Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences > Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy"
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- Kingston University Faculties, Schools and Research Centres (22165)
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (5593)
- Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (446)
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (5593)
Aldouri, Hammam (2015) Hegel's Aufhebung. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Alliez, Eric (2004) Aion, Khronos. In: Cassin, Barbara, (ed.) Vocabulaire Europeen des philosophies: dictionnaire des intraduisibles. Paris : Seuil/Le Robert. pp. 44-52. ISBN 2020307308
Alliez, Eric (2004) Anti-Oedipus: thirty years on. Radical philosophy(124), pp. 6-12. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Alliez, Eric (2004) Anti-Oedipus: thirty years on. In: 5th International Summer Academy; Aug 2004, Frankfurt, Germany. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric (2006) Anti-Oedipus: thirty years on (between art and politics). In: Fuglsgang, Martin and Sorensen, Bent Meier, (eds.) Deleuze and the social. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 151-168. (Deleuze connections) ISBN 9780748620920
Alliez, Eric (2007) Art as experience: Deleuze (and Guattari) after Matisse (and Dewey). In: Research seminar; 26 Apr 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric (2005) Badiou: the grace of the universal. Polygraph(17), pp. 267-273. ISSN (print) 1533-9793
Alliez, Eric and Goffey, Andrew [Translator] (2009) Body without image: Ernesto Neto's anti-Leviathan. Radical philosophy(156), pp. 23-34. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Alliez, Eric (2004) The BwO condition or, The politics of sensation. In: de Bloois, Joost , Houppermans, Sjef and Korsten, Frans-Willem, (eds.) Discernements: Deleuzian aesthetics / esthetiques deleuziennes. Amsterdam, The Netherlands : Editions Rodopi. pp. 93-112. ISBN 9042018127
Alliez, Eric (2010) Capitalism and schizophrenia and consensus: of relational aesthetics. In: Zepke, Stephen and O'Sullivan, Simon, (eds.) Deleuze and contemporary art. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 85-99. (Deleuze connections) ISBN 9780748638376
Alliez, Eric (2010) Capitalism and schizophrenia and consensus: of relational aesthetics. Istanbul, Turkey : Baglam. 47p. (Theoria Series, no. 27) ISBN 9786055809218
Alliez, Eric (2006) Capitalismo, esquizofrenia y consenso de la estetica relacional. Nomadas(25), pp. 178-183. ISSN (print) 0121-7550
Alliez, Eric (2011) Conclusion: the Guattari-Deleuze effect. In: Alliez, Eric and Goffey, Andrew, (eds.) The Guattari effect. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 260-274. ISBN 9781441136800
Alliez, Eric (2008) Contemporary Matisse (variations in three, two, one). In: O'Sullivan, Simon and Zepke, Stephen, (eds.) Deleuze, Guattari and the production of the new. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 139-150. (Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9780826499530
Alliez, Eric (2006) Cyberdivagation. Informatica na educacao: teoria & pratica, 9(2), pp. 73-81. ISSN (print) 1516-084X
Alliez, Eric (2016) Da filosofia e da arte contemporanea : Para uma critica diagramatica da estetica. In: Marinho, Claudia , Caetano, Patricia and Ribeiro, Walmeri, (eds.) Das Artes e seus percursos sensiveis. Sao Paulo, Brazil : Editora Intermelos. pp. 105-121. ISBN 9788584990405
Alliez, Eric (2011) De-definition of media: A telegraphic postscript. Radical philosophy(169), p. 17. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Alliez, Eric (2003) Deleuze after Matisse. In: Research seminar; 27 Nov 2003, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric (2007) Deleuze after Matisse after Deleuze & Guattari. In: 9th Annual Comparative Literature Conference: Gilles Deleuze: texts and images: an international conference; 05 - 07 Apr 2007, Los Angeles, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric (2007) Deleuze avec Masoch. In: Gelas, Bruno and Micolet, Herve, (eds.) Deleuze et les ecrivains: litterature et philosophie. Nantes, France : Editions Cecile Defaut. pp. 225-236. ISBN 9782350180427
Alliez, Eric (2006) Deleuze et le cinema. In: Citephilo 2006: 10eme edition des semaines europeenes de la philosophie; 04 - 24 Nov 2006, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric (2010) Deleuze with Masoch. In: De Bolle, Leen, (ed.) Deleuze and psychoanalysis: philosophical essays on Delueze's debate with psychoanalysis. Leuven, Belgium : Leuven University Press. pp. 117-130. (Figures of the unconscious) ISBN 9789058677969
Alliez, Eric (2013) Deleuze-Artaud: ou la condition CsO. In: Jdey, Adnen, (ed.) Gilles Deleuze, la logique du sensible - esthetique and clinique. Paris, France : De l'incidence éditeur. ISBN 9782918193180
Alliez, Eric and Bonne, Jean-Claude [Collaborator] (2013) Défaire l'image: de l'art contemporain. Paris, France : Presses du Réel. 611p. ISBN 9782840666103
Alliez, Eric and Mackay, Robin [Translator] (2016) Gordon Matta-Clark : ' Somewhere outside the law '. Journal of Visual Culture, 15(3), pp. 317-333. ISSN (print) 1470-4129 (In Press)
Alliez, Eric and Goffey, Andrew, eds. (2011) The Guattari effect. London, U.K. : Continuum. 224p. ISBN 9781441136800
Alliez, Eric and Goffey, Andrew (2011) Introduction. In: Alliez, Eric and Goffey, Andrew, (eds.) The Guattari effect. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781441136800
Alliez, Eric and Martin, Jean-Clet [Collaborator] (2007) L'Oeil-Cerveau: nouvelles histoires de la peinture moderne. Paris, France : Vrin. 479p. ISBN 9782711619092
Alliez, Eric (2006) La pensee-Matisse, portrait de l'artiste en hyperfauve (the passage). In: Citephilo 2006: 10eme edition des semaines europeenes de la philosophie; 04 - 24 Nov 2006, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric and Bonne, Jean-Claude (2005) La pensee-Matisse: portrait de l'artiste en hyperfauve. Paris, France : Passage. 450p. ISBN 9782847420647
Alliez, Eric [Interviewer] and Sloterdijk, Peter [Interviewee] (2007) Living hot, thinking coldly: an interview with Peter Sloterdijk. Cultural Politics, 3(3), pp. 307-326. ISSN (print) 1743-2197
Alliez, Eric (2006) Maitresse: voce pode ma amarrar sobre a mesa. In: Conversacoes internacionais: paisagem da educacao: Montagem da exposicao de trabalhos de alunos; 28 Nov - 01 Dec 2006, Porto Alegre, Brazil. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric and Bonne, Jean-Claude (2006) Matisse and the becoming-life of art. Polygraph(18), ISSN (print) 1533-9793
Alliez, Eric and Bonne, Jean-Claude (2009) Matisse with Dewey with Deleuze. In: Holland, Eugene W. , Smith, Daniel W. and Stivale, Charles J., (eds.) Gilles Deleuze: image and text. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 104-123. ISBN 9780826408327
Alliez, Eric (2013) Matisse, Bergson, Oiticica, etc. In: Mullarkey, John and De Mille, Charlotte, (eds.) Bergson and the art of immanence: painting, photography, film. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 63-79. ISBN 9780748670222
Alliez, Eric, Lotringer, Sylvere and Rifkin, Adrian (2008) On attitudes: what is to be done with indifference? In: Serpentine Gallery Sweatshops: On engagements, on failures, on fictions, on attitudes; 27 May 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric (2009) Organsiz Beden Nasil Yapilir? Ernesto Neto'nun anti-Leviathan'i. In: 11. Uluslararasi Istanbul Bienali = 11th International Istanbul Biennial; 12 Sep - 08 Nov 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric and Negri, Antonio (2003) Peace and war. Theory, Culture & Society, 20(2), pp. 109-118. ISSN (print) 0263-2764
Alliez, Eric and Massumi, Brian (2014) Performing the ethico-aesthetic paradigm. Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts, 19(3), pp. 15-26. ISSN (print) 1352-8165
Alliez, Eric and Osborne, Peter (2014) Purely financial. Question de philosophie. In: Cassin, Barbara, (ed.) Derrière les grilles: Sortons du tout-évaluation. Paris, France : Mille et une Nuits. pp. 43-64. ISBN 9782755506020
Alliez, Eric (2013) Re-presentacao da cinefilosofia deleuziana: em direcao a uma politica do cinema? In: Parente, André, (ed.) Cinema/Deleuze. Campinas, Brazil : Papirus. ISBN 9788530810559
Alliez, Eric (2010) Rhizome. In: From structure to rhizome: transdisciplinarity in French thought, 1945-the present: histories, concepts, constructions; 16 - 17 Apr 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric (2011) Rhizome (with no return). From structure to rhizome: transdisciplinarity in French thought (2). Radical philosophy(167), pp. 36-42. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Alliez, Eric (2007) Spectres of Seurat (or, Seurat versus Duchamp). In: ForArt lecture; 2007, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2013) Spheres of action: art and politics. London, U.K. : MIT Press. 160p. ISBN 9780262518437
Alliez, Eric (2015) Structuralism's afters : tracing transdisciplinary through Guattari and Latour. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(5-6), pp. 139-158. ISSN (print) 0263-2764
Alliez, Eric (2008) Undoing the image. In: Aesthetics and contemporary art; 13 - 14 Mar 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric (2008) Undoing the image. In: Estetisk Seminar; 06 Nov 2008, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric (2011) Undoing the image (signposts of a research programme). In: Avanessian, Armen and Skrebowski, Luke, (eds.) Aesthetics and contemporary art. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg Press. pp. 65-86. ISBN 9781934105528
Alliez, Eric (2010) What is - or what is not - contemporary French philosophy, today? Radical Philosophy(161), pp. 9-17. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Alliez, Eric (2008) What is contemporary French philosophy today? In: Research seminar; 22 May 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric (2004) The difference and repetition of Gabriel Tarde. Distinktion: tidsskrift for samfundsteori (Scandanavian journal of social theory)(9), pp. 49-54. ISSN (print) 1600-910X
Alliez, Eric (2005) The difference and repetition of Gabriel Tarde. In: Gabriel Tarde: economy, psychology and invention; 01 Dec 2005, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric (2009) The dislocation of the IMAGE-grip. In: Undoing the aesthetic image; 24 Jan 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Alliez, Eric, Albert, Eliot Ross [Translator] and Toscano, Alberto [Translator] (2004) The signature of the world or, What is Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy? London, U.K. : Continuum. 120p. (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers) ISBN 0826453219
Alliez, Eric (2008) A very different context. Radical philosophy(149), pp. 18-21. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Badiou, Alain and Hallward, Peter [Translator] (2001) Ethics: an essay on the understanding of evil. London, U.K. : Verso. 166p. ISBN 9781859844359
Balibar, Etienne (2011) Citoyen sujet et autres essais d'anthropologie philosophique. Paris, France : Presses Universitaires de France. 524p. ISBN 9782130520023
Balibar, Etienne (2014) D'un extrême l'autre: par quelle conversion? Cahiers Maurice Blanchot(3), pp. 9-19. ISSN (print) 1968-4665
Balibar, Etienne (2014) Dall’anthropologia filosofica all’ontologia sociale e ritorno: che fare con la sesta tesi di Marx su Feuerbach? In: Balibar, Etienne and Morfino, Vittorio, (eds.) Il transindividuale. Soggetti, relazioni, mutazioni. Milan, Italy : Mimesis. pp. 147-178. ISBN 9788857520476
Balibar, Etienne (2013) Europa reale versus Europa sociale. In: Capitalismo finaziario globale e democrazia in Europa; 24-26 Oct 2013, Rome, Italy.
