Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Sociology"

Abdul Kadir, Nor Ba’yah and Bifulco, Antonia (2011) Vulnerability, life events and depression amongst Moslem Malaysian women: comparing those married and those divorced or separated. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 46(9), pp. 853-862. ISSN (print) 0933-7954
Aziz, Samehia and Hughes, Annie (2011) Violence against women in Pakistan : a case study of Cholistani women. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 5(10), pp. 451-466. ISSN (print) 1833-1882
Beaumont, Corrine and Trueman, Jane (2011) Investigating the entrepreneurial mix: a case study of postgraduate student business teams. In: 2011 European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Entrepreneurship Conference: Does entrepreneurship matter? A view from educators, researchers, policy makers and entrepreneurs.; 21-22 Feb 2011, Tallinn, Estonia. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia, Davidson, Julia and Webster, S (2011) The European Online Grooming Project - Findings. In: Launch of the European Online Grooming Project findings; 3 Feb 2011, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia [Speaker] (2011) Lifespan experience of abuse and trauma: studies in community women. In: Life writing and human rights: genres of testimony; 11-13 Jul 2011, Kingston, UK. (Unpublished)
Blaagaard, Bolette B. and Ware, Vron (2011) Workings of whiteness: interview with Vron Ware. Social Identities, 17(1), pp. 153-161. ISSN (print) 1350-4630
Blackman, Deborah and Imas, Miguel (2011) Transgressive knowledge creation in entrepreneurship. In: Hindle, Kevin and Klyver, Kim, (eds.) Handbook of research on new venture creation. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 99-118. ISBN 9781847200952
Brown, Ian (2011) Revisiting tartan. In: Celebrating Saltire: 75 years of Scottish culture; 28 May 2011, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Caless, B. and Tong, S. (2011) Police leadership : an historical account of the development of police leaders. In: Policing Through the Ages Conference; 19 Mar 2011, Southampton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Carey, Brycchan (2011) The grief of Divers Friends: Quaker rhetoric and the origins of the Transatlantic antislavery movement. In: 13th International Congress for Eighteenth Century Studies; 25 - 29 Jul 2011, Graz, Austria. (Unpublished)
Casey, Emma (2011) Book review of: Researching intimacy in families by Jacqui Gabb. Sociology, 45(3), pp. 524-525. ISSN (print) 0038-0385
Casey, Emma (2011) Gambling at home: gender and domestic experiences of gambling. Society For The Study Of Gambling Newsletter(45), pp. 41-44.
Cavalcanti, Roxana, Goldsmith, Carlie, Lea, John, Measor, Lynda, Squires, Peter and Wolff, David (2011) Youth and community: connections and disconnections. (Other) Swindon, U.K. : Arts & Humanities Research Council. 14 p.
Davidson, Julia [Speaker] (2011) Abuse in sex offenders' early lives: exploring neglected narratives. In: Life writing and human rights: genres of testimony; 11-13 Jul 2011, Kingston, UK. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia [Speaker] (2011) Challenges in protecting children online: blueprint for identifying and addressing need. In: Harm in the Digital Playground: Global Forum on Child Exploitation and Recovery; 14 - 15 Jun 2011, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Peter (2011) Characteristics of the internet for criminal child sexual abuse by online groomers. Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society, 24(1), pp. 23-36. ISSN (print) 1478-601X
Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Peter, eds. (2011) Internet child abuse: current research and policy. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 216p. ISBN 9780415559805
Davidson, Julia (2011) National Strategy Guide on Child Online Protection. In: ITU Regional Workshop on Advocacy & Capacity Building in Child Online Protection for the Arab Region; 30 - 31 Oct 2011, Muscat, Oman. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia [Moderator] (2011) New challenges to protect children online in the era of nonstop connectivity. In: World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2011; 16 -20 May 2011, Geneva, Switzerland. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2011) Online Grooming: Understanding offender behaviour and the victimisation of young people. In: 5th International Conference Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online; 20 - 21 Sep 2011, Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)
Dobson, Rachael (2011) Conditionality and homelessness services; 'practice realities' in a drop-in centre. Social Policy and Society, 10(4), pp. 547-557. ISSN (print) 1474-7464
Dobson, Rachael and McNeill, Jenny (2011) Review article: Homelessness and housing support services: rationales and policies under New Labour. Social Policy and Society, 10(04), pp. 581-589. ISSN (print) 1474-7464
Dodsworth, Francis and Watson, Sophie (2011) Constituting religious publics: the tale of two non-conformist churches in London. Culture and Religion, 12(1), pp. 1-19. ISSN (print) 1475-5610
Dodsworth, Francis (2011) Mobility and civility: police and the formation of the modern city. In: Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie, (eds.) The New Blackwell Companion to the City. Oxford, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 235-244. ISBN 9781405189811
Eccles, Timothy and Pointing, John (2011) Just how smart is “smart regulation”: evolving architectures in the governance of regulation? In: COBRA 2011; 12-13 Sep 2011, Salford, U.K..
