Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Social work and social policy and administration"

Abdul Kadir, Nor Ba’yah and Bifulco, Antonia (2011) Vulnerability, life events and depression amongst Moslem Malaysian women: comparing those married and those divorced or separated. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 46(9), pp. 853-862. ISSN (print) 0933-7954
Aziz, Samehia and Hughes, Annie (2011) Violence against women in Pakistan : a case study of Cholistani women. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 5(10), pp. 451-466. ISSN (print) 1833-1882
Bell, Sarah, Shaw, Ben and Boaz, Annette (2011) Real-world approaches to assessing the impact of environmental research on policy. Research Evaluation, 20(3), pp. 227-237. ISSN (print) 0958-2029
Boaz, Annette, Baeza, Juan and Fraser, Alec (2011) Effective implementation of research into practice: an overview of systematic reviews of the health literature. BMC Research Notes, 4(1), p. 212. ISSN (online) 1756-0500
Bressington, Daniel T., Wells, Harvey and Graham, Matthew (2011) A concept mapping exploration of social workers' and mental health nurses' understanding of the role of the approved mental health professional. Nurse Education Today, 31(6), pp. 564-570. ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Conde, A., Figueirido, B. and Bifulco, A. (2011) Attachment style and psychological adjustment in couples. Attachment & Human Development, 13(3), pp. 271-291. ISSN (print) 1461-6734
Cornes, Michelle, Joly, Louise, O'Halloran, Sue and Manthorpe, Jill (2011) Rethinking multiple exclusion homelessness: implications for workforce development and interprofessional practice. (Other) London, U.K. : Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London. 7 p.
Cornes, Michelle, Joly, Louise, Manthorpe, Jill, O'Halloran, Sue and Smyth, Rob (2011) Working together to address multiple exclusion homelessness. Social Policy and Society, 10(4), pp. 513-522. ISSN (print) 1474-7464
Crane, Maureen, Joly, Louise and Warnes, Tony (2011) Single homeless people who are rehoused: their experiences and needs. In: Housing Ireland 2020: solutions for a new environment; 28-29 September 2011, Galway, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Cronin, Ann, Ward, Richard, Pugh, Steve, King, Andrew and Price, Elizabeth (2011) Categories and their consequences: Understanding and supporting the caring relationships of older lesbian, gay and bisexual people. International Social Work, 54(3), pp. 421-435. ISSN (print) 0020-8728
Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Peter (2011) Characteristics of the internet for criminal child sexual abuse by online groomers. Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society, 24(1), pp. 23-36. ISSN (print) 1478-601X
Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Peter, eds. (2011) Internet child abuse: current research and policy. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 216p. ISBN 9780415559805
Davies, Keith (2011) Work-based distance learning for probation practice: doing the job properly. Probation Journal, 58(1), pp. 68-73. ISSN (print) 0264-5505
Davies, Miranda, Harries, Priscilla, Gilhooly, Kenneth and Gilhooly, Mary (2011) Decision making in relation to financial elder abuse : a review of the literature on decision making and judgment analysis. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies, Brunel University. 17 p. (NDA Programme : Detecting and Preventing Financial Abuse of Older Adults, no. 2) ISBN 9781902316895
Davies, Miranda, Sullivan, Mary Pat, Harries, Priscilla, Cairns, Deborah, Stanley, David, Gilhooly, Mary, Gilhooly, Kenneth, Notley, Elizabeth, Gilbert, Anthony, Penhale, Bridget and Hennessy, Catherine (2011) Factors used in the detection of elder financial abuse : a judgement and decision-making study of social workers and their managers. International Social Work, 54(3), pp. 404-420. ISSN (print) 0020-8728
Davies, Miranda, Gilhooly, Mary, Harries, Priscilla and Gilhooly, Kenneth (2011) Financial elder abuse : a review of the literature. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies, Brunel University. 23 p. (NDA Programme : Detecting and Preventing Financial Abuse of Older Adults, no. 1) ISBN 9781902316888
Davies, Miranda, Gilhooly, Mary, Harries, Priscilla and Gilhooly, Kenneth (2011) Phase II - methodologies used in a study modelling decision making by social care, health and banking professionals. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies, Brunel University. 25 p. (NDA Programme : Detecting and Preventing Financial Abuse of Older Adults, no. 5) ISBN 9781902316925
Davies, Miranda, Gilhooly, Kenneth, Harries, Priscilla and Gilhooly, Mary (2011) Phase II results : modelling financial elder abuse cue usage by banking professionals : results from a study on decision making. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies, Brunel University. 24 p. (NDA Programme : Detecting and Preventing Financial Abuse of Older Adults, no. 7) ISBN 9781902316949
Davies, Miranda, Harries, Priscilla, Gilhooly, Kenneth and Gilhooly, Mary (2011) Phase II results : modelling financial elder abuse cue usage by social care and health professionals : findings from a study of decision making in detecting financial abuse. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies, Brunel University. 25 p. (NDA Programme : Detecting and Preventing Financial Abuse of Older Adults, no. 6) ISBN 9781902316932
Dobson, Rachael (2011) Conditionality and homelessness services; 'practice realities' in a drop-in centre. Social Policy and Society, 10(4), pp. 547-557. ISSN (print) 1474-7464
Dobson, Rachael and McNeill, Jenny (2011) Review article: Homelessness and housing support services: rationales and policies under New Labour. Social Policy and Society, 10(04), pp. 581-589. ISSN (print) 1474-7464
Fisher, Helen L., Bunn, Amanda, Jacobs, Catherine, Moran, Patricia and Bifulco, Antonia (2011) Concordance between mother and offspring reports of childhood adversity. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35(2), pp. 117-122. ISSN (print) 0145-2134
Fook, J., Johannessen, A. and Psoinos, M. (2011) Partnership in practice research: a Norwegian experience. Social Work and Society, 9(1), ISSN (online) 1613-8953
Fook, Jan (2011) Critical reflection and power in social work. In: Okitikpi, Toyin, (ed.) Social control and the use of power in social work with children and families. Lyme Regis, U.K. : Russell House Publishing. pp. 126-140. ISBN 9781905541713
Fook, Jan (2011) Developing critical reflection as a research method. In: Higgs, Joy , Titchen, Angie , Horsfal, Debbie and Bridges, Donna, (eds.) Creative spaces for qualitative researching: living research. Rotterdam, The Netherlands : Sense Publishers. pp. 55-64. (Practice, education, work and society, (5)) ISBN 9789460917608
Fook, Jan (2011) The politics of competency debates. Canadian Social Work Review, 28(2), pp. 295-298. ISSN (print) 0820-909X
Gupta, Anna, Fook, Jan, Bhatti-Sinclair, Kish, Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni and Lee, Yenn (2011) Informing the development of cultural and ethical competence in social work education. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Social Policy and Social Work Subject Centre (SWAP). 19 p.