Balibar, Etienne (2014) Europe - nations: the missing people and the crisis of legitimacy. In: Baier, Walter , Canepa, Eric and Himmelstoss, Eva, (eds.) United Europe, Divided Europe: Transform! 2015. London, U.K. : Merlin Press. ISBN 9780850366280
Balibar, Etienne (2015) Foucault's point of heresy : 'Quasi-Transcendentals' and the transdisciplinary function of the episteme. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(5-6), pp. 45-77. ISSN (print) 0263-2764
Balibar, Etienne, ed. (2013) Identity and difference: John Locke and the invention of consciousness. London, U.K. : Verso Books. 208p. ISBN 9781781681343
Balibar, Etienne and Morfino, Vittorio, eds. (2014) Il transindividuale. Soggetti, relazioni, mutazioni. Milan, Italy : Mimesis. 379p. ISBN 9788857520476
Balibar, Etienne (2014) L'instance de la lettre. In: Buttgen, Philippe , Gendreau-Massaloux, Michele and North, Xavier, (eds.) Les pluriels de Barbara Cassin ou le partage des équivoques. Lormont, France : Le Bord de l'eau. (Psychanalyse, Sciences Sociales et Politique) ISBN 9782356873514
Balibar, Etienne (2014) Nancy's inoperative community. In: Conley, Verena A. and Goh, Irving, (eds.) Nancy now. Cambridge, U.K. : Polity Press. pp. 20-36. (Theory now) ISBN 9780745661667
Balibar, Etienne (2013) Politics of the debt. Postmodern Culture, 23(3), ISSN (online) 1053-1920
Balibar, Etienne (2012) Saeculum: religion, culture, ideologie. Paris, France : Editions Galilée. 128p. (La philosophie en effet) ISBN 9782718608747
Balibar, Etienne (2014) Un nouvel élan, mais pour quelle Europe? Le Monde Diplomatique, pp. 16-17. ISSN (print) 0026-9395
Balibar, Etienne (2014) The rise and fall of the European Union: temporalities and teleologies. In: Koskenniemi, Martti and Strath, Bo, (eds.) Europe 1815-1914: creating community and ordering the world. Helsinki, Finland : University of Helsinki. pp. 186-199. ISBN 9789521095696
Balibar, Etienne (2014) The rise and fall of the European Union: temporalities and teleologies. Constellations, 21(2), pp. 202-212. ISSN (print) 1351-0487
Battle, Matthew (2016) Whitehead's sublime : the function of the aesthetic in Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy of science. (MPhil thesis), Kingston University.
Benjamin, Andrew (2015) And color?: Sallis on art's coloring. In: Wirth, Jason M. , Schwartz, Michael and Jones, David, (eds.) On the true sense of art: a critical companion to the transfigurements of John Sallis. Evanston, U.S. : Northwestern University Press. (Studies in comparative and Continental philosophy) ISBN 9780810131606
Benjamin, Andrew (2014) Art's work: Derrida and Artaud and Atlan. In: Direk, Zeynep and Lawlor, Leonard, (eds.) A companion to Derrida. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley Blackwell. pp. 391-411. ISBN 9781444332841
Benjamin, Andrew (2015) Art’s philosophical work. London, U.K. : Rowman & Littlefield. 296p. ISBN 9781783482894
Benjamin, Andrew (2014) Hermeneutics and Judaic thought. In: Malpas, Jeff and Gander, Hans-Helmuth, (eds.) The Routledge companion to hermeneutics. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 692-706. ISBN 9780415644587
Benjamin, Andrew (2015) Leben und Gluck: modernity and tragedy in Walter Benjamin, Hölderlin, and Sophocles. In: Billings, Joshua and Leonard, Miriam, (eds.) Tragedy and the idea of modernity. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 115-134. (Classical Presences) ISBN 9780198727798
Benjamin, Andrew (2012) Matter and movement's presence: notes on Heidegger, Francesco Mosca, and Bernini. Research in Phenomenology, 42(3), pp. 343-373. ISSN (print) 0085-5553
Benjamin, Andrew and Caygill, Howard (2009) Of Force. Parallax, 15(2), pp. 1-3. ISSN (print) 1353-4645
Benjamin, Andrew (2010) Of Jews and animals. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. 208p. (The Frontiers of Theory) ISBN 9780748640539
Benjamin, Andrew (2011) On the image of painting. Research in Phenomenology, 41(2), pp. 181-205. ISSN (print) 0085-5553
Benjamin, Andrew (2010) Place, commonality and judgment: continental philosophy and the ancient Greeks. London, U.K. : Continuum International Publishing. 194p. (Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9781441176806
Benjamin, Andrew and Vardoulakis, Dimitris, eds. (2015) Sparks will fly: Benjamin and Heidegger. New York, U.S. : SUNY. 305p. (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9781438455051
Benjamin, Andrew (2014) To touch: Herder and sculpture. In: Dent, Peter, (ed.) Sculpture and touch. Farnham, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 79-90. (Subject/object: new studies in sculpture) ISBN 9781409412311
Benjamin, Andrew (2015) Towards a relational ontology. New York, U.S. : SUNY. 240p. (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9781438456331
Benjamin, Andrew (2016) Virtue in being: Towards an Ethics of the Unconditioned. Albany, USA : SUNY Press. 218p. (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9781438461618
Benjamin, Andrew (2013) Working with Walter Benjamin: recovering a political philosophy. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. 320p. ISBN 9780748634347
Benjamin, Andrew (2014) Writing on Proust today: notes on Mauro Carbone’s 'An unprecedented deformation'. Research in Phenomenology, 44(3), pp. 421-431. ISSN (print) 0085-5553
Blechman, Max (2013) Rousseau: the politics of common sense. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Boccon-Gibod, Thomas and Balibar, Etienne [Author of introduction, etc.] (2014) Autorité et démocratie: l'exercice du pouvoir dans les sociétés modernes. Institut Universitaire Varenne. 548p. ISBN 9782370320360
Butler, Judith and Malabou, Catherine (2011) You be my body for me: body, shape, and plasticity in Hegel's Phenomenology Of Spirit. In: Baur, Michael and Houlgate, Stephen, (eds.) A companion to Hegel. Oxford, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 611-640. ISBN 140517076X
Campbell, Iain (2015) Experimental practices of music and philosophy in John Cage and Gilles Deleuze. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Caygill, Howard (2005) Agitation and the visible. Parallax, 11(4), pp. 116-124. ISSN (print) 1353-4645
Caygill, Howard (2003) The Alexandrian aesthetic. In: Joughin, John J. and Malpas, Simon, (eds.) The new aestheticism. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 99-118. ISBN 0719061385
Caygill, Howard (2012) Also Sprach Zapata: philosophy and resistance. Radical philosophy(171), pp. 19-26. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Caygill, Howard (2005) Apocatastasis. In: Priebsch, Sara, (ed.) Hultsbruk Ready-maids. Stuttgart, Germany : Akademie Schloss Solitude. ISBN 9783937158105
Caygill, Howard (2009) The Apostate Messiah: Scholem, Taubes and the Occlusions of Sabbatai Zevi. Journal for Cultural Research, 13(3-4), pp. 191-205. ISSN (print) 1479-7585
Caygill, Howard (2015) Arcanum: the secret life of state and civil society. In: Dwivedi, Divya and V, Sanil, (eds.) The Public Sphere From Outside the West. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. pp. 21-40. ISBN 9781472571939
Caygill, Howard (1989) Art of judgment. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell Publishers. 440p. ISBN 9780631165965
Caygill, Howard (2002) Barthes and the lesson of Saenredam. diacritics, 32(1), pp. 38-48. ISSN (print) 0300-7162
Caygill, Howard (2005) Bearing Witness to the Infinite: Nancy and Levinas. Journal for Cultural Research, 9(4), pp. 351-357. ISSN (print) 1479-7585
Caygill, Howard (2016) Benjamin's natural theology. In: Dickinson, Colby and Symons, Stephane, (eds.) Walter Benjamin and Theology. New York, U.S. : Fordham University Press. pp. 144-163. (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9780823270170
Caygill, Howard (2004) Braudel's Prison Notebooks. History Workshop Journal, 57(1), pp. 151-160. ISSN (print) 1363-3554
Caygill, Howard (1998) The Broken Hegel: Gillian Rose's retrieval of speculative philosophy. Women: A Cultural Review, 9(1), pp. 19-27. ISSN (print) 0957-4042
Caygill, Howard (2005) Crisis and renewal: Husserl's 'Kaizo' articles 1923-24. In: Banham, Gary, (ed.) Husserl and the logic of experience. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 184-201. ISBN 9781403918154
Caygill, Howard (2004) Critical theory and the new thinking: a preliminary approach. In: Kohlenbach, Margarete and Geuss, Raymond, (eds.) The Early Frankfurt School and Religion. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 145-156. ISBN 9781403935571
Caygill, Howard (2002) Digital Lascaux: The Beginning in the End of the Aesthetic. Angelaki, 7(1), pp. 19-26. ISSN (print) 0969-725X
Caygill, Howard (2006) From Abstraction to Wunsch: The Vocabulaire Européen des Philosophies. Radical philosophy(138), pp. 10-14. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Caygill, Howard (2011) Historiography and political theology: Momigliano and the end of history. In: Lianeri, Alexandra, (ed.) The Western Time of Ancient History: Historiographical Encounters with the Greek and Roman Pasts. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 99-116. ISBN 9780521883139
Caygill, Howard (2013) Hyperaesthesia and the virtual. In: Mullarkey, John and De Mille, Charlotte, (eds.) Bergson and the art of immanence. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748670222
Caygill, Howard (2011) Kafka and Derrida 'Before the Laws'. In: Kordela, A. Kiarina and Vardoulakis, Dimitris, (eds.) Freedom and Confinement in Modernity: Kafka's Cages. New York, U.S.A. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 49-62. (Studies in European Culture and History) ISBN 9780230113428
Caygill, Howard (2011) Kafka and The Missing Photograph. Photographies, 4(1), pp. 89-103. ISSN (print) 1754-0763
