Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Social work and social policy and administration"

Barnes, (Kathryn) Vivienne, Clouder, Lynn, Hughes, Christina, Purkis, Judy and Pritchard, Jackie (2008) Deconstructing dissemination: dissemination as qualitative research. In: Atkinson, Paul Anthony and Delamont, Sara, (eds.) Representing Ethnography. London, U.K. : Sage. (SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods, 4) ISBN 9781412945981
Bifulco, A., Jacobs, C., Bunn, A., Thomas, G. and Irving, K. (2008) The Attachment Style Interview (ASI) as an assessment of support capacity: exploring its use for adoption-fostering assessment. Adoption and Fostering, 32(3), pp. 33-45. ISSN (print) 0308-5759
Butler, Tim, Hamnett, Chris and Ramsden, Mark (2008) Inward and upward: marking out social class change in London, 1981 - 2001. Urban Studies, 45(1), pp. 67-88. ISSN (print) 0042-0980
Dunk, Priscilla (2008) Book Review of: Sociology and social work by Jo Cunningham and Steve Cunningham. The British Journal of Social Work, 38(8), pp. 1657-1658. ISSN (print) 0045-3102
Elliott, Nigel (2008) Moral agency and the service ideal. In: Improving practice by research: using evidence-based practice in the workplace; 7 Nov 2008, Kingston-upon-Thames, UK. (Olive Stevenson Seminar Series) (Unpublished)
Elliott, Nigel (2008) The global vortex: social welfare in a networked world. Journal of Social Work Practice, 22(3), pp. 269-287. ISSN (print) 0265-0533
Ellison, George T. H., Kaufman, Jay S., Head, Rosemary F., Martin, Paul A. and Kahn, Jonathan D. (2008) Flaws in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's rationale for supporting the development and approval of BiDil as a treatment for heart failure only in black patients. The Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics, 36(3), pp. 449-457. ISSN (print) 1073-1105
Ellison, George T. H., Tutton, Richard, Outram, Simon M., Martin, Paul, Ashcroft, Richard and Smart, Andrew (2008) An interdisciplinary perspective on the impact of genomics on the meaning of "race", and the future role of racial categories in biomedical research. N T M Journal of History of Sciences, Technology, and Medicine, 16(3), pp. 378-386. ISSN (print) 0036-6978
Faulkner, A., Gillespie, S., Imlack, S., Dhillon, K. and Crawford, M. (2008) Learning the lessons together. Mental Health Today, 8(1), pp. 24-26. ISSN (print) 1474-5186
Hall, Nigel (2008) International Federation of Social Workers. In: Mizrahi, Terry and Davis, Larry E., (eds.) Encyclopedia of social work. 20th ed. Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press. 2 ISBN 0195306619
Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni (2008) Cultural Capital During Migration: Findings from narrative interviews with Academically and Vocationally Skilled Adults with Immigrant Background in the UK - Final Report. (Project Report) Canterbury : European Centre for the Study of Migration and Social Care, University of Kent. 89 p.
Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni [Speaker] (2008) Cultural capital of second generation migrant women in the UK: reconstructing gendered experiences through biographical narratives. In: Migration and the gender/race nexus; 05 Sep 2008, Leeds, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Jones, Ray (2008) Self-directed support: watching out for the pitfalls. Journal of Integrated Care, 16(1), pp. 44-47. ISSN (print) 1476-9018
Jones, Ray (2008) Social work and management. In: Barnard, Adam , Horner, Nigel and Wild, Jim, (eds.) The value base of social work and social care: an active learning handbook. Hardcover. Maidenhead, UK : Open University Press. pp. 145-164. ISBN 9780335222155
Lindsay, Jane and Baidoun, Naimeh (2008) Developing social workers in Palestine: evaluating 11 years of programme development. In: 34th Biennial Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) : Transcending global-local divides: challenges for social work education and practice; 20 - 24 Jul 2008, Durban, South Africa. (Unpublished)
Lindsay, Jane (2008) Education in political conflict: dilemmas, opportunities, obstacles and achievements in training Palestinian social care workers and social workers. In: Ramon, Shulamit, (ed.) Social work in the context of political conflict. Birmingham : Venture Press. pp. 217-243. ISBN 9781861780805
Mackenzie, Ann and Greenwood, Nan (2008) Assessment of informal carers: what implications will the new Strategy for Carers have? Policy & Politics, 36(4), pp. 601-604. ISSN (print) 0305-5736
Mathew-Byrne, Jane (2008) How does supervision contribute to professional and organisational development? A case study of a local voluntary drug sector organisation. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Ross, Jeremy (2008) Decision making in practice. In: Okitikipi, Toyin and Aymer, Cathy, (eds.) The Art of Social Work Practice. Lyme Regis : Russell House Publishing. pp. 101-113. ISBN 9781905541300
Tzouriadou, Maria, Kontopoulou-Kokkinaki, Melanthia and Psoinos, Maria (2008) An inclusive early-intervention programme: the cases of a native-born and an immigrant preschooler. In: Early Childhood Intervention in Europe: Good practice in early childhood intervention; 3-4 September 2008, Kristiansand, Norway. (Unpublished)
Windle, Karen, Wagland, Richard, Lord, Kathryn, Dickinson, Angela, Knapp, Martin, D'Amico, Francesco, Forder, Julien, Henderson, Catherine, Wistow, Gerald, Beech, Roger, Roe, Brenda and Bowling, Ann (2008) National evaluation of partnerships for older people projects: interim report of progress. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Personal Social Services Research Unit and University of Hertfordshire for Department of Health.