Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Nursing and midwifery"

Armstrong, K. (2007) Childhood immunisation and vaccination. In: Lucas, Julia, (ed.) New practice nurse. Edinburgh, UK : Churchill Livingstone. pp. 3-7. ISBN 0443102619
Armstrong, K. (2007) Injection technique, needle length and equipment. In: Lucas, Julia, (ed.) New practice nurse. Edinburgh, UK : Churchill Livingstone. pp. 26-30. ISBN 0443102619
Armstrong, K. (2007) Injections and immunisations. In: Lucas, Julia, (ed.) New practice nurse. Edinburgh, UK : Churchill Livingstone. pp. 31-37. ISBN 0443102619
Askham, Janet, Briggs, Kate, Norman, Ian and Redfern, Sally (2007) Care at home for people with dementia: as in a total institution? Ageing and Society, 27(1), pp. 3-24. ISSN (print) 0144-686X
Barr, Hugh (2007) Piloting interprofessional education : four English case studies. (Other) London, UK : Higher Education Academy, Health Sciences and Practice Network. 79 p. (Occasional Paper, no. 8) ISBN 0954244095
Bennett, Janette, Davey, Barbara and Harris, Ruth (2007) Nurses working in mid-life: final report. (Other) London, U.K. : Kings College London. 105 p.
Blair, Jim (2007) Towards a National Service Framework for people with learning disabilities. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Borschmann, Rohan, Chambers, Mary, Gillard, Steve, Turner, Kati, Lovell, Kath and Goodrich-Purnell, Norman (2007) Crossing traditional boundaries: the value of service users as researchers in a study investigating the lived experience of detained patients. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Chambers, Mary, Guise, Veslemoy and Valimaki, Maritta (2007) Mental health nurses' attitudes to mental illness and people with mental health problems: results of a national survey in England. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Chambers, Mary, Turner, Kati, Blair, James and Christian, Sarah (2007) User-involvement in health and social wellbeing. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Chandler, Karen, McEwing, Gill and Kelsey, Janet (2007) Emergency care of the critically ill or seriously injured child. In: Cleaver, Karen and Webb, Janet, (eds.) Emergency care of children and young people. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell. pp. 111-126. ISBN 9781405101103
Chaudhuri, Kallol Ray, Martinez-Martin, Pablo, Brown, Richard G., Sethi, Kapil, Stocchi, Fabrizio, Odin, Per, Ondo, William, Abe, Kazuo, MacPhee, Graeme, MacMahon, Doug, Barone, Paolo, Rabey, Martin, Forbes, Alison, Breen, Kieran, Tluk, Susanne, Naidu, Yogini, Olanow, Warren, Williams, Adrian J., Thomas, Sue, Rye, David, Tsuboi, Yoshio, Hand, Annette and Schapira, Anthony H.V. (2007) The metric properties of a novel non-motor symptoms scale for Parkinson's disease : results from an international pilot study. Movement Disorders, 22(13), pp. 1901-1911. ISSN (online) 1531-8257
Collington, Val (2007) Professional socialisation: learning the culture of midwifery within an interprofessional context. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cornforth, P (2007) Patients may delay going to A&E for fear of being made to have an HIV test. Nursing Times, 103(24), p. 12. ISSN (print) 0954-7762
Cornforth, P. (2007) Don't let GPs undermine the sucess of walk-in centres. Nursing Times, 103(18), p. 10. ISSN (print) 0954-7762
Cornforth, P. and Ashurst, A. (2007) Is academic capability essential in promoting advanced nursing practice? Nursing Times, 103(36), p. 12. ISSN (print) 0954-7762
Cornforth, P. (2007) "People tell me they pay their taxes and so can specify the treatment they want". Nursing Times, 103(45), p. 14. ISSN (print) 0954-7762
Cornforth, P. (2007) Telling the truth about NHS walk-in centres. Independent Nurse(April), p. 16. ISSN (print) 1747-9800
Cornforth, P. (2007) The programme portrays nursing as an endless string of isolated manual tasks. Nursing Times, 103(8), p. 12. ISSN (print) 0954-7762
