Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Nursing and midwifery"

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Group by: First Author/Editor | Item Type | Year
Number of items: 66.


Baillie, Lesley, Ford, Pauline, Gallagher, Ann and Wainwright, Paul (2009) Dignified care for children and young people: nurses' perspectives. Paediatric nursing, 21(2), pp. 24-28. ISSN (print) 0962-9513

Baillie, Lesley, Ford, Pauline, Gallagher, Ann and Wainwright, Paul (2009) Nurses' views on dignity in care. Nursing older people, 21(8), pp. 22-29. ISSN (print) 1472-0795

Bennett, Janette, Davey, Barbara and Harris, Ruth (2009) Commitment expressions of nurses aged 45 and over: organisational, professional and personal factors. Journal of Research in Nursing, 14(5), pp. 391-401. ISSN (print) 1744-9871

Borckardt, Jeffrey J., Reeves, Scott and George, Mark S. (2009) The potential role of brain stimulation in the management of postoperative pain. Journal of Pain Management, 2(3), pp. 295-300. ISSN (print) 1939-5914

Bosanquet, Anna (2009) Inspiration from the past (1): Jane Sharp. The Practising Midwife, 12(8), pp. 33-35. ISSN (print) 1461-3123

Bosanquet, Anna (2009) Inspiration from the past (2): Sarah Stone, the enlightenment midwife. The Practising Midwife, 12(9), pp. 31-32. ISSN (print) 1461-3123

Bosanquet, Anna (2009) Inspiration from the past (3): Elizabeth Nihell, the 'anti-obstetric' midwife. The Practising Midwife, 12(10), pp. 46-48. ISSN (print) 1461-3123

Bosanquet, Anna (2009) Inspiration from the past (4): Margaret Stephen, protector of the profession. The Practising Midwife, 12(11), pp. 31-32. ISSN (print) 1461-3123

Brady, Mary (2009) Hospitalized children's views of the good nurse. Nursing Ethics, 16(5), pp. 543-560. ISSN (print) 0969-7330

Burke, Linda, Marks-Maran, Diane, Ooms, Ann, Webb, Marion and Cooper, Denise (2009) Towards a pedagogy of work-based learning: perceptions of work-based learning in foundation degrees. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 61(1), pp. 15-33. ISSN (print) 1363-6820

Chambers, Mary (2009) Book review of: Oxford handbook of mental health nursing. Patrick Callaghan & Helen Waldock. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006,. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 16(4), pp. 404-405. ISSN (print) 1351-0126

Drennan, Vari and Cole, Laura (2009) Dealing with incontinence. Living with dementia, Decemb(2009/201), pp. 14-15.

Drennan, Vari and Cole, Laura (2009) Promoting continence and managing incontinence with people with dementia living at home: one more challenge for integration. Journal of Integrated Care, 17(1), pp. 15-25. ISSN (print) 1476-9018

Eberhardie, Christine (2009) Research round-up. British journal of neuroscience nursing, 5(4), pp. 186-187. ISSN (print) 1747-0307

Eberhardie, Christine (2009) A personal view on the future of neuroscience nursing. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 5(8), p. 353. ISSN (print) 1747-0307

Gallagher, Ann, Wainwright, Paul, Baillie, Lesley and Ford, Pauline (2009) The RCN dignity survey: implications for leaders. Nursing Management, 16(4), pp. 12-16. ISSN (print) 1354-5760

Gault, Iris (2009) Service-user and carer perspectives on compliance and compulsory treatment in community mental health services. Health and Social Care in the Community, 17(5), pp. 504-513. ISSN (print) 0966-0410

Greenwood, Nan, Mackenzie, Ann, Wilson, Nikki and Cloud, Geoffrey (2009) Managing uncertainty in life after stroke : a qualitative study of the experiences of established and new informal carers in the first 3 months after discharge. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 46(8), pp. 1122-1133. ISSN (print) 0020-7489