Caygill, Howard (2008) Kafka's Exit: Exile, Exodus and Messianism. In: De Bolla, Peter and Uhlig, Stefan H., (eds.) Aesthetics and the work of art : Adorno, Kafka, Richter. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 126-146. (Language, discourse, society) ISBN 9780230549197
Caygill, Howard (2006) Kant and the relegation of the passions. In: Kahn, Victoria , Saccamano, Neil and Coli, Daniela, (eds.) Politics and the Passions, 1500-1850. Princeton, U.S.A. : Princeton University Press. pp. 217-230. ISBN 9780691118628
Caygill, Howard (1995) A Kant dictionary. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell. 464p. (Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries Series) ISBN 9780631175353
Caygill, Howard (2003) Kant's apology for sensibility. In: Jacobs, Brian and Kain, Patrick, (eds.) Essays on Kant's anthropology. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 164-193. ISBN 9780521790383
Caygill, Howard (2002) Levinas and the political. London, U.K. : Routledge. 240p. (Thinking the Political) ISBN 9780415112482
Caygill, Howard (2007) Levinas's Silence. In: Diamantides, Marinos, (ed.) Levinas, Law, Politics. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge-Cavendish. pp. 83-92. ISBN 9781904385615
Caygill, Howard (2004) Levinas's political judgement: the 'Esprit' articles 1934-1983. In: Katz, Claire Elise, (ed.) Emmanuel Levinas. Volume 4: Levinas in Practice. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 85-100. (Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers) ISBN 0415310547
Caygill, Howard (2000) Levinas’s political judgement: The Esprit articles 1934–1983. Radical philosophy(104), pp. 6-15. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Caygill, Howard (2010) Levinas’s prison notebooks. Radical philosophy(160), pp. 27-35. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Caygill, Howard (2000) Life and aesthetic pleasure. In: Rehberg, Andrea and Jones, Rachel, (eds.) The matter of critique : readings in Kant's philosophy. Manchester, U.K. : Clinamen. pp. 79-92. ISBN 9781903083116
Caygill, Howard (2007) Life and energy. Theory, Culture & Society, 24(6), pp. 19-27. ISSN (print) 0263-2764
Caygill, Howard (2000) Liturgies of fear: biotechnology and culture. In: Adam, Barbara , Beck, Ulrich and Van Loon, Joost, (eds.) The risk society and beyond : critical issues for social theory. London, U.K. : Sage Publications. pp. 155-164. ISBN 0761964681
Caygill, Howard (2006) Lyric poetry before Auschwitz. In: Cunningham, David and Mapp, Nigel, (eds.) Adorno and Literature. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 69-83. ISBN 9780826487520
Caygill, Howard (2010) Medicina mentis: medicine and the origins of modern philosophy. In: Westerhof, Danielle, (ed.) The alchemy of medicine and print: The Edward Worth Library, Dublin. Dublin, Ireland : Four Courts Press. pp. 193-213. ISBN 9781846822285
Caygill, Howard (2008) 'Mnemosyne' and 'The Arcades': Warburg and Benjamin's legacy. In: Alvares, Claudia, (ed.) Representing Culture: Essays on Identity, Visuality and Technology. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 179-188. ISBN 9781847186867
Caygill, Howard (2005) Non-messianic political theology in Benjamin's 'On the concept of history'. In: Benjamin, Andrew, (ed.) Walter Benjamin and history. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 215-226. ISBN 9780826467461
Caygill, Howard (2013) On resistance: a philosophy of defiance. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. 264p. ISBN 9781472522580
Caygill, Howard (2011) Ottoman Baroque: the limits of style. In: Hills, Helen, (ed.) Rethinking the Baroque. Farnham, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 65-82. ISBN 9780754666851
Caygill, Howard (2001) Perpetual Police?: Kosovo and the elision of police and military violence. European Journal of Social Theory, 4(1), pp. 73-80. ISSN (print) 1368-4310
Caygill, Howard (2006) Phenomenologists of the One God : Levinas and Corbin. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 37(1), pp. 53-61. ISSN (print) 0007-1773
Caygill, Howard (2010) Physiological memory systems. In: Alexander, Sally , Caygill, Howard , Feuchtwang, Stephan , Hodgkin, Kate , Labanyi, Jo , Papoulias, Constantina and Terdiman, Richard, (eds.) Memory. New York, U.S.A. : Fordham University Press. pp. 227-234. ISBN 9780823232604
Caygill, Howard (2010) Physiological memory systems. In: Radstone, Susannah and Schwarz, Bill, (eds.) Memory: Histories, Theories, Debates. New York, U.S.A. : Fordham University Press. ISBN 9780823232598
Caygill, Howard (2000) Reliquary art: Orlan's serial operation. In: Gill, Carolyn Bailey, (ed.) Time and the image. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 48-57. (The Barber Institute's critical perspectives in art history) ISBN 0719058139
Caygill, Howard (2000) Shakespeare's monster of nothing. In: Joughin, John J., (ed.) Philosophical Shakespeares. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 105-114. (Accents on Shakespeare) ISBN 9780415173889
Caygill, Howard (2000) Survival of nihilism. In: Ansell-Pearson, Keith and Morgan, Diane, (eds.) Nihilism now! : monsters of energy. Basingstoke, U.K. : Macmillan Press. pp. 189-197. ISBN 0333732928
Caygill, Howard (2000) Surviving the inhuman. In: Brewster, Scott , Joughin, John J. , Owen, David and Walker, Richard, (eds.) Inhuman reflections: thinking the limits of the human. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 217-229. ISBN 0719053374
Caygill, Howard (2007) Technology and the Propitiation of Chance. Parallax, 13(4), pp. 78-91. ISSN (print) 1353-4645
Caygill, Howard (2001) Uber Erfindung und Neuerfindungen der Asthetik. Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie, 49(2), pp. 233-242. ISSN (print) 0012-1045
Caygill, Howard (2006) Under the Epicurean skies. Angelaki, 11(3), pp. 107-115. ISSN (print) 0969-725X
Caygill, Howard (2002) Walter Benjamin. In: Elliott, Anthony and Ray, Larry, (eds.) Key contemporary social theorists. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell Publishers. pp. 65-70. ISBN 9780631219712
Caygill, Howard (2007) Walter Benjamin and Romanticism. In: Spyropoulos, Angeliki, (ed.) Walter Benjamin: images and myths of modernity. Athens, Greece : Alexandria Publications. pp. 93-108. ISBN 9789602213803
Caygill, Howard (2002) Walter Benjamin and art theory. In: Smith, Paul and Wilde, Carolyn, (eds.) A Companion to Art Theory. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell Publishers. pp. 286-291. (Blackwell companions in cultural studies, no. 5) ISBN 9780631207627
Caygill, Howard (2010) Walter Benjamin's concept of allegory. In: Copeland, Rita and Struck, Peter T., (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Allegory. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 241-253. (Cambridge Companions to Literature) ISBN 9780521862295
Caygill, Howard (2004) Walter Benjamin's concept of cultural history. In: Ferris, David S., (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Walter Benjamin. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 73-96. (Cambridge Companions to Literature) ISBN 9780521793292
Caygill, Howard (1998) Walter Benjamin: the colour of experience. London, U.K. : Routledge. 167p. ISBN 0415089581
Caygill, Howard (2006) Witness and calumny in Levinas's prophetic politics. Etudes Phenomenologiques, 22(43-44), pp. 19-36. ISSN (print) 0773-7912
Caygill, Howard (2000) The absolute monochrome: a response to Batchelor. In: Osborne, Peter, (ed.) From an aesthetic point of view: philosophy, art and the senses. London, U.K. : Serpent's Tail. pp. 177-181. ISBN 9781852426682
Caygill, Howard (2008) The destruction of art. In: Costello, Diarmuid and Willsdon, Dominic, (eds.) The life and death of images: ethics and aesthetics. London, U.K. : Tate Publishing. pp. 162-173. ISBN 9781854376589
Caygill, Howard (2011) The fate of the pariah: Arendt and Kafka's 'Nature Theatre of Oklahoma'. College Literature, 38(1), pp. 1-14. ISSN (print) 0093-3139
Caygill, Howard (2005) The force of Kant's Opus postumum. Angelaki, 10(1), pp. 33-42. ISSN (print) 0969-725X
Caygill, Howard (2007) The promise of justice. Radical philosophy(143), pp. 23-31. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Caygill, Howard (2000) The spiritual daylight of the present: Hegel, Blake and the advent of the spirit. In: Banham, Gary and Blake, Charlie, (eds.) Evil spirits: nihilism and the fate of modernity. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 195-201. (Angelaki Humanities) ISBN 071905642X
Caygill, Howard (2007) The transition problem in Kant's 'Opus Postumum'. In: Goudeli, Kyriaki , Kontos, Pavlos and Patellis, Ioli, (eds.) Kant: making reason intuitive. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 16-27. ISBN 9780230506893
Charles, Matthew (2012) Faust on film: Walter Benjamin and the cinematic ontology of Goethe's Faust 2. Radical philosophy(172), pp. 18-29. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Charles, Matthew (2010) Imaginative mislocation: Hiroshima’s Genbaku Dome, ground zero of the twentieth century. Radical philosophy(162), pp. 18-37. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Charles, Matthew (2013) On the conservatism of post-Jungian criticism: competing concepts of the symbol in Freud, Jung and Walter Benjamin. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 5(2), pp. 120-139. ISSN (print) 1940-9052
Charles, Matthew (2011) Philosophy for children. Radical Philosophy(170), pp. 36-45. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Charles, Matthew (2009) Speculative experience and history: Walter Benjamin's Goethean Kantianism. (PhD thesis), Middlesex University.
