Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Computer science and informatics"

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Group by: First Author/Editor | Item Type | Year
Number of items: 126.


Antonio-Torres, David, Lister, Paul F. and Newbury, Paul (2005) LUT-based compensation model for OLED degradation. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 13(5), pp. 435-441. ISSN (print) 1071-0922

Argyriou, V. and Vlachos, T. (2005) Performance study of gradient correlation for sub-pixel motion estimation in the frequency domain. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 152(1), pp. 107-114. ISSN (print) 1350-245X

Bridge, Peter D., Wertheim, David, Jackson, Andrew C. and McKenzie, Sheila A. (2005) Pressure oscillation amplitude after interruption of tidal breathing as an index of change in airway mechanics in preschool children. Pediatric Pulmonology, 40(5), pp. 420-425. ISSN (print) 8755-6863

Chiani, M. and Martini, M.G. (2005) Practical frame synchronization for data with unknown distribution on AWGN channels. IEEE Communications Letter, 9(5), pp. 456-458. ISSN (print) 1089-7798

Colbert, Martin (2005) Age differences rendezvousing: reminders for side-stepping. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 9(6), pp. 404-412. ISSN (print) 1617-4909

Colbert, Martin (2005) Usage and user experience of communication before and during rendezvous. Behaviour & Information Technology, 24(6), pp. 449-469. ISSN (print) 0144-929X

Colbert, Martin (2005) User experience of communication before and during rendezvous: interim results. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 9(3), pp. 134-141. ISSN (print) 1617-4909

Davies, Antony C. and Velastin, Sergio A. (2005) Progress in computational intelligence to support CCTV surveillance systems. International Journal of Computing, 4(3), pp. 76-84. ISSN (print) 1727-6209

Douce, Christopher, Livingstone, David and Orwell, James (2005) Automatic test-based assessment of programming: a review. Journal on Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC), 5(3), p. 4. ISSN (online) 1531-4278

Ennals, Richard (2005) Editorial: Mobility, technology and development. AI & Society, 19(4), pp. 331-333. ISSN (print) 0951-5666

Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2005) Book Review of: 'Strategies for E-business: creating value through electronic and mobile commerce' by T. Jelassi and A. Enders. International Journal of Information Management, 25(4), pp. 382-383. ISSN (print) 0268-4012

Foresti, G.L., Micheloni, C., Snidaro, L., Remagnino, P. and Ellis, T. (2005) Active video-based surveillance sytem: the low-level image and video processing techniques needed for implementation. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 22(2), pp. 25-37. ISSN (print) 1053-5888

Greenhill, D., Renno, J., Orwell, J. and Jones, G. A. (2005) Learning the semantic landscape: embedding scene knowledge in object tracking. Real-Time Imaging, 11(3), pp. 186-203. ISSN (print) 1077-2014

Hatton, Les (2005) Embedded System Paranoia: a tool for testing embedded system arithmetic. Information and Software Technology, 47(8), pp. 555-563. ISSN (print) 0950-5849

Hatton, Leslie (2005) EC: a measurement based safer subset of ISO C suitable for embedded system development. Information and Software Technology, 47(3), pp. 181-187. ISSN (print) 0950-5849

Huang, Weihong (2005) Towards context-aware knowledge management in e-enterprises. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 9(1), pp. 39-45. ISSN (print) 1343-0130

Khaddaj, Souheil, Adamu, Adam and Morad, Munir (2005) Construction of an integrated object oriented system for temporal GIS. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(12), pp. 1584-1594. ISSN (print) 1546-9239

Khaddaj, Souheil (2005) An object oriented framework for the management of compound documents. Asian Journal of Information Technology, 4(9), pp. 645-651. ISSN (print) 1682-3915

Khaddaj, Souheil and Horgan, Gerard (2005) A proposed adaptable quality model for software quality assurance. Journal of Computer Science, 1(4), pp. 482-487. ISSN (print) 1549-3636

Loizou, C.P., Pattichis, C.S., Christodoulou, C.I., Istepanian, R. S. H., Pantziaris, M. and Nicolaides, A (2005) Comparative evaluation of despeckle filtering in ultrasound imaging of the carotid artery. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 52(10), pp. 1653-1669. ISSN (print) 0885-3010

