Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Politics and international studies"

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Group by: First Author/Editor | Item Type | Year
Number of items: 72.


Al-Kuwari, Mona M., Al-Fagih, Luluwah and Koç, Muammer (2021) Asking the right questions for Sustainable Development Goals : performance assessment approaches for the Qatar education system. Sustainability, 13(7), e3883. ISSN (print) 2071-1050

Artaraz, Kepa, Calestani, Melania and Trueba, Mei (2021) Introduction. Vivir bien / Buen vivir and post-neoliberal development paths in Latin America : scope, strategies and the realities of implementation. Latin American Perspectives, 48(3), pp. 4-16. ISSN (print) 0094-582X

Bennachie, Calum, Pickering, Annah, Lee, Jenny, Macioti, P. G., Mai, Nicola, Fehrenbacher, Anne E., Giametta, Calogero, Hoefinger, Heidi and Musto, Jennifer (2021) Unfinished decriminalization : the impact of Section 19 of the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 on migrant sex workers’ rights and lives in Aotearoa New Zealand. Social Sciences, 10(5), e179. ISSN (print) 2076-0760

Blackwell-Pal, Jaswinder, Boyle, Michael Shane, Dilks, Ash, Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe, Mckeon, Olive, Moravec, Lisa, Simari, Alessandro, Unger, Clio and Young, Martin (2021) Marxist keywords for performance. Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, 36(1), pp. 25-53. ISSN (print) 0888-3203

Choat, Simon (2021) Decolonising the political theory curriculum. Politics, 41(3), pp. 404-420. ISSN (print) 0263-3957

Choudhury, Homagni, Kopacsi, Zoltan Laszlo, Saxena, Gunjan and Mishra, Nishikant (2021) The ethical dimension in political market orientation : a framework for evaluating the impact of India’s Look East Policy on regional income convergence. Journal of Business Ethics, 168, pp. 353-372. ISSN (print) 0167-4544

Collison, Luke (2021) Georges Sorel’s political energy. History of European Ideas, 47(8), pp. 1348-1361. ISSN (print) 0191-6599

Crawshaw, Alison F, Deal, Anna, Rustage, Kieran, Forster, Alice S, Campos-Matos, Ines, Vandrevala, Tushna, Würz, Andrea, Pharris, Anastasia, Suk, Jonathan, Kinsman, John, Deogan, Charlotte, Miller, Anna, Declich, Silvia, Greenaway, Chris, Noori, Teymur and Hargreaves, Sally (2021) What must be done to tackle vaccine hesitancy and barriers to COVID-19 vaccination in migrants? Journal of Travel Medicine, 28(4), taab048. ISSN (print) 1195-1982

Drury, John, Mao, Guanlan, John, Ann, Kamal, Atiya, Rubin, G. James, Stott, Clifford, Vandrevala, Tushna and Marteau, Theresa M. (2021) Behavioural responses to Covid-19 health certification : a rapid review. BMC Public Health, 21, p. 1205. ISSN (online) 1471-2458

Dunbar, Rupert (2021) Article 3(5) TEU a decade on : revisiting ‘strict observance of international law’ in the text and context of other EU values. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 28(4), pp. 479-497. ISSN (print) 1023-263X

Ferguson, Nick and Hahn, Andreas (2021) Landscapes of Heathrow : the aircraft landing gear compartment and the politics of global transfer. Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman, 2(1), ISSN (online) 2633-4321

Finn, Peter (2021) Freedom of Information legislation and the democratic oversight narrative. Critical Military Studies, 7(3), pp. 335-354. ISSN (print) 2333-7486

Galli, Giulia, Angelucci, Davide, Bode, Stefan, De Giorgi, Chiara, De Sio, Lorenzo, Paparo, Aldo, Di Lorenzo, Giorgio and Betti, Viviana (2021) Early EEG responses to pre-electoral survey items reflect political attitudes and predict voting behavior. Scientific Reports, 11, p. 18692. ISSN (online) 2045-2322

Hakim, Lina (2021) Stones, pebbles, and rocks. Journal of Visual Culture, 20(2), ISSN (print) 1470-4129

Hallward, Peter [Interviewee] and Gordon-Farleigh, Jonny [Interviewer] (2021) Reclaiming the will of the people : interview with Peter Hallward. Stir to Action Blog,

Hanson, Kristin, O'Dwyer, Emma and Lyons, Evanthia (2021) The national divide : a social representations approach to US political identity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(4-5), pp. 833-846. ISSN (print) 0046-2772

