Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Health services research"

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Group by: First Author/Editor | Item Type | Year
Number of items: 60.


Baker, Lindsay, Egan-Lee, Eileen, Leslie, Karen, Silver, Ivan and Reeves, Scott (2010) Exploring an IPE faculty development program using the 3-P model. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 24(5), pp. 597-600. ISSN (print) 1356-1820

Barron, Duncan S., Holterman, Caroline, Shipster, Pieter, Batson, Sherma and Alam, Mohammed (2010) Seen but not heard – ethnic minorities’ views of primary health care interpreting provision : a focus group study. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 11(2), pp. 132-141. ISSN (print) 1463-4236

Bilotta, Claudio, Bowling, Ann, Case, Alessandra, Nicolini, Paola, Mauri, Sabrina, Castelli, Manuela and Vergani, Carlo (2010) Dimensions and correlates of quality of life according to frailty status: a cross-sectional study on community-dwelling older adults referred to an outpatient geriatric service in Italy. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 8(56), ISSN (online) 1477-7525

Bowling, A., Reeves, B. and Rowe, G. (2010) The Patients Preferences Questionnaire for Angina treatment: results and psychometrics from 383 patients in primary care in England. BMJ Quality and Safety, 19(6), pp. 1-7. ISSN (print) 2044-5415

Bowling, Ann, Iliffe, Steve, Kessel, Anthony and Higginson, Irene J. (2010) Fear of dying in an ethnically diverse society: cross-sectional studies of people aged 65+in Britain. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 86(1014), 197 - 202. ISSN (print) 0032-5473

Burls, Amanda, Emparanza, Jose I, Quinn, Tom and Cabello, Juan B (2010) Oxygen use in acute myocardial infarction: an online survey of health professionals' practice and beliefs. Emergency Medicine Journal, 27(4), pp. 283-286. ISSN (print) 1472-0205

Cabello, Juan B, Burls, Amanda, Emparanza, José I, Bayliss, Sue, Quinn, Tom and Cabello, Juan B (2010) Oxygen therapy for acute myocardial infarction. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 6, CD007160.pub2. ISSN (online) 1469-493X

Coppinger, T., Jeanes, Y. M., Dabinett, J., Vögele, C. and Reeves, S. (2010) Physical activity and dietary intake of children aged 9-11 years and the influence of peers on these behaviours : a 1-year follow-up. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(8), pp. 776-781. ISSN (print) 0954-3007

Corner, E J, Wood, H, Englebretsen, C, Boot, S and Nikoletou, D (2010) P248 Measuring physical recovery in the critical care population: development of the Chelsea Critical Care Physical Assessment Tool (CPAX). Thorax, 65(S4), A181. ISSN (print) 0040-6376

Dawes, Joanna and Lambert, Paul (2010) Practice educators' experiences of supervising two students on allied health practice based placements. Journal of Allied Health, 39(1), pp. 20-27. ISSN (print) 0090-7421

Debar, Safia, Kumarapeli, Pushpa, Kaski, Juan Carlos and De Lusignan, Simon (2010) Addressing modifiable risk factors for coronary heart disease in primary care: an evidence-base lost in translation. Family Practice, 27(4), pp. 370-378. ISSN (print) 0263-2136

Egbunike, Jennifer N, Shaw, Chris, Porter, Alison, Button, Lori A, Kinnersley, Paul, Hood, Kerry, Bowden, Sue, Bale, Sue, Snooks, Helen and Edwards, Adrian (2010) Streamline triage and manage user expectations : lessons from a qualitative study of GP out-of-hours services. British Journal of General Practice, 60(572), pp. 83-97. ISSN (print) 0960-1643

Goldman, Joanne, Meuser, Jamie, Rogers, Jess, Lawrie, Lynne and Reeves, Scott (2010) Interprofessional collaboration in family health teams : an Ontario-based study. Canadian Family Physician Médecin de Famille Canadien, 56(10), pp. 368-374. ISSN (print) 0008-350X

Goldman, Joanne, Meuser, Jamie, Lawrie, Lynne, Rogers, Jess and Reeves, Scott (2010) Interprofessional primary care protocols : a strategy to promote an evidence-based approach to teamwork and the delivery of care. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 24(6), pp. 653-665. ISSN (print) 1356-1820