Makris, Dimitios and Ellis, Tim (2005) Learning semantic scene models from observing activity in visual surveillance. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, 35(3), pp. 397-408. ISSN (print) 1083-4419

McCowan, L., Gatica-Perez, D., Bengio, S., Lathoud, G., Barnard, M. and Zhang, D. (2005) Automatic analysis of multimodal group actions in meetings. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(3), 305 -317. ISSN (print) 0162-8828

McGrail, Mike and Roberts, Bob (2005) Strategies in the broadband cable TV industry: the challenges for management and technology innovation. Info, 7(1), pp. 53-65. ISSN (print) 1463-6697

Mellor, Robert B. (2005) Receiving spam depends on the occurrence of the e-mail address in Hyper Text and on the nature of the link to the file containing the e-mail address. Kingston University Research and Innovation Reports, 1, pp. 31-39.

Mellor, Robert B. (2005) The correlation between visits and product sales on three business-to-customer internet web sites. Kingston University Research & Innovation Reports, 1, pp. 17-30. ISSN (print) 1749-5652

Nebel, J.-C., Cockshott, W.P., Yarmolenko, V., Borland, E. and MacVicar, D. (2005) Pre-commercial 3-D digital TV studio. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 152(6), pp. 665-667. ISSN (online) 1350-245X

O'Farrell, T. and Omiyi, P. (2005) Low-complexity medium access control protocols for QoS support in third-generation radio access networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 4(2), 743 - 756. ISSN (print) 1536-1276

Pears, Nick, Liang, Bojian and Chen, Zezhi (2005) Mobile robot visual navigation using multiple features. EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, 14, pp. 2250-2259. ISSN (print) 1110-8657

Remagnino, P. and Foresti, G.L. (2005) Ambient intelligence: a new multidisciplinary paradigm. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 35(1), pp. 1-6. ISSN (print) 1083-4427

Roberts, Bob and Koumpis, Adamantios (2005) Use of ontologies to support the situation room metaphor as an auction engine for corporate information and knowledge exchange. Electronic Markets, 15(1), pp. 63-71. ISSN (print) 1019-6781

Stefani, Lorraine and Alsop, Graham (2005) Preventing Plagiarism. Educational Developments, 6(3), pp. 13-14. ISSN (print) 1469-3267

Szarowicz, A., Francik, J., Mittman, M. and Remagnino, P. (2005) Layering and heterogeneity as design principles for animated embedded agents. Information Sciences, 171(4), pp. 355-376. ISSN (print) 0020-0255

Szarowicz, Adam, Francik, Jaroslaw and Lach, Ewa (2005) Reinforcement learning and genetic programming for motion acquisition. International Journal of Intelligent Games & Simulation, 4(1), pp. 55-66. ISSN (online) 1477-2043

Toniappa, A., Barman, S.A., Corvee, E., Moseley, M.J., Cocker, K. and Fielder, A.R. (2005) Image quality assessment in retinal images of premature infants taken with RetCam 120 digital fundus camera. Imaging Science Journal, The, 53(1), pp. 51-59. ISSN (print) 1368-2199

Valera, M. and Velastin, S. A. (2005) Intelligent distributed surveillance systems: a review. IEE Proceedings Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 152(2), pp. 192-204. ISSN (print) 1350-245X

Velastin, S. A., Boghossian, B. A., Lo, B. P. L., Sun, Jie and Vicencio-Sliva, M. A. (2005) PRISMATICA: toward ambient intelligence in public transport environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 35(1), pp. 164-182. ISSN (print) 1083-4427

Wang, X. H., Istepanian, R. S. H., Geake, T., Hayes, J., Desco, M., Kontaxakis, G., Santos, A., Prentza, A. and Pavlopoulos, S. (2005) A feasibility study of a personalized, internet-based compliance system for chronic disease management. Telemedicine and E-Health, 11(5), pp. 559-566. ISSN (print) 1530-5627

