Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Earth systems and environmental sciences"

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Number of items: 21.


Brown, Kerry and Gurevitch, Jessica (2004) Long-term impacts of logging on forest diversity in Madagascar. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) ISSN 1091-6490, 101(16), pp. 6045-6049. ISSN (online) 1091-6490

Bryan, S.E., Cook, A., Evans, J.P., Colls, P.W., Wells, M.G., Lawrence, M.G., Jell, J.S., Greig, A. and Leslie, R. (2004) Pumice rafting and faunal dispersion during 2001-2002 in the southwest Pacific: record of a dacitic submarine explosive eruption from Tonga. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 227(1-2), pp. 135-154. ISSN (print) 0012-821x

Bryan, S.E., Holcombe, R.J., Fielding, C.R. and Cook, A. (2004) Reply: Stratigraphy, facies architecture and tectonic implications of the Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous Campwyn Volcanics of the northern New England Fold Belt. [Discussion by Henderson RA, Fergusson C]. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 51(3), pp. 453-458. ISSN (print) 0812-0099

Bryan, S.E., Allen, C.M., Holcombe, R.J. and Fielding, C.R. (2004) U-Pb zircon geochronology of Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous extension-related silicic volcanism in the northern New England Fold Belt. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 51(5), pp. 645-664. ISSN (print) 0812-0099


Cook, H.F., Cutting, R.L., Buhler, W and Cummings, I.P.F. (2004) Productivity and soil nutrient relations of bedwork watermeadows in southern England. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 102(1), pp. 61-79. ISSN (print) 0167-8809


Grattan, J.P., Gillmore, G.K., Gilbertson, D.D., Pyatt, F.B., Hunt, C.O., McLaren, S.J., Phillips, P.S. and Denman, A.R. (2004) Radon and 'King Solomon's Miners': Faynan Orefield, Jordanian Desert. Science of the Total Environment, 319(1-3), pp. 99-113. ISSN (print) 0048-9697

Grocott, J. , McCaffrey, K.J.W. , Taylor, G. and Tikoff, B., eds. (2004) Vertical coupling and decoupling in the lithosphere. London, UK : Geological Society of London. 344p. (Geological Society Special Publication, (227)) ISBN 1862391599


Harris, Anthony C., Allen, Charlotte M., Bryan, Scott E., Campbell, Ian H., Holcombe, Rodney J. and Palin, J. Michael (2004) ELA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon geochronology of regional volcanism hosting the Bajo de la Alumbrera Cu–Au deposit: implications for porphyry-related mineralization. Mineralium Deposita, 39(1), pp. 46-67. ISSN (print) 0026-4598

Harris, Frances, ed. (2004) Global environmental issues. Chichester, UK : John Wiley & Sons. 324p. ISBN 0470845600

Hasebe, Noriko, Barbarand, Jocelyn, Jarvis, Kym, Carter, Andrew and Hurford, Anthony J. (2004) Apatite fission-track chronometry using laser ablation ICP-MS. Chemical Geology, 207(3-4), pp. 135-145. ISSN (print) 0009-2541


Ibsen, M.-L. and Casagli, N. (2004) Rainfall patterns and related landslide incidence in the Porretta-Vergato region, Italy. Landslides, 1(2), pp. 143-150. ISSN (print) 1612-510X


Jenkins, J.T. and Koenders, M.A. (2004) The incremental response of random aggregates of identical round particles. The European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter, 13(2), pp. 113-123. ISSN (print) 1292-8941


Kodera, Peter, Lexa, Jaroslav, Rankin, Andrew H. and Fallick, Anthony E. (2004) Fluid evolution in a subvolcanic granodiorite pluton related to Fe and Pb-Zn mineralization, Banska Stiavnica ore district, Slovakia. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 99(8), pp. 1745-1770. ISSN (print) 0361-0128


Linge, Kathryn L. and Oldham, Carolyn E. (2004) Relating arsenic and phosphorus remobilisation to sediment formation mechanisms using fractionation and trends in elemental composition. Marine & Freshwater Research, 55(5), pp. 525-532. ISSN (print) 1323-1650


McCaffrey, K.J.W., Grocott, J., Garde, A.A. and Hamilton, M.A. (2004) Attachment formation during partitioning of oblique convergence in the Ketilidian orogen, south Greenland. In: Grocott, J. , McCaffrey, K.J.W. , Taylor, G. and Tikoff, B., (eds.) Vertical Coupling and Decoupling in the Lithosphere. London, UK : Geological Society of London. pp. 231-248. (Geological Society Special Publication, (227)) ISBN 1862391599


Pasquini, M.W., Harris, F., Dung, J. and Adepetu, A. (2004) Evolution of dry-season irrigated vegetable production between 1982 and 2000 on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria. Outlook on Agriculture, 33(3), pp. 201-208. ISSN (print) 0030-7270

Petterson, Michael G. and Treloar, Peter J. (2004) Volcanostratigraphy of arc volcanic sequences in the Kohistan arc, North Pakistan: volcanism within island arc, back-arc-basin, and intra-continental tectonic settings. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 130(1-2), pp. 147-178. ISSN (print) 0377-0273

Potter, Joanna, Rankin, Andrew H. and Treloar, Peter J. (2004) Abiogenic Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of hydrocarbons in alkaline igneous rocks; fluid inclusion, textural and isotopic evidence from the Lovozero complex, N.W. Russia. Lithos, 75(3-4), pp. 311-330. ISSN (print) 0024-4937


Revell, Andrea and Blackburn, Robert (2004) SMEs and their response to environmental issues in the UK. (Other) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston Business School, Kingston University. 78 p. ISBN 1872058736


Thomas, D. Neil, Hill, Mimi J. and Garcia, Alexander S. (2004) Comparison of the Coe-Thellier-Thellier and microwave palaeointensity techniques using high-titanium titanomagnetites: results from a Tertiary basaltic intrusion from the Sydney Basin, New South Wales. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 229(1-2), pp. 15-29. ISSN (print) 0012-821X

Thomas, Mark E., Petford, Nick and Bromhead, Edward N. (2004) Volcanic rock-mass properties from Snowdonia and Tenerife: implications for volcanic edifice strength. Journal of the Geological Society, 161(6), pp. 939-946. ISSN (print) 0016-7649

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