Cornforth, Paul (2007) Pay awards should be based on performance. Independent Nurse(19 March), p. 18. ISSN (print) 1747-9800
Davis, Kathy and Drennan, Vari (2007) Evaluating nurse prescribing behaviour using constipation as a case study. International Journal Of Nursing Practice, 13(4), pp. 243-253. ISSN (print) 1322-7114
Drennan, Vari (2007) Assessing nurse prescribing. Cancer Nursing Practice, 6(10), p. 3. ISSN (print) 1475-4266
Drennan, Vari, Iliffe, Steve, Tai, Sharon See, Lenihan, Penny and Deave, Toity (2007) Can primary care identify an 'at risk' group in the older population. British Journal of Community Nursing, 12(4), pp. 142-148. ISSN (print) 1462-4753
Drennan, Vari and Goodman, Claire, eds. (2007) Oxford handbook of primary care and community nursing. Oxford : Oxford University Press. 878p. (Oxford Handbooks in Nursing) ISBN 0198568908
Drennan, Vari, Walters, Kate, Lenihan, Penny, Cohen, Shoshanna, Myerson, Sybil and Iliffe, Steve (2007) Priorities in identifying unmet need in older people attending general practice: a nominal group technique study. Family Practice, 24(5), pp. 454-460. ISSN (print) 0263-2136
Eberhardie, Christine (2007) Nutrition. In: Neno, Rebecca , Aveyard, Barry and Heath, Hazel B.M., (eds.) Older people and mental health nursing: a handbook of care. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell. pp. 135-142. ISBN 9781405151696
Eberhardie, Christine, Mccubbin, Carol and Start, Kathryn (2007) Oral history: a research method for recording neuroscience nursing history and valuing the role of nurses in neuroscience treatment and care. In: EANN 8th quadrennial congress of the European Association of Neuroscience Nurses; 31 May - 02 Jun 2007, Reykjavik, Iceland. (Unpublished)
Eberhardie, Christine, McCubbin, Carol and Start, Kathryn (2007) Oral history: a research method for recording neuroscience nursing history and valuing the role of nurses in neuroscience treatment and care. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Eberhardie, Christine (2007) Reflections of a researcher interviewing older people. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 3(11), pp. 536-537. ISSN (print) 1747-0307
Eberhardie, Christine (2007) Research round-up. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 3(1), pp. 29-30. ISSN (print) 1747-0307
Eberhardie, Christine (2007) Research round-up. British journal of neuroscience nursing, 3(4), pp. 176-177. ISSN (print) 1747-0307
Eberhardie, Christine (2007) The voice of neuro-nursing resounds from Reykjavik. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 3(7), pp. 306-308. ISSN (print) 1747-0307
Elcock, Karen and Sookhoo, Dave (2007) Evaluating a new role to support mentors in practice. Nursing Times, 103(49), pp. 30-31. ISSN (print) 0954-7762
Elcock, Karen and Brophy, Stella (2007) Maximising your learning in practice placements. In: Meyler, Eddie and Trenoweth, Steve, (eds.) Succeeding in Nursing and Midwifery Education. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons. pp. 155-166. ISBN 9780470035566
Elcock, Karen, Curtis, Peter and Sharples, Kathryn (2007) Supernumerary status: an unrealised ideal. Nurse Education in Practice, 7(1), pp. 4-10. ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Elcock, Karen and Sookhoo, Dave (2007) The essence and experience of a new role in supporting mentors in practice learning environments. In: Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom Research Society : The 2007 International Nursing Research Conference; 01-04 May 2007, Dundee, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ellison, George and de Wet, Thea (2007) Interdisciplinary approaches to evidence-based practice. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Farnell, Sarah (2007) Response. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(1), p. 219. ISSN (print) 0962-1067