Wertheim, D, El Atar, A, Patel, A, Makanjuola, O, Imam, A, Mudan, S and Fiennes, A (2005) Computer analysis of upper gastrointestinal endoscope images. Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies, 14(1), pp. 39-44. ISSN (print) 1364-5706

Xu, M., Orwell, J., Lowey, L. and Thirde, D. (2005) Architecture and algorithms for tracking football players with multiple cameras. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 152(2), pp. 232-241. ISSN (online) 1350-245x


Hoppe, Andreas , Barman, Sarah and Ellis, Tim, eds. (2005) Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2004. Malvern, U.K. : British Machine Vision Association. ISBN 9781901725254

Remagnino, Paolo , Foresti, Gian Luca and Ellis, Tim, eds. (2005) Ambient intelligence: a novel paradigm. New York, U.S. : Springer. 240p. ISBN 9780387229904

Book Section

Ellis, T., Black, J., Xu, M. and Makris, D. (2005) A distributed multicamera surveillance system. In: Remagnino, Paolo , Foresti, Gian Luca and Ellis, Tim, (eds.) Ambient Intelligence: a novel paradigm. New York, USA : Springer. pp. 107-138. ISBN 9780387229904

Foresti, G.L., Micheloni, C., Snidaro, L. and Remagnino, P. (2005) Security and building intelligence: from people detection to action analysis. In: Remagnino, Paolo , Foresti, Gian Luca and Ellis, Tim, (eds.) Ambient intelligence: a novel paradigm. New York, USA : Springer. pp. 199-212. ISBN 0387229906

Gelepithis, Petros (2005) Knowledge, IT and the Firm. In: Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Hershey, PA, U.S. : Idea Group Reference. pp. 1783-1787. ISBN 9781591405535

Istepanian, R S H and Philip, N (2005) Optimisation Issues of High Throughput Medical Data and Video Streaming Traffic in 3G Wireless Environments. In: Bos, Lodewijk , Laxminarayan, Swamy and Marsh, Andy, (eds.) Medical and Care Compunetics 2. IOS Press. pp. 125-131. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 114) ISSN (print) 0926-9630 ISBN 9781586035204

Ju, Xiangyang, Nebel, Jean-Christophe and Siebert, J. Paul (2005) 3D thermography imaging standardization technique for inflammation diagnosis. In: Gong, Haimei, (ed.) Infrared components and their applications. SPIE. pp. 266-273. (Proceedings of SPIE, (5640)) ISBN 9780819455956

Kurtze, Ali, Grau, Ronald and Creutzburg, Reiner (2005) Efficient content production for a university multimedia learning environment. In: Creutzburg, Reiner and Takala, Jarmo H., (eds.) Multimedia on Mobile Devices. Bellingham, WA. U.S. : SPIE. pp. 105-115. (Proceedings of the SPIE, 5684(5684)) ISBN 9780819456571

Lister, P. F., Trignano, V., Bassett, M. C. and Watten, P. L. (2005) UML-Executable Functional Models of Electronic Systems in the VIPERS Virtual Prototyping Methodology. In: Boulet, Pierre, (ed.) Advances in Design and Specification Languages for SoCs. Berlin, Germany : Springer Verlag. pp. 161-178. ISBN 9780387261492

Makris, D., Ellis, T. and Black, J. (2005) Mapping an ambient environment. In: Remagnino, Paolo , Foresti, Gian Luca and Ellis, Tim, (eds.) Ambient intelligence: a novel paradigm. New York, U.S. : Springer. pp. 139-164. ISBN 0387229906

Oehlmann, Ruediger (2005) Awareness and implicit memory in chance discovery. In: Abe, Akinori and Ohsawa, Yukio, (eds.) Readings in Chance Discovery. Adelaide, Australia : Advanced Knowledge International. pp. 3-13. (International series on natural and artificial intelligence, 3) ISBN 0975100483

Oehlmann, Ruediger (2005) Evaluating the meaning of knowledge-intensive chance discoveries. In: Abe, Akinori and Ohsawa, Yukio, (eds.) Readings in chance discovery. Adelaide, Australia : Advanced Knowledge International. pp. 15-24. (International series on natural and artificial intelligence, 3) ISBN 0975100483

