) 1740-6315
Rice, Charles (2005) Experience and criticality: returning to Federation Square. The Journal of Architecture, 10(3), pp. 323-333. ISSN (print) 1360-2365
Rice, Charles (2005) Immersion et rupture: l'espace domestique de Walter Benjamin. In: Simay, Philippe, (ed.) Capitales de la modernite: Walter Benjamin et la ville. Paris, France : Editions de l'eclat. pp. 153-168. ISBN 9782841621088
Rice, Charles (2005) Photography's veil: reading gender and Loos' interiors. In: Heynen, Hilde and Baydar, Gülsüm, (eds.) Negotiating domesticity: spatial productions of gender in modern architecture. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 281-295. ISBN 9780415341394
Rice, Charles (2005) Walter Benjamin's interior history. In: Benjamin, Andrew, (ed.) Walter Benjamin and History. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 171-181. (Walter Benjamin Studies) ISBN 9780826467461
Worsley, Lucy (2005) Female architectural patronage in the eighteenth century and the case of Henrietta Cavendish Holles Harley. Architectural history, 48, pp. 139-162. ISSN (print) 0066-622X
Worsley, Lucy and Souden, David (2005) Hampton Court Palace: the official illustrated history. London, UK : Merrell Publishers Limited. 128p. ISBN 1858942829
Cartwright, Lisa (2004) 'Emergencies of survival': moral spectatorship and the 'new vision of the child' in postwar child psychoanalysis. Journal of visual culture, 3(1), pp. 35-49. ISSN (print) 1470-4129
Cottington, David (2004) Cubism and its histories. Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press. 306p. (Critical perspectives in art history) ISBN 0719050030
Horrocks, Chris (2004) Andy Warhol and the strategic exile of the self. In: Everett, Wendy and Wagstaff, Peter, (eds.) Cultures of exile: images of displacement. New York : Berghahn Books. pp. 137-152. (Polygons: cultural diversities and intersections, no. 7) ISBN 1571815910
McKellar, Susie and Sparke, Penny, eds. (2004) Interior design and identity. Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press. 218p. ISBN 0719067294
Penner, Barbara and Rice, Charles (2004) Constructing the interior - introduction. The Journal of Architecture, 9(3), pp. 267-273. ISSN (print) 1360-2365
Rice, Charles (2004) At Federation Square. The Journal of Architecture, 9(1), pp. 105-120. ISSN (print) 1360-2365
Rice, Charles (2004) Rethinking histories of the interior. The Journal of Architecture, 9(3), pp. 275-287. ISSN (print) 1360-2365
Worsley, Lucy (2004) Changing notions of authenticity: presenting a castle over four centuries. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 10(2), pp. 129-149. ISSN (print) 1352-7258
Beard, Alice (2003) Caught underwears: the body revealed in Nova Magazine. In: Making an Appearance: Fashion, Dress & Consumption; 10 - 12 Jul 2003, Brisbane, Australia. (Unpublished)
Keeble, Trevor (2003) Creating 'The new room': the Hall sisters of West Wickham and Richard Norman Shaw. In: Martin, Brenda and Sparke, Penny, (eds.) Women's places: architecture and design 1860-1960. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 23-46. ISBN 0415284481
Martin, Brenda and Sparke, Penny, eds. (2003) Women's places: architecture and design 1860-1960. London, UK : Routledge. 178p. ISBN 0415284481
Martin, Brenda (2003) A house of her own: Dora Gordine and Dorich House (1936). In: Martin, Brenda and Sparke, Penny, (eds.) Women's places: architecture and design 1860-1960. London, UK : Routledge. pp. 125-147. ISBN 0415284481
Rice, Charles (2003) Bourgeois inhabitations: theory and the historical emergence of the interior. Architectural Theory Review, 8(2), pp. 143-151. ISSN (print) 1326-4826
Cartwright, Lisa (2002) Film and the digital in visual studies: film studies in the era of convergence. Journal of visual culture, 1(1), pp. 7-23. ISSN (print) 1470-4129
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Rice, Charles (2002) The Antipodean relation. Volume, 6, pp. 32-43. ISSN (print) 1574-9401
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