Emmambokus, Shehrazade (2011) Contemporary adolescent fiction from the South Asian diaspora : multicultural children's literature of the millennium and the potential for bibliotherapy. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Emmambokus, Shehrazade (2011) Overlapping space and the negotiation of cultural identity: children's literature from the South Asian diaspora. In: Teverson, Andrew and Upstone, Sara, (eds.) Postcolonial spaces: the politics of place in contemporary culture. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmilan. pp. 83-96. ISBN 9780230252257
Ennals, Richard and Salomon, Robert H. (2011) Concluding remarks from the editors. In: Ennals, Richard and Salomon, Robert H., (eds.) Older workers in a sustainable society. Frankfurt am Main, Germany : Peter Lang. pp. 283-287. (Labour, Education & Society, (21)) ISSN (print) 1861-647X ISBN 9783631614808
Ennals, Richard and Salomon, Robert H. (2011) Editors introduction. In: Ennals, Richard and Salomon, Robert H., (eds.) Older workers in a sustainable society. Frankfurt am Main, Germany : Peter Lang. pp. 11-12. (Labour, Education & Society, (21)) ISSN (print) 1861-647X ISBN 9783631614808
Ennals, Richard and Hilsen, Anne Inga (2011) Older workers: the jam in the sandwich. In: Ennals, Richard and Salomon, Robert H., (eds.) Older workers in a sustainable society. Frankfurt am Main, Germany : Peter Lang. pp. 245-252. (Labour, Education & Society, (21)) ISSN (print) 1861-647X ISBN 9783631614808
Gant, Robert and Towers, Bridget (2011) Fear of crime in the built environment: a pedagogic approach to social sustainability. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability,, 7(4), pp. 159-174. ISSN (print) 1832-2077
Hamerton, Christopher [Speaker] (2011) Abuse, trauma and the modern battlefield: studies on service personnel. In: Life writing and human rights: genres of testimony; 11-13 Jul 2011, Kingston, UK. (Unpublished)
Harries, Tim and Penning-Rowsell, Edmund (2011) Victim pressure, institutional inertia and climate change adaptation: the case of flood risk. Global Environmental Change Part A, 21(1), pp. 188-197. ISSN (print) 0959-3780
Jamel, Joanna and King, Andrew (2011) Policing diversity and engendering the confidence of the Transgender community: an exploratory study. In: Eleventh International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations; 20-22 Jun 2011, Cape Town, South Africa.. (Unpublished)
Jamel, Joanna (2011) An investigation of the incidence of client-perpetrated sexual violence against male sex workers. International Journal of Sexual Health, 23(1), pp. 63-78. ISSN (print) 1931-7611
Kasperova, Eva (2011) Entrepreneurial identity, disability and embodiment. In: European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB) Doctoral Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management; 16 Nov 2011, Bodø, Norway. (Unpublished)
Kautonen, Teemu, Tornikoski, Erno T. and Kibler, Ewald (2011) Entrepreneurial intentions in the third age: the impact of perceived age norms. Small Business Economics, 37(2), pp. 219-234. ISSN (print) 0921-898X
Kibler, Ewald, Wainwright, Tom, Kautonen, Teemu and Blackburn, Robert (2011) (Work)Life after work: understanding barriers to older entrepreneurship in London. In: 56th Annual ICSB World Conference; 15 - 18 June 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
King, Andrew (2011) Minding the gap? Young people's accounts of taking a gap year as a form of identity work in higher education. Journal of Youth Studies, 14(3), pp. 341-357. ISSN (print) 1367-6261
Kitto, Simon , Chesters, Janice , Thistlethwaite, Jill and Reeves, Scott, eds. (2011) Sociology of interprofessional healthcare practice : critical reflections and concrete solutions. Nova Science. 223p. (Health Care Issues, Costs and Access) ISBN 9781608768660
Leman, Patrick J. and Tenenbaum, Harriet R. (2011) Practising gender: children's relationships and the development of gendered behaviour and beliefs. The British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 29(Pt 2), pp. 153-157. ISSN (print) 0261-510X
