Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Philosophy"

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Group by: First Author/Editor | Item Type | Year
Number of items: 24.


Caygill, Howard (2021) Heidegger and the automatic Earth image. Philosophy Today, 65(2), pp. 325-338. ISSN (print) 0031-8256

Collison, Luke (2023) From the commissary dictator to the 'Katechon' : continuity in Carl Schmitt’s theory of intermediate authority. Political Theology, 24(2), pp. 164-182. ISSN (print) 1462-317X

Collison, Luke (2021) Georges Sorel’s political energy. History of European Ideas, 47(8), pp. 1348-1361. ISSN (print) 0191-6599

Crowther, Susan A., Hall, Jenny, Balabanoff, Doreen, Baranowska, Barbara, Kay, Lesley, Menage, Diane and Fry, Jane (2021) Spirituality and childbirth : an international virtual co-operative inquiry. Women and Birth, 34(2), e135-e145. ISSN (print) 1871-5192

Hudson-Miles, Richard (2021) Is it simple to be a Marxist in pedagogy? Book Review of: 'The gold and the dross : Althusser for educators' by David Backer. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 29(4), pp. 669-676. ISSN (print) 1468-1366

Malabou, Catherine (2021) To quarantine from quarantine : Rousseau, Robinson Crusoe, and “I”. Critical Inquiry, 47(S2), S13-S16. ISSN (print) 0093-1896


Balaskas, Bill and Rito, Carolina, eds. (2021) Fabricating publics : the dissemination of culture in the post-truth era. Liverpool, U.K. : Open Humanities Press. 257p. (DATA browser) ISBN 978178421051

Boulton, Richard (2021) Dialectic, rhetoric and contrast : the infinite middle of meaning. Wilmington, Delaware : Vernon Press. 148p. (Series in Philosophy) ISBN 9781648891496

Caygill, Howard, ed. (2021) Vocations of the political : Mario Tronti and Max Weber. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : CRMEP Books. 144p. (3) ISBN 9781999333768

Conway, Clare, ed. (2021) Collective writings. Limited edition of 5. Clare Conway.

Wortham, Simon (2021) Early mass : a novel by Peter Müller. London, U.K. : Ma Bibliothèque. 120p. ISBN 9781910055892

Book Section

Balaskas, Bill (2021) Anarchy near the UK. In: Balaskas, Bill and Rito, Carolina, (eds.) Fabricating publics : the dissemination of culture in the post-truth era. Liverpool, U.K. : Open Humanities Press. pp. 143-152. (DATA browser) ISBN 978178421051

Balaskas, Bill and Rito, Carolina (2021) Fabricating publics. In: Balaskas, Bill and Rito, Carolina, (eds.) Fabricating publics : the dissemination of culture in the post-truth era. Liverpool, U.K. : Open Humanities Press. pp. 9-23. (DATA browser) ISBN 978178421051 (In Press)

Hawkins, Michael (2021) Interacting entities : the relationships between Europe and Social Darwinism. In: Meacham, Darian and de Warren, Nicolas, (eds.) The Routledge handbook of philosophy and Europe. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 323-337. (Routledge handbooks in philosophy) ISBN 9781138921689

Osborne, Peter (2021) No going back – but not forward to there either : once more on art and/as research. In: Slager, Henk and Balkema, Annette W., (eds.) The Postresearch Condition. Utrecht, The Netherlands : Metropolis Books.

Sandford, Stella (2021) The 'thought-work' ; or, the exuberance of thinking in Kant and Freud. In: Vassilopoulou, Panayiota and Whistler, Daniel, (eds.) Thought : a philosophical history. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 219-235. ISBN 9780367000103

Van Den berg, Richard (2021) Sensationism and the moral sentiments : P.L. Roederer's reading of Smith's system of sympathy. In: Forman, Fonna, (ed.) The Adam Smith Review (Vol. 12). Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 248-277. ISBN 9780367521578

van Elferen, Isabella (2021) Timbrality : the vibrant aesthetics of color. In: Dolan, Emily I. and Rehding, Alexander, (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Timbre. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 69-91. (Oxford Handbooks) ISBN 9780190637224

Conference or Workshop Item

Perazzo Domm, Daniela (2021) Solo dancing and ecologies of plurality. In: IFTR Galway 2021 : Theatre Ecologies : Environments, Sustainability and Politics; 12 - 16 Jul 2021, Galway, Ireland (Held online). (Unpublished)

Weslati, Hager (2021) Kojève's Sophia : bored girls and the philosopher in the striped pyjamas. In: Kojève: here and now: international workshop 2021; 1 - 3 Sept. 2021, Held online. (Unpublished)


Carson, Rebecca (2021) The life of capital : human life, reproduction, money and immanent logic. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Feely, Jessica (2021) Towards a ‘“negative” universal history’ : the interpretation and construction of history in the philosophy of Theodor W. Adorno. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Hewlett, Fergus (2021) Individuation and scientific thinking : Simondon’s philosophy of transduction. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Schneider, Nicolas (2021) The place of resistance in phenomenology and critical theory : thinking opposition after Kant. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

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