Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Geography and environmental studies"

Aziz, Samehia and Hughes, Annie (2011) Violence against women in Pakistan : a case study of Cholistani women. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 5(10), pp. 451-466. ISSN (print) 1833-1882
Baeteman, C, Waller, M.P. and Kiden, P (2011) Reconstructing middle to late Holocene sea-level change: a methodological review with particular reference to ‘A new Holocene sea-level curve for the southern North Sea’ presented by Behre. Boreas, 40(4), pp. 557-572. ISSN (print) 0300-9483
Bell, Sarah, Shaw, Ben and Boaz, Annette (2011) Real-world approaches to assessing the impact of environmental research on policy. Research Evaluation, 20(3), pp. 227-237. ISSN (print) 0958-2029
Bhagwat, Shonil A., Dudley, Nigel and Harrop, Stuart R. (2011) Religious following in biodiversity hotspots: challenges and opportunities for conservation and development. Conservation Letters, 4(3), pp. 234-240. ISSN (online) 1755-263X
Blitz, Brad K. and Otero-Iglesias, Miguel (2011) Stateless by any other name: refused asylum-seekers in the United Kingdom. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(4), pp. 657-673. ISSN (print) 1369-183X
Blitz, Brad, K. (2011) Evaluating transitions: human rights and qualitative democracy in East/Central Europe. Europe-Asia Studies, 63(9), pp. 1745-1770. ISSN (print) 0966-8136
Blitz, Brad, K. (2011) Statelessness and environmental-induced displacement: future scenarios of deterritorialisation, rescue and recovery examined. Mobilities, 6(3), pp. 433-450. ISSN (print) 1745-0101
Brown, Kerry A., Flynn, Dan F. B., Abram, Nicola K., Ingram, J. Carter, Johnson, Steig E. and Wright, Patricia (2011) Assessing natural resource use by forest-reliant communities in Madagascar using functional diversity and functional redundancy metrics. PloS one, 6(9), e24107. ISSN (online) 1932-6203
Coldwell, B., Clemens, J. and Petford, N. (2011) Deep crustal melting in the Peruvian Andes: Felsic magma generation during delamination and uplift. Lithos, 125(1-2), pp. 272-286. ISSN (print) 0024-4937
Cook, Hadrian and Young, Kevin (2011) Watermeadows at the Itchen Valley Country Park near Eastleigh, Hampshire. Hants Field Club and Archaeological Society Proceedings (Hampshire Studies), 66, pp. 186-206. ISSN (print) 0142-8950
Dykes, A.P. and Jennings, P. (2011) Peat slope failures and other mass movements in western Ireland, August 2008. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 44(1), pp. 5-16. ISSN (print) 1470-9236
Edwards, Mary and Grant, Michael J. (2011) Long-term perspectives on an iconic landscape: Origins and future trajectories of the "Ancient and Ornamental Woodland", New Forest, UK. PAGES News, 19(2), pp. 51-53. ISSN (print) 1811-1602
Franklin, Alex, Newton, Julie, Middleton, Jennie and Marsden, Terry (2011) Reconnecting skills for sustainable communities with everyday life. Environment and Planning A, 43(2), pp. 347-362. ISSN (print) 0308-518X
French, Shaun, Leyshon, Andrew and Wainwright, Thomas (2011) Financializing space, spacing financialization. Progress in Human Geography, 35(6), pp. 798-819. ISSN (print) 0309-1325
Gant, Robert (2011) Book Review of: 'Social capital and urban networks of trust' edited by Jouni Hakli and Claudio Minca. The Geographical Journal, 177(2), p. 195. ISSN (online) 1475-4959
Gant, Robert [Reviewer] (2011) Book review of: Return migration of the next generations. Geography, 96(1), pp. 52-53. ISSN (print) 0016-7487
Gillmore, G, Gharib, H A, Denman, A, Phillips, P and Bridge, D (2011) Radon concentrations in abandoned mines, Cumbria, UK: safety implications for industrial archaeologists. Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Science, 11(5), pp. 1311-1318. ISSN (online) 1561-8633
Grohmann, C.H., Smith, M.J. and Riccomini, C. (2011) Multiscale analysis of topographic surface roughness in the Midland Valley, Scotland. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(4), pp. 1200-1213. ISSN (print) 0196-2892
Harries, Tim and Penning-Rowsell, Edmund (2011) Victim pressure, institutional inertia and climate change adaptation: the case of flood risk. Global Environmental Change Part A, 21(1), pp. 188-197. ISSN (print) 0959-3780
