Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > English language and literature"

Agnew, Eadaoin (2014) Refracting the Raj : Hariot Dufferin's photographs of India, 1884-88. In: Saunders, Clare Broome, (ed.) Women, travel writing and truth. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 77-90. (Routledge research in travel writing) ISBN 9781138023529
Angel, Katherine [Reviewer] (2014) Book Review of: 'Pelmanism' by Dilys Rose. The Times Literary Supplement, p. 20. ISSN (print) 0307-661X
Angel, Katherine (2014) Getting beneath : sex and the individual. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) The Institute of Sexology. London, U.K. : Wellcome Collection. pp. 14-19. ISBN 9780957028562
Angel, Katherine [Reviewer] (2014) Identities : Book Review of: ' The whole & rain-domed universe ' by Colette Bryce. Poetry Review, 104(4), pp. 97-100. ISSN (print) 0032-2156
Angel, Katherine [Reviewer] (2014) Nostalgia with frills : Book Review of 'Tonight the summer's over' by Rory Waterman ; 'The sparkling jewel of naturism' by Selima Hill and 'Luxe, salt' by Amy Key. Poetry Review, 104(2), pp. 96-100. ISSN (print) 0032-2156
Bailey, Paul (2014) The prince's boy. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. 160p. ISBN 9781408851890
Bates, Jennifer Ann and Wilson, Richard, eds. (2014) Shakespeare and continental philosophy. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. 303p. ISBN 9780748694945
Baverstock, Alison (2014) Writing family memoir: a 60-minute masterclass. London, U.K. : The Guardian. 64p. (60-Minute Masterclasses)
Benyei, Tamas and Stara, Alexandra (2014) Introduction: the arts of trauma. In: Benyei, Tamas and Stara, Alexandra, (eds.) The edges of trauma: explorations in visual art and literature. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 1-17. ISBN 9781443853422
Benyei, Tamas and Stara, Alexandra, eds. (2014) The edges of trauma: explorations in visual art and literature. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 224p. ISBN 9781443853422
Botting, Fred (2014) Gothic. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 240p. (New Critical Idiom) ISBN 9780415831710
Botting, Fred (2014) Post-millennial monsters : monstrosity-no-more. In: Byron, Glennis and Townshend, Dale, (eds.) The gothic world. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 498-509. (Routledge Worlds) ISBN 9780415637442
Botting, Fred (2014) 'Sir Walter Scott disease': from 'girly-girly romance' to the 'Southern school of degeneracy'. In: Gothic Study Day; 06 Dec 2014, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Boyd Maunsell, Jerome (2014) Susan Sontag. London, U.K. : Reaktion Books. 214p. (Critical Lives, (106)) ISBN 9781780232881
Brivati, Brian, Jensen, Meg, Jolly, Margeretta and Moore, Alexandra Schultheis (2014) Using life narrative to explore human rights themes in the classroom. In: Jensen, Meg and Jolly, Margaretta, (eds.) We shall bear witness : life narratives and human rights. Madison, WI, U.S. : University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 267-280. ISBN 9780299300142
Canpolat, Seda (2014) Hybridity in British Muslim women's writing. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Caygill, Howard (2014) Levinas and Shakespeare. In: Bates, Jennifer Ann and Wilson, Richard, (eds.) Shakespeare and continental philosophy. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 145-151. ISBN 9780748694945
Clarke, Norma (2014) All Grub Street was preparing its advice. In: Garrick and Shakespeare; 25 - 27 Jun 2014, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Coultas, Valerie (2014) Thinking out of the exams box: assessment through talk? Reclaiming Schools,
Cusk, Rachel (2014) Outline : a novel. London, U.K. : Faber & Faber. 256p. ISBN 9780571233625
Dines, Martin (2014) "Keep in mind you are making memories" : narrating suburban childhoods. In: The Story of Memory : New Perspectives on the Relationship between Storytelling and Memory in the Twenty-First Century; 04 - 05 Sep 2014, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Farrant, Marc (2014) 'Good for nothing': rethinking deconstruction and modernism. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Fowler, Steven (2014) The Rottweiler's guide to the dog owner. London, U.K. : Eyewear Publishing. 80p. ISBN 9781908998200