Hauk, Esther and Ortega, Javier (2021) Schooling, nation building and industrialization. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 33(1), pp. 56-94. ISSN (print) 0951-6298

Hopkins, Anna, Oliver, Kathryn, Boaz, Annette, Guillot-Wright, Shannon and Cairney, Paul (2021) Are research-policy engagement activities informed by policy theory and evidence? 7 challenges to the UK impact agenda. Policy Design and Practice, 4(3), pp. 341-356. ISSN (print) 2574-1292

Ichijo, Atsuko (2021) Book Review of: 'Standing up for Scotland : nationalist unionism and Scottish party politics, 1884–2014' by David Torrance. Nations and Nationalism, 27(3), pp. 916-917. ISSN (print) 1354-5078

Ichijo, Atsuko (2021) Book Review of: 'Writing the history of nationalism' edited by Stefan Berger and Eric Storm. Nations and Nationalism, 27(3), pp. 917-918. ISSN (print) 1354-5078

Kalil, Renan and Pucheta, Mauro (2021) Argentina : the right to fair and satisfactory working conditions through the lens of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, Dispatches(32),

Lawler, Mark, De Lorenzo, Francesco, Lagergren, Pernilla, Mennini, Francesco S., Narbutas, Saronas, Scocca, Grazia and Meunier, Françoise (2021) Challenges and solutions to embed cancer survivorship research and innovation within the EU Cancer Mission. Molecular Oncology, 15(7), pp. 1750-1758. ISSN (print) 1574-7891

Mai, Nicola, Macioti, P.G., Bennachie, Calum, Fehrenbacher, Anne E., Giametta, Calogero, Hoefinger, Heidi and Musto, Jennifer (2021) Migration, sex work and trafficking : the racialized bordering politics of sexual humanitarianism. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(9), pp. 1607-1628. ISSN (print) 0141-9870

Morris, Max (2021) The politics of testing positive : an autoethnography of media (mis)representations at the 'start' and 'end' of different pandemics. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 23(11), pp. 1485-1499. ISSN (print) 1369-1058

Musto, Jennifer, Fehrenbacher, Anne E., Hoefinger, Heidi, Mai, Nicola, Macioti, P. G., Bennachie, Calum, Giametta, Calogero and D’Adamo, Kate (2021) Anti-trafficking in the time of FOSTA/SESTA : networked moral gentrification and sexual humanitarian creep. Social Sciences, 10(2), e58. ISSN (print) 2076-0760

Nuttall, Jeremy (2021) The persistence of character in twentieth-century British politics. Journal of Contemporary History, 56(1), pp. 96-116. ISSN (print) 0022-0094

Omay, Tolga, Shahbaz, Muhammad and Stewart, Chris (2021) Is there really hysteresis in the OECD unemployment rates? New evidence using a Fourier panel unit root test. Empirica, 48, pp. 875-901. ISSN (print) 0340-8744

Pavitt, Jane and Aliabieva, Liudmila [Contributor] (2021) Fashion in an age of anxiety. Shagi / Steps, 7(4), pp. 300-309. ISSN (print) 24129410

Pucheta, Mauro (2021) The Mercosur Socio-Labour Declaration : the development of a common regional framework in the Global South. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 37(4), pp. 325-354. ISSN (print) 0952-617X

Ranta, Ronald [Reviewer] (2021) Book Review of: 'How long will Israel survive? The threat from within' by Gregg Carlstrom. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 20(1), p. 117. ISSN (print) 1472-5886

Ranta, Ronald and Mulrooney, Hilda (2021) Pandemics, food (in)security, and leaving the EU : what does the Covid-19 pandemic tell us about food insecurity and Brexit. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 3(1), p. 100125. ISSN (print) 2590-2911

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) Archyvas / simuliatorius = [Archive / simulator]. Dekolonizuojant Atomines Infrastruktūras = [Decolonising Atomic Infrastructures],

Rindzeviciute, Egle [Reviewer] (2021) Book Review of: 'Enrichment : a critique of commodities' by Luc Boltanski and Arnaud Esquerre, translated by Catherine Porter. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 27(5), pp. 699-701. ISSN (print) 1028-6632

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) Dekolonizuojant atomines infrastruktūras : politika, paveldas ir poetika = [Decolonising atomic infrastructures : politics, heritage and poetics]. Dekolonizuojant Atomines Infrastruktūras = [Decolonising Atomic Infrastructures],