Cvejic, Bojana (2013) Choreographing problems: expressive concepts in European contemporary dance. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Djerbal, Daho and Balibar, Etienne (2014) Pour une nouvelle épistémê. In: Brun, Catherine, (ed.) Guerre d'Algérie: les mots pour la dire. Paris, France : CNRS Éditions. pp. 255-286. ISBN 9782271079923
Eyers, Tom (2011) Jacques Lacan and the concept of the 'real'. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Haddadi, Vijak (2013) Existential cosmology: the foundation of post-critical metaphysics in Schelling. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Hallward, Peter (2002) Absolutely postcolonial: writing between the singular and the specific. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. 433p. ISBN 0719061261
Hallward, Peter (2004) Alain Badiou. In: Murray, Christopher John, (ed.) Encyclopedia of modern French thought. New York, U.S. : Fitzroy Dearborn. pp. 36-39. ISBN 9786610347711
Hallward, Peter (2008) Anything is possible: Book Review of After finitude by Quentin Meillassoux. Radical philosophy(152), pp. 51-57. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2007) Aristide and the violence of democracy. Book review of: The prophet and power: Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the international community and Haiti. Haiti Liberte, 1-3,
Hallward, Peter (2010) Badiou and Kant. In: Clemens, Justin and Bartlett, A.J., (eds.) Alain Badiou: key concepts. Durham, U.K. : Acumen. pp. 128-136. ISBN 9781844652303
Hallward, Peter (2002) Badiou et la deliaison absolue. In: Ramond, Charles, (ed.) Alain Badiou : penser le multiple: actes du Colloque de Bordeaux, 21-23 octobre 1999. Paris : L'Harmattan. pp. 295-311. ISBN 9782747526661
Hallward, Peter (2002) Badiou et la deliaison absolue. In: Alain Badiou; 21 - 23 Oct 1999, France. ISBN 9782747526661
Hallward, Peter (2002) Badiou's politics: equality and justice. Culture machine(4), ISSN (online) 1465-4121
Hallward, Peter (2003) Badiou: a subject to truth. London, U.K. : University of Minnesota Press. 467p. ISBN 0816634602
Hallward, Peter (2005) Beyond salvage. South Atlantic Quarterly, 104(2), pp. 237-244. ISSN (print) 0038-2876
Hallward, Peter (2014) Blanqui's bifurcations. Radical philosophy(185), pp. 36-44. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2008) Book Review of De quoi Sarkozy est-il le nom? Circonstances by Alain Badiou. Radical philosophy(149), pp. 50-52. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2001) Book Review of: Deleuze and literature by I. Buchanan and J. Marks (eds.). Modern and Contemporary France, 9(3), pp. 386-387. ISSN (print) 0963-9489
Hallward, Peter (2002) Book Review of: Dictionnaire Marx contemporain by Jacques Bidet & Eustache Kouvelakis (eds.). Radical philosophy(112), pp. 47-49. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2002) Book Review of: French philosophy in the twentieth century by G. Gutting. Modern and Contemporary France, 10(3), pp. 406-407. ISSN (print) 0963-9489
Hallward, Peter (2006) Book Review of: The fragmentary demand: an introduction to the philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy by Ian James. Radical philosophy(139), pp. 53-55. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2006) Book Review of: Voicing memory: history and subjectivity in French Caribbean literature by Nick Nesbitt. French Forum, 31(3), p. 170. ISSN (print) 0098-9355
Hallward, Peter (2005) Book review of Modernity disavowed: Haiti and the cultures of slavery in the age of revolution by Sibylle Fischer. Radical philosophy(134), pp. 51-53. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2009) Book review of: Migrant revolutions: Haitian literature, globalization, and US imperialism by Valerie Kaussen. Journal of Haitian Studies, 15(1 & 2), ISSN (print) 1090-3488
Hallward, Peter (2009) Communism of the intellect, Communism of the will. In: On the idea of Communism; 13 - 15 Mar 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter, Peden, Knox and Kerslake, Christian (2010) Concept and form: The cahiers pour l'analyse and contemporary French thought.
Hallward, Peter [Speaker] (2008) Damming the flood: Haiti, Aristide and the politics of containment. In: Marxism 2008; 03 - 07 Jul 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2007) Damming the flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the politics of containment. London, U.K. : Verso. 442p. ISBN 9781844671069
Hallward, Peter (2014) Defiance or emancipation? On Howard Caygill 'On resistance: A philosophy of defiance'. Radical philosophy(183), pp. 21-32. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (1997) Deleuze and the "world without others". Philosophy Today, 41(4), pp. 530-544. ISSN (print) 0031-8256
Hallward, Peter (2005) Depending on inconsistency: Badiou's answer to the "Guiding question of all contemporary philosophy". Polygraph(17), pp. 7-21. ISSN (print) 1533-9793
Hallward, Peter (2008) Determination and will: towards a dialectical voluntarism. In: Humanities transdisciplinary research seminar; 02 May 2008, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2009) Dialectical voluntarism: a defence. In: Sixth Historical Materialism Annual Conference: Another world is necessary: crisis, struggle and political alternatives; 27 - 29 Nov 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2009) Dialectical voluntarism: an agenda for research. In: 21st century materialism; 20 - 21 Jun 2009, Zagreb, Croatia. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter [Speaker] (2010) Disaster politics in Haiti: pacifying the people. In: Marxism 2010: Ideas to change the world; 01 - 05 Jul 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2006) Embodying disembodiment: Gilles Deleuze on art and literature. In: Literary and critical theory seminar; 21 Feb 2006, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2004) Enough imperial crusades. The Guardian, p. 17. ISSN (print) 0261-3077
Hallward, Peter (2000) Ethics without others: a reply to Critchley on Badiou's Ethics. Radical philosophy(102), pp. 27-30. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2003) 'Everything is real': Gilles Deleuze and creative univocity. New Formations, 49, pp. 61-74. ISSN (print) 0950-2378
Hallward, Peter (2008) Foucault and the critique of psychology in the Cathiers pour l'analyse. In: Philosophical criticisms of the psychoanalytic concept of sexuality; 05 - 06 Mar 2008, Leuven, Belgium. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2006) From Being and Event to Logics of worlds. In: Autour de "Logiques des mondes" d'Alain Badiou; 24 - 25 Nov 2006, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2014) From prescription to volition. Politics and Culture,
Hallward, Peter (2017) General wish or general will? Political possibility and collective capacity from Rousseau through Marx. In: Chrostowska, Sylwia and Ingram, James, (eds.) The political uses of Utopia : new Marxist, Anarchist, and radical perspectives. New York, U.S. : Columbia University Press. (In Press)
Hallward, Peter (2004) Gilles Deleuze. In: Murray, Christopher John, (ed.) Encyclopedia of modern French thought. London, U.K. : Fitzroy Dearborn. pp. 158-163. ISBN 9786610347711
Hallward, Peter (2006) Haiti 2004: the perfection of neo-imperialism? In: New directions in Marxist theory: Historical Materialism annual conference; 08 - 10 Dec 2006, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter [Interviewee] and Adams, Phillip [Interviewer] (2008) Haiti and the politics of containment. (radio broadcast). Australia : ABC Radio. (23 min.)