Ferguson, Anne (2007) Discovery of neuropathic pain following breast surgery. British Journal of Nursing, 16(2), p. 102. ISSN (print) 0966-0461
Forrest, Simon and Nash, Theresa (2007) Difference and diversity as determinants of health: ethnicity, gender and disability. In: DeBell, Dianne, (ed.) Public health practice & the school-age population. London, U.K. : Hodder Arnold. pp. 37-56. ISBN 9780340907207
Forte, Denise, Wells, Diane and Cotter, Angela (2007) Intimacy, sex and sexuality. In: Neno, Rebecca , Aveyard, Barry and Heath, Hazel B.M., (eds.) Older people and mental health nursing: a handbook of care. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell. pp. 124-134. ISBN 9781405151696
Gallagher, Ann and Wainwright, Paul (2007) Terminal sedation: promoting ethical nursing practice. Nursing Standard, 21(34), pp. 42-46. ISSN (print) 0029-6570
Gallagher, Ann (2007) The respectful nurse. Nursing Ethics, 14(3), pp. 360-371. ISSN (print) 0969-7330
Gamon, Roger, Quinn, Tom and Parr, Brian (2007) Emergency care of the patient with a heart attack. Edinburgh, U.K. : Churchill Livingstone. 168p. ISBN 9780443102493
Gibson, Faith and Twycross, Alison (2007) Children's participation in research: a position statement on behalf of the Royal College of Nursing's Research in Child Health (RiCH) Group and Young People's Rights and Ethics Group. Paediatric Nursing, 19(4), pp. 14-17. ISSN (print) 0962-9513
Glasper, Edward Alan , McEwing, Gillian and Richardson, Jim, eds. (2007) Oxford handbook of children's and young people's nursing. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. 1005p. (Oxford Handbooks in Nursing) ISBN 9780198569572
Griffiths, Peter D., Edwards, Margaret E., Forbes, Angus, Harris, Ruth L. and Ritchie, Gill (2007) Effectiveness of intermediate care in nursing-led in-patient units. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2, CD002214. ISSN (online) 1469-493X
Guise, V. and Chambers, M. (2007) Baseline information from England: towards improved quality by developing nurses' continuing vocational training in psychiatric hospitals and inpatient units in England. In: Valimaki, M , Scott, A , Lahti, M and Chanmbers, M, (eds.) The changing face of psychiatric nursing: care or control? ePsychNurse.Net: towards improved quality: improving nurses' continuing vocational training in psychiatric hospitals and inpatient units. Turku, Finland : Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku. pp. 60-76. ISBN 9789512935765
Halter, Mary, Marlow, Tom, Mohammed, Daryl and Ellison, George T.H. (2007) A patient survey of out-of-hours care provided by Emergency Care Practitioners. BMC Emergency Medicine, 7(4), ISSN (online) 1471-227X
Harris, Ruth, Wilson-Barnett, Jenifer and Griffiths, Peter (2007) Effectiveness of nursing-led inpatient care for patients with post-acute health care needs: secondary data analysis from a programme of randomized controlled trials. Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice, 13(2), pp. 198-205. ISSN (print) 1356-1294
Harris, Ruth, Griffiths, Peter and Ullman, Roz (2007) User-directed assessments to identify the health and social needs of older people. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hawkins, Susan (2007) Myth and reality: uncovering and discovering the nurses of St George's Hospital, London 1850-1900. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Head, Rosemary and Ellison, George (2007) Home births and birth outcomes: midwifery in pre-war Guernsey. British Journal of Midwifery, 15(6), pp. 332-336. ISSN (print) 0969-4900
Hoskins, Rebecca and Chandler, Karen (2007) Paediatric resuscitation. In: Cleaver, Karen and Webb, Janet, (eds.) Emergency care of children and young people. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell. pp. 127-144. ISBN 9781405101103