Giles, Katie and White, Frances (2014) Widening the Arc of Friendship: exploring the letters from Iris Murdoch and Philippa Foot with the local community. In: Discovering collections, discovering communities: forging collection-based collaboration between archives, museums and academia; 29 - 30 Oct 2014, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Goldsworthy, Vesna (2014) The Bloomsbury narcissus. In: Rosner, Victoria, (ed.) The Cambridge companion to the Bloomsbury Group. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 183-197. (Cambridge Companions to Literature) ISBN 9781107018242
Hoffman, Eva (2014) Recognition. In: Jensen, Meg and Jolly, Margaretta, (eds.) We shall bear witness : life narratives and human rights. Madison, WI, U.S. : University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 77-79. ISBN 9780299300142
Horner, Avril (2014) Apocalypses now: collective trauma, globalisation and the new Gothic sublime. In: Nadal, Marita and Calvo, Monica, (eds.) Trauma in contemporary literature: narrative and representation. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 35-50. (Routledge interdisciplinary perspectives on literature, (26)) ISBN 9780415715874
Horner, Avril and Zlosnik, Sue (2014) Gothic configurations of gender. In: Hogle, Jerrold E., (ed.) The Cambridge companion to the modern Gothic. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 55-70. (Cambridge companions to literature) ISBN 9781107023567
Horner, Avril and Zlosnik, Sue (2014) The apocalyptic sublime: then and now. In: Germana, Monica and Mousoutzanis, Aris, (eds.) Apocalyptic discourse in contemporary culture: post-millennial perspectives on the end of the world. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 57-70. (Routledge interdisciplinary perspectives on literature, (30)) ISBN 9780415712583
Jensen, Meg (2014) Post-traumatic memory projects : autobiographical fiction and counter-monuments. Textual Practice, 28(4), pp. 701-725. ISSN (print) 0950-236X
Jensen, Meg and Jolly, Margaretta, eds. (2014) We shall bear witness : life narratives and human rights. Madison, WI, U.S. : University of Wisconsin Press. 332p. (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) ISBN 9780299300142
Jensen, Meg (2014) The fictional is political : forms of appeal in autobiographical fiction and poetry. In: Jensen, Meg and Jolly, Margaretta, (eds.) We shall bear witness : life narratives and human rights. Madison, WI, U.S. : University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 141-157. ISBN 9780299300142
Jordan, Jane (2014) "Literature at nurse": George Moore, Ouida and Fin-de-Siècle literary censorship. In: Heilmann, Ann and Llewellyn, Mark, (eds.) George Moore: influence and collaboration. London, U.K. : Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 69-82. ISBN 9781611494327
Jordan, Jane (2014) "Romans Français Écrits En Anglais": Ouida, the sensation novel and fin-de-siècle literary censorship. In: Beller, Anne-Marie and MacDonald, Tara, (eds.) Rediscovering Victorian women sensation writers. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 102-118. ISBN 9780415745796
Kobak, Annette (2014) I-witness. In: Jensen, Meg and Jolly, Margaretta, (eds.) We shall bear witness : life narratives and human rights. Madison, WI, U.S. : University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 25-31. ISBN 9780299300142
Kureishi, Hanif (2014) The last word. London, U.K. : Faber & Faber. 344p. ISBN 9780571277551
Lambrou, M. (2014) Narrative, text and time: telling the same story twice in the oral narrative reporting of 7/7. Language and Literature, 23(1), pp. 32-48. ISSN (print) 0963-9470
Lambrou, Marina [Reviewer] (2014) Book review of: 'Corpus stylistics and Dickens's fiction' by Michaela Malhberg. English Language & Linguistics, 18(1), pp. 202-207. ISSN (print) 1360-6743
Lambrou, Marina, ed. (2014) Narrative. Sage Journals. 98p. (Language and Literature, 23(1)) ISSN (print) 0963-9470
Lambrou, Marina (2014) Stylistics, conversation analysis and the cooperative principle. In: Burke, Michael, (ed.) The Routledge handbook of stylistics. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 136-154. (Routledge Handbooks in English Language Studies) ISBN 9780415527903
Lipsedge, Karen (2014) Pamela goes to the Americas: the Pamela illustrations in eighteenth-century London and the Americas. In: London and the Americas 1492-1812; 17 - 21 Jul 2014, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Lowe, Hannah (2014) Ormonde. London, U.K. : Hercules Editions. 34p. ISBN 9780957273825
Miller, James (2014) Exploding zombie cock. Norwich, U.K. : Galley Beggar Press. 22p. (Singles) ISBN 9781910296356
Miller, James (2014) Micro-narratives of the everyday. Litro Magazine, 134, pp. 32-37.