Hallward, Peter (2008) Haiti: the threat of a good example? In: The Caribbean and Latin America: closening ties; 09 Oct 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2007) A Haitian boat disaster. Radical philosophy(145), pp. 53-55. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2004) Haitian inspiration: notes on the bicentenary of independence. Radical philosophy(123), pp. 2-7. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2009) Human, subhuman, superhuman. In: The postcolonial human; 24 - 25 Sep 2009, Leeds, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2003) Indecisions, indecisions... In: Thinking beyond borders, International L.P. Irvin Colloquium; 21 - 22 Mar 2010, Miami, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2004) Introduction: consequences of abstraction. In: Hallward, Peter, (ed.) Think again: Alain Badiou and the future of philosophy. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 1-20. ISBN 9780826459060
Hallward, Peter (2005) Jacques Ranciere et la refus de la maitrise. In: Jacques Ranciere et la philosophie au present; 20 - 24 May 2005, Cerisy-la-Salle, France. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2006) Jacques Ranciere et la theatrocratie. In: Cornu, Laurence and Vermeren, Patrice, (eds.) La philosophie deplacee: autour de Jacques Ranciere. Bourg-en-Bresse, France : Horlieu. pp. 481-496. ISBN 9782916617008
Hallward, Peter (2007) Jean-Luc Nancy and the implosion of thought. Oxford Literary Review(27), pp. 159-180. ISSN (print) 0305-1498
Hallward, Peter (2008) L'hypothese communiste d'Alain Badiou. Book review of: De quoi Sarkozy est-il le nom? by Alain Badiou. La Revue Internationale des Livres et des Idees, 5,
Hallward, Peter (2008) Liberation and political will: from Rousseau to Aristide. In: CALACS 2008: At the crossroads of empire; 04 - 07 Jun 2008, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2009) Lyonel Trouillot, or the fictions of formal democracy. Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism, 13(3), pp. 174-185. ISSN (print) 0799-0537
Hallward, Peter (2009) Marx, Hegel and the point of education. In: Eternity and Change; 04 - 05 Dec 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2007) Matters of will. In: The time of materiality; 05 - 07 Apr 2007, Ithaca, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2001) Mystifications of Paris. Book Review of: The mediocracy: French philosophy since the mid-1970s. New Left Review, 11, pp. 138-146. ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Hallward, Peter (2008) NGOs, activism and commitment: the case of Haiti's Zanmi Lasante. In: Ethnographies of activism; 01 - 02 Mar 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2001) Notes on the translation. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Ethics: an essay on the understanding of evil. London, U.K. : Verso. pp. xxxvi-li. ISBN 9781859844359
Hallward, Peter (2008) On determination. In: SECL Distingushed Lecture; 10 Mar 2008, Canterbury, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2014) On political will. In: Pendakis, Andrew , Diamanti, Jeff , Brown, Nicholas , Robinson, Josh and Szeman, Imre, (eds.) Contemporary Marxist theory: a reader. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 515-532. ISBN 9781441106285
Hallward, Peter (2004) Option zero in Haiti. New Left Review(27), pp. 23-47. ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Hallward, Peter (2008) Order and event: on Badiou's Logics of worlds. New Left Review(53), pp. 97-122. ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Hallward, Peter (2010) Our role in Haiti's plight. The Guardian, p. 35.
Hallward, Peter (2006) Out of this world: Deleuze and the philosophy of creation. London, U.K. : Verso. 199p. ISBN 9781844675555
Hallward, Peter [Interviewee] and Goodman, Amy [Interviewer] (2010) Peter Hallward on "Damming the flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the Politics of Containment". (Interview).
Hallward, Peter (2007) Pierre Bourdieu. In: Wintle, Justin, (ed.) New makers of modern culture. London, U.K. : Routledge. ISBN 9780415338318
Hallward, Peter (2008) Political will: a neo-Jacobin manifesto. In: Politics and thought; 27 - 28 Sep 2008, Maastricht, The Netherlands. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter [Interviewer] and Badiou, Alain [Interviewee] (2001) Politics and philosophy: an interview with Alain Badiou. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Ethics: an essay on the understanding of evil. London, U.K. : Verso. pp. 95-144. ISBN 9781859844359
Hallward, Peter (2003) Preamble. Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities, 8(2), pp. 1-32. ISSN (print) 0969-725X
Hallward, Peter (2009) Radical politics and political will. Radical Politics Today,
Hallward, Peter (2005) Ranciere and the subversion of mastery. In: Robson, Mark, (ed.) Jacques Ranciere: aesthetics, politics, philosophy. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 26-45. ISBN 9780748623570
Hallward, Peter (2015) Reason and revolt : Guy Lardreau’s early voluntarism and its limits. Radical Philosophy, 190, pp. 13-24. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2010) Self-emancipation and the politics of violence in Haiti. In: Haiti and the politics of the universal; 12 - 13 Mar 2010, Aberdeen, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2006) Staging equality: on Ranciere's theatrocracy. New Left Review(37), pp. 109-129. ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Hallward, Peter (2005) Subtractive philosophy: Henry, Deleuze, Badiou. In: Research seminar; 10 Feb 2005, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter, ed. (2004) Think again: Alain Badiou and the future of philosophy. London, U.K. : Continuum. 270p. ISBN 9780826459060
Hallward, Peter (2002) To have done with justification. Radical philosophy(114), pp. 29-31. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2013) Towards an anti-colonial future. In: Huggan, Graham, (ed.) The Oxford handbook of postcolonial studies. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 289-297. ISBN 9780199588251
Hallward, Peter (2001) Translator's introduction. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Ethics: an essay on the understanding of evil. London, U.K. : Verso. pp. vii-xxxv. ISBN 9781859844359
Hallward, Peter (2006) Voting for hope: elections in Haiti. Radical philosophy(138), pp. 2-8. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2005) What is it I have been doing all my life? Deleuze and the question of philosophy. In: Research seminar; 20 Oct 2005, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2009) What is political will? In: What is political will?; 11 Jun 2009, Reykjavik, Iceland. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter [Interviewee] and Grove, Samuel [Interviewer] (2013) What is political will? MRzine,
Hallward, Peter (2005) What's the point: first notes towards a philosophy of determination. In: Material Worlds: 3rd Annual Postgraduate Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; 28 - 30 Oct 2005, Glasgow, U.K.. ISBN 9781847182753
Hallward, Peter (2001) Whose war? Radical philosophy(110), pp. 55-56. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2004) Why they had to crush Aristide: Haiti's elected leader was regarded as a threat by France and the US. The Guardian, p. 24. ISSN (print) 0261-3077
Hallward, Peter (2010) You can't have it both ways: Deleuze or Lacan. In: De Bolle, Leen, (ed.) Deleuze and psychoanalysis: philosophical essays on Delueze's debate with psychoanalysis. Leuven, Belgium : Leuven University Press. pp. 33-50. (Figures of the unconscious) ISBN 9789058677969
Hallward, Peter (2007) The consequences of philosophy. In: Research seminar; 17 May 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2007) An interview with Jean-Bertrand Aristide. London Review of Books, 29(4), pp. 9-13. ISSN (print) 0260-9592
Hallward, Peter (2010) The land that wouldn't lie. New Statesman, ISSN (print) 1364-7431
Hallward, Peter (2010) The land that wouldn't lie: foreign intervention in Haiti. HaitiAnalysis,
Hallward, Peter (2000) The limits of individuation, or how to distinguish Deleuze from Foucault. Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities, 5(2), pp. 93-111. ISSN (print) 0969-725X
Hallward, Peter (2005) The politics of prescription. South Atlantic Quarterly, 104(4), pp. 769-789. ISSN (print) 0038-2876
Hallward, Peter (2005) The politics of prescription. In: French Graduate Student Association Conference; 01 - 02 Apr 2005, New York, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Hallward, Peter (2000) The singular and the specific: recent French philosophy. Radical philosophy(99), pp. 6-18. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2009) The will of the people: notes towards a dialectical voluntarism. Radical philosophy(155), pp. 17-29. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2016) The will to leave? Brexit campaigners won by dividing, not uniting, the British working class. Jacobin,
Johnston, Adrian and Malabou, Catherine (2013) Self and emotional life: philosophy, psychoanalysis, and neuroscience. New York, U.S. : Columbia University Press. 304p. ISBN 9780231158312
Karkagianni-Doukidou, Margarita (2015) Nuance and tension : a study of Bergson's idea of intensity. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Larcher, Silyane and Balibar, Etienne [Author of introduction, etc.] (2014) L'autre citoyen : L'idéal républicain et les Antilles après l'esclavage. Paris, France : Armand Colin. 384p. ISBN 9782200289409
Malabou, Catherine, Carlisle, Clare [Translator] and Sinclair, Mark (2008) Addiction and Grace Preface to Felix Ravaisson's Of Habit. In: Ravaisson, Felix , Carlisle, Clare and Sinclair, Mark, (eds.) Of Habit. London : Continuum International Publishing Group. ISBN 9781847061980
Malabou, Catherine (2014) Avant demain: épigenèse et rationalité. Paris, France : Les Presses Universitaires de France. 337p. ISBN 9782130630456
Malabou, Catherine (2016) Before and above : Spinoza and symbolic necessity. Critical Inquiry, ISSN (print) 0093-1896 (In Press)
Malabou, Catherine and Shread, Carolyn [Translator] (2016) Before tomorrow : epigenesis and rationality. Polity Books. 224p. ISBN 9780745691503
Malabou, Catherine (2009) Bouche cousue: de l'homeostasie [With sealed lips. On homeostasis]. In: Pontbriand, Chantal, (ed.) Harun Farocki/Rodney Graham. Paris, France : Blackjack editions. ISBN 9782918063032
Malabou, Catherine (2014) Can we relinquish the transcendental? The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 28(3), pp. 242-255. ISSN (print) 0891-625X
Malabou, Catherine and Shread, Carolyn [Translator] (2011) Changing Difference, The Feminine And The Question Of Philosophy. Cambridge UK : Polity Books. 180p. ISBN 9780745651095
Malabou, Catherine and Vahanian, Noelle [Interviewer] (2008) A Conversation With Catherine Malabou. Journal For Cultural And Religious Theory, 9(1), ISSN (online) 1530-5228
Malabou, Catherine, Derrida, Jacques and Wills, David [Translator] (2004) Counterpath: traveling with Jacques Derrida. Stanford, U.S. : Stanford University Press. 330p. ISBN 0804740410
Malabou, Catherine (2010) De la transparence cerebrale comme eclipse du temps. In: Fleischer, Alain, (ed.) Vitesses Limites. Paris, France : Seuil. (Le genre humain, no. 49) ISSN (print) 0293-0277 ISBN 9782021038200
Malabou, Catherine (2013) Go wonder: subjectivity and affects in neurobiological times. In: Johnston, Adrian and Malabou, Catherine, (eds.) Self and emotional life: philosophy, psychoanalysis, and neuroscience. New York, U.S. : Columbia University Press. pp. 1-72. ISBN 9780231158312
Malabou, Catherine (2001) History and the process of mourning in Hegel and Freud. Radical philosophy(106), pp. 15-20. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Malabou, Catherine (2009) How is subjectivity undergoing deconstruction today? Philosophy, auto-hetero-affection, and neurobiological emotion. Qui Parle, 17(2), pp. 111-122. ISSN (print) 1041-8385
Malabou, Catherine (2011) Is confession the accomplishment of recognition? Rousseau and the unthought of religion in The Phenomenology Of Spirit. In: Zizek, Slavoj , Crockett, Clayton and Davis, Creston, (eds.) Hegel & the Infinite: Religion, Politics And Dialectic. New York, U.S.A. : Columbia University Press. pp. 19-30. (Insurrections) ISBN 9780231143356
Malabou, Catherine (2014) Is retreat a metaphor? Public, 25(50), pp. 35-42. ISSN (print) 0845-4450
Malabou, Catherine (2009) L'eternel retour et le fantome de la difference. In: Pornschlegel, Clemens and Stingelin, Martin, (eds.) Nietzsche und Frankreich. Berlin, Germany : Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 9783110193312
Malabou, Catherine and Emmanuelli, Xavier (2009) La Grande Exclusion. L'Urgence Sociale : Therapeutique et Symptomes. Paris, France : Bayard Publishing. 250p. (Essais documents divers) ISBN 9782227479159
Malabou, Catherine (2011) La Plasticidad en Espera. Santiago de Chile : Palinodia. 103p. (Archivo Feminista) ISBN 9789568438296
Malabou, Catherine (2009) La chambre du milieu: de Hegel aux neurosciences. Paris, France : Hermann. ISBN 9782705667795
Malabou, Catherine (2010) Le destin social de la selection naturelle: comment choisir sans intention d'eliminer ? In: Prochiantz, Alain, (ed.) Darwin: 200 ans. Paris, France : Odile Jacob - College de France. pp. 227-242. (Travaux du College de France) ISBN 9782738125224
Malabou, Catherine (2011) Like a sleeping animal: philosophy between presence and absence. Inaesthetics(2), pp. 79-89.