Harrop, Stuart (2011) Climate change, conservation and the place for wild animal welfare in international law. Journal of Environmental Law, 23(3), pp. 441-462. ISSN (print) 0952-8873
Harrop, Stuart R. (2011) ‘Living in harmony with nature’? Outcomes of the 2010 Nagoya Conference of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Journal of Environmental Law, 23(1), pp. 117-128. ISSN (print) 0952-8873
Harrop, Stuart R. and Pritchard, Diana J. (2011) A hard instrument goes soft: the implications of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s current trajectory. Global Environmental Change, 21(2), pp. 474-480. ISSN (print) 0959-3780
Hastie, Alan R., Mitchell, Simon F., Kerr, Andrew C., Minifie, Matthew J. and Millar, Ian L. (2011) Geochemistry of rare high-Nb basalt lavas: are they derived from a mantle wedge metasomatised by slab melts? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(17), pp. 5049-5072. ISSN (print) 0016-7037
Hawkins, Harriet, Sacks, Shelley, Cook, Ian, Rawling, Eleanor, Griffiths, Helen, Swift, Di, Evans, James, Rothnie, Gail, Wilson, Jacky, Williams, Alice, Feenay, Katie, Gordon, Linzi, Prescott, Heather, Murphy, Claire, Allen, Daniel, Mitchell, Tyler, Wheeldon, Rachel, Roberts, Margaret, Robinson, Guy, Flaxman, Pete, Fuller, Duncan, Lovell, Tom and Askins, Kye (2011) Organic public geographies: "making the connection". Antipode, 43(4), pp. 909-926. ISSN (print) 0066-4812
Koenig, A., Samarasundera, E. and Cheng, T. (2011) Interactive map communication: pilot study of the visual perceptions and preferences of public health practitioners. Public Health, 125(8), pp. 554-560. ISSN (print) 0033-3506
Korponai, J, Magyari, EK, Buczko, K, Iepure, S, Namiotko, T, Czako, D, Kover, C and Braun, M (2011) Cladocera response to Late Glacial to Early Holocene climate change in a South Carpathian mountain lake. Hydrobiologia, 676(1), pp. 223-235. ISSN (print) 0018-8158
Marx, Colin (2011) Long-Term City Visioning and the Redistribution of Economic Infrastructure. International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research, 35(5), pp. 1012-1025. ISSN (print) 0309-1317
Middleton, Jennie (2011) "I'm on autopilot, I just follow the route": exploring the habits, routines, and decision-making practices of everyday urban mobilities. Environment and Planning A, 43(12), pp. 2857-2877. ISSN (print) 0308-518X
Middleton, Jennie (2011) Sense and the city: exploring the embodied geographies of urban walking. Social & Cultural Geography, 11(6), pp. 575-596. ISSN (print) 1464-9365
Millier, Helen K G R and Hooda, Peter S (2011) Phosphorus species and fractionation: why sewage derived phosphorus is a problem. Journal of Environmental Management, 92(4), pp. 1210-1214. ISSN (print) 0301-4797
Phillips, Judith, Walford, Nigel and Hockey, Ann (2011) How do unfamiliar environments convey meaning to older people? Urban dimensions of placelessness and attachment. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 6(2), pp. 73-102. ISSN (online) 1652-8670
Pittman, Simon J. and Brown, Kerry (2011) Multi-Scale approach for predicting fish species distributions across coral reef seascapes. PLoS Biology, 6(5), e20583. ISSN (print) 1544-9173
Raymond, Christopher M., Brown, Gregory and Robinson, Guy M. (2011) The influence of place attachment, and moral and normative concerns on the conservation of native vegetation: a test of two behavioural models. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 31(4), pp. 323-335. ISSN (print) 0272-4944
Shiode, Narushige and Shiode, Shino (2011) Street-level spatial interpolation using network-based IDW and ordinary kriging. Transactions In GIS, 15(4), pp. 457-477. ISSN (print) 1361-1682
Smith, M.J. and Knight, J. (2011) Palaeoglaciology of the last Irish ice sheet reconstructed from striae evidence. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(1-2), pp. 147-160. ISSN (print) 0277-3791
Smith, Mike J., Jordan, Colm J. and Walsby, Jenny C. (2011) Credit where credit's due: developing authorship strategies in the geosciences. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 122(1), pp. 2-6. ISSN (print) 0016-7878
Soljak, Michael, Samarasundera, Edgar, Indulkar, Tejal, Walford, Hannah and Majeed, Azeem (2011) Variations in cardiovascular disease under-diagnosis in England: national cross-sectional spatial analysis. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 11, pp. 12-23. ISSN (online) 1471-2261