Oehlmann, Ruediger (2005) Externalizing social views in collaborative chance disocvery facilitates scenario emergence. In: Abraham, Ajith , Dote, Yasuhiko , Furuhashi, Takeshi , Köppen, Mario , Ohuchi, Azuma and Ohsawa, Yukio, (eds.) Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology. Berlin : Springer. pp. 446 - 455. (Advances in Soft Computing, (29)) ISSN (print) 1615-3871 ISBN 9783540250555

Onwubiko, C. and Lenaghan, A.P. (2005) Vulnerability assessment: towards an integrated security infrastructure. In: Petratos, Panagiotis and Michalopoulos, Demitrios, (eds.) Computer science and information systems: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems on June 16-18, 2005. Athens, Greece : Athens Institute for Education and Research. pp. 157-169. ISBN 9608867231

Remagnino, P., Hagras, H., Velastin, S. and Monekosso, N. (2005) Ambient intelligence: a gentle introduction. In: Remagnino, Paolo , Foresti, Gian Luca and Ellis, Tim, (eds.) Ambient intelligence: a novel paradigm. New York, U.S. : Springer. ISBN 0387229906

Roberts, Bob, Svirskas, Adomas and Ward, Jonathan (2005) Implementation options for virtual organizations : a peer to peer (P2P) approach. In: Putnik, Goran and Cunha, Maria Manuela, (eds.) Virtual enterprise integration: technological and organizational perspectives. Hershey PA, USA; London, UK : Idea Group Publishing. pp. 400-416. ISBN 1591404053

Roberts, Bob and Koumpis, Adamantios (2005) Use of situation room analysis to enhance business integration aspects of a virtual enterprise. In: Putnik, Goran and Cunha, Maria Manuela, (eds.) Virtual enterprise integration: technological and organizational perspectives. Hershey, USA; London, UK : Idea Group Publishing. pp. 247-262. ISBN 1591404053

Tsaptsinos, Dimitris (2005) Speaker recognition research: training set issues. In: Lecoeuche, Stéphane and Tsaptsinos, Dimitris, (eds.) Novel applications of neural networks in engineering: proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. Douai, France : Département Génie Informatique et Productique : École des Mines de Douai. pp. 19-20.

Zhan, B, Remagnino, P and Velastin, SA (2005) Mining paths of complex crowd scenes. In: Bebis, George , Boyle, Richard , Koracin, Darko and Parvin, Bahram, (eds.) Advances in Visual Computing. Berlin : Springer. pp. 126-133. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (3804)) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783540307501

Conference or Workshop Item

Alexander, R., Jones, G., Knowles, H., Leung, V. and Watson, G. (2005) Vision system for decentralised wide area surveillance using multiple nodes. In: 8th International Conference on Information Fusion; 25 July - 28 July 2005, Philadelphia, U.S.A.. ISBN 0780392868

Alsop, Graham and Tompsett, Christopher (2005) Testing Wenger's concept of a 'community of practice' - what can we throw away? In: ALT-C 2005: exploring the frontiers of e-learning - borders, outposts and migration; 6 Sept -8 Sept 2005, Manchester, U.K..

Annesley, J., Orwell, J. and Renno, J-P (2005) Evaluation of MPEG7 color descriptors for visual surveillance retrieval. In: 2nd Joint IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance; 15 - 16 Oct. 2005, Beijing, China. ISBN 0780394240

Argyriou, V. and Vlachos, T. (2005) Motion estimation using quad-tree phase correlation. In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing; 11 - 14 Sept 2005, Genoa, Italy.