Malabou, Catherine (2010) Modification in being and time, or the form of difference. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, 31(2), ISSN (print) 0093-4240
Malabou, Catherine and Ziarek, Ewa Plonowska (2012) Negativity, unhappiness or Felicity: on Irigaray's dialectical culture of sexual difference. L'Esprit Createur: a critical quarterly of French literature, 52(3), pp. 11-25. ISSN (print) 0014-0767
Malabou, Catherine (2015) One life only: Biological resistance, political resistance. Critical Inquiry, ISSN (online) 1539-7858
Malabou, Catherine and Shread, Carolyn [Translator] (2012) Ontology of the accident: an essay on destructive plasticity. Cambridge, U.K. : Polity Books. 152p. ISBN 9780745652603
Malabou, Catherine (2015) Phantom limbs and plasticity: Merleau-Ponty and current neurobiology. Chiasmi International, 17, pp. 41-51. ISSN (print) 1637-6757 (In Press)
Malabou, Catherine (2016) Philosophers, Biologists, Philosophers, Biologists: Some More Effort If You Wish to Become Revolutionaries! Response to Norman MacLeod. Critical Inquiry, ISSN (print) 0093-1896 (In Press)
Malabou, Catherine (2007) Plasticity and elasticity in Freud's beyond the pleasure principle. diacritics, 37(4), pp. 78-86. ISSN (print) 0300-7162
Malabou, Catherine (2010) Plasticity at the dusk of writing: dialectic, destruction, deconstruction. New York, U.S.A. : Columbia University Press. 96p. (Insurrections) ISBN 9780231145244
Malabou, Catherine (2012) Post-trauma: towards a new definition? In: Cohen, Tom, (ed.) Telemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate Change. Michigan, U.S.A. : Open Humanities Press. pp. 226-238. (Critical Climate Change) ISBN 9781607852377
Malabou, Catherine (2010) Qué es formar el cuerpo? Papel Maquina: revista de cultura(5), pp. 31-36. ISSN (print) 0718-6576
Malabou, Catherine (2011) Souffrance cerebrale, souffrance psychique et plasticite. Etudes: revue de culture contemporaine, 414(4), pp. 487-498. ISSN (print) 0014-1941
Malabou, Catherine (2014) Sujet : femme. De(s)générations(21), pp. 29-42. ISSN (print) 1778-0845
Malabou, Catherine (2009) Swan lake: bleu comme les neurones. In: Bernard, Christian and Davila, Thierry, (eds.) Claude Leveque. Paris, France : Flammarion. pp. 126-133. ISBN 9782080301277
Malabou, Catherine (2010) Trace psychique et trace synaptique parlent-elles la meme langue? In: Magistretti, Pierre and Ansermet, Francois, (eds.) Neurosciences et psychanalyse: une rencontre autour de la singularite. Paris, France : Odile Jacob. pp. 51-72. (College de France) ISBN 9782738124159
Malabou, Catherine and Rand, Sebastian [Translator] (2008) What should we do with our brain ? New York, U.S. : Fordham University Press. (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)
Malabou, Catherine (2005) The future of Hegel: plasticity, temporality, and dialectic. New York, U.S.A. : Routledge. 242p. ISBN 9780415287203
Malabou, Catherine (2014) The king’s two (biopolitical) bodies. Representations, 127(1), pp. 98-106. ISSN (print) 0734-6018
Malabou, Catherine and Miller, Steven [Translator] (2012) The new wounded, from neurosis to brain damage. Bronx, USA : Fordham University Press. 288p. ISBN 9780823239672
McMenamin, Claire (2013) The problem of materialism: practice and the materiality of the body in Butler, Marx and Sartre. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Mercier, Lucie (2016) Book Review of: 'Dictionary of untranslatables : a philosophical lexicon' by Barbara Cassin (ed.). Theory, Culture & Society, 33(7-8), pp. 355-360. ISSN (print) 0263-2764
Mercier, Lucie (2015) Introduction to Serres on transdisciplinarity. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(5-6), pp. 37-40. ISSN (print) 0263-2764
Mercier, Lucie Kim-Chi (2015) The inside passage : translation as method and relation in Serres and Benjamin. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Merck, Mandy and Sandford, Stella, eds. (2010) Further Adventures of the Dialectic of Sex: Critical Essays on Shulamith Firestone. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 304p. (Breaking Feminist Waves) ISBN 9780230100299
Mortazavi, Emadodin (2012) Expression and suffering: reflections on Adorno's materialism. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University.
Mullarkey, John and de Mille, Charlotte, eds. (2013) Bergson and the art of immanence: painting, photography, film. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. 288p. ISBN 9780748670222
Mullarkey, John (2013) 'For we will have shown it nothing': Bergson as non-philosopher (of) art. In: Mullarkey, John and De Mille, Charlotte, (eds.) Bergson and the art of immanence: painting, photography, film. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 206-231. ISBN 9780748670222
Nogues, Rosa (2013) The body of sexuation: feminist art practice in the 1990s. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Osborne, Peter (2009) Abstract images: sign, image and aesthetic in Gerhard Richter's painting. In: Buchloh, Benjamin H. D., (ed.) Gerhard Richter. London, U.K. : MIT Press. pp. 95-112. ISBN 9780262513128
Osborne, Peter (2011) Abstrakte Bilder: Zeichen, Abbild und Asthetik in Gerhard Richters Malerei. In: Elger, Dietmar and Kuster, Kerstin, (eds.) Gerhard Richter: Fotographie und Malerei – Malerei als Fotographie: Acht Texte zu Gerhard Richters Medienstrategie. Koln, Germany : Walther Konig. pp. 161-175. ISBN 9783863350772
Osborne, Peter (2013) Anywhere or not at all: the philosophy of contemporary art. London, U.K. : Verso. 282p. ISBN 9781781680940
Osborne, Peter [Interviewer] (2008) Art after photography, after conceptual art. Radical philosophy(150), pp. 36-51. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2004) Art as displaced urbanism: notes on a new constructivism of the exhibition form. In: Kuzma, Marta and Gioni, Massimiliano, (eds.) With all due intent: Manifesta 5 : European biennial of contemporary art. Spain : Actar. pp. 64-77. ISBN 9788460913481
Osborne, Peter (2004) Art beyond aesthetics: philosophical criticism, art history and contemporary art. Art History, 27(4), pp. 651-670. ISSN (print) 0141-6790
Osborne, Peter (2014) 'Art' versus 'Image'? Texte zur Kunst(95), pp. 52-55. ISSN (print) 0940-9459
Osborne, Peter (1999) Conceptual art and/as philosophy. In: Newman, Michael and Bird, Jon, (eds.) Rewriting conceptual art. London, U.K. : Reaktion Books. pp. 47-65. ISBN 1861890524
Osborne, Peter (2014) Dialectical ontology of art: Xavier Le Roy's “Retrospective” in/as contemporary art. In: Cvejic, Bojana, (ed.) 'Retrospective' by Xavier Le Roy. Paris, France : Les Presses Du Reel. pp. 103-111. ISBN 9782840667025
Osborne, Peter (2016) Die Idee der postkonzeptuellen Kunst (und Musik) = The idea of postconceptual art (and music). MusikTexte : Schriften fur neue Musik(151), ISSN (print) 0178-8884
Osborne, Peter (2004) Distracted reception: time, art, and technology. In: Morgan, Jessica and Muir, Gregor, (eds.) Time zones: recent film and video. London, U.K. : Tate Publishing. pp. 66-75. ISBN 1854375490
Osborne, Peter (2006) Elmgreen and Dragset's the Welfare Show: a historical perspective. Verksted #7: Art of welfare, pp. 19-40. ISSN (print) 1503-8467
Osborne, Peter (2015) Every other year is always this year: contemporaneity and the biennial form. In: Esche, Charles , Eilat, Galit , Enguita Mayo, Nuria , Lafuente, Pablo , Proenca, Luiza , Sagiv, Oren and Seroussi, Benjamin, (eds.) Making Biennials in Contemporary Times: Essays from the World Biennial Forum No. 2. São Paulo, Brazil : Biennial Foundation, Bienal de São Paulo Foundation and. pp. 15-27.
