Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Science (until 2011) > School of Life Sciences"

Al-Azemi, Ahmed, Fielder, Mark D, Abuknesha, Ramadan A. and Price, Robert G. (2011) Effects of chelating agent and environmental stresses on microbial biofilms: relevance to clinical microbiology. Journal Of Applied Microbiology, 110(5), pp. 1307-1313. ISSN (print) 1364-5072
Alam, M, Singh, H. and Limbachiya, M.C. (2011) Barrier performance of SiO2 coated PET film for Vacuum Insulation Panel (VIP) envelope. In: 10th International Vacuum Insulation Symposium; 15-16 Sept 2011, Ottawa, Canada.
Augousti, A, Radosz, A and Ostasiewicz, K (2011) A useful expression for relativistic energy conservation of a point mass in an isotropic static gravitational field. European Journal of Physics, 32(2), pp. 535-540. ISSN (print) 0143-0807
Baker, I., Chohan, M. and Opara, E.I. (2011) The impact of cooking and digestion on the antioxidant capacity and polyphenol content of common culinary spices. In: From plough through practice to policy; 04 - 06 Jul 2011, Reading, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bazsalovicsova, Eva, Kralova-Hromadova, Ivica, Stefka, Jan, Scholz, Tomas, Hanzelova, Vladimira, Vavrova, Sylvia, Szemes, Tomas and Kirk, Ruth (2011) Population study of Atractolytocestus huronensis (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea), an invasive parasite of common carp introduced to Europe: mitochondrial cox1 haplotypes and intragenomic ribosomal ITS2 variants. Parasitology Research, 109(1), pp. 125-131. ISSN (print) 0932-0113
Burnett, Gary R., Stephen, Abish S., Pizzey, Robert L. and Bradshaw, David J. (2011) In vitro effects of novel toothpaste actives on components of oral malodour. International Dental Journal, 61(s3), pp. 67-73. ISSN (print) 0020-6539
Champion, Olivia L., Karlyshev, Andrey, Cooper, A. M., Ford, Donna C., Wren, Brendan W., Duffield, Melanie, Oyston, Petra C. F. and Titball, Richard W. (2011) 'Yersinia pseudotuberculosis' mntH functions in intracellular manganese accumulation, which is essential for virulence and survival in cells expressing functional Nramp1. Microbiology, 157(4), pp. 1115-1122. ISSN (print) 1350-0872
Chohan, Magali Barbara Nadine (2011) The impact of digestion and gut bioavailability, in vitro, on the polyphenolic associated activity of cooked culinary herbs. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Daszak, P, Ball, SJ, Streicker, DG, Jones, CG and Snow, KR (2011) A new species of Caryospora Leger, 1904 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the endangered Round Island boa Casarea dussumieri (Schlegel) (Serpentes: Bolyeridae) of Round Island, Mauritius: an endangered parasite? Systematic Parasitology, 78(2), pp. 117-122. ISSN (print) 0165-5752
Harris, JC, Bradbury, J, Porritt, J, Nilchian, F and Franklin, CD (2011) NHS dental professionals' evaluation of a child protection learning resource. British Dental Journal, 210(2), pp. 75-79. ISSN (print) 0007-0610
Hayes, P M, Smit, N J, Grutter, A S and Davies, A J (2011) Unexpected response of a captive blackeye thicklip, 'Hemigymnus melapterus' (Bloch), from Lizard Island, Australia, exposed to juvenile isopods 'Gnathia aureamaculosa' Ferreira & Smit. Journal Of Fish Diseases, 34(7), pp. 563-566. ISSN (print) 0140-7775
Hitt, Steven, Pittman, Simon J. and Brown, Kerry A. (2011) Tracking and mapping sun-synchronous migrations and diel space use patterns of Haemulon sciurus and Lutjanus apodus in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 92(4), pp. 525-538. ISSN (print) 0378-1909
Khattab, Ahmed, Wertheim, David, Petford, Nick, Kirk, Ruth, Wijesinghe, Lasantha and Ibtisam, Ali (2011) Application of confocal microscopy for 3D assessment of carotid plaque structure: implications for carotid blood flow and stroke research. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, 4(2), pp. 1-4. ISSN (print) 1941-5893
Khelwatty, Said Abdullah, Essapen, Sharadah, Seddon, Alan M. and Modjtahedi, Helmout (2011) Growth response of human colorectal tumour cell lines to treatment with afatinib (BIBW2992), an irreversible erbB family blocker, and its association with expression of HER family members. International Journal of Oncology, 39(2), pp. 483-491. ISSN (print) 1019-6439
Manship, Brigitte M., Walker, Anthony J. and Davies, Angela J. (2011) Brooding and embryonic development in the crustacean 'Paragnathia formica' (Hesse, 1864) (Peracarida:Isopoda: Gnathiidae). Arthropod Structure & Development, 40(2), pp. 135-145. ISSN (print) 1467-8039
Mintzia, Christina Evangelina (2011) The role of SPARC in pancreatic cancer. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Moon, Alice E, Walker, Anthony J. and Goodbourn, Stephen (2011) Regulation of transcription of the Aedes albopictus cecropin A1 gene: a role for p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 41(8), pp. 628-636. ISSN (print) 0965-1748
Naughton, Declan, Nepusz, Tamas and Petroczi, Andrea (2011) Metal ions affecting the gastrointestinal system including the liver. In: Siegel, Astrid , Siegel, Helmut and Siegel, Roland K O, (eds.) Metal ions in toxicology: effects, interactions, interdependencies. London, U.K. : Royal Society of Chemistry. pp. 107-132. 8(5) ISBN 9781849730914
Petroczi, Andrea, Uvacsek, Martina, Nepusz, Tamas, Deshmukh, Nawed, Shah, Iltaf, Aidman, Eugene V., Barker, James, Toth, Miklos and Naughton, Declan P. (2011) Incongruence in doping related attitudes, beliefs and opinions in the context of discordant behavioural data: in which measure do we trust? PloS One, 6(4), e18804. ISSN (online) 1932-6203
Petroczi, Andrea, Mazanov, Jason and Naughton, Declan (2011) Inside athletes' minds: preliminary results from a pilot study on mental representation of doping and potential implications for anti-doping. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 6(10), ISSN (online) 1747-597X
Petroczi, Andrea and Nepusz, Tamas (2011) Methodological considerations regarding response bias effect in substance use research: is correlation between the measured variables sufficient? Substance Abuse, Treatment, Prevention and Policy, 6(1), ISSN (online) 1747-597X
Petroczi, Andrea, Taylor, Glenn and Naughton, Declan (2011) Mission impossible? Regulatory and enforcement issues to ensure safety of dietary supplements. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49(2), pp. 393-402. ISSN (print) 0278-6915
Renshaw, Layla (2011) Exhuming Loss: Memory, Materiality and Mass Graves of the Spanish Civil War. Left Coast Press. ISBN 9781611320428
Ressurreicao, Margarida, Rollinson, David, Emery, Aidan M. and Walker, Anthony J. (2011) A role for p38 MAPK in the regulation of ciliary motion in a eukaryote. BMC Cell Biology, 12(6), ISSN (online) 1471-2121
Ressurreicao, Margarida, Rollinson, David, Emery, Aidan M. and Walker, Anthony J. (2011) A role for p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in early post-embryonic development of 'Schistosoma mansoni'. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 180(1), pp. 51-55. ISSN (print) 0166-6851
Rodd, H. D., Marshman, Z., Porritt, J., Bradbury, J. and Baker, S. R. (2011) Oral health-related quality of life of children in relation to dental appearance and educational transition. British Dental Journal, 211(2), E4-E4. ISSN (print) 0007-0610
Seemungal, Amanda, Petroczi, Andrea and Naughton, Declan P. (2011) Application of thin-layer chromatography to rank the efficacies of five antioxidants in red wine. JPC - Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC, 24(4), pp. 320-324. ISSN (print) 0933-4173
Shah, Iltaf, Petroczi, Andrea, Tabet, Naji, Klugman, Anthony, Mokhtar, Isaac and Naughton, Declan (2011) Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors normalise circulating vitamin D2 levels in Alzheimer's disease: an observational study. In: St. George’s Research Day, School of Life Sciences, Kingston University London,; 30 Nov 2011, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Shah, Iltaf, James, Ricky, Barker, James, Petroczi, Andrea and Naughton, Declan (2011) Misleading measures in Vitamin D analysis: a novel LC-MS/MS assay to account for epimers and isobars. Nutrition Journal, 10(46), ISSN (online) 1475-2891
Spencer-Smith, Russell (2011) The origins and evolution of genomic rearrangements in 'Neisseria gonorrhoeae'. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Terry, Stephen J., Zihni, Ceniz, Elbediwy, Ahmed, Vitiello, Elisa, Leefa Chong San, Isabelle V., Balda, Maria S. and Matter, Karl (2011) Spatially restricted activation of RhoA signalling at epithelial junctions by p114RhoGEF drives junction formation and morphogenesis. Nature Cell Biology, 13(2), pp. 159-166. ISSN (print) 1465-7392
Uvacsek, M, Nepusz, T, Naughton, D P, Mazanov, J, Ranky, MZ and Petroczi, A (2011) Self-admitted behavior and perceived use of performance-enhancing vs psychoactive drugs among competitive athletes. Scandinavian Journal Of Medicine & Science In Sports, 21(2), pp. 224-234.
Yuen, Hiu-Fung, Chan, Yuen-Kwong, Grills, Claire, McCrudden, Cian M, Gunasekharan, Vignesh, Shi, Zhanzhong, Wong, Ashley San-Yu, Lappin, Terence R, Chan, Kwok-Wah, Fennell, Dean A, Khoo, Ui-Soon, Johnston, Patrick G and El-Tanani, Mohamed (2011) Polyomavirus enhancer activator 3 protein promotes breast cancer metastatic progression through Snail-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition. The Journal of Pathology, 224(1), pp. 78-89. ISSN (print) 0022-3417
Zazzi, M, Kaiser, R, Sonnerborg, A, Struck, D, Altmann, A, Prosperi, M, Rosen-Zvi, M, Petroczi, A, Peres, Y, Schulter, E, Boucher, C A, Brun-Vezinet, F, Harrigan, P R, Morris, L, Obermeier, M, Perno, C F, Phanuphak, P, Pillay, D, Shafer, R W, Vandamme, A M, vanLaethem, K, Wensing, A M J, Lengauer, T and Incardona, F (2011) Prediction of response to antiretroviral therapy by human experts and by the EuResist data-driven expert system (the EVE study). HIV Medicine, 12(4), pp. 211-218. ISSN (print) 1464-2662