Wainwright, Thomas (2011) Elite knowledges: framing risk and the geographies of credit. Environment and Planning A, 43(3), pp. 650-665. ISSN (print) 0308-518X
Wainwright, Thomas (2011) Tax doesn't have to be taxing: London's 'onshore' finance industry and the fiscal spaces of a global crisis. Environment and Planning A, 43(6), pp. 1287-1304. ISSN (print) 0308-518X
Walford, Nigel, Samarasundera, Edgar, Phillips, Judith, Hockey, Ann and Foreman, Nigel (2011) Older people's navigation of urban areas as pedestrians: measuring quality of the built environment using oral narratives and virtual routes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 100(1-2), pp. 163-168. ISSN (print) 0169-2046
Wattage, P., Glenn, H., Mardle, S., Van Rensburg, T., Grehan, A. and Foley, N. (2011) Economic value of conserving deep-sea corals in Irish waters: A choice experiment study on marine protected areas. Fisheries Research, 107(1-3), pp. 59-67. ISSN (print) 0165-7836
Blitz, Brad K. and Lynch, Maureen, eds. (2011) Statelessness and citizenship: a comparative study on the benefits of nationality. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing. 258p. ISBN 9781849800679
Walford, Nigel and Ivison, Claire [Illustrator] (2011) Practical statistics for geographers and earth scientists. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. 416p. ISBN 9780470849156
Book Section
Blitz, Brad (2011) Neither seen nor heard: compound deprivation among stateless children. In: Bhahba, Jacqueline, (ed.) Children without a state: a global human rights challenge. Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press. pp. 43-66. ISBN 9780262015271
Blitz, Brad K. and Sawyer, Caroline (2011) Analysis: the practical and legal realities of statelessness in the European Union. In: Sawyer, Caroline and Blitz, Brad K., (eds.) Statelessness in the European Union: Displaced, Undocumented, Unwanted. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 281-305. ISBN 9780521191937
Blitz, Brad K. (2011) Policy responses and global discourses on the rights of non-citizens and stateless people. In: Sawyer, Caroline and Blitz, Brad K., (eds.) Statelessness in the European Union: Displaced, Undocumented, Unwanted. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 108-138. ISBN 9780521191937
Blitz, Brad K. and Lynch, Maureen (2011) Statelessness and the deprivation of nationality. In: Blitz, Brad K. and Lynch, Maureen, (eds.) Statelessness and citizenship: a comparative study on the benefits of nationality. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. pp. 1-22. ISBN 9781849800679
Gillmore, G. and Melton, N. (2011) Early Neolithic sands at West Voe, Shetland Islands: implications for human settlement. In: Wilson, L, (ed.) Human Interactions with the Geosphere: The Geoarchaeological Perspective. London, U.K. : Geological Society. pp. 69-83. (Geological Society Special Publication, (352)) ISSN (print) 0305-8719 ISBN 9781862393257
Gillmore, G. K., Stevens, T., Buyleart, J. P., Coningham, R. A. E., Fazeli, H., Young, R. and Maghsoudi, M. (2011) Geoarchaeology and the value of multidisciplinary palaeoenvironmental approaches: a case study from the Tehran Plain, Iran. In: Wilson, L, (ed.) Human Interactions with the Geosphere: The Geoarchaeological Perspective. London, U.K. : Geological Society. pp. 49-67. (Geological Society Special Publication, (352)) ISSN (print) 0305-8719 ISBN 9781862393257
Lim, Hyunwoo and Shiode, Narushige (2011) Parcel distribution networks for online shopping business. In: Button, Kenneth and Reggiani, Aura, (eds.) Transportation and economic development challenges. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar. pp. 100-120. (NECTAR series on transportation and communications networks research) ISBN 9781849801676
Ramsden, Mark (2011) Spatial analysis. In: Southerton, Dale, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture. Manchester, U.K. : Sage Publications. ISBN 9780872896017
Sawyer, Caroline and Blitz, Brad K. (2011) Conclusions. In: Sawyer, Caroline and Blitz, Brad K., (eds.) Statelessness in the European Union: Displaced, Undocumented Unwanted. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 306-311. ISBN 9780521191937
