Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Business and Law (until 2017) > Centre for Research in Employment, Skills and Society (CRESS)"

Alfes, K., Shantz, A. D., Truss, C. and Soane, E. C. (2013) The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(2), pp. 330-351. ISSN (print) 0958-5192
Alfes, Kerstin, Shantz, Amanda D. and Dolenga, Leticia (2013) Individual and workgroup perceptions of over-qualification on performance. In: 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP): Bringing I-O Innovations to Life: Making Our Work Stick; 11-13 Apr 2013, Houston, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Alfes, Kerstin and Shantz, Amanda D. (2013) Person-organization fit and individual performance: exploring mediating and moderating mechanisms. In: 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP): Bringing I-O Innovations to Life: Making Our Work Stick; 11-13 Apr 2013, Houston, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Alfes, Kerstin, Truss, Catherine, Soane, Emma, Rees, Chris and Gatenby, Mark (2013) The relationship between line manager behavior, perceived HRM practices and individual performance. Examining the mediating role of engagement. Human Resource Management, 52(6), pp. 839-859. ISSN (print) 0090-4848
Budjanovcanin, Alexandra, Rodrigues, Ricardo and Guest, David (2013) Developing and testing a measure of career regret. In: 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP): Imagine the future world: How do we want to work tomorrow?; 22-25 May 2013, Munster, Germany. (Unpublished)
Bull, Elaine E., Pyman, Amanda and Gilman, Mark W. (2013) A reassessment of non-union employee representation in the UK: developments since the ‘ICE’ age. Journal of Industrial Relations, 55(4), pp. 546-564. ISSN (print) 0022-1856
Dewberry, Chris, Juanchich, Marie and Narendran, Sunitha (2013) The latent structure of decision styles. Personality and Individual Differences, 54(5), pp. 566-571. ISSN (print) 0191-8869
Edwards, Christine, Fox, Rebekah, Gillard, Steven, Gourlay, Stephen, Guven, Pinar, Jackson, Charles, Chambers, Mary and Drennan, Vari (2013) Explaining health managers' information seeking behaviour and use. (Project Report) Southampton, U.K. : National Institute for Health Research. 215 p.
Georgellis, Yannis and Narendran, Sunitha (2013) Unemployment and the set point model of life satisfaction: does religion heal old wounds? In: Eastern Academy of Management (EAM) 50th Annual Meeting: Creativity and Innovation: Designs for the Future; 8-11 May 2013, Baltimore, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Hanak, Robert, Sirota, Miroslav and Juanchich, Marie (2013) Experts use compensatory strategies more often than novices in hiring decisions. Studia Psychologica, 55(4), pp. 251-263. ISSN (print) 0039-3320
Hannon, Enda (2013) Industrial policy and employment: exploring the links in the UK food manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors. In: British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) 63rd Annual Conference; 27-29 Jun 2013, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hannon, Enda (2013) The coalition government’s economic policy and employment. In: The UK Coalition Government and Employment Relations; 16 Dec 2013, Portsmouth, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Imas, J. Miguel, Donnelly, Paul, Sell, Lucia, Daskalaki, Maria and Garcia, Lucia (2013) Les Misérables, deuxième partie, insurrection and resistance at the heart of entrepreneurship. In: The 8th International Conference in Critical Management Studies (CMS): Extending the Limits of Neo-Liberal Capitalism; 10-12 Jul 2013, Manchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Jonsen, Karsten, Butler, Christina L., Mäkelä, Kristiina, Piekkari, Rebecca, Drogendijk, Rian, Lauring, Jakob, Lervik, Jon E., Pahlberg, Cecilia, Vodosek, Markus and Zander, Lena (2013) Processes of international collaboration in management research: a reflexive, autoethnographic approach. Journal of Management Inquiry, 22(4), pp. 394-413. ISSN (print) 1056-4926
Juanchich, Marie, Sirota, Miroslav, Karelitz, Tzur M. and Villejoubert, Gaelle (2013) Can membership-functions capture the directionality of verbal probabilities? Thinking & Reasoning, 19(2), pp. 231-247. ISSN (print) 1354-6783
Juanchich, Marie and Sirota, Miroslav (2013) Do people really say it is "likely" when they believe it is only "possible"? Effect of politeness on risk communication. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(7), pp. 1268-1275. ISSN (print) 1747-0218
Juanchich, Marie, Teigen, Karl Halvor and Gourdon, Amélie (2013) Top scores are possible, bottom scores are certain (and middle scores are not worth mentioning) : a pragmatic view of verbal probabilities. Judgment and Decision Making, 8(3), pp. 345-364. ISSN (online) 1930-2975
Monks, Kathy, Kelly, Grainne, Conway, Edel, Flood, Patrick, Truss, Katie and Hannon, Enda (2013) Understanding how HR systems work: the role of HR philosophy and HR processes. Human Resource Management Journal, 23(4), pp. 379-395. ISSN (print) 0954-5395
Rees, Chris, Alfes, Kerstin and Gatenby, Mark (2013) Employee voice and engagement : connections and consequences. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(14), pp. 2780-2798. ISSN (print) 0958-5192
Rodrigues, Ricardo and Guest, David (2013) Career anchors of professional pharmacists: testing Schein’s theory. In: 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP): Imagine the future world: How do we want to work tomorrow?; 22-25 May 2013, Munster, Germany. (Unpublished)
Rodrigues, Ricardo, Guest, David and Budjanovcanin, Alexandra (2013) From anchors to orientations: towards a contemporary theory of career preferences. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(2), pp. 142-152. ISSN (print) 0001-8791
Rodrigues, Ricardo, Guest, David and Campbell-Smith, Andrea (2013) Further explorations inside the HR black box: HR attributions and employee well-being. In: 8th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network: 'H' versus 'R' in HRM; 14-15 Nov 2013, Leuven, Belguim. (Unpublished)
Russell, Emma (2013) Managing your digital communications : a focus on email and smartphone strategies at work. In: Research in Practice Seminar Series; 25 Apr 2013, Kingston upon Thames, U.K... (Unpublished)
Russell, Emma (2013) Strategies and bad habits in dealing with email at work. (Project Report) Richard Benjamin Trust.
Russell, Emma (2013) Yay! Yet another email! View from the hill, Spring, pp. 2-3.
Shantz, Amanda, Saksida, Tina and Alfes, Kerstin (2013) Dedicating time to volunteering. In: 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP): Bringing I-O Innovations to Life: Making Our Work Stick.; 11-13 Apr 2013, Houston, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Shantz, Amanda, Alfes, Kerstin, Truss, Catherine and Soane, Emma (2013) The role of employee engagement in the relationship between job design and task performance, citizenship and deviant behaviours. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(13), pp. 2608-2627. ISSN (print) 0958-5192
Soane, Emma, Shantz, Amanda, Alfes, Kerstin, Truss, Catherine, Rees, Chris and Gatenby, Mark (2013) The association of meaningfulness, wellbeing, and engagement with absenteeism: a moderated mediation model. Human Resource Management, 52(3), pp. 441-456. ISSN (print) 0090-4848
Teigen, Karl Halvor, Juanchich, Marie and Riege, Anine H. (2013) Improbable outcomes: infrequent or extraordinary? Cognition, 127(1), pp. 119-139. ISSN (print) 0010-0277
Truss, Catherine, Alfes, Kerstin, Shantz, Amanda and Rosewarne, Amanda (2013) Still in the ghetto? Experiences of secretarial work in the 21st century. Gender, Work & Organization, 20(4), pp. 349-363. ISSN (print) 0968-6673