Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (until 2017) > School of Performance and Screen Studies"

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Number of items: 67.


Balmain, Colette J. [Speaker] (2017) Ghosts and not ghouls in contemporary East Asian gothic cinema. In: Games, Gothic and Gore: Horror beyond Hollywood; 25th Jan 2017, Salford, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Barker, Granville, Chambers, Colin [Editor] and Nelson, Richard [Editor] (2017) Granville Barker on theatre : selected essays. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama. 266p. ISBN 9781474294843

Ben-Tal, Oded [Composer] (2017) Bastard Tunes. (music).

Ben-Tal, Oded [Composer] (2017) Postcards. (music).

Brooker, Will (2017) Forever Stardust : David Bowie across the Universe. London, U.K. : I B Tauris. 256p. ISBN 9781784531423

Brown, Simon (2017) Adapting Stephen King : text, context and the case of 'Cell' (2016). Pennywise Dreadful, 1(1), pp. 42-56.

Brown, Simon (2017) Alternate version of the same reality : adapting Under the Dome as a SF TV series. Science Fiction Film and Television, 10(2), pp. 267-283. ISSN (print) 1754-3770

Brown, Simon (2017) Stephen King's Vampire Kingdom : Supernatural EVIL and Human evil in TV adaptations of Salem's Lot (1979, 2004). Horror Studies, 8(2), p. 223. ISSN (print) 2040-3275

Burnard, Pamela , Ross, Valerie , Minors, Helen Julia , Powell, Kimberly , Dragovic, Tatjana and Mackinlay, Elizabeth, eds. (2017) Building interdisciplinary and intercultural bridges : where practice meets research and theory. Cambridge, U.K. : BIBACC Publishing. 237p. ISBN 9780995772700

Buse, Peter (2017) Photo/Play. Loose Associations, 3(3), pp. 16-19. ISSN (print) 2397-0839

Buse, Peter (2017) Polaroid's fourth archive. In: Zeleny, Kyler, (ed.) Found Polaroids. Savannah, Georgia, U.S. : Aint-Bad. pp. 11-13. ISBN 9781944005139

Buse, Peter (2017) The longevity of Polaroid. In: Ewing, William A. and Hitchcock, Barbara P., (eds.) The Polaroid project : at the intersection of art and technology. London, U.K. : Thames and Hudson. pp. 172-175. ISBN 9780500544730


Chambers, Colin (2017) Michel Saint-Denis. Encyclopedia of theatre and performance.

Chambers, Colin (2017) A concise introduction to Harley Granville Barker. DT+ Fundamentals.

Chambers, Colin (2017) A concise introduction to Peter Gill. DT+ Fundamentals.

Chambers, Colin (2017) A concise introduction to Theatre of Cruelty. DT+ Fundamentals.

Chambers, Colin (2017) A concise introduction to Theatre of the Absurd. DT+ Fundamentals.

Chambers, Colin and Nelson, Richard (2017) A secret life. The Times Literary Supplement, pp. 15-16. ISSN (print) 0307-661X


de Fleurian, Remi, Blackwell, Tim, Ben-Tal, Oded and Müllensiefen, Daniel (2017) Information-theoretic measures predict the human judgment of rhythm complexity. Cognitive Science, 41(3), pp. 800-813. ISSN (print) 0364-0213


Jarvis, Beatrice (2017) Artist reflection : B'fheidir anseo ta me saor in aisce (A study in the possibility of the sensations of home). Environment, Space, Place, 9(1), pp. 21-42. ISSN (print) 2066-5377


Kardos, Leah [Reviewer] (2017) Book Review of: 'Playing with something that runs : technology, improvisation, and composition in DJ and laptop performance' by Mark J. Butler. The World of Music (new series), 6((2017) 2), pp. 157-159. ISSN (online) 0043-8774

Kardos, Leah (2017) Bowie musicology : mapping Bowie's sound and music language across the catalogue. Continuum : Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 31(4), pp. 552-563. ISSN (print) 1030-4312

Kardos, Leah [Composer] (2017) Rococochet. (Music). London, U.K. : Bigo & Twigetti.