Sawyer, Caroline, Blitz, Brad K. and Otero-Iglesias, Miguel (2011) De-facto statelessness in the United Kingdom. In: Sawyer, Caroline and Blitz, Brad K., (eds.) Statelessness in the European Union: Displaced, Undocumented, Unwanted. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 160-194. ISBN 9780521191937
Sawyer, Caroline and Blitz, Brad K. (2011) Research design and methodology of the country studies. In: Sawyer, Caroline and Blitz, Brad K., (eds.) Statelessness in the European Union: Displace, Undocumented, Unwanted. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 141-159. ISBN 9780521191937
Conference or Workshop Item
Grant, Michael, Hughes, Paul and Barber, Keith (2011) Climate-vegetation-fire interactions during the Holocene within the New Forest, Southern England. In: XVIII INQUA Congress: Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains; 21-27 Jul 2011, Bern, Switzerland. (Unpublished)
Grant, Michael, Norcott, David, Stevens, Chris, Wyles, Sarah, Russell, John, Cameron, Nigel, Smith, David and Crockett, Andrew (2011) The Holocene evolution of the River Lea and surrounding landscape. In: XVIII INQUA Congress: Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains; 21-27 Jul 2011, Bern, Switzerland. (Unpublished)
Grant, Michael J and Waller, Martyn (2011) Separating the signal from the noise: multi-site reconstructions of Holocene vegetation change (the Tilia and Ulmus declines) in lowland Britain. In: XVIII INQUA Congress: Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains; 21-27 Jul 2011, Bern, Switzerland. (Unpublished)
Hooda, P.S. and Millier, K.G.G.R. (2011) Phosphorus inputs to surface waters: challenges in meeting the water quality criteria of the EU Water Framework Directive. In: International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology; 01-04 Jun 2011, Dongguan, Guangdong, China.
Hooda, Peter (2011) Climate-related natural arsenic source mobilisation in a mountain catchment. In: 11th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements; 3-7 Jul 2011, Florence, Italy.
Kibler, Ewald, Wainwright, Tom, Kautonen, Teemu and Blackburn, Robert (2011) (Work)Life after work: understanding barriers to older entrepreneurship in London. In: 56th Annual ICSB World Conference; 15 - 18 June 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
Wainwright, Thomas, Kibler, Ewald, Blackburn, Robert and Kautonen, Teemu (2011) Exploring social barriers to older self-employment. In: RENT XXV: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business: 25th Anniversary Conference; 16-18 Nov 2011, Bodo, Norway.
Waller, Martyn and Grant, Michael (2011) The interpretation of Holocene pollen assemblages from coastal lowlands: differentiating natural and anthropogenic causal processes and the problems of equifinality. In: XVIII INQUA Congress: Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains; 21-27 Jul 2011, Bern, Switzerland.
Genus, Audley and Armstrong, Andrea (2011) Case study: Developing low-carbon neighbourhoods: a collaborative action research project in Newcastle. (Project Report) Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Beacon North East. 4 p.
Jackson, Mike, Gardner, Zoe and Wainwright, Thomas (2011) Location-awareness and Ubiquitous Cities: a report to the U-City Research Institute, Yonsei University, S.Korea. (Project Report) Nottingham, U.K. : University of Nottingham. 70 p.
Norcott, David and Grant, Michael J (2011) Learning legacy : lessons learned from the London 2012 Games construction project: Geoarchaeology. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Olympic Delivery Authority. 2 p.
Offer, Gregory, Meah, Nafees and Coke, Alexia (2011) Enabling a transition to low carbon economies in developing countries. Case Study: Bangladesh. (Working Paper) Imperial College London.
Senghor, Dioumacor (2011) Lithological, fluid and structural controls of gold mineralization at Massawa, eastern Senegal. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Sims, Douglas B. (2011) Fate of contaminants at an abandoned mining site in an arid environment. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Veselinović-Williams, Milica (2011) Characteristics and origin of polymetallic mineralisation in the Kopaonik region of Serbia and Kosovo, with particular reference to the Belo Brdo Pb-Zn (Ag) deposit. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .