Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > History of art, architecture and design"

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Jump to: 2020
Number of items: 33.


Balaskas, Bill and Rito, Carolina, eds. (2020) Institution as praxis: new curatorial directions for collaborative research. Berlin : Sternberg Press. 272p. ISBN 9783956795060

Barber, Stephen (2020) The projectionists : Eadweard Muybridge and the future projections of the moving image. Chicago, U.S. : University of Chicago Press. 208p. ISBN 9783035802894

Black, Jonathan (2020) A war memorial in every sense : Charles Sargeant Jagger MC and the memorial to the Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1925-2020. In: Toppling statues webinar; 23 - 24 Nov 2020, Held online. (Unpublished)

Chan, JJ (2020) The Year of the Rat. Art Asia Pacific, 119, pp. 28-29. ISSN (print) 1039-3625

Cottington, David [Reviewer] (2020) Book Review of: 'The European avant-gardes, 1905-1935 : a portable guide' by Sascha Bru. Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 89(3), pp. 227-229. ISSN (print) 0023-3609

Fatehrad, Azadeh (2020) The aesthetic of diaspora in moving image practice. In: Fatehrad, Azadeh, (ed.) The films of Sohrab Shahid Saless: exile, displacement and the stateless moving image. U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 101-120. (ReFocus: The International Directors Series) ISBN 9781474456395

Fatehrad, Azadeh, ed. (2020) The films of Sohrab Shahid Saless: exile, displacement and the stateless moving image. U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. 200p. (ReFocus: The International Directors Series) ISBN 9781474456395

Fatehrad, Azadeh (2020) The poetics and politics of the veil in Iran: an archival and photographic adventure. Bristol, U.K. : Intellect. ISBN 9781789381269

Fatehrad, Azadeh (2020) Introduction. In: Fatehrad, Azadeh, (ed.) The films of Sohrab Shahid Saless: exile, displacement and the stateless moving image. U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-4. ISBN 9781474456395

Ferrari, Diego [Artist] (2020) Space at the Centre – London 1995 to 2007. .

Fisher, Fiona, Lara-Betancourt, Patricia, Kelley, Victoria and Sparke, Penny (2020) Complex interior spaces in London, 1850-1930 : introduction. London Journal, 45(2), pp. 177-188. ISSN (print) 0305-8034

Fisher, Fiona (2020) Inside London's railway termini, c.1870-1939. London Journal, 45(2), pp. 211-239. ISSN (print) 0305-8034

Gray, Maggie (2020) Cartooning and performance: 'cartoon style' alternative theatre. In: Cartoon Animation: Satire and Subversion; 17 Feb 2020, Farnham, Surrey. (Unpublished)

Gray, Maggie (2020) UK Underground Comix: Ar:Zak, the Birmingham Arts Lab, and Streetcomix #4. Confessions of an Aca-fan,

Gray, Maggie (2020) The freedom of the press : comics, labor and value in the Birmingham Arts Lab. In: Giddens, Thom, (ed.) Critical directions in comics studies. University Press of Mississippi. (In Press)

Gray, Maggie (2020) The risks of representation : making gender and violence visible in 'The Ballad of Halo Jones'. In: Mickwitz, Nina , Horton, Ian and Hague, Ian, (eds.) Representing acts of violence in comics. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 139-158. (Routledge Advances in Comics Studies) ISBN 9781138484535

Hunter, I.Q. and Melia, Matthew, eds. (2020) The 'Jaws' book : new perspectives on the classic summer blockbuster. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 288p. ISBN 9781501347528

Kenning, Dean [Author-contributor] (2020) Foreword. In: Sharp, Andy, (ed.) The English Heretic Collection : ritual histories, magickal geography. Repeater. pp. 9-15. ISBN 9781913462093

Knott, Stephen (2020) Fancy dress as an amateur craft. Performance Research, 25(1), pp. 10-17. ISSN (print) 1352-8165

Martín Lopez, Lucía, Lueder, Christoph and Cano Pineiro, Almudena (2020) Marginalised development and ad-hoc tactics for growth. In: Cupples, Julie and Slater, Tom, (eds.) Producing and contesting urban marginality : interdisciplinary and comparative dialogues. London, U.K. : Rowman & Littlefield International Ltd. pp. 161-188. (Transforming capitalism) ISBN 9871786606402

Melia, Matthew (2020) Ken Russell's unfinished projects and unmade films, 1956-1968 : the BBC years. In: Fenwick, James , Foster, Kieran and Eldridge, David, (eds.) Shadow cinema : the historical and production context of unmade films. New York, U.S. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 91-108. ISBN 9781501351594

Melia, Matthew (2020) Landscape, imagery and symbolism in Alejandro Jodorowsky's 'El Topo'. In: Broughton, Lee, (ed.) Reframing cult westerns : From The Magnificent Seven to The Hateful Eight. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 93-110. ISBN 9781501343490

Melia, Matthew (2020) Relocating the western in 'Jaws'. In: Hunter, IQ and Melia, Matthew, (eds.) The 'Jaws' book : new perspectives on the classic summer blockbuster. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781501347528

Monteiro, Vania (2020) Choreographies of disappearance : fugitive choreographies and other (non)performances in a time of hyper performativity. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Renton, Lucy [Artist] and Bracey, Andrew [Curator] (2020) A Gift for Doña Margarita Maria of Austria. Enough Is Definitely Enough! .

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2020) Chernobyl as technoscience. Technology and Culture, 61(4), pp. 1178-1187. ISSN (print) 0040-165X

Ross, Linda M. (2020) Dounreay experimental research establishment. In: Charlton, Susannah and Harwood, Elain, (eds.) 100 20th-Century gardens and landscapes. London, U.K. : Batsford. pp. 108-108. ISBN 9781849945295

Rossi, Catharine (2020) Book Review of: 'Powering the nation : images of the Shannon Scheme and electricity in Ireland' by Sorcha O'Brien. Journal of Design History, 33(4), pp. 359-360. ISSN (print) 0952-4649

Scholze, Jana (2020) When things disappear: curating immateriality. In: von Bismarck, Beatrice and Meyer-Krahmer, Benjamin, (eds.) Curatorial Things. Berlin, Germany : MIT Press/Sternberg Press. (Cultures of the Curatorial, (4)) ISBN 9783956792809

Sparke, Penny (2020) Nature inside : plants and flowers in the modern interior. Yale University Press. 224p. ISBN 9780300217801 (In Press)

Stara, Alexandra (2020) The depth between frames : architectural representation in two films by Elizabeth Price and Rut Blees Luxemburg. In: Troiani, Igea and Campbell, Hugh, (eds.) Architecture Filmmaking. Bristol, UK : Intellect Books. pp. 39-56. ISBN 9781783209941

Stuart, Matthew and Walsh-Lister, Andrew, eds. (2020) As celebration, as critique, as play : Ron Hunt, selected writings (1957–2020). London, U.K. : Bricks from the Kiln. 180p. ISBN 9780995683532

Thomas, Sarah (2020) The art of travel in the name of science : mobility and erasure in the art of Flinders’s Australian voyage, 1801-03. In: Lambert, David and Merriman, Peter, (eds.) Empire and mobility in the long Nineteenth Century. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. ISBN 9781526126382

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