Lam, Danny C.K. and Salkovskis, Paul M. (2007) An experimental investigation of the impact of biological and psychological causal explanations on anxious and depressed patients' perception of a person with panic disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45(2), pp. 405-411. ISSN (print) 0005-7967
Li, Sarah (2007) 'We didn't want him to put him through anymore suffering and pain': doing team symbiotic niceness in palliative care settings. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Low, Lisa Pau Le, Lee, Diana Tze Fan and Chan, Anna Wing Yin (2007) An exploratory study of Chinese older people's perceptions of privacy in residential care homes. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 57(6), pp. 605-613. ISSN (print) 0309-2402
Mackenzie, Ann, Perry, Lin, Lockhart, Elizabeth, Cottee, Mark, Cloud, Geoffrey and Mann, Helen (2007) Family carers of stroke survivors: needs, knowledge, satisfaction and competence in caring. Disability and Rehabilitation, 29(2), pp. 111-121. ISSN (print) 0963-8288
Mak, Annie K.M., Mackenzie, Ann and Lui, May H.L. (2007) Changing needs of Chinese family caregivers of stroke survivors. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(5), pp. 971-979. ISSN (print) 0962-1067
Marks-Maran, Diane (2007) Evaluating interprofessional education. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Marshall-Lucette, S, Corbett, K, Lartey, N, Opio, D and Bikaitwoha, ME (2007) Developing locally based research capacity in Uganda. International Nursing Review, 54(3), pp. 227-233. ISSN (print) 0020-8132
Marshall-Lucette, Sylive and Lathlean, Judith (2007) Conceptualisation of the dynamic nature of continued professional learning: a multi-stage developmental model. International Journal of Learning, 13(10), pp. 9-16. ISSN (print) 1447-9494
Marshall-Lucette, Sylvie (2007) Book Review of : Hospice and palliative care in Africa: a review of developments and challenges by Michael Wright, David Clark, Jennifer Hunt, Thomas Lynch (eds). International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 13(11), p. 563. ISSN (print) 1357-6321
Marshall-Lucette, Sylvie and Ponto, Maria (2007) An evaluation of academic tutor support models for the development of practice guidance, within a faculty of health and social care sciences. In: Learning Conference 2007 : Fourteenth International Conference on Learning; 26-29 Jun 2007, Johannesburg, South Africa. (Unpublished)
Martinez-Martin, Pablo, Schapira, Anthony H.V., Stocchi, Fabrizio, Sethi, Kapil, Odin, Per, MacPhee, Graeme, Brown, Richard G., Naidu, Yogini, Clayton, Lisa, Abe, Kazuo, Tsuboi, Yoshio, MacMahon, Dough, Barone, Paolo, Rabey, Martin, Bonuccelli, Ubaldo, Forbes, Alison, Breen, Kieran, Tluk, Susanne, Olanow, C. Warren, Thomas, Sue, Rye, David, Hand, Annette, Williams, Adrian J, Ondo, William and Chaudhuri, K. Ray (2007) Prevalence of nonmotor symptoms in Parkinson's disease in an international setting; study using nonmotor symptoms questionnaire in 545 patients. Movement Disorders, 22(11), pp. 1623-1629. ISSN (print) 0885-3185
Morrice, Amanda and Simpson, Heidi J. (2007) Identifying level one patients : a cross-sectional survey on an in-patient hospital population. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 23(1), pp. 23-32. ISSN (print) 0964-3397
Naidu, Y., Røkenes Karlsen, K., Chaudhuri, K. R., Martinez-Martin, A., Ruessmann, A. and Odin, P. (2007) Changes in sexual interest and function in patients with Parkinson's disease : focus on hypersexuality. In: XVII WFN World Congress on Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders; 09-13 Dec 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Naidu, Y., Martinez-Martin, P., Rojo Albuin, J. and Chaudhuri, K. R. (2007) Differential effect of the Parkinson's disease non-motor symptoms on patients' health-related quality of life. In: XVII WFN World Congress on Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders; 09-13 Dec 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Naidu, Y. and Chaudhuri, K Ray (2007) Transdermal rotigotine: a new non-ergot dopamine agonist for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 4(2), pp. 111-118. ISSN (print) 1742-5247