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) Nuclear superpowers : art, culture and heritage in the nuclear age. Baltic Worlds, XIV(1-2), pp. 102-106. ISSN (print) 2000-2955

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) Transforming cultural policy in Eastern Europe : the endless frontier. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 27(2), pp. 149-162. ISSN (print) 1028-6632

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) Šiuolaikinio meno politinė ekologija miesto erdvėje. Pokalbis su Egle Grėbliauskaite ir Agne Gintalaite = [Contemporary art ecology in urban spaces].,

Simsek, Dogus (2021) Corrigendum [Correction to: Journal of Refugee Studies, Volume 33, Issue 3, September 2020, Pages 537–554]. Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(1), p. 1274. ISSN (print) 0951-6328

Simsek, Dogus (2021) Forced displacement and access to the labour market : the case of Gaziantep. Refugee Watch, 58, pp. 57-70. ISSN (print) 2347-405X

Simsek, Dogus (2021) What role does race play in the experience of migration? The Sociological Review Magazine, ISSN (online) 2754-1371

Simsek, Dogus (2021) "Winners and losers of neoliberalism" : the intersection of class and race in the case of Syrian refugees in Turkey. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(15), pp. 2816-2835. ISSN (print) 0141-9870

Taylor, Claire, Mencía, María, Asorey-Cacheda, Rafael and Zúñiga-Cañón, Claudia (2021) Co-creation, digital art and agency : experiences from a co-created digital artwork project in Colombia = Co-creación, Arte Digital y Agencia : experiencias de un proyecto de co-creación de obras de arte digital en Colombia. Quaderni Culturali, 3, pp. 31-42. ISSN (online) 2785-5031

Woodbridge, Steven (2021) Book Review of: 'Fascism: A Quick Immersion' by Roger Griffin. e-Extreme (Newsletter of the ECPR Standing Group on Extremism & Democracy), 22(1), pp. 8-10.

von Eggers, Nicolai (2021) Federalist fascism. Fascism, 10(2), pp. 298-322. ISSN (print) 2211-6249

Şimşek, Doğuş (2021) Book Review of: 'Refugee imaginaries: research across the humanities', by Emma Cox, Sam Durrant, David Farrier, Lyndsey Stonebridge, and Agnes Woolley (eds.). Migration and Society, 4(1), pp. 206-208. ISSN (print) 2574-1314


Artaraz, Kepa , Calestani, Melania and Trueba, Mei, eds. (2021) Vivir bien/Buen vivir and post-neoliberal development paths in Latin America : scope, strategies, and the realities of implementation. SAGE Publications. (Latin American Perspectives, 48(3)) ISSN (print) 0094-582X

Balaskas, Bill and Rito, Carolina, eds. (2021) Fabricating publics : the dissemination of culture in the post-truth era. Liverpool, U.K. : Open Humanities Press. 257p. (DATA browser) ISBN 978178421051

Rindzeviciute, Egle, ed. (2021) Transforming cultural policy in Eastern Europe : the endless frontier. Taylor & Francis. 116p. (International Journal of Cultural Policy, (27(2))) ISSN (print) 1028-6632

Book Section

Balaskas, Bill (2021) Anarchy near the UK. In: Balaskas, Bill and Rito, Carolina, (eds.) Fabricating publics : the dissemination of culture in the post-truth era. Liverpool, U.K. : Open Humanities Press. pp. 143-152. (DATA browser) ISBN 978178421051

Balaskas, Bill and Rito, Carolina (2021) Fabricating publics. In: Balaskas, Bill and Rito, Carolina, (eds.) Fabricating publics : the dissemination of culture in the post-truth era. Liverpool, U.K. : Open Humanities Press. pp. 9-23. (DATA browser) ISBN 978178421051 (In Press)

Cathcart, Brian (2021) The origins and development of political journalism in Britain. In: Morrison, James , Birks, Jen and Berry, Mike, (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Political Journalism. London : Routledge. pp. 17-25. ISBN 9780367248222

Domínguez Redondo, Elvira and Sepúlveda Carmona, Magdalena (2021) Contextualizing the Cassese report : the dictatorship that changed the United Nations human rights system and its legacy in monitoring economic, social and cultural rights. In: Bohoslavsky, Juan Pablo , Fernández, Karinna and Smart, Sebastián, (eds.) Pinochet's economic accomplices: an unequal country by force. Lanham, U.S. : Lexington Books. pp. 63-76. ISBN 9781793616494

