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Number of items: 91.


Alliez, Eric and Goffey, Andrew [Translator] (2009) Body without image: Ernesto Neto's anti-Leviathan. Radical philosophy(156), pp. 23-34. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Alliez, Eric and Bonne, Jean-Claude (2009) Matisse with Dewey with Deleuze. In: Holland, Eugene W. , Smith, Daniel W. and Stivale, Charles J., (eds.) Gilles Deleuze: image and text. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 104-123. ISBN 9780826408327

Alliez, Eric (2009) Organsiz Beden Nasil Yapilir? Ernesto Neto'nun anti-Leviathan'i. In: 11. Uluslararasi Istanbul Bienali = 11th International Istanbul Biennial; 12 Sep - 08 Nov 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2009) The dislocation of the IMAGE-grip. In: Undoing the aesthetic image; 24 Jan 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Baverstock, Alison [Speaker] (2009) How to get a publisher or agent to notice your work. In: Kingston Reader's Festival; 23 Apr - 22 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Birchwood, Matthew (2009) Book Review of: The Sultan speaks: dialogue in English plays and histories about the Ottoman Turks by Linda McJannet. Renaissance Quarterly, 62(4), pp. 1368-1370. ISSN (print) 0034-4338

Booth, Paul (2009) The development of vocabulary proficiency in relation to learning style. In: Benati, Alessandro G., (ed.) Issues in second language proficiency. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 95-115. ISBN 9780826435156


Campbell, Siobhan (2009) Cross-talk. Bridgend, U.K. : Poetry Wales Press. 71p. ISBN 9781854115096

Campbell, Siobhan (2009) Darwin among the machines. Presteigne, Wales : Rack Press. 12p. ISBN 0956101305

Carey, Brycchan (2009) Abolishing the slave trade on the London stage 1760-1807. In: Lunchtime talk; 19 Mar 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Carey, Brycchan (2009) Hermione and the house elves revisited: J.K. Rowling, antislavery campaigning, and the politics of Potter. In: Anatol, Giselle Liza, (ed.) Reading Harry Potter again: new critical essays. Santa Barbara, U.S. : ABC-CLIO. pp. 159-173. ISBN 9780313361975

Carey, Brycchan [Speaker] (2009) Three centuries of (imaginary) interplanetary exploration. In: Kingston Reader's Festival; 23 Apr - 22 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Carey, Brycchan (2009) "We contradict and are against this traffick of men-body": re-reading the first protest against the slave trade, Germantown, 1688. In: English seminar; 25 Nov 2009, St Andrews, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Carey, Brycchan (2009) "You surpass Holland and Germany in this thing": remembering the 1688 Germantown antislavery protest. In: Black Knowledges, black struggles, civil rights: transnational perspectives. 8th International Conference of the Collegium for African American Research; 25 - 29 Mar 2009, Bremen, Germany. (Unpublished)

Cathcart, Brian (2009) Deepcut's dead demand justice., ISSN (print) 0261-3077

Cathcart, Brian (2009) Is Google killing general knowledge? Intelligent Life, 2(4), ISSN (print) 1743-7424

Clarke, Norma [Speaker] (2009) The rise and rise of brand Austen. In: Kingston Reader's Festival; 23 Apr - 22 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Cusk, Rachel (2009) The Bradshaw variations. London, U.K. : Faber and Faber. 256p. ISBN 9780571233588

Cusk, Rachel (2009) The last supper: a summer in Italy. London, U.K. : Faber and Faber. 240p. ISBN 9780571242566


Durant, Alan and Lambrou, Marina (2009) Language and media: a resource book for students. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 269p. (Routledge English Language Introductions) ISBN 9780415475747


Giaxoglou, Korina (2009) Entextualizing vernacular forms in a Maniat village : features of orthopraxy in local folklore practice. Pragmatics, 19(3), pp. 419-434. ISSN (print) 1018-2101


Hallward, Peter (2009) Book review of: Migrant revolutions: Haitian literature, globalization, and US imperialism by Valerie Kaussen. Journal of Haitian Studies, 15(1 & 2), ISSN (print) 1090-3488

Hallward, Peter (2009) Communism of the intellect, Communism of the will. In: On the idea of Communism; 13 - 15 Mar 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Hallward, Peter (2009) Dialectical voluntarism: a defence. In: Sixth Historical Materialism Annual Conference: Another world is necessary: crisis, struggle and political alternatives; 27 - 29 Nov 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Hallward, Peter (2009) Dialectical voluntarism: an agenda for research. In: 21st century materialism; 20 - 21 Jun 2009, Zagreb, Croatia. (Unpublished)

