Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Biological sciences"

Abramov, Viacheslav M., Kulikova, Natalia L., Khlebnikov, Valentin S., Vasiliev, Anatoly M., Karlyshev, Andrey V., Kosarev, Igor V., Vasilenko, Raisa N., Tokhtamysheva, Natalia V., Sakulin, Vadim K., Evstigneev, Valentin I. and Uversky, Vladimir N. (2004) Large variety of Yersinia pestis adhesins. In: Cytokines in Cancer and Immunity: Joint Meeting of the International Cytokine Society and the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research; 21-25 Oct, 2004, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Ahmad, Mohson (2004) Umbilical cord blood multi-tissue differentiation. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Bhakta, Sanjib, Besra, Gurdyal S., Upton, Anna M., Parish, Tanya, Sholto-Douglas-Vernon, Carolyn, Gibson, Kevin J. C., Knutton, Stuart, Gordon, Siamon, daSilva, Rosangela P., Anderton, Matthew C. and Sim, Edith (2004) Arylamine N-acetyltransferase is required for synthesis of mycolic acids and complex lipids in Mycobacterium bovis BCG and represents a novel drug target. The Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM), 199(9), pp. 1191-1199. ISSN (print) 0022-1007
Davies, A.J., Smit, N.J., Hayes, P.M., Seddon, A.M. and Wertheim, D. (2004) Haemogregarina bigemina (Protozoa : Apicomplexa: Adelorina) - Past, present and future. Folia Parasitologica, 51(3), pp. 99-108. ISSN (print) 0015-5683
Forraz, Nicolas, Pettengell, Ruth and McGuckin, Colin P (2004) Characterization of a lineage-negative stem-progenitor cell population optimized for ex vivo expansion and enriched for LTC-IC. Stem Cells, 22(1), pp. 100-108. ISSN (print) 1066-5099
Hitchen, P G, Dorrel, N, Amber, S, Karlyshev, Andrey, Morris, H R, Dell, A, Valvano, M A, Aebi, M and Wren, B W (2004) Functional analysis of a novel bacterial N-linked protein glycosylation pathway from Campylobacter jejuni. Glycobiology, 14(11), pp. 1124-1125.
Jamali, Hussain (2004) 'In vitro' analysis of the 'in vivo' administration of filgrastim compared to pegfilgrastim on the mobilisation of human peripheral blood progenitor cells. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Jones, M. A., Marston, K. L., Woodall, C. A., Maskell, D. J., Linton, D, Karlyshev, A. V., Dorrell, N, Wren, B. W. and Barrow, P. A. (2004) Adaptation of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC11168 to High-Level Colonization of the Avian Gastrointestinal Tract. Infection and Immunity, 72(7), pp. 3769-3776. ISSN (print) 0019-9567
Karlyshev, A. V., Everest, P, Linton, D, Cawthraw, S, Newell, D. G. and Wren, B. W. (2004) The Campylobacter jejuni general glycosylation system is important for attachment to human epithelial cells and in the colonization of chicks. Microbiology, 150(6), pp. 1957-1964. ISSN (print) 1350-0872
Karlyshev, Andrey V., Champion, Olivia G., Churcher, Carol, Brisson, Jean-Robert, Jarrell, Harold G., Gilbert, Michael, Brochu, Denis, St Michael, Frank, Li, Jianjun, Wakarchuk, Warren W., Goodhead, Ian, Sanders, Mandy, Stevens, Kim, White, Brian, Parkhill, Julian, Wren, Brendan W. and Szymanski, Christine M. (2004) Analysis of Campylobacter jejuni capsular loci reveals multiple mechanisms for the generation of structural diversity and the ability to form complex heptoses. Molecular Microbiology, 55(1), pp. 90-103. ISSN (print) 0950-382X
McGuckin, C.P., Forraz, N., Pettengell, R. and Thompson, A. (2004) Thrombopoietin, flt3-ligand and c-kit-ligand modulate HOX gene expression in expanding cord blood CD133[sup]+ cells. Cell Proliferation, 37(4), pp. 295-306. ISSN (print) 0960-7722
McGuckin, Colin P., Forraz, Nicolas, Allouard, Quentin and Pettengell, Ruth (2004) Umbilical cord blood stem cells can expand hematopoietic and neuroglial progenitors in vitro. Experimental Cell Research, 295(2), 350-.359. ISSN (print) 0014-4827
Owen, Caroline P. and Ahmed, Sabbir (2004) The derivation of a potential transition state for the reduction reaction catalysed by 17[beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase--an approximate representation of its active site for use in drug design and discovery. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 318(1), pp. 131-134. ISSN (print) 0006-291X
Page, N M (2004) Hemokinins and endokinins. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (CMLS), 61(13), pp. 1652-1663. ISSN (online) 1652-1663
Page, Nigel (2004) Proteomics and Peptidomics of Gestational Disease. In: Hondermarck, Hubert, (ed.) Proteomics: Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Applications. Dordrecht, Netherlands : Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 183-200. ISBN 1402023227
Page, Nigel M. (2004) Therapeutic patents for the treatment of pre-eclampsia. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, 14(11), pp. 1579-1591. ISSN (print) 1354-3776