Gamlin, Jennie, Gibbon, Sahra and Calestani, Melania (2021) The biopolitics of COVID-19 in the UK : racism, nationalism and the afterlife of colonialism. In: Manderson, Lenore , Burke, Nancy J. and Wahlberg, Ayo, (eds.) Viral Loads : anthropologies of urgency in the time of COVID-19. London, U.K. : UCL Press. pp. 108-127. ISBN 9781800080256

Higginbottom, Andrew (2021) The imperialist multinational : concentration, fiction or rent? In: Herrera, Rémy, (ed.) Imperialism and transitions to socialism. Bingley N.Y., U.S. : Emerald Publishing Limited. pp. 39-57. (Research in Political Economy, (36)) ISSN (print) 0161-7230 ISBN 9781800437050

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) The cybernetic prediction : orchestrating the future. In: Kemp, Sandra and Andersson, Jenny, (eds.) Futures. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. (Oxford twenty-first century approaches to literature) ISBN 9780198806820

Woodbridge, Steven (2021) Spies, lies and secret love-lives : five curious facts about Kingston's 'hidden' history. In: ., ., (ed.) Local community history month resource pack. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Royal Borough of Kingston Libraries Service and Kingston History Centre. pp. 6-9.

Conference or Workshop Item

Lloyd, Fran, Narvselius, Eleonora and Padovan-Özdemir, Marta (2021) Let’s make it home : what critical storytelling and visual arts-based methodologies offer. In: 20th Nordic Migration Research Conference & 17th ETMU Conference : Colonial/Racial Histories, National Narratives and Transnational Migration; 11-14 Jan 2021, Helsinki, Finland. (Unpublished)

Mulrooney, H., Bhakta, D. and Ranta, R. (2021) Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on food aid : a qualitative exploration. In: The Nutrition Society Winter Conference 2021 : Obesity and the Brain; 07-08 Dec 2021, London, U.K..

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) Cultural policy in the Northern Europe : beyond residual governance. In: The 10th Nordic Conference of Cultural Policy Research (NCCPR); 10-12 Nov 2021, Borås, Sweden. (Unpublished)

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) Nuclear power and cultural heritage in Russia. In: ICCEES 10th World Congress : Bridging National and Global Perspectives; 03-08 Aug 2021, Montreal, Canada (Held online). (Unpublished)

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) Re-assessing Stalinist repressions through the nuclear cultural heritage-making. In: Troubling Anniversaries; 21-22 Oct 2021, Belfast, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) Re-assessing Stalinist repressions through the nuclear cultural heritage-making. In: USSR to Post-Soviet Russia : Reparations or Repression for Stalin's Victims; 29 Mar 2021, Held online. (Unpublished)

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) Tackling nuclear waste and cultural heritage : beyond residual governance. In: Re-opening the bin : waste, economy, culture and society; 10 - 12 Jun 2021, Gothenburg, Sweden (Held online). (Unpublished)

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) Thinking management across the Iron Curtain : theory, practice and reflexivity in Soviet management. In: Worlds of Management : Transregional approaches to management knowledge since 1945; 14-16 Apr 2021, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) Transforming cultural policy in Eastern Europe : the endless frontier. In: The 11th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 2020) “Resilience of Cultural Policy”; 23-26 Mar 2021, Kyoto, Japan (Held online). (Unpublished)

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) The global data of nuclear winter and acid rain : navigating the cold war research infrastructures at IIASA in Laxenburg. In: Forschungsschwerpunkt Wissenschaftsgeschichte Seminar; 12 Apr 2021, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2021) The science of forecasting and prediction in the Soviet Union. In: The Century of Sputnik and Chernobyl : Science and the European Left during the Twentieth Century; 20-21 Apr 2021, Held online. (Unpublished)


Finn, Peter, Imiola, Madison and Ledger, Robert (2021) Pandemic politics : Covid-19 and the 2020 US Electoral Cycle. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 34 p.

Nancheva, Nevena and Cinpoes, Radu (2021) EU migration and mobility : the impact of Covid-19. (Project Report) Kingston University. 14 p. (Covid Policy Briefs)

Sound Recording

Finn, Peter [Producer] and Criminology, politics and sociology, Kingston University. (Podcast). (58 min.)

Scott, Alex [Interviewer], Artaraz, Kepa [Interviewee] and Calestani, Melania [Interviewee] (2021) Post-neoliberal development paths in Latin America. (podcast). SAGE Publications. (60 min) (Sage Political Science & International Relations)


Grillo, Alessandro (2021) Digitalisation, social capital and political participation : an investigation of technological affordance and intensity of social media use. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

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