Argyriou, V. and Vlachos, T. (2005) Quad-Tree motion estimation in the frequency domain. In: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo; 6 - 9 July 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN 0780393317

Barnard, M. and Odobez, J.-M. (2005) Sports event recognition using layered HMMs. In: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2005); 06 - 08 July 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Benson, V. (2005) Decision making on operational data: a remote approach to distributed data monitoring. In: Data Mining VI: Text Mining and Their Business Applications; 25 - 27 May 2005, Skiathos, Greece. ISSN (print) 1743-3517 ISBN 1845640179

Black, J., Velastin, S. and Boghossian, B. (2005) A real time surveillance system for metropolitan railways. In: IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance; 15 Sept - 16 Sept 2005, Como, Italy. ISBN 0780393856

Chiani, M. and Martini, M.G. (2005) A lower bound for optimum frame synchronization on AWGN channels. In: IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference; 28 May - 1 June 2005, Stockholm, Sweden. ISSN (print) 1550-2252 ISBN 0780388879

Chiani, Marco and Martini, Maria G. (2005) Analysis of sequential frame synchronizers in Gaussian noise channels. In: Noise in Communication Systems; 24 May - 26 May 2005, Austin, U.S.A..

Choi, Jong Min, Istepanian, R. S. H., Alesanco, A and Wang, H. (2005) Hardware design & compression issues in compact Bluetooth enabled wireless telecardiology system. In: 2nd International Conference on Broadband Networks; 7 Oct 2005, Boston, U.S.A.. ISBN 0780392760

Danas, Konstantinos, Roudsari, Abdul and Ketikidis, Panayiotis (2005) The applicability of a multi-attribute classification framework in the Healthcare industry. In: 3rd International Workshop on Supply chain management & Information systems; 6 - 8 July 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Davies, A.C. and Velastin, S.A. (2005) A progress review of intelligent CCTV surveillance systems. In: IEEE Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications; 05 - 07 Sept 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria. ISBN 0780394453

Douce, Christopher, Livingstone, David, Orwell, James, Grindle, Steve, Wood, Jo and Curnock, Jane (2005) Automatic assessment of programming assignments. In: ALT-C 2005: exploring the frontiers of e-learning - borders, outposts and migration; 6 Sept -8 Sept 2005, Manchester, U.K..

Douce, Christopher, Livingstone, David, Orwell, James, Grindle, Steve and Cobb, Justin (2005) A technical perspective on ASAP - Automated system for assessment of programming. In: 9th Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference; 5 July - 6 July 2005, Loughborough, U.K..

Florez-Revuelta, F. (2005) Ordering of the RGB space with a growing self-organizing network. Application to color mathematical morphology. In: 15th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Inspirations; 11-15 Sept 2005, Warsaw, Poland. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 3696) ISBN 9783540287520

Francik, J. and Szarowicz, A. (2005) Character animation with decoupled behaviour and smart objects. In: 6th International Conference on Computer Games: AI and Mobile Systems; 27 July - 30 July 2005, Louisville, U.S.A..

Francik, Jaroslaw and Szarowicz, Adam (2005) Integrate and conquer: the next generation of intelligent avatars. In: International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology; 15 - 17 June 2005, Valencia, Spain. ISBN 1595931104

García, J., Florez, F., García, J.M. and Hernández, A. (2005) Characterization and synthesis of objects using growing neural gas. In: 8th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks; 8 - 10 June 2005, Barcelona, Spain. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 3512) ISBN 9783540262084

Gracia-Roche, J.J., Orrite-Urunuela, C., Martinez del Rincon, J. and Herrero-Jaraba, J. E. (2005) Multimodal colour distribution tracking. In: IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance; 7 Jan 2005, Breckenridge, Colorado, U.S.A..

Hebbes, L., Malyan, R. and Lenaghan, A. (2005) Genetic algorithms for turbo codes. In: The International Conference on Computer as a Tool; 21 - 24 Nov 2005, Belgrade, Serbia. (EUROCON) ISBN 142440049X

Hybs, Petr and Riha, Karel (2005) Why is there a need for ASP for SMEs. In: Managing Modern Organisations with Information Technology; June 13 - 14 2005, Prague, Czech Republic. (International Conference on Systems Integration, no. 13) ISBN 8024508958

Istepanian, R.S.H. and Philip, N. (2005) Optimisation issues of high throughput medical data and video streaming traffic in 3G wireless environments. In: Conference of the International Council on Medical and Care Compunetics; 01 - 03 Jun 2005, The Hague, Netherlands.