Hall, Nigel (2011) Book Review of: Social Work in Extremis: Lessons for Social Work Internationally. The British Journal of Social Work, 41(6), pp. 1218-1220. ISSN (print) 0045-3102
Harding, John and Davies, Keith (2011) Step by steppe - progressing probation in Russia. Probation Journal, 58(4), pp. 355-363. ISSN (print) 0264-5505
Hood, Rick (2011) Outcomes, indicators and professional work in integrated children’s services. In: 3rd Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators: Children's Well-Being: The Research & Policy Challenges; 27-29 Jul 2011, York, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hood, Rick (2011) The tail and the dog : the role of research in developing integrated children's services. In: European Conference for Social Work Research; 23 - 25 Mar 2011, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Huq, Rupa (2011) Nation. In: Lesko, Nancy and Talburt, Susan, (eds.) Keywords in Youth Studies: Tracing Affects, Movements and Knowledges. Oxon, U.K. : Taylor and Francis. pp. 174-179. ISBN 9780415874120
Joly, Louise and Cornes, Michelle (2011) Multiple exclusion homelessness: is there a role for social work? In: Making Research Count Practice Development Seminar; 04 Oct 2011, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Jones, Ray (2011) Book review of: 'Social care management, strategy and business planning' by Hafford-Letchfield, T. Health and Social Care in the Community, 19(3), p. 336. ISSN (print) 0966-0410
Jones, Ray (2011) History and hindrance: the impact of change and churn on integrating health and social care. Research, Policy and Planning, 28(3), pp. 199-206. ISSN (print) 0264-519X
Jones, Ray (2011) Successful fostering needs support. Society Guardian, p. 9.
Lindsay, Jane, Baidoun, Mahmoud and Jones, David N. (2011) Case study: working with sexual abuse in East Jerusalem. Ethics and Social Welfare, 5(3), pp. 298-305. ISSN (print) 1749-6535
Lindsay, Jane (2011) Equipping ourselves for practice: the continuing professional development of social workers in the occupied palestinian territories. In: Stanley, Selwyn, (ed.) Social Work Education in Countries of the East. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 369-388. ISBN 9781617611070
Matczak, Anna (2011) Book review of: 'Exploring modern probation : social theory and organisational complexity' by Philip Whitehead. European Journal of Probation, 3(2), pp. 93-95. ISSN (online) 2006-2203
Matczak, Anna, Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni and Lindsay, Jane (2011) Review of domestic violence policies in England & Wales. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Kingston University and St George's, University of London. 28 p. ISBN 9780955832970
Møller, Signe J and Tenenbaum, Harriet R (2011) Danish majority children's reasoning about exclusion based on gender and ethnicity. Child Development, 82(2), pp. 520-532. ISSN (print) 0009-3920
Psoinos, Maria, Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni, Butler, Christina and Barn, Ravinder (2011) Ethnic monitoring in healthcare services in the UK as a mechanism to address health disparities: a narrative review. (Other) London : SWan IPI. 35 p. ISBN 9780955832987
Psoinos, Maria (2011) The important role of refugee and migrant community organizations in bringing out highly educated refugees’ potential as knowledge workers. In: Nicolopoulou, K. , Taylor, J. , Karataş-Őzkan, M. and Tatli, A., (eds.) Global knowledge workers: diversity and relationality perspectives. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 95-113. ISBN 9781848445437
Rawlings, Anne and Paliokosta, Paty (2011) Learning for interprofessionalism: pedagogy for all. In: Trodd, Lynn and Civers, Leo, (eds.) Interprofessional working in practice: learning and working together for children and families. London, U.K. : Open University Press. pp. 53-67. ISBN 9780335244478
Skilton, Christine (2011) Involving experts by experience in assessing students' readiness to practise: the value of experiential learning in student reflection and preparation for practice. Social Work Education, 30(3), pp. 299-311. ISSN (print) 0261-5479
Twigger-Ross, C, Coates, T, Deeming, H, Orr, P, Ramsden, M and Stafford, J (2011) Community resilience research: Final report on theoretical research and analysis of case studies, report to the Cabinet Office and Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Collingwood Environmental Planning Ltd. 52 p.