Hallward, Peter (2009) Human, subhuman, superhuman. In: The postcolonial human; 24 - 25 Sep 2009, Leeds, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Hallward, Peter (2009) Lyonel Trouillot, or the fictions of formal democracy. Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism, 13(3), pp. 174-185. ISSN (print) 0799-0537

Hallward, Peter (2009) Marx, Hegel and the point of education. In: Eternity and Change; 04 - 05 Dec 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (Unpublished)

Hallward, Peter (2009) Radical politics and political will. Radical Politics Today,

Hallward, Peter (2009) What is political will? In: What is political will?; 11 Jun 2009, Reykjavik, Iceland. (Unpublished)

Hallward, Peter (2009) The will of the people: notes towards a dialectical voluntarism. Radical philosophy(155), pp. 17-29. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Hines, Gill and Baverstock, Alison (2009) It's not fair! Parenting your bright and challenging child. London, U.K. : Piatkus. 304p. ISBN 9780749940461

Hoffman, Eva (2009) Appassionata. New York, U.S. : Other Press. 265p. ISBN 9781590514573

Horner, Avril and Zlosnik, Sue (2009) Comic gothic. In: Mulvey-Roberts, Marie, (ed.) The handbook of the gothic. 2nd ed. Basingstoke, U.K. : Macmillan. pp. 109-109. ISBN 9780230008533

Horner, Avril and Zlosnik, Sue (2009) Daphne du Maurier. In: Mulvey-Roberts, Marie, (ed.) The handbook of the gothic. Basingstoke, U.K. : Macmillan. pp. 26-27. ISBN 9780230008533

Horner, Avril and Beer, Janet (2009) Edith Wharton and modernism: The mother's recompense. In: Morley, Catherine and Goody, Alex, (eds.) American modernism: cultural transactions. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 69-92. ISBN 9781443813570

Horner, Avril and Zlosnik, Sue (2009) Keeping it in the family: incest and the female gothic plot in du Maurier and Murdoch. In: Wallace, Diana and Smith, Andrew, (eds.) The Female Gothic: New Directions. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 115-132. ISBN 9780230222717

Horner, Avril (2009) The gothic heroine : the reins of power and the conflicted self. In: Women, conflict and power; 15-17 Oct 2009, Toulouse, France.

Horrod, Sarah (2009) Authenticity and complexity of task: still a role for ESAP? In: BALEAP 2009 Biennial Conference; 5 - 7 April 2009, Reading, U.K..


Jensen, Meg [Speaker] (2009) Behind a mask: the unknown thrillers of Louisa May Alcott. In: Kingston Reader's Festival; 23 Apr - 22 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Jensen, Meg (2009) Book Review of: The unbearable Saki: the work of H. H. Munro by Sandie Byrne. Modern Language Review, 104(1), pp. 192-193. ISSN (print) 0026-7937

Jordan, Jane (2009) Book Review of: Ouida the phenomenon: evolving social, political, and gender concerns in her fiction by Natalie Schroeder and Shari Hodges Holt. Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 28(2), pp. 384-386. ISSN (print) 0732-7730

Jordan, Jane [Speaker] (2009) 'Dead! and never called me mother!'. In: Kingston Reader's Festival; 23 Apr - 22 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Jordan, Jane (2009) The peasant and the picturesque in Ouida’s Italy. In: Vescovi, Alessandro , Villa, Luisa and Vita, Paul, (eds.) The Victorians and Italy: literature, travel, politics and art. Monza, Italy : Polimetrica Publisher. pp. 61-79. ISSN (print) 2037-2515 ISBN 9788876991639


Lipsedge, Karen (2009) "I was also absent at my dairy-house": the representation and symbolic function of the dairy house in Samuel Richardson's Clarissa. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 22(1), pp. 29-48. ISSN (print) 0840-6286

Longfellow, Erica [Speaker] (2009) Shakespeare imagining history. In: Kingston Reader's Festival; 23 Apr - 22 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Malabou, Catherine (2009) Bouche cousue: de l'homeostasie [With sealed lips. On homeostasis]. In: Pontbriand, Chantal, (ed.) Harun Farocki/Rodney Graham. Paris, France : Blackjack editions. ISBN 9782918063032

Malabou, Catherine (2009) How is subjectivity undergoing deconstruction today? Philosophy, auto-hetero-affection, and neurobiological emotion. Qui Parle, 17(2), pp. 111-122. ISSN (print) 1041-8385