Istepanian, R.S.H. (2005) Wireless security for personalised and mobile healthcare services. In: 29th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference; 26 July - 26 July 2005, Edinburgh, U.K.. ISSN (print) 0730-3157 ISBN 0769524133

Istepanian, Robert S.H., Garawi, A. S. and Philip, N. (2005) UMTS traffic analysis of wireless tele-echography robotic system. In: Second Middle East Conference on Healthcare Informatics; 09 - 10 Apr 2005, Dubai, Arab Emirates.

Jones, Graeme (2005) Future policing capabilities in CCTV and biometrics: promoting academic involvement. In: Crime prevention and detection technologies event; 8 Mar 2005, London, U.K..

Lenaghan, A., Onwubiko, C., Hebbes, L. and Malyan, R. (2005) Security spaces for protecting users of wireless public hotspots. In: The International Conference on Computer as a Tool; 21 - 24 Nov 2005, Belgrade, Serbia. (EUROCON) ISBN 142440049X

Li, Y., Dore, A. and Orwell, J. (2005) Evaluating the performance of systems for tracking football players and ball. In: IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance; 15 - 16 Sep 2005, Como, Italy. ISBN 0780393856

Martinez, Francisco, Orrite-Urunuela, Carlos and Herrero, Elias (2005) Biometric hand recognition using neural networks. In: 8th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks; 8 - 10 June 2005, Vilanova i la Gertru, Spain. ISBN 9783540262084

Martini, Maria G., Mazzotti, Matteo, Chiani, Marco, Panza, Gianmarco, Lamy-Bergot, Catherine, Huusko, Jyrki, Jeney, Gabor, Feher, Gabor and Ng, Soon X. (2005) Controlling joint optimization of wireless video transmission: the PHOENIX basic demonstration platform. In: 14th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit; 19 June - 23 June 2005, Dresden, Germany.

Mirzadeh, Shahab, Masmoudi, Khaled, Rebahi, Yacine, Prasad, Neeli R., Politis, Christos and Afifi, Hossam (2005) MAGNET secure service discovery architecture. In: 8th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications; 18 - 22 Sept 2005, Aalborg, Denmark.

Mittmann, M., Szarowicz, A. and Francik, J. (2005) A balanced approach to character motion. In: 7th International Conference on Computer Games - Artificial Intelligence, Animation, Mobile, Educational and Serious Games; 28 - 30 Nov 2005, Angouleme, France.

Nebel, J.-C. (2005) Modelling of P450 active site based on Consensus 3D structures. In: The IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering; 16 Feb – 18 Feb 2005, Innsbruck, Austria.

Nebel, Jean-Christophe (2005) Generation of 3D templates of active sites of proteins with rigid prosthetic groups. In: German Conference on Bioinformatics; 5-7 Oct 2005, Hamburg, Germany.

Nebel, Jean-Christophe (2005) Nestor3D: multiple alignment of protein structures based on ligand or prosthetic group position. In: BioSysBio: Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Conference; 14 July – 15 July 2005, Edinburgh, U.K..

Oehlmann, Ruediger (2005) Externalizing Social Views in Collaborative Chance Discovery Facilitates Scenario Emergence. In: 4th IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology (WSTST 05); 25 May - 27 May 2005, Muroran, Japan.

Omiyi, P. and Haas, H. (2005) Distributed intercellular interference management in 4th generation TDMA TDD cellular mobile wireless communications. In: IEEE 16th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications; 11-14 Sept 2005, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 9783800729098

Onwubiko, C., Lenaghan, A. and Hebbes, L. (2005) An improved worm mitigation model for evaluating the spread of aggressive network worms. In: The International Conference on Computer as a Tool; 21 - 24 Nov 2005, Belgrade, Serbia. (EUROCON) ISBN 142440049X

Onwubiko, Cyril, Lenaghan, Andrew P., Hebbes, Luke and Malyan, Ron R. (2005) The representation and use of relation information for the detection of threats by security information management systems. In: 1st European Conference on Computer Network Defence (EC2ND); Dec 2005, Pontypridd, Wales. ISBN 9781846283116

Ozbayrak, Mustafa, Papadopoulou, Theopisti C. and Samaras, Efstartios (2005) A flexible and adaptable planning and control system for an MTO supply chain. In: 15th International Conference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing; 18 - 20 Jul 2005, Bilbao, Spain.

