Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Mechanical, aeronautical and manufacturing engineering"

Amutha, D., Jayaseelan, D. Doni, Nishikawa, Tadahiro and Awaji, Hideo (2001) Pressureless sintering of mullite/Mo composites. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 109(1267), pp. 274-277. ISSN (print) 0914-5400
Amutha Rani, D., Doni Jayaseelan, D. and Gnanam, F.D. (2001) Densification behaviour and microstructure of gel-derived phase-pure mullite in the presence of sinter additives. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 21(12), pp. 2253-2257. ISSN (print) 0955-2219
Awaji, Hideo, Choi, Seong-Min and Jayaseelan, Daniel Doni (2001) Indirect estimation of critical frontal process-zone size using a single-edge V-notched-beam technique. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 109(1271), pp. 591-595. ISSN (print) 0914-5400
Bulbut, B, Uduehi, D, Ordys, A.W. and Grimble, M.J. (2001) Application of process control loop benchmarking to an oil production platform. In: American Control Conference; June 25-27 2001, Arlington, USA. (Proceedings of the American Control Conference) ISSN (print) 0743-1619
Bwalya, A.C., Sabir, H.M. and Raine, M. (2001) Induced annular water film evaporator for air to refrigerant heat exchange enhancement in a Lithium Bromide - Water absorption refrigeration system. In: 2nd International Heat Powered Cycles Conference; 5 - 7 Sept 2001, Paris, France.
Campbell, I., Uduehi, D., Ordys, A. and Van der Molen, G. (2001) pH level process control system benchmarking. In: American Control Conference; 25-27 June 2001, Arlington, USA. (Proceedings of the 2001 American Control Conference, no. 6)
Claus, Malcolm (2001) Jet interaction effects on a hypersonic interceptor. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Gawne, D.T., Zhang, T. and Bao, Y. (2001) Heating effect of flame impingement on polymer coatings. In: International Thermal Spray Conference; 28-30 May 2001, Singapore, Singapore. (Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference)
Grimble, M.J. and Ordys, A.W. (2001) Nonlinear predictive control for manufacturing and robotic applications. In: 7th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics; 28-21 Aug 2001, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, no. 2) ISBN 9788388764752
Grimble, M.J. and Ordys, Andrzej W. (2001) Predictive control for industrial applications. Annual Reviews in Control, 25, pp. 13-24. ISSN (print) 1367-5788
Laing, D., Uduehi, D. and Ordys, A. (2001) Financial benefits of advanced control: benchmarking and optimization of a crude oil production platform. In: American Control Conference; 25-27 June 2001, Arlington, USA. (Proceedings of the 2001 American Control Conference, no. 6)
Sabir, H.M. (2001) A novel GAX-R heat driven refrigeration/heat pump cycle. In: 2nd International Heat Powered Cycles Conference; 5 - 7 Sept 2001, Paris, France.
Sahinkaya, M.N., Cole, M.O.T. and Burrows, C.R. (2001) Fault detection and tolerance in synchronous vibration control of rotor-magnetic bearing systems. Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science - Part C, 215(12), pp. 1401-1416. ISSN (print) 0954-4062
Sahinkaya, M.N. (2001) Input shaping for vibration-free positioning of flexible systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I. Journal Of Systems And Control Engineering, 215(5), pp. 467-482. ISSN (print) 0959-6518
Shawky, A., Grimble, M., Ordys, A. and Petropoulakis, L. (2001) Modelling and control design of a flexible manipulator using state-dependent Riccati equation techniques. In: 7th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics; 28-21 Aug 2001, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robots, no. 2) ISBN 9788388764752
Sivakumar, R, Jayaseelan, D.Doni, Nishikawa, T, Honda, S and Awaji, H (2001) Influence of MgO on microstructure and properties of mullite–Mo composites fabricated by pulse electric current sintering. Ceramics International, 27(5), pp. 537-541. ISSN (print) 0272-8842
Tsinas, Angelos (2001) Structural considerations for volume production of constellation satellites. (MPhil thesis), Kingston University, .
Vishista, K., Jayaseelan, D. Doni and Gnanam, F. D. (2001) Densification and mechanical properties of sol-gel alumina : effect of sinter additives. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 60(3), pp. 141-144. ISSN (print) 0371-750X
Zhang, T., Liu, B., Gawne, D.T. and Bao, Y. (2001) Computer simulation of shrouding on the profile of a plasma jet. In: International Thermal Spray Conference; 28-30 May 2001, Singapore, Singapore. (Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference)
Zweiri, Y. H., Whidborne, J. F. and Seneviratne, L. D. (2001) Detailed analytical model of a single-cylinder diesel engine in the crank angle domain. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 215(D11), 1197 - 1216. ISSN (print) 0954-4070