Plows, Louise D., Cook, Richard T., Davies, Angela J. and Walker, Anthony J. (2004) Activation of extracellular-signal regulated kinase is required for phagocytosis by Lymnaea stagnalis Haemocytes. BBA - Molecular Cell Research, 1692(1), pp. 25-33. ISSN (print) 0167-4889
Rigos, G., Tyrpeno, Tyrpenou, Nengas, I., Alexis, A.E.M., Athanassopoulou, F. and Troisi, G.M. (2004) Poor bioavailability of oxytetracycline in sharpsnout sea bream Diplodus puntazzo. Aquaculture, 235(1-4), pp. 489-497. ISSN (print) 0044-8486
Smit, N.J. and Davies, A.J. (2004) The curious life-style of the parasitic stages of gnathiid isopods. Advances in Parasitology, 58, pp. 289-391. ISSN (print) 0065-308X
Smit, Nico J., Van As, Jo G. and Davies, Angela J. (2004) Fish trypanosomes from the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Folia Parasitologica, 51(4), pp. 299-303. ISSN (print) 0015-5683
Smits, Kim M., Benhamou, Simone, Garte, Seymour, Weijenberg, Matty P., Alamanos, Yannis, Ambrosone, Christine, Autrup, Herman, Autrup, Judith L., Baranova, Helena, Bathum, Lisa, Boffetta, Paolo, Bouchardy, C., Brockmoller, Jurgen, Butkiewicz, Dorota, Cascorbi, Ingolf, Clapper, Margie L., Coutelle, Christiane, Daly, Ann K., Muzi, Giacomo, Dolzan, Vita, Duzhak, Tatyana G., Farker, Katrin, Golka, Klaus, Haugen, Aage, Hein, David W., Hildesheim, Allan, Hirvonen, Ari, Hsieh, Ling L., Ingelman-Sundberg, Magnus, Kalina, Ivan, Kang, Daehee, Katoh, Takahiko, Kihara, Masahiro, Ono-Kihara, Masako, Kim, Heon, Kiyohara, Chikako, Kremers, Pierre, Lazarus, Philip, Le Marchand, Loic, Lechner, Maria C., London, Stephanie, Manni, Johannes J., Maugard, Christine M., Morgan, Gareth J., Morita, Shunji, Nazar-Stewart, Valle, Kristensen, Vessela Nedelcheva, Oda, Yoshio, Parl, Fritz F., Peters, Wilbert H.M., Rannug, Agneta, Rebbeck, Timothy, Pinto, Luis F.Rigiero, Risch, Angela, Romkes, Marjorie, Salagovic, Jan, Schoket, Bernadette, Seidegard, Janeric, Shields, Peter G., Sim, Edith, Sinnett, Daniel, Strange, Richard C., Stucker, Isabelle, Sugimura, Haruhiko, To-Figueras, Jordi, Vineis, Paloa, Yu, Mimi C., Zheng, Wwe, Pedotti, Paola and Taioli, Emmanuela (2004) Association of metabolic gene polymorphisms with tobacco consumption in healthy controls. International Journal of Cancer, 110(2), pp. 266-270. ISSN (print) 0020-7136
Snyder, Lori A S, Davies, John K and Saunders, Nigel J (2004) Microarray genomotyping of key experimental strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae reveals gene complement diversity and five new neisserial genes associated with Minimal Mobile Elements. BMC Genomics, 5(23), pp. 1-12. ISSN (online) 1471-2164
Tereshin, S., Kulikova, N., Sakulin, V., Puchkova, G., Vasilenko, R., Vasiliev, A., Kosarev, I., Khlebnikov, V., Karlyshev, A., Uversky, V. and Abramov, V. (2004) Pathogenetic role of minimal building blocks of 'Yersinia pestis' capsule: Caf1 dimers on early and late stages of pneumonic plague. In: O'Neill, Luke, (ed.) Procceedings of the International Cytokine Society Annual meeting. Bologna, Italy : Medimond Publishing. pp. 151-156. ISBN 9788875870133
Vasiliev, Anatoly M., Kulikova, Natalya L., Tereshin, Sergey N., Sakulin, Vadim K., Vasilenko, Raisa N., Kosarev, Igor V., Khlebnikov, Valentin S., Karlyshev, Andrey V., Uversky, Vladimir N., Evstigneev, Valentin I. and Abramov, Viacheslav M. (2004) Energetically independent chaperone-usher pathway formation of Caf1 dimers, functioning as Yersinia pestis stealthy adhesin or IL-1-like bacteriokine. In: Cytokines in Cancer and Immunity: Joint Meeting of the International Cytokine Society and the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research; 21-25 Oct, 2004, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Vasiliev, Anatoly M., Khlebnikov, Valentin S., Kulikova, Natalya L., Tereshin, Sergey N., Potekhin, Sergey A., Vasilenko, Raisa N., Kosarev, Igor V., Karlyshev, Andrey V., Uversky, Vladimir N., Scherbakov, Grigory Ya. and Abramov, Viacheslav M. (2004) A cooperative structure of Yersinia pestis LcrV bacteriokine. In: Cytokines in Cancer and Immunity: Joint Meeting of the International Cytokine Society and the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research; 21-25 Oct, 2004, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Wakefield, Larissa, Cornish, Valerie, Long, Hilary, Broackes-Carter, Fiona, Mo, Mimi, Bhattacharya, Shoumo and Sim, Edith (2004) Abstract: Expression of arylamine N-acetyl transferase in the developing heart. Genetical Research, 84(2), pp. 123-124. ISSN (print) 0016-6723
Westgarth-Smith, Angus R. (2004) A game demonstrating aspects of bumblebee natural history. Journal of Biological Education, 38(3), pp. 133-135. ISSN (print) 0021-9266
Wright, Bernice (2004) Cell signalling pathways regulating nitric oxide (NO) production in 'Lymnaea stagnalis' haemocytes. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .