Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (until 2017) > School of Humanities"

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Number of items: 80.


Abbas, Niran, ed. (2005) Mapping Michel Serres. Ann Arbor, Mich., USA : University of Michigan Press. 259p. (Studies in Literature and Science) ISBN 0472114387

Alliez, Eric (2005) Badiou: the grace of the universal. Polygraph(17), pp. 267-273. ISSN (print) 1533-9793

Alliez, Eric and Bonne, Jean-Claude (2005) La pensee-Matisse: portrait de l'artiste en hyperfauve. Paris, France : Passage. 450p. ISBN 9782847420647

Alliez, Eric (2005) The difference and repetition of Gabriel Tarde. In: Gabriel Tarde: economy, psychology and invention; 01 Dec 2005, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Barnes, Hugh (2005) Gannibal: the Moor of Petersburg. London, UK : Profile Books. 300p. ISBN 1861973659

Baron, Adam and Lucie, Doug [Author-contributor] (2005) Hold back the night. (radio broadcast). London, U.K. : British Broadcasting Corporation.

Baverstock, Alison and Hines, Gill (2005) Whatever! a down to earth guide to parenting teenagers. London, U.K. : Piatkus Books. 192p. ISBN 0749925949

Birchwood, Matthew and Dimmock, Matthew, eds. (2005) Cultural encounters between East and West: 1453-1699. Cambridge Scholars Press. 234p. ISBN 9781904303411

Birchwood, Matthew (2005) News from Vienna: Titus Oates and the True Protestant Turks. In: Birchwood, Matthew and Dimmock, Matthew, (eds.) Cultural Encounters Between East and West: 1453-1699. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 64-76. ISBN 9781904303411


Campbell, Siobhan (2005) Book review of: And then Something Happened by Susan M. Schultz. The Stinging Fly, 2(2), ISSN (print) 1393-5690

Campbell, Siobhan (2005) Book review of: Woods, Etc by Alice Oswald. The Stinging Fly, 2(2), ISSN (print) 1393-5690

Campbell, Siobhan (2005) Campbell. The Southern Review, 41(1), p. 150. ISSN (print) 0038-4534

Campbell, Siobhan (2005) Defined by negatives. The Southern Review, 41(1), p. 148. ISSN (print) 0038-4534

Campbell, Siobhan (2005) First time up. Poetry Ireland Review, 84, p. 48. ISSN (print) 0332-2998

Campbell, Siobhan (2005) Grist. Poetry Ireland Review, 84, p. 49. ISSN (print) 0332-2998

Campbell, Siobhan (2005) Hothead. The Southern Review, 41(1), p. 149. ISSN (print) 0038-4534

Carey, Brycchan (2005) 'Accounts of savage nations': The Spectator and the Americas. In: Newman, Donald J., (ed.) The Spectator: Emerging Discourses. Newark : University of Delaware Press. pp. 129-149. ISBN 9780874139105

Carey, Brycchan (2005) British abolitionism and the rhetoric of sensibility: writing, sentiment, and slavery 1760-1807. Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan. 248p. ISBN 1403946264

Carey, Brycchan (2005) Ignatius Sancho. In: Clark, Robert, (ed.) The literary encyclopedia. Norwich, U.K. : The Literary Dictionary Company Limited. ISSN (online) 1747-678X

Carey, Brycchan (2005) One world, two lenses: contrasting classical and biblical approaches to antique slavery in the late-eighteenth-century abolition debate. In: Imitation et invention au Siecle des Lumieres = Imitation and invention in the Eighteenth Century; 19 - 22 Oct 2005, Quebec, Canada. (Unpublished)

Carey, Brycchan (2005) "Some good ballads to be sung about the streets": William Cowper's campaign against the slave trade. In: Literary London 2005 : Representations of London in literature; 14-16 July 2005, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Carey, Brycchan (2005) William Wilberforce. In: Clark, Robert, (ed.) The literary encyclopedia. Norwich, U.K. : The Literary Dictionary Company Limited. ISSN (online) 1747-678X

Carter, Fan (2005) It's a girl thing: teenage magazines, lifestyle and consumer culture. In: Bell, David and Hollows, Joanne, (eds.) Ordinary lifestyles: popular media, consumption and taste. Maidenhead, U.K. : Open University Press. pp. 173-186. ISBN 9780335215508

Caygill, Howard (2005) Crisis and renewal: Husserl's 'Kaizo' articles 1923-24. In: Banham, Gary, (ed.) Husserl and the logic of experience. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 184-201. ISBN 9781403918154