Greenwood, Nan (2009) Reflections of a researcher interviewing older people. Nursing Older People, 21(7), pp. 30-31. ISSN (print) 1472-0795

Kay, Lesley (2009) Sink or swim? The Practising Midwife, 12(11), p. 30. ISSN (print) 1461-3123

Kay, Lesley (2009) Still a midwife? The transition from clinician to educator. The Practising Midwife, 12(8), p. 26. ISSN (print) 1461-3123

King, Linda M., Jackson, Marcus T., Gallagher, Ann, Wainwright, Paul and Lindsay, Jane (2009) Towards a model of the expert practice educator: interpreting multi-professional perspectives in the literature. Learning in Health and Social Care, 8(2), pp. 135-144. ISSN (print) 1473-6853

Lewko, Agnieszka, Bidgood, Penelope L and Garrod, Rachel (2009) Evaluation of psychological and physiological predictors of fatigue in patients with COPD. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 9(1), ISSN (online) 1471-2466

Martinez-Martin, P., Rodriguez-Blazquez, C., Abe, K., Bhattacharyya, K. B., Bloem, B. R., Carod-Artal, F. J., Prakash, R., Esselink, R.A.J., Falup-Pecurariu, C., Gallardo, M., Mir, P., Naidu, Y., Nicoletti, A., Sethi, K., Tsuboi, Y., van Hilten, J. J., Visser, M., Zappia, M. and Chaudhuri, K. R. (2009) International study on the psychometric attributes of the Non-Motor Symptoms Scale in Parkinson disease. Neurology, 73(19), pp. 1584-1591. ISSN (print) 0028-3878

Mboto, CI, Davies-Russell, A, Fielder, M and Jewell, A P (2009) CD4+ lymphocyte values and trends in individuals infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus and/or co-infected with Hepatitis C virus in The Gambia. African Health Sciences, 9(3), pp. 130-136. ISSN (print) 1680-6905

Mindell, Jennifer, Biddulph, Jane, Taylor, Lorraine, Lock, Karen, Boaz, Annette, Joffe, Michael and Curtis, Sarah (2009) Improving the use of evidence in health impact assessment. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 88(7), pp. 543-550. ISSN (print) 0042-9686

Ponto, Maria (2009) Book review of: Evidence-based nursing: an introduction edited by Nicky Cullum et. al. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 23(3), p. 314. ISSN (print) 1356-1820

Ponto, Maria (2009) Drawing Arctic circles. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 23(5), pp. 511-513. ISSN (print) 1356-1820

Rudd, Anthony G., Jenkinson, Damian, Grant, Robert L. and Hoffman, Alex (2009) Staffing levels and patient dependence in English stroke units. Clinical Medicine, 9(2), pp. 110-115. ISSN (print) 1470-2118

Smith, Debbie and Roberts, Ron (2009) Young parents’ perceptions of barriers to antenatal and postnatal care. British Journal of Midwifery, 17(10), pp. 620-627. ISSN (print) 0969-4900

Smith, Pam, Pearson, Pauline H and Ross, Fiona (2009) Emotions at work: what is the link to patient and staff safety - implications for nurse managers in the NHS. Journal Of Nursing Management, 17(2), pp. 230-237. ISSN (print) 0966-0429

Stavropoulou, A and Stroubouki, T (2009) Exploring nurse students' expectations for developing a quality assurance course. Health Science Journal, 3(4), pp. 254-262. ISSN (print) 1108-7366

Stavropoulou, Areti and Stroubouki, Theodora G. (2009) Measurement of nurses knowledge on quality assurance : the Greek experience. Iatpika Xponika = Medical Annals, 32, pp. 120-128. ISSN (print) 0303-4925

Stavropoulou, Areti and Stroubouki, Theodora G. (2009) Measurement of quality assurance and job satisfaction. Iatrika Xronika = Medical Annals, 32, pp. 547-549. ISSN (print) 0303-4925