Goodwin, Victoria, Martin, Finbarr C., Husk, Janet, Lowe, Derek, Grant, Robert and Potter, Jonathan (2010) The national clinical audit of falls and bone health: secondary prevention of falls and fractures: a physiotherapy perspective. Physiotherapy, 96(1), pp. 38-43. ISSN (print) 0031-9406

Greenwood, Nan and Mackenzie, Ann (2010) Informal caring for stroke survivors: meta-ethnographic review of qualitative literature. Maturitas, 66(3), pp. 268-276. ISSN (print) 0378-5122

Greenwood, Nan, Mackenzie, Ann, Cloud, Geoffrey and Wilson, Nikki (2010) Loss of autonomy, control and independence when caring: a qualitative study of informal carers of stroke survivors in the first three months after discharge. Disability and Rehabilitation, 32(2), pp. 125-133. ISSN (print) 0963-8288

Harris, Ruth and Bennett, Janette (2010) Work-life in the balance. Nursing Standard, 24(48), p. 64. ISSN (print) 0029-6570

Hurley, Michael V, Walsh, Nicola, Bhavnani, Vanita, Britten, Nicky and Stevenson, Fiona (2010) Health beliefs before and after participation on an exercised-based rehabilitation programme for chronic knee pain: doing is believing. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 11, ISSN (online) 1471-2474

James, Heather E., Ebert, K., McGonigle, R., Reid, Scott M., Boonham, Neil, Tomlinson, Jennifer A., Hutchings, Geoffrey H., Denyer, Mick, Oura, Chris A.L., Dukes, Juliet P. and King, Donald P. (2010) Detection of African swine fever virus by loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Journal of Virological Methods, 164(1-2), pp. 68-74. ISSN (print) 0166-0934

Jenkins, Nicholas, Bloor, Michael, Fisher, Jan, Berney, Lee and Neale, Joanne (2010) Putting it in context: the use of vignettes in qualitative interviewing. Qualitative Research, 10(2), pp. 175-198. ISSN (print) 1468-7941

Kelly, M., Egbunike, J. N., Kinnersley, P., Hood, K., Owen-Jones, E., Button, L. A., Shaw, C., Porter, A., Snooks, H., Bowden, S. and Edwards, A. (2010) Delays in response and triage times reduce patient satisfaction and enablement after using out-of-hours services. Family Practice, 27(6), pp. 652-663. ISSN (print) 0263-2136

Kenaszchuk, Chris, Wilkins, Kathryn, Reeves, Scott, Zwarenstein, Merrick and Russell, Ann (2010) Nurse-physician relations and quality of nursing care : findings from a national survey of nurses. The Canadian Journal of Nursing Research = Revue Canadienne de Recherche en Sciences infirmières, 42(2), pp. 120-136. ISSN (print) 1705-7051

Kenten, Charlotte, Bowling, Ann, Lambert, Nigel, Howe, Amanda and Rowe, Gene (2010) A study of patient expectations in a Norfolk general practice. Health Expectations, 13(3), pp. 237-284. ISSN (print) 1369-6513

Kinnersley, P., Egbunike, J. N., Kelly, M., Hood, K., Owen-Jones, E., Button, L. A., Shaw, C., Porter, A., Snooks, H., Bowden, S. and Edwards, A. (2010) The need to improve the interface between in-hours and out-of-hours GP care, and between out-of-hours care and self-care. Family Practice, 27(6), pp. 664-672. ISSN (print) 0263-2136

Kuper, Ayelet, Nedden, Natalie Zur, Etchells, Edward, Shadowitz, Steven and Reeves, Scott (2010) Teaching and learning in morbidity and mortality rounds : an ethnographic study. Medical Education, 44(6), pp. 559-569. ISSN (print) 0308-0110

Law, Lesley, Akroyd, Karen and Burke, Linda (2010) Improving nurse documentation and record keeping in stoma care. British Journal of Nursing, 19(21), pp. 1328-1332. ISSN (print) 0966-0461

Manthorpe, J., Iliffe, S., Samsi, K., Cole, L., Goodman, C., Drennan, V. and Warner, J. (2010) Dementia, dignity and quality of life: nursing practice and its dilemmas. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 5(3), pp. 235-244. ISSN (print) 1748-3735

Morrow, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona, Grocott, Patricia and Bennett, Janette (2010) A model and measure for quality service user involvement in health research. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 34(5), pp. 532-539. ISSN (print) 1470-6423