Malabou, Catherine (2009) L'eternel retour et le fantome de la difference. In: Pornschlegel, Clemens and Stingelin, Martin, (eds.) Nietzsche und Frankreich. Berlin, Germany : Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 9783110193312

Malabou, Catherine and Emmanuelli, Xavier (2009) La Grande Exclusion. L'Urgence Sociale : Therapeutique et Symptomes. Paris, France : Bayard Publishing. 250p. (Essais documents divers) ISBN 9782227479159

Malabou, Catherine (2009) La chambre du milieu: de Hegel aux neurosciences. Paris, France : Hermann. ISBN 9782705667795

Malabou, Catherine (2009) Swan lake: bleu comme les neurones. In: Bernard, Christian and Davila, Thierry, (eds.) Claude Leveque. Paris, France : Flammarion. pp. 126-133. ISBN 9782080301277

Mellor, Noha (2009) Journalism and media entrepreneurs. In: Mellor, Robert, (ed.) Entrepreneurship for everyone: a student textbook. London, U.K. : Sage. pp. 166-181. ISBN 9781412947763

Mellor, Noha (2009) Journalists as eyewitnesses. In: al-Rasheed, Madawi and Shterin, Marat, (eds.) Dying for Faith. London : I B Tauris. ISBN 9781845116873

Mellor, Noha (2009) Politics of mitigation. Critical Discourse Studies, 6(1), pp. 31-49. ISSN (print) 1740-5904

Mellor, Noha (2009) Strategies for autonomy: Arab journalists reflecting on their roles. Journalism Studies, 10(3), pp. 307-321. ISSN (print) 1461-670X

Mellor, Noha (2009) War as a moral discourse. International Communication Gazette, 71(5), pp. 409-427. ISSN (print) 1748-0485

Mellor, Noha (2009) The future of journalism. In: The Future of Journalism; 9 - 10 Sept 2009, Cardiff, Wales. (Unpublished)

Miller, James (2009) Integration, transformation and the redemption of America: 'The Fire Next Time' and ‘A Letter from Birmingham Jail’. European Journal of American Culture, 28(3), pp. 245-262. ISSN (print) 1466-0407

Miller, James (2009) Lost boys. London, U.K. : Little Brown. 275p. ISBN 9780349120980

Morgan Wortham, Simon (2009) Anonymity writing pedagogy: Beckett, Descartes, Derrida. Symploke, 16(1-2), pp. 93-105. ISSN (print) 1069-0697

Morrison, James (2009) Public affairs for journalists. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. 689p. ISBN 9780199552610


Osborne, Peter (2009) Abstract images: sign, image and aesthetic in Gerhard Richter's painting. In: Buchloh, Benjamin H. D., (ed.) Gerhard Richter. London, U.K. : MIT Press. pp. 95-112. ISBN 9780262513128

Osborne, Peter (2009) Modernisms and mediations. In: Halsall, Francis , Jansen, Julia Alejandra and O'Connor, Tony, (eds.) Rediscovering aesthetics: transdisciplinary voices from art history, philosophy, and art practice. Stanford, U.S.A. : Stanford University Press. pp. 163-177. ISBN 9780804759915

Osborne, Peter (2009) Occasionalism. In: Faldbakken, Matias, (ed.) Matias Faldbakken: shocked into abstraction. Birmingham, U.K. : Ikon Gallery Ltd. pp. 44-71. ISBN 9781904864530

Osborne, Peter (2009) Starting up all over again: time and existence in some conceptual art of the 1960s. In: Eleey, Peter, (ed.) The quick and the dead. Minneapolis, U.S.A. : Walker Art Center. pp. 91-106. ISBN 9780935640939

Osborne, Peter (2009) An image of romanticism - fragment and project: from Schlegel's 'Athenaeum Fragments' to LeWitt's 'Sentences on Conceptual Art'. Verksted #11: Sol LeWitt's 'Sentences on Conceptual Art': manuscript and draft materials 1968-69., pp. 5-27. ISSN (print) 1503-8467


Parker, David (2009) Dickens, the Inns of Court, and the Inns of Chancery. In: Literary London 2009 : representations of London in literature; 09-10 July 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Phelan, Craig (2009) Trade unionism in the United States since 1945. In: Phelan, Craig, (ed.) Trade unionism since 1945: towards a global history. Volume 2. The Americas, Asia and Australia. Bern, Switzerland : Peter Lang. pp. 311-340. (Trade unions: past, present and future, 2) ISSN (print) 1662-7784 ISBN 9783039119509