Nash, Theresa, Needham, John, Greenwood, Nan, Forrest, Simon and Towell, Tony (2007) Adolescence: boundaries, connections and dilemmas. The report of an RCN survey into how nurses support young people in health care settings. (Project Report) London, UK : Royal College of Nursing. 52 p. ISBN 9781904114888
Nash, Theresa (2007) 'Heritage2Health': a new cross-generational, pan-disability, cross-disciplinary approach to shared learning: preliminary results. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ponto, Maria (2007) Designing a course and teaching in collaboration with a European partner. In: Advancing Nursing Care : Collaboration : 6th European Regional Conference of the Commonwealth Nurses Federation; 09-10 Mar 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ponto, Maria (2007) International collaboration - what's in it for us? In: Beyond the borders : international nursing education in the 21st Century; 05 - 07 Jul 2007, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ponto, Maria T. (2007) Health promotion and health education by the learning contract. In: 19th IUHPE world conference on health promotion and health education; 10 - 15 Jun 2007, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)
Richardson, Sally , Fordham-Clarke, Carol and Taylor, A. Alexander, eds. (2007) OSCES for nurses. Vol. 1. Kingston-upon-Thames, U.K. : Dalton Square Medical. 65p. ISBN 9780955569005
Robb, Elizabeth, Mackie, Susan and Elcock, Karen (2007) Monitoring quality. Nursing Management, 14(5), pp. 22-26. ISSN (print) 1354-5760
Rushworth, Mark, Marshall-Lucette, Sylvie and Coppard, Sue (2007) Patient controlled epidural analgesia: a nursing perspective. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 5(7), pp. 32-38. ISSN (print) 1479-5248
Russell, Sally and Drennan, Vari (2007) Mothers' views of the health visiting service in the UK: a web-based survey. Community Practitioner, 80(8), pp. 22-26. ISSN (print) 1462-2815
Sharples, Kathryn, Kelly, Dawn and Elcock, Karen (2007) Supporting mentors in practice. Nursing Standard, 21(39), pp. 44-47. ISSN (print) 0029-6570
Shields, Linda and Twycross, Alison (2007) Probability. Paediatric Nursing, 19(10), p. 40. ISSN (print) 0962-9513
Smith, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona, Donovan, Sheila, Manthorpe, Jill, Brearley, Sally, Sitzia, John and Beresford, Peter (2007) Service users in research. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Stanley, Robert, Eberhardie, C, Gallagher, A and Smith, S (2007) Neuroethics: exploring issues in theory and practice. In: EANN 8th quadrennial congress of the European Association of Neuroscience Nurses; 31 May - 02 Jun 2007, Reykjavik, Iceland. (Unpublished)
Stavropoulou, Areti and Stroubouki, Theodora G. (2007) Patient satisfaction and quality of care. Iatpika Xponika = Medical Annals, 30, pp. 417-419. ISSN (print) 0303-4925
Stephens, Liz (2007) Midwifery led care. In: Reid, Lindsay, (ed.) Midwifery: freedom to practise? an international exploration of midwifery practice. Edinburgh, UK : Churchill Livingstone. pp. 144-163. ISBN 9780443103124
Twycross, A and Unsworth, V (2007) The assessment and management of postoperative pain. In: Chambers, Margaret A. and Jones, Sue, (eds.) Surgical nursing of children. Oxford, UK : Butterworth-Heineman. pp. 57-74. ISBN 9780750648073
Twycross, Alison and Corlett, Jo (2007) Challenges of setting up a multi-centred research study. Nursing Standard, 21(49), pp. 35-38. ISSN (print) 0029-6570
Twycross, Alison (2007) Children's nurses' post-operative pain management practices: an observational study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 44(6), pp. 869-881. ISSN (print) 0020-7489