Nacul, Luis, Soljak, Michael, Samarasundera, Edgar, Hopkinson, Nicholas S., Lacerda, Eliana, Indulkar, Tejal, Flowers, Julian, Walford, Hannah and Majeed, Azeem (2010) COPD in England: a comparison of expected, model-based prevalence and observed prevalence from general practice data. Journal of Public Health, 33(1), pp. 108-116. ISSN (print) 1741-3842

Perkins, Gavin D, Woollard, Malcolm, Cooke, Matthew W, Deakin, Charles, Horton, Jessica, Lall, Ranjit, Lamb, Sarah E, McCabe, Chris, Quinn, Tom, Slowther, Anne and Gates, Simon (2010) Prehospital Randomised Assessment of a Mechanical Compression Device In Cardiac arrest (PaRAMeDIC) Trial Protocol. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 18(58), ISSN (online) 1757-7241

Petroczi, Andrea and Naughton, Declan (2010) Advancing healthcare research in the UK: an appraisal of the impact of Research Capability Funding in a post 1992 university. Kingston University Research & Innovation Reports (KURIR)(W1), pp. 1-14. ISSN (online) 1749-5652

Pierce, K.E., Mistry, R., Reid, S.M., Bharya, S., Dukes, J.P., Hartshorn, C., King, D.P. and Wangh, L.J. (2010) Design and optimization of a novel reverse transcription linear-after-the-exponential PCR for the detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus. Journal Of Applied Microbiology, 109(1), pp. 180-189. ISSN (print) 1364-5072

Reeves, S., Brown, R., Matthews, D., Howard, R. and Grasby, P. (2010) No effect of donepezil on striatal dopamine release in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 81(1), pp. 119-121. ISSN (print) 0022-3050

Reeves, Scott, Macmillan, Kathleen and van Soeren, Mary (2010) Leadership of interprofessional health and social care teams : a socio-historical analysis. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(3), pp. 258-264. ISSN (print) 0966-0429

Reid, Scott M., Pierce, Kenneth E., Mistry, Rohit, Bharya, Sukvinder, Dukes, Juliet P., Volpe, Carmelo, Wangh, Lawrence J. and King, Donald P. (2010) Pan-serotypic detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus by RT linear-after-the-exponential PCR. Molecular and Cellular Probes, 24(5), pp. 250-255. ISSN (print) 0890-8508

Rice, Kathleen, Zwarenstein, Merrick, Conn, Lesley Gotlib, Kenaszchuk, Chris, Russell, Ann and Reeves, Scott (2010) An intervention to improve interprofessional collaboration and communications : a comparative qualitative study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 24(4), pp. 350-361. ISSN (print) 1356-1820

Robb, Elizabeth, Jarman, Brian, Suntharalingam, Ganesh, Higgens, Claire, Tennant, Rachel and Elcock, Karen (2010) Using care bundles to reduce in-hospital mortality: quantitative survey. British Medical Journal (BMJ), 340(c1234), pp. 861-863. ISSN (print) 0959-8138

Robertson, Claire, J. (2010) Joint crepitus - are we failing our patients? Physiotherapy Research International : The Journal for Researchers and Clinicians in Physical Therapy, 15(4), pp. 185-188. ISSN (print) 1358-2267

Robotham, Dan, James, Karen and Cyhlarova, Eva (2010) Managing demand and capacity within child and adolescent mental health services: an evaluation of the Choice and Partnership Approach. Mental Health Review Journal, 15(3), pp. 22-30. ISSN (print) 1361-9322

Ross, Fiona (2010) Learning from older people: shifting the balance in research. Generations Review, 20(4), ISSN (print) 0965-2000

Sabes-Figueraa, Ramon, McCrone, Paul, Hurley, Michael, King, Michael, Donaldson, Ana Nora and Ridsdale, Leone (2010) The hidden cost of chronic fatigue to patients and their families. BMC Health Services Research, 10(56), ISSN (online) 1472-6963

Segal, Neil A., Glass, Natalie A., Felson, David T., Hurley, Michael, Yang, Mei, Nevitt, Michael, Lewis, Cora E. and Torner, James C. (2010) Effect of quadriceps strength and proprioception on risk for knee osteoarthritis. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 42(11), pp. 2081-2088. ISSN (print) 0195-9131

Sheridan, V (2010) Organisational culture and routine midwifery practice on labour ward: implications for mother-baby contact. Evidence Based Midwifery, 8(3), pp. 76-84. ISSN (print) 1479-4489