Stavropoulou, Areti and Stroubouki, Theodora G. (2009) Τhe interrelation among education on quality assurance and effective implementation of quality programmes in health care sector. Iatrika Xronika = Medical Annals, 32, pp. 550-552. ISSN (print) 0303-4925

Stroubouki, Theodora G. (2009) Return to work and demographic and occupational factors after cardiac surgery : a Greek perspective. Iatpika Xponika = Medical Annals, 32, pp. 449-456. ISSN (print) 0303-4925

Tuffrey-Wijne, Irene, Bernal, Jane, Hubert, Jane, Butler, Gary and Hollins, Sheila (2009) People with learning disabilities who have cancer: an ethnographic study. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP), 59(564), pp. 503-509. ISSN (print) 0960-1643

Twycross, Alison and Dowden, Stephanie J (2009) Status of pediatric nurses' knowledge about pain. Pediatric Pain Letter, 11(3), pp. 17-21. ISSN (online) 1715-3956

Twycross, Alison (2009) An interprofessional approach to the ethics of undertaking research with children. Nurse Researcher, 16(3), pp. 7-20. ISSN (print) 1351-5578

Wainwright, Paul (2009) Book Review of: Moral value and human diversity by Robert Audi. Nursing Philosophy, 10(3), pp. 227-228. ISSN (print) 1466-7681

Wainwright, Paul (2009) There is no middle ground regarding assisted suicide. Nursing Times, 105(45), p. 9. ISSN (print) 0954-7762

Wainwright, Paul (2009) 'Undercover nurse' struck off the professional register for misconduct. Nursing ethics, 16(5), pp. 659-61. ISSN (print) 0969-7330

Williams, Heather, Harris, Ruth and Turner-Stokes, Lynne (2009) Work sampling: a quantitative analysis of nursing activity to inform a dependency tool for use in a neuro-rehabilitation setting. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 65(10), pp. 2097-2107. ISSN (print) 0309-2402


Price, Jayne and McNeilly, Patricia, eds. (2009) Palliative care for children and families: an interdisciplinary approach. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 234p. ISBN 9780230200029

Twycross, Alison , Dowden, Stephanie and Bruce, Elizabeth, eds. (2009) Managing pain in children: a clinical guide. Oxford, UK : Wiley-Blackwell. 248p. ISBN 9781405168946

Book Section

Collington, Val (2009) The midwife. In: Doel, Mark and Shardlow, Steven M., (eds.) Educating professionals: practice learning in health and social care. Surrey, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 93-110. ISBN 9780754648116

Twycross, Alison (2009) Non-drug methods of pain relief. In: Twycross, Alison , Dowden, Stephanie and Bruce, Elizabeth, (eds.) Managing pain in children: a clinical guide. Oxford, UK : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 67-84. ISBN 9781405168946

Twycross, Alison (2009) Pain: a bio-psycho-social phenomenon. In: Twycross, Alison , Dowden, Stephanie and Bruce, Elizabeth, (eds.) Managing pain in children: a clinical guide. Oxford, UK : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 29-38. ISBN 9781405168946

Twycross, Alison and Dowden, Stephanie J. (2009) Where to from here? In: Twycross, Alison , Dowden, Stephanie and Bruce, Elizabeth, (eds.) Managing pain in children: a clinical guide. Oxford, UK : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 219-234. ISBN 9781405168946

Twycross, Alison (2009) Why managing pain in children matters. In: Twycross, Alison , Dowden, Stephanie and Bruce, Elizabeth, (eds.) Managing pain in children: a clinical guide. Oxford, UK : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1-16. ISBN 9781405168946

Wells, Harvey and Gray, Richard (2009) Dual diagnosis. In: Brooker, Charlie and Reppar, Julie, (eds.) Mental health: from policy to practice. Edinburgh, U.K. : Churchill Livingstone. pp. 84-95. ISBN 9780443103834