Osborne, Peter (2002) Everywhere, or not at all: Victor Burgin and conceptual art. In: Roberts, Catsou, (ed.) Relocating: Victor Burgin. Bristol, U.K. : Arnolfini. pp. 62-75. ISBN 1902854195
Osborne, Peter (2011) Expecting the unexpected: beyond the 'horizon of expectation'. In: Hlavajova, Maria , Sheikh, Simon and Winder, Jill, (eds.) On Horizons: A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art. Utrecht, Netherlands : BAK. pp. 112-128. ISBN 9789460830372
Osborne, Peter, ed. (2000) From an aesthetic point of view: philosophy, art and the senses. London, U.K. : Serpent's Tail. 224p. ISBN 9781852426682
Osborne, Peter (2002) Greedy Kunst. In: Merck, Mandy and Townsend, Chris, (eds.) The art of Tracey Emin. London, U.K. : Thames and Hudson. pp. 40-59. ISBN 0500283850
Osborne, Peter (2011) Guattareuze? (Book Review of: Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari: intersecting lives by Francois Dosse). New Left Review(69), pp. 139-151. ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Osborne, Peter (2005) How to read Marx. London, U.K. : Granta. 136p. (How to read) ISBN 1862077711
Osborne, Peter (2001) Images abstraites. Signe, image et l'esthetique dans la peinture de Gerhard Richter. La Part de l'Oeil, 17/18, pp. 228-239. ISSN (print) 0773-9532
Osborne, Peter (2007) Imaginary radicalisms: notes on the libertarianism of contemporary art. Verksted #8: ISMS: recuperating political radicality in contemporary art: I. constructing the political in contemporary art, pp. 9-35. ISSN (print) 1503-8467
Osborne, Peter (2010) Infinite exchange: the social ontology of the photographic image. Philosophy of Photography, 1(1), pp. 59-68. ISSN (print) 2040-3682
Osborne, Peter (2011) An Interminable Avalanche of Categories: Medium, Concept and Abstraction in the work of Robert Smithson [or Against "Sculpture"]. In: Gaitan, Juan A. , Schafhausen, Nicolaus and Szewczyk, Monika, (eds.) Cornerstones. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg Press. pp. 132-151. ISBN 9781934105481
Osborne, Peter (2003) Interpreting the world - September 11, cultural criticism and the intellectual Left. Radical philosophy(117), pp. 2-12. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2000) Introduction: From an aesthetic point of view. In: Osborne, Peter, (ed.) From an aesthetic point of view: philosophy, art and the senses. London, U.K. : Serpent's Tail. pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781852426682
Osborne, Peter (2010) Introduction: Transdiciplinarity. In: From structure to rhizome: transdisciplinarity in French thought, 1945-the present: histories, concepts, constructions; 16 - 17 Apr 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Osborne, Peter (2008) "It is necessary to be absolutely modern": Adorno's categorical imperative of philosophy. In: Fourth Annual Joint Conference of the Society for European Philosophy and the Forum for European Philosophy; 29 - 31 Aug 2008, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Osborne, Peter (2011) (Jeff Wall and...) Conceptual art. In: De Wolf, Hans, (ed.) Jeff Wall: the crooked path. Brussels, Belgium : Bozar Books. pp. 138. ISBN 9789055448623
Osborne, Peter (2016) The Kabakov effect : 'Moscow conceptualism' in the history of contemporary art. Afterall : a journal of art, context and enquiry(42), ISSN (print) 1465-4253
Osborne, Peter (2007) Living with contradictions: the resignation of Chris Gilbert and the presentation of politics in recent curatorial practice. Afterall, 16, pp. 108-113. ISSN (print) 1465-4253
Osborne, Peter (2011) Malerei der Negation: Gerhard Richters Negative. In: Elger, Dietmar and Kuster, Kerstin, (eds.) Gerhard Richter: Fotographie und Malerei – Malerei als Fotographie: Acht Texte zu Gerhard Richters Medienstrategie. Koln, Germany : Walther Konig. pp. 148-160. ISBN 9783863350772
Osborne, Peter (2008) Marx and the philosophy of time. Radical philosophy(147), pp. 15-22. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (1992) A Marxism for the postmodern? Jameson's Adorno. New German Critique(56), pp. 171-192. ISSN (print) 0094-033X
Osborne, Peter (2001) Modernism as translation. Traces: a multilingual series of cultural theory and translation, 1, pp. 319-329. ISSN (print) 1533-3426
Osborne, Peter (2009) Modernisms and mediations. In: Halsall, Francis , Jansen, Julia Alejandra and O'Connor, Tony, (eds.) Rediscovering aesthetics: transdisciplinary voices from art history, philosophy, and art practice. Stanford, U.S.A. : Stanford University Press. pp. 163-177. ISBN 9780804759915
Osborne, Peter (1992) Modernity is a qualitative, not a chronological, category. New Left Review, I/192, pp. 65-84. ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Osborne, Peter (2013) More than everything: Zizek’s Badiouian Hegel. Radical Philosophy(177), pp. 19-25. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2007) Neo-classic: Alain Badiou's Being and Event. Radical philosophy(142), pp. 19-29. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2001) Non-places and the spaces of art. The Journal of Architecture, 6(2), pp. 183-194. ISSN (print) 1360-2365
Osborne, Peter (2009) Occasionalism. In: Faldbakken, Matias, (ed.) Matias Faldbakken: shocked into abstraction. Birmingham, U.K. : Ikon Gallery Ltd. pp. 44-71. ISBN 9781904864530
Osborne, Peter (2005) On comparability: Kant and the possibility of comparative studies. Boundary 2, 32(2), pp. 3-22. ISSN (print) 0190-3659
Osborne, Peter (2007) Ou est l'oeuvre d’art? l’art, l’architecture et l’espace de l’oeuvre post-conceptuelle. Multitudes, HS1, pp. 87-112. ISSN (print) 0292-0107
Osborne, Peter and Alliez, Eric (2008) Philosophy and contemporary art after Adorno and Deleuze: an exchange. In: Garnett, Robert and Hunt, Andrew, (eds.) Gest: laboratory of synthesis #1. London, U.K. : Book Works. pp. 35-64. ISBN 9781870699969
Osborne, Peter (2000) Philosophy in cultural theory. London, U.K. : Routledge. 146p. ISBN 0415238013
Osborne, Peter (2003) Photography in an expanding field: distributive unity and dominant form. In: Green, David, (ed.) Where is the photograph? Maidstone, U.K. : Photoworks. pp. 63-70. ISBN 1903796083
Osborne, Peter (2015) Problematizing disciplinarity, transdisciplinary problematics. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(5-6), pp. 3-35. ISSN (print) 0263-2764
Osborne, Peter (2000) Radicalism and philosophy. Radical philosophy(103), pp. 6-11. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (1998) Remember the future? The Communist Manifesto as historical and cultural form. Socialist Register, 34, pp. 190-204. ISSN (print) 0081-0606
Osborne, Peter (2001) Review article: Installation, performance, or what? Oxford Art Journal, 24(2), pp. 147-154. ISSN (print) 0142-6540
Osborne, Peter (2009) Starting up all over again: time and existence in some conceptual art of the 1960s. In: Eleey, Peter, (ed.) The quick and the dead. Minneapolis, U.S.A. : Walker Art Center. pp. 91-106. ISBN 9780935640939
Osborne, Peter (1995) Tactics, ethics, or temporality? Heidegger's politics reviewed. Radical philosophy(70), pp. 16-28. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2013) Temporalization as transcendental aesthetics: avant-garde, modern, contemporary. Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 23(44-45), ISSN (print) 2000-1452
Osborne, Peter (1996) Times (modern), modernity (conservative): notes on the persistence of a temporal motif. New Formations: a journal of culture/theory/politics(28), pp. 132-141. ISSN (print) 0950-2378
Osborne, Peter (2003) Versuche der Vergangenheit einzuholen. Konservative Modernitat und regressive Modernisierung in Grossbritannien. In: Kurnumaki, Jussi and Polenen, Kari, (eds.) Zeit, Geschichte und Politik: Zum achtzigsten Geburstag von Reinhart Koselleck. Jyvaskyla, Finland : University of Jyvaskyla. pp. 199-211. ISBN 9789513914967
Osborne, Peter and Charles, Matthew (2011) Walter Benjamin. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Spring, ISSN (online) 1095-5054
Osborne, Peter, ed. (2004) Walter Benjamin: critical evaluations in cultural theory. London, U.K. : Routledge. 1392p. ISBN 0415325331
Osborne, Peter (2006) Whoever speaks of culture speaks of administration as well. Cultural Studies, 20(1), pp. 33-47. ISSN (print) 0950-2386
Osborne, Peter (2011) Yardsticks: when will the postwar end? In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Jane & Louise Wilson: Tempo Suspenso. Santiago de Compostella, Spain : Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Xunta de Galicia. pp. 33-39. ISBN 9788445349755
Osborne, Peter (2006) The dreambird of experience: Utopia, possibility, boredom. Radical philosophy(137), pp. 36-44. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2011) The fiction of the contemporary: speculative collectivity and transnationalism in The Atlas Group. In: Avanessian, Armen and Skrebowski, Luke, (eds.) Aesthetics and contemporary art. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg Press. pp. 101-123. ISBN 9781934105528
Osborne, Peter (2009) An image of romanticism - fragment and project: from Schlegel's 'Athenaeum Fragments' to LeWitt's 'Sentences on Conceptual Art'. Verksted #11: Sol LeWitt's 'Sentences on Conceptual Art': manuscript and draft materials 1968-69., pp. 5-27. ISSN (print) 1503-8467
Osborne, Peter [Interviewer] and Fletcher, John [Interviewer] (2000) The other within: rethinking psychoanalysis. Radical philosophy(102), pp. 31-41. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (1994) The politics of time. Radical philosophy(68), pp. 3-9. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (1995) The politics of time: modernity and avant-garde. London, U.K. : Verso Books. 272p. ISBN 0860916529
Osborne, Peter (2014) The postconceptual condition, or, the cultural logic of high capitalism today. Radical philosophy(184), pp. 19-27. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2006) The power of assembly: art, world, industry. In: Merewether, Charles, (ed.) Zones of Contact: 2006 Biennale of Sydney. Sydney, Australia : Biennale of Sydney. pp. 125-128. ISBN 0958040311
Osborne, Peter (2004) The reproach of abstraction. Radical philosophy(127), pp. 21-28. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2014) The rhetoric of display. In: Deliss, Clémentine and Yvette, Mutumba, (eds.) Foreign Exchange (or the stories you wouldn't tell a stranger). Zurich, Switzerland : Diaphanes. pp. 167-200. ISBN 9783037346686
Osborne, Peter (2010) A sudden topicality: Marx, Nietzsche and the politics of crisis. Radical philosophy(160), pp. 19-26. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Palacios, Margarita and Caygill, Howard (2016) Review exchange: resistance today. European Political Science, 15(1), pp. 130-137. ISSN (print) 1680-4333
Pippa, Stefano (2015) Althusser and contingency. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Rinaldi, Juan (2013) Art and geopolitics: politics and autonomy in Argentine contemporary art. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Saenz De Sicilia, Andres (2016) The problem of subsumption in Kant, Hegel and Marx. (PhD thesis), Kingston University.