Thomson, Di (2010) The social meaning and function of humour in physiotherapy practice: an ethnography. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 26(1), pp. 1-11. ISSN (print) 0959-3985

Venasakulchai, Anan, Williams, Neil A., Gracia, Louise H. and Rees, Gareth D. (2010) A comparative evaluation of fluoridated and non-fluoridated mouthrinses using a 5-day cycling enamel erosion model. Journal of Dentistry, 38(Suppleme), S21-S29. ISSN (print) 0300-5712


Reeves, Scott, Lewin, Simon, Espin, Sherry and Zwarenstein, Merrick (2010) Interprofessional teamwork for health and social care. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. 191p. (Promoting Partnership for Health) ISBN 9781405181914

Book Section

Chambers, Mary (2010) Case study 15B. Northern Ireland's information and communications technology strategy: a case study of nursing activity. In: Weaver, Charlotte, A. , White Delaney, Connie , Weber, Patrick and Carr, Robyn, L., (eds.) Nursing and informatics for the 21st century: an international look at practice, education and EHR trends. Chicago, IL : Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. pp. 363-368. 2nd ed ISBN 9780982107041

Iliffe, Steve, Manthorpe, Jill and Drennan, Vari (2010) Dementia care in the community: challenges for primary health and social care. In: Ames, D , Burns, A and O'Brien, J, (eds.) Dementia. 4th Ed. London : Hodder Arnold. pp. 157-165. ISBN 9780340987278

Kalra, Lalit and Harris, Ruth (2010) Stroke rehabilitation. In: Kalra, Lalit , Wolfe, Charles and Rudd, Anthony, (eds.) A practical guide to comprehensive stroke care: meeting population needs. London, U.K. : World Scientific Publishing Co. pp. 253-282. ISBN 9789814299510

Conference or Workshop Item

Greenwood, Nan, Mackenzie, Ann, Cloud, Geoffrey and Fenton, Will (2010) Supporting informal carers of stroke survivors in primary care: an exploratory study of the perceptions of the role of primary care. In: 2010 UKSF Conference; 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2010, Glasgow, U.K.. ISSN (print) 1747-4930

Kumarapeli, Pushpa and De Lusignan, Simon (2010) A head to head comparison of EMIS PCS and INPS Vision. In: Scottish Clinical Information Management in Practice (SCIMP) 2010 conference; 2-3 Nov 2010, Crieff, Scotland, UK.

Ross, Fiona (2010) Learning from older people. In: British Society of Gerontology 39th Annual Conference 2010, Identities, care and everyday life; 05 - 08 Oct 2010, Brunel University, U.K..

Wood, J.H. (2010) How decisions are made by and for older residents with dementia in residential care homes. In: 4th European Nursing Conference: Older persons: the future of care; 04-07 Oct 2010, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. (Unpublished)


Chattopadhyay, Kaushik (2010) Working with communities to improve health: annual public health report 2010. (Project Report) Suffolk, U.K. : NHS Suffolk and Suffolk County Council. 116 p.

Drennan, Vari (2010) Out of hours and unscheduled primary care making it safer: report of the joint conference hosted by the Medical Protection Society, National Patient Safety Agency and MPS Risk Solutions. (Other) London, U.K. : Medical Protection Society. 12 p.

Gillard, Steve, Edwards, Christine, White, Sarah, White, Rachel, Adams, Katie, Davies, Lucy, Green, Katherine, Kettle, Trevor, Lathlean, Judith, Lucock, Mike, Miller, Stephen, Minogue, Virginia, Nugent, Christine, Simons, Lucy and Turner, Kati (2010) The barriers and facilitators of supporting self care in Mental Health NHS Trusts. (Project Report) Southampton, U.K. : NETSCC, SDO. 262 p.

Goodman, Claire, Drennan, Vari, Davies, Sue, Masey, Helen, Gage, Heather, Scott, Cherill, Manthorpe, Jill, Brearley, Sally and Iliffe, Steve (2010) Nurses as case managers in primary care: the contribution to chronic disease management. (Project Report) London, U.K. : National Institute for Health Research Service. 317 p.


Greenwood, Penelope Nan (2010) Marginalised groups and health services : provision, experiences and research issues. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Hull, James H.K. (2010) Large artery haemodynamics in cystic fibrosis. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

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