Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Epidemiology and public health"

Allen, Diane S., Ellison, George T.H., Silva, Isabel dos Santos, De Stavola, Bianca L. and Fentiman, Ian S. (2002) Determinants of the availability and accuracy of self-reported birth weight in middle-aged and elderly women. American Journal of Epidemiology, 155(4), pp. 379-384. ISSN (print) 0002-9262
Dorak, M. Tevfik, Burnett, Alan K. and Worwood, Mark (2002) Hemochromatosis gene in leukemia and lymphoma. Leukemia & Lymphoma, 43(3), pp. 467-477. ISSN (print) 1042-8194
Dorak, M.Tevfik, Oguz, Fatma S., Yalman, Nevin, Diler, A.Sarper, Kalayoglu, Sevgi, Anak, Sema, Sargin, Deniz and Carin, Mahmut (2002) A male-specific increase in the HLA-DRB4 (DR53) frequency in high-risk and relapsed childhood ALL. Leukemia Research, 26(7), pp. 651-656. ISSN (print) 0145-2126
Jones, Ian Rees (2002) Book Review of: Late Victorian holocausts: El Nino famines and the making of the Third World by Mike Davis. Critical Public Health, 12(1), pp. 87-88. ISSN (print) 0958-1596
Karlyshev, A.V., Dorrell, N., Winzeler, E. and Wren, B.W. (2002) Further strategies for signature-tagged mutagenesis and the application of oligonucleotide microarrays for the quantification of DNA-tagged strains. In: Wren, Brendan and Dorrell, Nick, (eds.) Functional Microbial Genomics. London : Academic Press. pp. 167-184. (Methods in Microbiology, (33)) ISSN (print) 0580-9517 ISBN 9780125215336