Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Music"

Ben-Tal, Oded (2012) Characterising musical gestures. Musicae Scientiae, 16(3), pp. 247-261. ISSN (print) 1029-8649
Ben-Tal, Oded [Composer] (2012) Day after day, night after night. (music).
Ben-Tal, Oded [Composer] (2012) Hypnagogic states. (music).
Blumstein, Daniel T., Bryant, Gregory A. and Kaye, Peter (2012) The sound of arousal in music is context-dependent. Biology Letters, 8(5), pp. 744-747. ISSN (print) 1744-9561
Botting, Fred (2012) Love your zombie: horror, ethics, excess. In: Edwards, Justin D. and Monnet, Agnieszka Soltysik, (eds.) The gothic in contemporary literature and popular culture: pop goth. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 19-36. (Routledge interdisciplinary perspectives on literature, (8)) ISBN 9780415806763
Chambon, Phil (2012) Beyond the bedroom studio: teaching popular music production at university level. In: The 21st Century Musician: Essential skills for making music today; 02 May 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Evans, Alex (2012) That was then...this is now: fundamental changes in the music business. In: The 21st Century Musician: Essential skills for making music today; 02 May 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Kardos, Leah [Composer] (2012) The Closeness of Distance. (Electronic music). Headphone Commute.
Kardos, Leah (2012) How music technology can make sound and music worlds accessible to student composers in Further Education colleges. British Journal of Music Education, 29(2), pp. 143-151. ISSN (print) 0265-0517
Kenning, Dean [Artist] (2012) Untitled. (Kinetic sound sculpture installation).
Knifton, Robert (2012) Popular music beyond text: an academic perspective on popular music in the museum. Social History in Museums, 36, pp. 21-25. ISSN (print) 1350-9551
Millward, Frank [Composer], Stevens, Gary [Director] and Keens, Heather [Performer] (2012) Conversations with my voice. Brisbane Festive 2012. 35 min.
Minors, Helen Julia (2012) In collaboration: toward a gesture analysis of music and dance. In: Schroedter, Stephanie, (ed.) Bewegungen zwischen Horen und Sehen: Denkbewegungen uber Bewegungskunste. Wurzburg, Germany : Konigshausen & Neumann. pp. 163-180. ISBN 9783826047442
Minors, Helen Julia [Composer] (2012) Kingston Soundpainting Ensemble. A Kingston Soundpainting Ensemble Performance.
Minors, Helen Julia (2012) Music and movement in dialogue: exploring gesture in soundpainting. Les Cahiers de la Societe quebecoise de recherche en musique, 13(1-2), pp. 87-96. ISSN (print) 1480-1132
Minors, Helen Julia (2012) Paul Dukas et Claude Debussy: identite dans l'opera francais. In: Terrien, Pascal, (ed.) La musique francaise : esthetique et identite en mutation 1892-1992. Paris, France : Editions Delateur. pp. 227-240. (Collection Pensee Musicale) ISBN 9782752101068
Minors, Helen Julia and Thompson, Walter [Interviewee] (2012) Reassessing the thinking body in soundpainting. In: How Performance Thinks: An International Conference of the Practice Research Unit and PSi, Performance and Philosophy working group; 13 - 14 Apr 2012, London, U.K..
Minors, Helen Julia (2012) Sound painting: choreographing and composing in the moment. In: Composer/Choreographer/Performer Collaboration Conference of Contemporary Music and Dance 2012: Sound, Music and the Moving-Thinking Body; 19th April 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia (2012) Soundpainting: navigating the creative space within and between dance and music. In: En cadence, s'il vous plait! A two-day conference on the relationship(s) between theatre dance and music; 09 - 10 Nov 2012, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia (2012) Soundpainting: thinking through creation in the moment. (film).
Minors, Helen Julia [Composer] (2012) A soundpainting concert. Improvisation and Digitial Arts Festival, iDAF.
Potter, Caroline (2012) 'Marche gaie': a rediscovered work by Lili Boulanger. Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association, 68(4), pp. 715-728. ISSN (print) 0027-4380
Searby, Michael (2012) Book Review of: 'Gyorgy Ligeti: Of foreign lands and strange sounds' ed. by Louise Duchesneau & Wolfgang Marx. Tempo, 66(260), pp. 65-66. ISSN (print) 0040-2982
Searby, Michael [Reviewer] (2012) Book Review of: 'Ligeti's laments: nostalgia, exoticism and the absolute' by Amy Bauer. Tempo, 66(261), pp. 74-75. ISSN (print) 0040-2982
Searby, Michael (2012) Eleven Haiku (after Cage) for solo piano. (Musical score). (Unpublished)
Searby, Michael (2012) Ligeti's 'Le Grand macabre': how he solved the problem of writing a modernist opera. Tempo, 66(262), pp. 29-38. ISSN (print) 0040-2982
Searby, Michael (2012) To the future or the past? Ligeti's stylistic eclecticism in his 'Hamburg Concerto'. Contemporary Music Review, 31(2-3), pp. 239-246. ISSN (print) 0749-4467
Searby, Michael (2012) To the future or the past? Ligeti's stylistic eclecticism in his Hamburg Concerto. Contemporary Music Review, 31(2-3), pp. 239-246. ISSN (print) 0749-4467
Stephens-Himonides, Cynthia (2012) Exploring piano teaching and learning from a socio-cultural perspective. In: SEMPRE 50th Anniversary Conference; 14-15 Sep 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Van Elferen, Isabella (2012) Gothic music: the sounds of the uncanny. Cardiff, U.K. : University of Wales Press. 229p. (Gothic Literary Studies) ISBN 9780708325124
White, Meredith [Composer] (2012) In Deandra. (music). (Unpublished)
Wilson, Scott (2012) Amusia, noise and the drive: towards a theory of the audio unconscious. In: Goddard, Michael , Halligan, Benjamin and Hegarty, Paul, (eds.) Reverberations : the philosophy, aesthetics and politics of noise. Continuum International Publishing. pp. 26-39. ISBN 9781441160652
van Elferen, Isabella (2012) The ALI model: towards a theory of game musical immersion. In: Ludomusicology: Game Music Research Approaches and Aesthetics; 16 Apr 2012, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
van Elferen, Isabella (2012) Bloody liturgy: Dracula and music. In: Bram Stoker Centenary Conference; 12-14 Apr 2012, Hull / Whitby, U.K.. (Unpublished)
van Elferen, Isabella (2012) Dream timbre: notes on Lynchian sound design. In: Wierzbecki, James, (ed.) Music, sound and filmmakers: sonic style in cinema. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 175-188. (Routledge music and screen media series) ISBN 9780415898935
van Elferen, Isabella (2012) The Gothic Bach. Understanding Bach, 7, pp. 9-20. ISSN (online) 1750-3078
van Elferen, Isabella (2012) Gothic music: sounds of the uncanny. In: Rethinking Contemporary Gothic: Postgraudate Study Day 2012; 18 May 2012, Lancaster, U.K.. (Unpublished)
van Elferen, Isabella (2012) Spectral liturgy: transgression, ritual and music in Gothic. In: Edwards, Justin D. and Monnet, Agnieszka Soltysik, (eds.) The gothic in contemporary literature and popular culture: pop goth. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 135-147. (Routledge interdisciplinary perspectives on literature, (8)) ISBN 9780415806763