Conference or Workshop Item

Brennan, Arthur and Marshall-Lucette, Sylvie (2009) The Couvade Syndrome: implications of the "pregnant" male from a global perspective. In: International Nursing Research Congress: Focusing on evidence based practice; 13 - 17 Jul 2009, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)

Eberhardie, Christine (2009) Historical address. In: The 10th Quadrennial Congress of The World Federation of Neuroscience Nurses; 23 - 27 May 2009, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)

Eberhardie, Christine (2009) Local history and the neuroscience nurse. In: The 10th Quadrennial Congress of The World Federation of Neuroscience Nurses; 23 - 27 May 2009, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)

Fordham-Clarke, Carol and Richardson, Sally (2009) Can a female catheterisation session with a patient educator offer a beneficial learning experience for medical and nursing students? In: Third International Clinical Skills Conference: Research in Clinical Skills: Showcasing Best Practice for Students & Practitioners; 01-04 Jul 2009, Prato, Italy. (Unpublished)

Gale, Julia and Tolley, Kim (2009) Practice learning: service users and snapshot assessments. In: Nursing and Midwifery Council, 3rd Annual Review Conference; 15 Sep 2009, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Gale, Julia and Tolley, Kim (2009) Practice learning: service users and snapshot assessments. In: Nursing and Midwifery Council, 3rd Annual Review Conference; 15 Sep 2009, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Istepanian, Robert and Sungoor, Ala (2009) Technical and compliance considerations for mobile health self-monitoring of glucose and blood pressure for patients with diabetes. In: 31st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference; 02 - 06 Sep 2009, Minneapolis, U.S.. ISSN (print) 1557-170X

Kay, Lesley (2009) 'Leading other midwives'. A critical ethnographic inquiry, exploring the experience of midwife team leaders. In: Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference: Pioneering the Mother and Baby Pathway; 26-27 Nov 2009, Manchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Kay, Lesley (2009) A critical ethnographic inquiry exploring the experience of midwife team leaders. In: Women and Birth: Politics, Power and Practice : The 2nd Annual University of Worcester Birth Conference; 14-15 Jul 2009, Worcester, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Mackenzie, A and Greenwood, N (2009) Positive aspects of care-giving: a systematic review of older adult carers of stroke survivors. In: 2009 UK Stroke Forum Conference; 01 - 03 Dec 2009, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Marshall-Lucette, Sylvie and Gale, Julia (2009) The development of a care delivery model within a psychiatric setting: an evidence-based partnership approach. In: International Nursing Research Congress: Focusing on evidence based practice; 13 - 17 Jul 2009, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)

Martinez-Martin, P., Falup-Pecurariu, C., Rodriguez-Blazquez, C., van Hilten, B., Odin, P., Tluk, S., Naidu, Y. and Chaudhuri, K.R. (2009) Parkinson's disease staging based of the non-motor symptoms scale. In: World Federation of Neurology (WFN) XVIII World Congress on Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders; 13-16 Dec 2009, Miami, U.S..

Newcombe, Paul and Holbery, Natalie (2009) Emergency nurse education: the next generation (part 2). In: RCN Emergency Care Association Annual Conference and Exhibition: Setting New Standards – Emergency Care in the 21st Century; 16-17 Oct 2009, Harrogate, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Ponto, Maria (2009) Postgraduate study to improve the work place. In: Second World Universities Forum; 16 - 18 Jan 2009, Mumbai, India. (Unpublished)


Trivedi, Daksha, Bunn, Frances, Forbes, Angus, Scott, Cherill, Kendall, Sally, Drennan, Vari, Goodman, Claire, Proctor, Susan, While, Alison and Wilson, Patricia (2009) Evaluating the nursing, midwifery and health visiting contribution to chronic disease management: an integration of three reviews. (Project Report) London, U.K. : National Institute for Health Research. 14 p.

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