Phelan, Craig, ed. (2009) Trade unionism since 1945: towards a global history. Volume 1: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Bern, Switzerland : Peter Lang. 451p. (Trade unions: past, present and future, 1) ISSN (print) 1662-7784 ISBN 9783039114108

Phelan, Craig, ed. (2009) Trade unionism since 1945: towards a global history. Volume 2. The Americas, Asia and Australia. Bern, Switzerland : Peter Lang. 350p. (Trade unions: past, present and future, 2) ISSN (print) 1662-7784 ISBN 9783039119509

Phillippy, Patricia (2009) 'Monumental circles' and material culture in early modern England. Early Modern Women : an interdisciplinary journal, 4, pp. 139-147. ISSN (print) 1933-0065

Phillippy, Patricia (2009) Painted women, women painters. In: Vigarello, Georges, (ed.) 100 000 ans de beaute. Paris, France : Gallimard. pp. 228-229. Age cl(3: Age) ISBN 207012844X


Reuben, Catherine (2009) Book Review of: The comic genius of Clement Marot: the function of humour in his poetry by Honor J. Alfred. Reformation and Renaissance review, 11(2), pp. 240-242. ISSN (print) 1462-2459

Reuben, Catherine (2009) Rashi and the Quincuplex (1509): translating the Psalms historically or prophetically. In: 'Sing unto the Lord a New Song': worship, prayer and devotion, Society for Reformation Studies 16th Annual Conference; 1-3 Apr 2009, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Reuben, Catherine (2009) The closers: people who finish other people's psalm translations. In: Alyn Stacey, Sarah, (ed.) Court and humour in the French Renaissance: essays in honour of Professor Pauline Smith. Oxford, U.K. : Peter Lang. pp. 93-112. ISBN 9783039105595


Sampson, Fiona (2009) Introduction: For God's sake, do something! In: Sampson, Fiona, (ed.) A century of Poetry Review. Manchester : Carcanet Press. pp. xi-xxiv. ISBN 9781847770165

Sampson, Fiona (2009) Poetry writing: the expert guide. London, U.K. : Robert Hale. 240p. ISBN 9780709085416

Sampson, Fiona, ed. (2009) A century of poetry review. Manchester, U.K. : Carcanet Press. 373p. ISBN 9781847770165

Sandford, Stella (2009) Of Gods and men: the Timaeus and the universal ontology of sex. In: Philosophy seminars; 19 Mar 2009, Hatfield, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Sandford, Stella (2009) The politics of sex. In: Situated selves: phenomenology, law and aesthetics; 30 - 31 Oct 2009, Liverpool, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Spilioti, T (2009) Graphemic representation of text-messaging: alphabet-choice and code-switches in Greek SMS. Pragmatics, 19(3), pp. 393-412. ISSN (print) 1018-2101

Spilioti, Thiresia (2009) Text-messages (SMS): language attitudes and ideological representations in the Greek press. Zitimata Epikinonias [Communication Issues], 3(9), pp. 62-74.


Upstone, Sara [Speaker] (2009) Can literature save the world? In: Kingston Reader's Festival; 23 Apr - 22 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Upstone, Sara (2009) Spatial politics in the postcolonial novel. Farnham, U.K. : Ashgate. 216p. ISBN 9780754665526

Upstone, Sara (2009) You are what you eat : postcolonial eating in the novels of Salman Rushdie. South Asian Review, 30(2), pp. 119-135. ISSN (print) 0275-9527


Walsh, Maurice (2009) Faith of our fathers: with Ireland's priests. Granta(105), pp. 182-206. ISSN (print) 0017-3231

Weber, Samuel (2009) Between part and whole: Benjamin and the single trait. Paragraph, 32(3), pp. 382-399. ISSN (print) 0264-8334

Weslati, Hager (2009) Travel in disguise: on travel writing and cultural governance. In: Brisson, Ulrike and Schweizer, Bernard, (eds.) Not so innocent abroad: the politics of travel and travel writing. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 85-109. ISBN 9781443812979

Wharton, Tim (2009) Pragmatics and Non-Verbal Communication. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. 230p. ISBN 9780521870979


Zlosnik, Sue and Horner, Avril (2009) 'Myself when Others: Daphne du Maurier and the Double Dialogue with "D"'. Women: A Cultural Review, 20(1), pp. 9-24. ISSN (print) 0957-4042

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