Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Infection and immunology"

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Number of items: 11.


Allgrove, Judith E., Gomes, Elisa, Hough, John and Gleeson, Michael (2008) Effects of exercise intensity on salivary antimicrobial proteins and markers of stress in active men. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26(6), pp. 653-661. ISSN (print) 0264-0414

Balasegaram, Sooria, Grant, Robert, Ormerod, Peter, Mant, Jonathan, Hayward, John, Lowe, Derek and Story, Alistair (2008) A survey of tuberculosis clinic provision in England and Wales. Public Health, 122(6), pp. 602-612. ISSN (print) 0033-3506

Clarke, Lindsey, Shah, Vanita, Arrigoni, Francesca, Eleftheriou, D., Hong, Ying, Halcox, Julian, Klein, Nigel and Brogan, Paul (2008) Quantitative detection of circulating endothelial cells in vasculitis: comparison of flow cytometry and immunomagnetic bead extraction. Journal Of Thrombosis And Haemostasis, 6(6), pp. 1025-1032. ISSN (print) 1538-7933

Costa, Silvano and Favato, Giampiero (2008) Evaluation of the economic impact produced by the prevention of events induced by the HPV 6-11 virus types contained in the quadrivalent vaccine. (Working Paper) Rochester, U.S. : Social Science Research Network. 9 p. (Working Paper)

Dyer, N.A, Lawton, S.P., Ravel, S., Choi, K.S, Lehane, M.J, Robinson, A.S, Okedi, L.M, Hall, M.J, Solano, P. and Donnelly, M.J (2008) Molecular phylogenetics of tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) based on mitochondrial (COI, 16S, ND2) and nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences, with an emphasis on the palpalis group. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 49, pp. 227-239. ISSN (print) 1055-7903

Favato, Giampiero, Mennini, Francesco Saverio, Monorchio, Andrea and Mortilla, Emilio (2008) Comparison between product characteristics and decision analysis supporting decision-makers in public health-related choices: a study model applied to anti-HPV vaccines. (Working Paper) Rochester, U.S. : Social Science Research Network. 9 p. (Working Paper)

Gaiha, Gaurav D., Dong, Tao, Palaniyar, Nades, Mitchell, Daniel A., Reid, Kenneth B. M. and Clark, Howard W. (2008) Surfactant protein A binds to HIV and inhibits direct infection of CD4[sup]+ cells, but enhances dendritic cell-mediated viral transfer. The Journal of Immunology, 181(1), pp. 601-609. ISSN (print) 0022-1767

Karlyshev, Andrey, Wren, Brendan W and Moran, Anthony P (2008) Campylobacter jejuni Capsular Polysaccharide. In: Nachamkin, Irving , Szymanski, Christine M. and Blaser, Martin J., (eds.) Campylobacter. 3rd edition. Washington, DC, USA : American Society for Microbiology Press,. pp. 505-522. ISBN 9781555814373

Motta, James David (2008) Pattern of Epstein-Barr virus infection in human tonsils. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .

Stroumpouki, Theodora G. and Stavropoulou, Areti (2008) Η φροντίδα ατόμων με HIVAIDS και η εμφάνιση του συνδρόμου Burnout [The care of the patients with HIV/AIDS and the burn-out syndrome]. Iatpika Xponika = Medical Annals, 31, pp. 532-537. ISSN (print) 0303-4925

Thompson, R.I., Bidgood, P., Petroczi, A., Denholm-Price, J. and Fielder, M. (2008) Statistical analysis of HIV-patient data from central Europe: lessons from a three-centre study. European Infectious Disease, 2(1), pp. 52-56.

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