Page, Vic, Dixon, Maurice and Bielkowicz, Peter (2005) An initial taxonomy of information systems obstacles. In: IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; 11 - 29 Apr 2005, Online.

Papagiannis, Fragoulis, Danas, Konstantinos and Roudsari, Abdul (2005) Restructuring of the Health care sector: A patient oriented approach. In: 10th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research; 22 - 24 Sept 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Papagiannis, Fragoulis and Danas, Konstantinos (2005) The minimization of the time to market ratio using a supply – demand algorithm: A case study. In: 3rd International Workshop on Supply chain management & Information systems; 6 - 8 July 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Politis, Christos, Nyberg, Kaisa, Mirzadeh, Shahab, Masmoudi, Khaled, Afifi, Hossam, Floroiu, John and Prasad, Neeli R. (2005) Personal network security architecture. In: 8th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications; 18 - 22 Sep 2005, Aalborg, Denmark. (Unpublished)

Ren, J., Vlachos, T. and Argyriou, V. (2005) A user-oriented multimodal-interface framework for general content-based multimedia retrieval. In: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo; 6 - 9 July 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN 0780393317

Renno, J.R., Makris, D., Ellis, T. and Jones, G.A. (2005) Application and Evaluation of Colour Constancy in Visual Surveillance. In: 2nd Joint IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance; 16-16 Oct. 2005, Beijing, China.

Riha, Karel and Cooper, Lee (2005) Extending an Enterprise Content Management System to provide better Business Continuity. In: DATAKON; Oct 22 - Oct 25 2005, Brno, Czech Republic.

Rogez, Gregory, Orrite-Urunuela, Carlos and Martinez del Rincon, Jesus (2005) Human figure segmentation using independent component analysis. In: Second Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis; 7-9 June 2005, Estoril, Portugal. ISBN 9783540261537

Russell, Emma, Millward Purvis, L.J. and Banks, A. (2005) Strategies for dealing with email interruptions in goal-directed work. In: British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Occupational Psychology Conference; 12-14 Jan 2005, Warwick, U.K..

Szarowicz, Adam (2005) A balanced approach to character motion. In: Oxford Robotics research group seminars; 05 Dec 2005, Oxford, U.K..

Taylor, Stuart, Burling, David, Halligan, Steve, Roddie, Mary, Tsang, Julian and Dehmeshki, J. (2005) Reader Performance Using CT Colonography CAR Software: Benefit of Dedicated CT Colonography Training. In: 91st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America; 27 Nov - 2 Dec 2005, Chicago, U.S.A..

Tsaptsinos, Dimitris (2005) Plenary session: Speaker recognition research: training set issues. In: 9th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks; 24 -26 Aug 2005, Lille, France. (Unpublished)

Valera, M. and Velastin, S.A. (2005) Intelligent distributed surveillance systems: a review. In: IEE International Symposium on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention; 07 - 08 Jun 2005, London, U.K..

Velastin, S.A. (2005) Intelligent CCTV surveillance: advances and limitations. In: 5th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research - Measuring Behavior; 30 Aug - 2 Sept 2005, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Wilson, A.L., Lenaghan, A. and Malyan, R. (2005) Optimising wireless access network selection to maintain QoS in Heterogeneous wireless environments. In: International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communication; 18 - 22 Sept 2005, Aalborg, Denmark.

Xu, M, Lowey, L and Orwell, J. (2005) Architecture and algorithms for tracking football players with multiple cameras. In: IEE Intelligent Distributed Surveilliance Systems; 2 - 3 Mar 2004, London, U.K.. ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 0863413927

Ziliani, F, Velastin, S., Porikli, F., Marcenaro, L., Kelliher, T., Cavallaro, A. and Bruneaut, P (2005) Performance evaluation of event detection solutions: the CREDS experience. In: IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance; 15 Sept - 16 Sept 2005, Como, Italy. ISBN 0780393856

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