Longfellow, Erica (2011) 'Take unto ye words': Elizabeth Isham's 'Booke of rememberance' and Puritan cultural forms. In: Harris, Johanna and Scott-Baumann, Elizabeth, (eds.) The intellectual culture of Puritan women, 1558-1680. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 122-134. (Early modern literature in history) ISBN 9780230228641
Luff, Rebekah, Ellmers, Theresa, Eyers, Ingird, Young, Emma and Arber, Sara (2011) Time spent in bed at night by care-home residents: choice or compromise? Ageing & Society, 31(7), pp. 1229-1250. ISSN (print) 1469-1779
Matczak, Anna (2011) Book review of: 'Exploring modern probation : social theory and organisational complexity' by Philip Whitehead. European Journal of Probation, 3(2), pp. 93-95. ISSN (online) 2006-2203
May, Anthony (2011) The 2010-11 Scottish football season and its effect on political attitudes towards sectarianism in Scotland. (Working Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 12 p. (Working papers series, no. 11)
Miller, Hannah (2011) From 'rights-based' to 'rights-framed' approaches: a social constructionist view of human rights practice. In: Hynes, P. , Lamb, M. , Short, D. and Waites, M., (eds.) Sociology and Human Rights: New Engagements. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 105-121. ISBN 9780415617970
Murphy, Fidelma and McDonough, Terrence (2011) The spatial restructuring of work and maquiladoras of the auto industry. In: 13th Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics : Economists of Tomorrow; 07 - 09 Jul 2011, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Murtagh, Niamh, Lopes, Paulo N. and Lyons, Evanthia (2011) Decision making in voluntary career change: an other-than-rational perspective. The Career Development Quarterly, 59(3), pp. 249-263. ISSN (print) 0889-4019
Palmer, Vanessa (2011) The will to truth : an exploration of modern motherhood in contemporary literature. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Peggs, Kay (2011) Human primacy identity politics, nonhuman animal experiments and the oppression of nonhuman animals. In: Carter, Bob and Charles, Nickie, (eds.) Human and other animals: critical perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 133-152. ISBN 9780230246591
Peggs, Kay (2011) Risk, human health and the oppression of nonhuman animals : the development of transgenic nonhuman animals for human use. Humanimalia : A Journal of Human/Animal Interface Studies, 2(2), pp. 49-69. ISSN (online) 2151-8645
Poyser, S. and Tong, S. (2011) Skills and abilities in crime investigation : the investigative journalist versus the detective. In: British Society of Criminology Conference; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, U.K., 03 - 06 Jul 2012. (Unpublished)
Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl and Sharma, Sonya (2011) Adding religion to gender, race, and class: seeking new insights on intersectionality in health care contexts. In: Hankivsky, O., (ed.) Health inequities in Canada: intersectional frameworks and practices. Vancouver, Canada : University of British Columbia Press. pp. 112-131. ISBN 9780774819756
Rindzeviciute, Egle (2011) Book Review of: 'Politics, policy and the discourses of heritage in Britain' by Emma Waterton. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 18(4), pp. 488-490. ISSN (print) 1028-6632
Rindzeviciute, Egle (2011) National museums in Lithuania : a story of state building (1855-2010). In: EuNaMus, European National Museums : Identity politics, the uses of the past and the European citizen; 28 - 30 Apr 2011, Bologna, Italy. ISSN (print) 1650-3686
Roberts, Ron, Becirevic, Edina and Paul, Stephen (2011) Truth and denial: psychological perspectives on reconciliation in Bosnia. In: Elford, R. John, (ed.) Just reconciliation: the practice and morality of making peace. Bern, Switzerland : Peter Lang. pp. 129-146. (New International Studies in Applied Ethics, (6)) ISSN (print) 1663-0033 ISBN 9783034301657
Roseneil, Sasha, Crowhurst, Isabel, Hellesund, Tone, Santos, Ana Crisitina and Stoilova, Mariya (2011) Intimate citizenship and gendered well-being: the claims and interventions of women's movements in Europe. In: Woodward, Alison , Bonvin, Jean-Michel and Renom, Mercè, (eds.) Transforming Gendered Well-Being in Europe. Ashgate. pp. 187-195. ISBN 9781409402831