Twycross, Alison (2007) Modernising nursing careers: implications for children's nurses. Paediatric Nursing, 19(9), pp. 39-40. ISSN (print) 0962-9513
Twycross, Alison (2007) What is the impact of theoretical knowledge on children's nurses' post-operative pain management practices? An exploratory study. Nurse Education Today, 27(7), pp. 697-707. ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Twycross, Alison (2007) The ethics of undertaking research with children: is there a need for an interprofessional approach? In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Valimaki, M [Editor], Scott, A [Editor], Lahti, M [Editor] and Chambers, M [Editor] (2007) The changing face of psychiatric nursing: care or control? ePsychNurse.Net: towards improved quality: improving nurses' continuing vocational training in psychiatric hospitals and inpatient units. (Project Report) Turku, Finland : Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku. 107 p. ISBN 9789512935765
Wagg, A. R., Barron, D., Kirby, M., Stott, D. and Corlett, K. (2007) A randomised partially controlled trial to assess the impact of self-help vs. structured help from a continence nurse specialist in women with undiagnosed urinary problems in primary care. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 61(11), pp. 1863-1873. ISSN (print) 1368-5031
Wainwright, Paul and Gallagher, Ann (2007) Ethical aspects of withdrawing and withholding treatment. Nursing Standard, 21(33), pp. 46-50. ISSN (print) 0029-6570
Wainwright, Paul (2007) The answer to whatever problems the forums face is not their abolition. Nursing times, 103(35), p. 12. ISSN (print) 0954-7762
Webb, Oliver J. and Eves, Frank F. (2007) Promoting stair climbing: intervention effects generalize to a subsequent stair ascent. American Journal of Health Promotion, 22(2), pp. 114-119. ISSN (print) 0890-1171
Webb, Patricia (2007) Research in the contemporary cancer world. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Williams, Heather, Harris, Ruth and Turner-Stokes, Lynne (2007) Can the Northwick Park Care Needs Assessment be used to estimate nursing staff requirements in an inpatient rehabilitation setting? Clinical Rehabilitation, 21(6), pp. 535-544. ISSN (print) 0269-2155
Williams, Heather, Harris, Ruth and Turner-Stokes, Lynne (2007) Northwick Park Care Needs Assessment: adaptation for inpatient neurological rehabilitation settings. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 59(6), pp. 612-622. ISSN (print) 0309-2402
Wood, Julia and Wainwright, Paul (2007) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: nurses and the law. Nursing Standard, 22(4), pp. 35-40. ISSN (print) 0029-6570
Wood, Julia Helen, Chambers, Mary and White, Sarah Jane (2007) Nurses' knowledge of and attitude to electroconvulsive therapy. Journal of ECT, 23(4), pp. 251-254. ISSN (print) 1095-0680
Wu, Lihua and While, Alison (2007) Weight management in people with type 2 diabetes. British Journal of Community Nursing, 12(9), pp. 390-397. ISSN (print) 1462-4753
Yaakov, Atik, Benson, Anne, Conyngham, Gerald, Cox, Mandy, Francois, Judith, Hayes, Alison, Lees, Dave, Nash, Joy, Nash, Sue, Pearson, Jennifer, Rice, Matthew, Richardson, Maria, Vaughan, Paul, Whitby, Susan, Wilkinson, Ewan, Woolford, Phyllis, Benson, Anne [Editor] and Rice, Matthew [Editor] (2007) Developing and sustaining effective teams: getting started: an introduction and overview. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Royal College of Nursing. 90 p. ISBN 9781904114482
Yeung, Sue, Lui, May How-Lin, Ross, Fiona and Murrells, Trevor (2007) Family carers in stroke care: examining the relationship between problem-solving, depression and general health. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(2), pp. 344-352. ISSN (print) 0962-1067