Kardos, Leah (2017) The curious musician. In: Ruthmann, S. Alex and Mantie, Roger, (eds.) The Oxford handbook of technology and music education. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 317-322. (Oxford Handbooks) ISBN 9780199372133


Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe [Reviewer] (2017) Book Review of: 'Performing antagonism : theatre, performance & radical democracy' by Tony Fisher and Eve Katsouraki (eds). Contemporary Theatre Review, 27(4), pp. 529-530. ISSN (print) 1048-6801

Melia, Matthew (2017) Reading the scream in Peter Strickland's 'Berberian Sound Studio'. Frames Cinema Journal, 11, ISSN (online) 2053-8812

Melia, Matthew (2017) 'The post Kubrickian' : Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg and A.I. Artificial Intelligence. Screening the Past, 42, ISSN (online) 1328-9756

Mencia, Maria (2017) Creative process : interweaving methods, content and technology. In: Cortes Maduro, Daniela, (ed.) Digital media and textuality : from creation to archiving. Bielefeld, Germany : transcript. pp. 133-150. (Media upheavals, (45)) ISBN 9783837604915

Mencia, Maria (2017) Introduction to #WomenTechLit. In: Mencia, Maria, (ed.) #WomenTechLit. Morgantown, U.S. : West Virginia University Press. pp. xiii-xx. (CompuLit) ISBN 9781943665907

Mencia, Maria (2017) Transient self-portrait : the data self. In: Mencia, Maria, (ed.) #WomenTechLit. Morgantown, U.S. : West Virginia University Press. pp. 189-209. (Computing literature) ISBN 9781943665907

Mencia, Maria, ed. (2017) #WomenTechLit. Morgantown, U.S. : West Virginia University Press. 456p. (CompuLit) ISBN 9781943665907

Mencia, Maria (2017) #WomenTechLit. In: Mencia, Maria, (ed.) #WomenTechLit. Morgantown, U.S. : West Virginia University Press. pp. Xiii-XX. (CompuLit) ISBN 9781943665907

Minors, Helen (2017) If Hope were to write to Music. Hoping, Kingston Writers' Centre.

Minors, Helen (2017) Improvisation and an inclusive HE music curriculum : "Taking Race Live". In: Music Box Research Seminars Edinburgh College; 11 Sep 2017, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Minors, Helen (2017) 'Taking race live' : creating an inclusive music curriculum. In: Music Education Special Interest Group seminar; 06 Nov 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Minors, Helen (2017) 'Taking race live' : liveness and inclusion in higher music education. In: 7th Annual Conference of the Society for Music Education in Ireland; 10 - 11 Nov 2017, Dundalk, Ireland.

Minors, Helen (2017) Translating sounds / Finding musical meanings. In: Canterbury Christ Church University Music Research Seminar Series; 12 Jan 2017, Canterbury, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Minors, Helen Julia [Reviewer] (2017) Book Review of: ' When ballet became french : modern ballet and the cultural politics of France, 1909–1939 ' by Ilyana Karthas. Modern and Contemporary France, 25(2), pp. 239-240. ISSN (print) 0963-9489

Minors, Helen Julia (2017) Improvisation and an inclusive HE music curriculum : "Taking Race Live". In: 54th Royal Musical Association Annual Conference; 07 - 09 Sep 2017, Liverpool, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Minors, Helen Julia (2017) Intercultural arts practice explored in "Pictures at our exhibition" (2016). In: Burnard, Pamela , Ross, Valerie , Minors, Helen Julia , Powell, Kimberly , Dragovic, Tatjana and Mackinlay, Elizabeth, (eds.) Building interdisciplinary and intercultural bridges: where practice meets research and theory. Cambridge, U.K. : BIBACC Publishing. pp. 190-197. ISBN 9780995772700

Minors, Helen Julia (2017) 'Le Tombeau de Ronsard' in 'La Revue musicale' (1924) : memory and historical interplay. In: Mawer, Deborah, (ed.) Historical interplay in French music and culture, 1860-1960. London, U.K. : Routledge. ISBN 9781472474759

Minors, Helen Julia, Burnard, Pamela, Shihabi, Zaina, Wiffen, Charles and van de Walt, J. Simon (2017) Mapping trends and framing issues in higher music education : changing minds / challenging practices. London Review of Education, 15(3), pp. 457-473. ISSN (print) 1474-8460

Minors, Helen Julia (2017) Researching, constructing and applying an inclusive HE music curriculum : sharing the processes, practices and findings of the project, "Taking Race Live". In: The 10th International Research in Music Education Conference; 24 - 27 Apr 2017, Bath, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Minors, Helen Julia (2017) Score Preface: Gabriel Faure, Sinfonia in F. In: Musikproduktion Jurgen Hoflich, (ed.) Gabriel Faure, Sinfonia in F. Munich, Germany : Musik Produktion Jurgen Hoflich.