Sharma, Sonya, Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl and Meyerhoff, Heather (2011) Filmmaking with Aboriginal youth for Type 2 Diabetes prevention. Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health, 9(2), pp. 423-440. ISSN (print) 1705-7841
Sharma, Sonya and Chapman, Gwen (2011) Food, photographs and frames: photo elicitation in a Canadian qualitative food study. Cuizine: The Journal of Canadian Food Cultures, 3(1), ISSN (online) 1918-5480
Sharma, Sonya (2011) Good girls, good sex: women talk about church and sexuality. Winnipeg, Canada : Fernwood Publishing. 112p. ISBN 9781552664384
Teverson, Andrew and Upstone, Sara (2011) Introduction. In: Teverson, Andrew and Upstone, Sara, (eds.) Postcolonial spaces: the politics of place in contemporary culture. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmilan. pp. 1-13. ISBN 9780230252257
Teverson, Andrew and Upstone, Sara, eds. (2011) Postcolonial spaces: the politics of place in contemporary culture. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmilan. 208p. ISBN 9780230252257
Theobald, Delphine and Farrington, David P. (2011) Predictors and correlates of male partner violence over the life course. In: 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology; 16 - 19 Nov 2011, Washington, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Theobald, Delphine and Farrington, David P. (2011) Why do the crime-reducing effects of marriage vary with age? British Journal of Criminology, 51(1), pp. 136-158. ISSN (print) 0007-0955
Tong, S., Murphy, R. and Underwood, R. (2011) Criminal investigation and higher education : a crossroads to an uncertain future. In: The Higher Education Forum for Learning and Development in Policing Conference; 06 - 07 Sep 2011, Northampton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Tong, S. (2011) Police research and interviewing police elites. In: The Higher Education Forum for Learning and Development in Policing Conference; 06 - 07 Sep 2011, Northampton, U.K..
Tong, S. (2011) The science of criminal investigation. In: Netherlands Police Academy, Scientific Research and Criminal Investigation Conference; Nov 2011, Netherlands. (Unpublished)
Twigger-Ross, C, Coates, T, Deeming, H, Orr, P, Ramsden, M and Stafford, J (2011) Community resilience research: Final report on theoretical research and analysis of case studies, report to the Cabinet Office and Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Collingwood Environmental Planning Ltd. 52 p.
Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic, Euden, Gemma and Hearn, Vanessa (2011) Einstellung defused: interactivity and mental set. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64(10), pp. 1889-1895. ISSN (print) 1747-0218
Wainwright, Thomas, Kibler, Ewald, Blackburn, Robert and Kautonen, Teemu (2011) Exploring social barriers to older self-employment. In: RENT XXV: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business: 25th Anniversary Conference; 16-18 Nov 2011, Bodo, Norway.
Wainwright, Thomas, Kibler, Ewald, Blackburn, Robert and Kautonen, Teemu (2011) Who are you calling old?: revisiting notions of age and ability amongst older entrepreneurs. In: 34th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Sustainable futures: enterprising landscapes and communities; 9-10 Nov 2011, Sheffield, U.K.. ISBN 9781900862233
Ware, Vron (2011) 'Johnny Gurkha loves a party': the colonial film archive and the racial imaginary of the worker-warrior. In: Grieveson, Lee and McCabe, Colin, (eds.) Film and the end of empire. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 119-131. ISBN 9781844574247
Ware, Vron (2011) The new literary front: public diplomacy and the cultural politics of reading Arabic fiction in translation. New Formations(73), pp. 56-77. ISSN (print) 0950-2378
Williams, Steve, Heery, Edmund and Abbott, Brian (2011) The emerging regime of civil regulation in work and employment relations. Human Relations, 64(7), pp. 951-970. ISSN (print) 0018-7267