Sandford, Stella (2008) 'All human beings are pregnant': the bisexual imaginary in Plato's Symposium. Radical Philosophy(150), pp. 24-35. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (2008) Beauvoir: the transformation of philosophy and philosophical transfiguration. In: The legacies of Simone de Beauvoir: 16th Simone de Beauvoir Society Conference; 13 - 15 Jun 2008, Newcastle, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Sandford, Stella (2004) Book Review of: Abstract sex: philosophy, bio-technology and the mutations of desire by Luciana Parisi, and The sex appeal of the inorganic, by Mario Perniola. Radical Philosophy(127), pp. 35-40. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (1999) Book Review of: African-American philosophers: 17 conversations by George Yancy (ed.). Radical philosophy(95), pp. 55-57. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (2002) Book Review of: An introduction to feminist episteologies by Alessandra Tanesini, and Illusions of paradox: a feminist epistemology naturalized by Richmond Campbell. Mind, 111(442), pp. 491-499. ISSN (print) 0026-4423
Sandford, Stella (2003) Book Review of: Beyond sex and gender by Wendy Cealey Harrison and John Hood-Williams. Radical Philosophy(118), pp. 36-38. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (1997) Book Review of: In spite of Plato: a feminist rewriting of ancient philosophy by Adriana Cavarero. Radical philosophy(81), pp. 50-51. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (1998) Book Review of: Levinas: an introduction by Colin Davis, and Basic philosophical writings by Emmanuel Levinas. Radical Philosophy(87), pp. 49-50. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (1999) Book Review of: Liberation and purity: race, new religious movements and the ethics of postmodernity by Chetan Bhatt. Radical Philosophy(95), pp. 57-58. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (2005) Book Review of: Simone de Beauvoir, edited by Margaret A Simons with Marybeth Timmerman and Mary Beth Mader. Radical Philosophy(133), pp. 52-55. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (2006) Book Review of: Simone de Beauvoir: philosophe, by Michel Kail. Radical Philosophy(140), pp. 51-53. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (2000) Book Review of: The Edinburgh encyclopedia of continental philosophy by Simon Glendinning (ed.). Radical Philosophy(102), pp. 42-45. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (2002) Book Review of: Truth and singularity: taking Foucault into phenomenology by Rudi Visker. Radical Philosophy(113), pp. 43-45. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (1999) Contingent ontologies: sex, gender and 'woman' in Simone de Beauvoir and Judith Butler. Radical Philosophy, 97, pp. 18-29. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (2015) Contradiction of terms : feminist theory, philosophy and transdisciplinarity. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(5-6), pp. 159-182. ISSN (print) 0263-2764
Sandford, Stella (2008) Diotima-Plato: the bi sexual imagery. In: Embodiment and Identity; 22 - 23 May 2008, Hull, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Sandford, Stella (2001) Feminism against 'the feminine'. Radical Philosophy(105), pp. 6-14. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (2016) Freud, Bion and Kant : epistemology and anthropology in The interpretation of dreams. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, ISSN (print) 0020-7578 (Epub Ahead of Print)
Sandford, Stella (2003) Going back: Heidegger, East Asia and "The West". Radical Philosophy(120), pp. 11-22. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (2006) How to read Beauvoir. London, U.K. : Granta. 128p. (How to read) ISBN 1862078742
Sandford, Stella and Osborne, Peter (2002) Introduction: philosophies of race and ethnicity. In: Sandford, Stella and Osborne, Peter, (eds.) Philosophies of Race and Ethnicity. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 1-9. ISBN 0826459943
Sandford, Stella (1999) Levinas in the realm of the senses: transcendence and intelligibility. Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities, 4(3), pp. 61-73. ISSN (print) 0969-725X
Sandford, Stella (2002) Levinas, feminism and the feminine. In: Critchley, Simon and Bernasconi, Robert, (eds.) The Cambridge companion to Levinas. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 139-160. ISBN 0521662060
Sandford, Stella (2001) Masculine mothers? Maternity in Levinas and Plato. In: Chanter, Tina, (ed.) Feminist Interpretations of Emmanuel Levinas. University Park, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 180-202. ISBN 0271021136
Sandford, Stella (2009) Of Gods and men: the Timaeus and the universal ontology of sex. In: Philosophy seminars; 19 Mar 2009, Hatfield, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Sandford, Stella (2008) Of Gods and men: the natural beginning of sex? In: Fourth Annual Joint Conference of the Society for European Philosophy and the Forum for European Philosophy; 29 - 31 Aug 2008, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Sandford, Stella (2002) Philosophies of race and ethnicity. In: Interdisciplinary seminar series; 30 Oct 2002, Hong Kong, China. (Unpublished)
Sandford, Stella and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2002) Philosophies of race and ethnicity. London, U.K. : Continuum. 220p. ISBN 0826459943
Sandford, Stella (1999) Plato and Levinas: the same and the other. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 30(2), pp. 131-150. ISSN (print) 0007-1773
Sandford, Stella (2010) Plato and Sex. Cambridge, U.K. : Polity Press. 224p. ISBN 9780745626406
Sandford, Stella (2015) The Pregnant Male as Myth and Metaphor in Classical Greek Literature. Classical Review, 65(1), pp. 18-20. ISSN (print) 0009-840X
Sandford, Stella (2010) Sex. In: From structure to rhizome: transdisciplinarity in French thought, 1945-the present: histories, concepts, constructions; 16 - 17 Apr 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Sandford, Stella (2008) Sex and genos in Plato's Republic. In: 2008 Political Thought Conference (UK); 03 - 05 Jan 2008, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Sandford, Stella (2004) Sex and genos in Plato's Symposium. In: The pyschoanalytical ontology of the human; 20 - 21 Jan 2004, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Sandford, Stella (2014) "Sex" and "sexual difference". In: Cassin, Barbara , Apter, Emily , Lezra, Jacques and Wood, Michael, (eds.) Dictionary of untranslatables: a philosophical lexicon. Princeton : Princeton University Press. pp. 972-973. ISBN 9780691138701
Sandford, Stella (2011) Sex: a transdisciplinary concept. From structure to rhizome: transdisciplinarity in French thought (1). Radical philosophy(165), pp. 23-30. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (2007) Sexmat, revisited. Radical philosophy(145), pp. 28-35. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (2007) Sexual materialism: Firestone revisited. In: Materials and materialisms; 12 May 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Sandford, Stella (2006) Sexually ambiguous: Eros and sexuality in Plato and Freud. Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities, 11(3), pp. 43-59. ISSN (print) 0969-725X
Sandford, Stella (2005) Thinking sex politically: rethinking 'Sex' in Plato's Republic. South Atlantic Quarterly, 104(4), pp. 613-630. ISSN (print) 0038-2876
Sandford, Stella (2011) What is maternal labour? Studies in the Maternal, 3(2), ISSN (online) 1759-0434
Sandford, Stella (2016) When feminist philosophy met critical theory: Gillian Howie's historical materialism. In: Browne, Victoria and Whistler, Daniel, (eds.) On the feminist philosophy of Gillian Howie: materialism and mortality. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. pp. 21-41. ISBN 9781474254120
Sandford, Stella (2010) The dialectic of The Dialectic of Sex. In: Merck, Mandy and Sandford, Stella, (eds.) Further Adventures of the Dialectic of Sex. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 235-253. (Breaking Feminist Waves) ISBN 9780230100299
Sandford, Stella (2016) The dream is a fragment : Freud, transdisciplinarity and early German Romanticism. Radical Philosophy(198), pp. 25-34. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Sandford, Stella (2013) The incomplete Locke: Balibar, Locke and the philosophy of the subject. In: Balibar, Etienne, (ed.) Identity and difference: John Locke and the invention of consciousness. London, U.K. : Verso. pp. xi-xlvi. ISBN 9781781681343
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