O'Sullivan, Shane (2017) Archives for education : the creative reuse of moving images in the UK. The Moving Image, 17(2), pp. 1-19. ISSN (print) 1532-3978


Perazzo, Daniela (2017) Diffracting dance : im/possibilities and ethical entanglements in current choreographic practices. In: Theatre and Performance Research Association Annual Conference 2017; 30 Aug - 01 Sep 2017, Salford, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Perazzo, Daniela (2017) Im/possible choreographies : dis/orientation, diffraction and/as dance's response to the contemporary moment. In: Dialogues on Dance, Philosophy, and Performance in the Contemporary Neoliberal Moment; 01 - 02 June 2017, Coventry, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Perazzo Domm, Daniela (2017) Poiesis : the work while it is happening. In: Between Spaces Symposium; 29 - 30 Jun 2017, Chichester, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Perazzo Domm, Daniela (2017) The 'making' of movement and words : a po(i)etic reading of Charlotte Spencer's Walking Stories. Choreographic Practices, 8(1), pp. 111-130. ISSN (print) 2040-5669


Quinlivan, Davina (2017) Teaching Innocence (2004, Lucile Hadzihalilovic). The CineFiles(13), ISSN (online) 2156-9096

Quinlivan, Davina (2017) A dark and shiny place : the disembodied female voice, Irigarayan subjectivity, and the political erotics of hearing Her (Spike Jonze, 2013). In: Whittaker, Tom and Wright, Sarah, (eds.) Locating the voice in film: critical approaches and global practices. New York, U.S. : Oxford University Press. pp. 295-309. ISBN 9780190261122


Reid, Trish (2017) [Book Review] Theatre in Scotland, A Field of Dreams: Reviews. Contemporary Theatre Review, 27(4), pp. 534-535. ISSN (print) 1048-6801

Reid, Trish (2017) Realities best avoided : the dystopian future in the contemporary London stage. In: IFTR 2017 : Unstable Geographies : Multiple Theatricalities; 10-14 Jul 2017, Säo Paulo, Brazil. (Unpublished)

Reid, Trish (2017) The theatre of Anthony Neilson. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama. 224p. (Critical Companions) ISBN 9781472570307

Reynolds, James (2017) Hypermobility and uncanny praxis in Robert Lepage and Ex Machina's devised solo work. Journal of Contemporary Drama and English, 5(1), pp. 55-69. ISSN (print) 2195-0156

Reynolds, James (2017) Outside Edge's Theatre for Recovery : re-shaping influence and the addict identity. Performance Research, 22(6), pp. 73-82. ISSN (print) 1352-8165


Schneider, Dan [Interviewer], Potter, Caroline [Interviewee] and Minors, Helen [Interviewee] (2017) Dan Schneider Video Interview #214 : On Erik Satie : Caroline Potter and Helen Minors. (Interview). (Dan Schneider Video Interview)

Sturm, Bob L. and Ben-Tal, Oded (2017) Taking the models back to music practice : evaluating generative transcription models built using deep learning. Journal of Creative Music Systems, 2(1), ISSN (online) 2399-7656


Van Elferen, Isabella (2017) Agency, aporia, approaches : how does musicology solve a problem like timbre? Contemporary Music Review, 36(6), pp. 483-487. ISSN (print) 0749-4467

Van Elferen, Isabella (2017) Drastic allure : timbre between the sublime and the grain. Contemporary Music Review, 36(6), pp. 614-632. ISSN (print) 0749-4467

Van Elferen, Isabella (2017) Goth music, lifestyle and festivals. In: "Gothic to Goth"; 21 - 22 Oct 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

van Elferen, Isabella (2017) Dark sound : being and timbre in Gothic. In: IGA Mexico 2017 : Gothic Traditions and Departures : 13th Biennial Conference of the International Gothic Association; 18-21 Jul 2017, Cholula, Mexico. (Unpublished)

van Elferen, Isabella (2017) Goth music and subculture. In: Partridge, Christopher and Moberg, Marcus, (eds.) Bloomsbury handbook of religion and popular music. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. pp. 316-326. ISBN 9781474237338

van Elferen, Isabella (2017) Virtual worlds from recording to video games. In: Cook, Nicholas , Trippett, David and Ingalls, Monique M., (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Music in Digital Culture. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press. pp. 209-226. ISBN 9781316676639

van Elferen, Isabella (2017) The paradoxes of timbre : musical epistemology between idealism and materialism. In: MPSG 2017 : 6th Conference of the Royal Musical Association Music and Philosophy Study Group; 13-14 Jul 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Wilson, Scott (2017) Frenzy, feeder, falcon: eroticism in the twenty-first century. In: Stronge, Will, (ed.) Georges Bataille and contemporary thought. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 11-32. ISBN 9781474268691

Wilson, Scott (2017) Nikola Tesla and the science of 'a successful paranoia'. Language and Psychoanalysis, 6(7), pp. 4-25. ISSN (online) 2049-324X

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