Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > General engineering and mineral and mining engineering"

Ahmadi, H, Liaghat, GH. and Hadavinia, H. (2016) Investigation on tensile properties of plain and nanoclay reinforced syntactic foams. International Journal of Composite Materials, 6(1), pp. 34-41. ISSN (print) 2166-479X
Ayan, Vahid, Khavandi, Alireza, Omer, Joshua and Limbachiya, Mukesh (2016) Toughness performance of recycled aggregates for use in road pavement. International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 3(3), pp. 171-180. ISSN (print) 2322-259X
Bromhead, E.N., Ibsen, M-L. and Dykes, A.P. (2016) The Miramar landslide at Herne Bay and the storm surge of 1953. In: 12th International Symposium on Landslides; 12 - 19 Jun 2016, Napoli, Italy. (Unpublished)
Chakraborty, Moupali, John, Dina Anna and Biswas, Karabi (2016) A statistical study of detergent and shampoo adulterated milk detection system. In: 2016 IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON); 16-18 Dec 2016, Bangalore, India.
Diaz-Diaz, Luis Maria, Omer, Joshua, Arias, Daniel and Pando, Luis (2016) Finite element analysis of an underground collector installed by pipe-jacking method. In: EGUGeneral Assembly 2016; 17-22 Apr 2016, Vienna, Austria.
Dykes, A.P., Ibsen, M-L. and Bromhead, E.N. (2016) A new assessment of the Southwell Topple of 1734. In: 12th International Symposium on Landslides; 12 - 19 Jun 2016, Napoli, Italy. (Unpublished)
Eleftherios-Stamatios, Telis, Besseris, George J., Stergiou, Constantinos and Limbachiya, Mukesh (2016) Cost and safety optimisation in 'Berlin' type retaining walls. International Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(4), pp. 355-366. ISSN (print) 1758-7328
Khazaeinejad, P. and Usmani, A. S. (2016) Temperature-dependent nonlinear analysis of shallow shells : a theoretical approach. Composite Structures, 141, pp. 1-13. ISSN (print) 0263-8223
Olde, Kate, Jarvis, Ian, Pearce, Martin, Walaszczyk, Ireneusz and Tocher, Bruce (2016) Organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst records from a prospective Turonian - Coniacian (upper Cretaceous) GSSP, Slupia Nadbrzezna, Poland. Cretaceous Research, 65, pp. 17-24. ISSN (print) 0195-6671
Ozdemir, N. G., Zhang, T., Aspian, I, Scarpa, F, Hadavinia, H. and Song, Y (2016) Toughening of carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites with rubber nanoparticles for advanced industrial applications. eXPRESS Polymer Letters, 10(5), pp. 394-407. ISSN (online) 1788-618X
Philbin, Simon (2016) Exploring the project management office (PMO) – role, structure and processes. In: 37th American Society for Engineering Management International Annual Conference (ASEM 2016); 26-29 Oct 2016, Charlotte, U.S.. (Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management, no. 033163)