Miller, James (2014) Quiet evenings at the Moriglen Care Home. In: Ream, Sarah, (ed.) Sex staves. London, U.K. : The Pigeonhole. III ISBN 9781910879078
Miller, James (2014) The red mist. Litro,
Minors, Helen Julia (2014) How can music deliver the story of A Midsummer Night’s Dream? In: Kingston Connections 2014; 21 - 29 Jun 2014, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Moehrke, Diana, Rajaratnam, Nimalan and Perselli, Victoria (2014) Students as ‘resourceful peers’: collaboration with and between students. In: 10th Faculty Conference 2014: Empowering Partnerships; 17 Jul 2014, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Morgan Wortham, Simon (2014) The Archive, The Event, and the Impression. In: Mays, Sas, (ed.) Libraries, Literatures, and Archives. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 185-201. (Routledge Studies in Library and Information Science) ISBN 9780415843874
Morgan Wortham, Simon (2014) Joking apart. The Oxford Literary Review, 36(2), pp. 274-276. ISSN (print) 0305-1498
Morgan Wortham, Simon (2014) Modern Thought in Pain: Philosophy, Politics, Psychoanalysis. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. 168p. (Frontiers of Theory) ISBN 9780748692415
Murray, Lesley and Upstone, Sara (2014) Mobilising representations : dialogues, embodiment and power. In: Murray, Lesley and Upstone, Sara, (eds.) Researching and representing mobilities : transdisciplinary encounters. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781137346650
Murray, Lesley and Upstone, Sara, eds. (2014) Researching and representing mobilities: transdisciplinary encounters. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 236p. ISBN 9781137346650
Osborn, Pamela (2014) "Robbed of thy youth by me": the myth of Hyacinth and Apollo in The bell. In: Luprecht, Mark, (ed.) Iris Murdoch connected: critical essays on her fiction and philosophy. Knoxville, U.S. : The University of Tennessee Press. pp. 85-96. (Tennessee studies in literature, (47)) ISBN 9781621900566
Perry, Paul (2014) Gunpowder Valentine: new and selected poems. Dublin, Ireland : Dedalus Press. 248p. ISBN 9781906614942
Perselli, Victoria (2014) The application process. In: Algerian-UK PhD Programme: Preparatory Workshops; 06-07 May 2014, Algiers, Algeria. (Unpublished)
Phillippy, Patricia (2014) Elizabeth Cooke Hoby Russell. Oxford Bibliographies : Renaissance and Reformation,
Phillippy, Patricia (2014) Sidney Montagu and the Sacramental Sign: Memorial and Sacred Objects in Post-Reformation England. Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 44(3), pp. 549-583. ISSN (print) 1082-9636
Phillippy, Patricia (2014) The poet in stone: Garrick's Temple and Southwark Cathedral. In: Garrick and Shakespeare; 25 - 27 Jun 2014, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Rowe, Anne (2014) The Great War: 'No-one in England knows what this is like': truth, faith, love and war in Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks. In: Kingston Connections 2014; 21 - 29 Jun 2014, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Rowe, Anne (2014) "Near the gods": Iris Murdoch and the painter Harry Weinberger. In: Luprecht, Mark, (ed.) Iris Murdoch connected: critical essays on her fiction and philosophy. Knoxville, U.S. : The University of Tennessee Press. pp. 57-72. (Tennessee studies in literature, (47)) ISBN 9781621900566
Stapleton, Erin Kathleen Loveday (2014) The intoxication of destruction: Georges Bataille’s economy of expenditure and sovereignty in visual cultures. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Upstone, Sara (2014) 'Footprints are the only fixed point' : mobilities in postcolonial fiction. In: Murray, Lesley and Upstone, Sara, (eds.) Researching and representing mobilities : transdisciplinary encounters. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 39-56. ISBN 9781137346650
Upstone, Sara (2014) JRR Tolkien and the Great War. In: Kingston Connections 2014; 21 - 29 Jun 2014, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Verkerk, Willow (2014) Heroism in Sophocles's Antigone. Philosophy and Literature, 38(1), pp. 282-291. ISSN (print) 0190-0013
White, Frances (2014) "Despite herself": the resisted influence of Virginia Woolf on Iris Murdoch's fiction. In: Luprecht, Mark, (ed.) Iris Murdoch connected: critical essays on her fiction and philosophy. Knoxville, U.S. : The University of Tennessee Press. pp. 3-28. (Tennessee studies in literature, 47(47)) ISBN 9781621900566
Wilson, Richard (2014) Introduction. In: Bates, Jennifer Ann and Wilson, Richard, (eds.) Shakespeare and continental philosophy. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-13. ISBN 9780748694945
Wilson, Richard (2014) Monstrous to our human reason: minding the gap in The Winter's Tale. In: Bronfen, Elisabeth and Neumeier, Beate, (eds.) Gothic renaissance: a reassessment. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719088636
Wilson, Richard (2014) Ship of fools : Foucault and the Shakespeareans. In: Bates, Jennifer Ann and Wilson, Richard, (eds.) Shakespeare and continental philosophy. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 195-209. ISBN 9780748694945
van Elferen, Isabella (2014) Techno-Gothics of the early-twenty-first century. In: Hogle, Jerrold E., (ed.) The Cambridge companion to the modern Gothic. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 138-156. (Cambridge companions to literature) ISBN 9781107023567
van Elferen, Isabella (2014) Un/mogliche welten. Wolken, quanten und weird [Im/possible worlds: cloud, quantum and weird]. In: Klenke, Pascale , Muth, Laura , Seibel, Klaudia and Simonis, Annette, (eds.) Writing worlds: welten- und raummodelle der fantastik. Heidelberg, Germany : Universitätsverlag Winter. pp. 51-68. (Beiträge zur Literaturtheorie und Wissenspoetik, (1)) ISBN 9783825363796