Clarke, Norma (2005) Bluestocking fictions: devotional writings, didactic literature and the imperative of female improvement. In: Knott, Sarah and Taylor, Barbara, (eds.) Women, gender and enlightenment. Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 460-473. ISBN 1403904936

Clarke, Norma (2005) London in the memoirs of Laetitia Pilkington. In: Literary London 2005 : Representations of London in literature; 14-16 July 2005, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Cunnell, Howard (2005) Condemned men: compulsive masculinity and the convict ethic in the writing of Edward Bunker. In: Miller, D. Quentin, (ed.) Prose and cons: essays on prison literature in the United States. Jefferson NC, USA : McFarland & Co. pp. 95-110. ISBN 0786421460

Cunnell, Howard (2005) Rocking at the chick-a-boom: Thatcherism, hypermasculinity, and the south London underworld in Razor Smith's 'A few kind words and a loaded gun'. In: Literary London 2005 : Representations of London in literature; 14-16 July 2005, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Cunnell, Howard (2005) 'Stop! a Buddhist is here': Bodhisattva masculinity on Death Row in Jarvis Masters' Finding freedom. Journal of Global Buddhism, 6, p. 46. ISSN (online) 1527-6457

Cusk, Rachel (2005) In the fold. London, UK : Faber and Faber. 240p. ISBN 0571228135


Davis, John R., Bowcock, Frances and Dodd, Lindsey (2005) Grants for history 2006: a guide to funding. London : University of London, Institute of Historical Research. ISBN 1905165110

Dines, Martin (2005) Sacrilege in the sitting room: contesting suburban domesticity in contemporary gay literature. Home Cultures, 2(2), pp. 175-194. ISSN (print) 1740-6315


Gill, Jo (2005) The influence of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The 'Scarlet Letter' on Sylvia Plath's 'Daddy'. Notes and Queries, 52(1), pp. 107-108. ISSN (print) 0029-3970

Goldsworthy, Vesna (2005) Book review of: "A form foredoomed to looseness": Henry James's preoccupation with the gender of fiction by Cecile Mazzucco-Than. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 48(4), pp. 489-492. ISSN (print) 0013-8339

Goldsworthy, Vesna (2005) Chernobyl strawberries: a memoir. London, U.K. : Atlantic Books. 290p. ISBN 1843544148

Goldsworthy, Vesna and Mandelkow, Miriam [Translator] (2005) Heimweh nach Nirgendwo: Eine Lebensgeschichte. Germany : Deuticke im Zsolnay Verlag. 224p. ISBN 3552060022


Habib, M.A.R. (2005) A history of literary criticism: from Plato to the present. Malden MA, USA; Oxford, UK : Blackwell. 838p. ISBN 0631232001

Hallward, Peter (2005) Beyond salvage. South Atlantic Quarterly, 104(2), pp. 237-244. ISSN (print) 0038-2876

Hallward, Peter (2005) Book review of Modernity disavowed: Haiti and the cultures of slavery in the age of revolution by Sibylle Fischer. Radical philosophy(134), pp. 51-53. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Hallward, Peter (2005) Depending on inconsistency: Badiou's answer to the "Guiding question of all contemporary philosophy". Polygraph(17), pp. 7-21. ISSN (print) 1533-9793

Hallward, Peter (2005) Jacques Ranciere et la refus de la maitrise. In: Jacques Ranciere et la philosophie au present; 20 - 24 May 2005, Cerisy-la-Salle, France. (Unpublished)

Hallward, Peter (2005) Ranciere and the subversion of mastery. In: Robson, Mark, (ed.) Jacques Ranciere: aesthetics, politics, philosophy. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 26-45. ISBN 9780748623570

Hallward, Peter (2005) Subtractive philosophy: Henry, Deleuze, Badiou. In: Research seminar; 10 Feb 2005, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Hallward, Peter (2005) What is it I have been doing all my life? Deleuze and the question of philosophy. In: Research seminar; 20 Oct 2005, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Hallward, Peter (2005) What's the point: first notes towards a philosophy of determination. In: Material Worlds: 3rd Annual Postgraduate Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; 28 - 30 Oct 2005, Glasgow, U.K.. ISBN 9781847182753

Hallward, Peter (2005) The politics of prescription. In: French Graduate Student Association Conference; 01 - 02 Apr 2005, New York, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Hallward, Peter (2005) The politics of prescription. South Atlantic Quarterly, 104(4), pp. 769-789. ISSN (print) 0038-2876

Horner, Avril and Zlosnik, Sue (2005) Gothic and the comic turn. Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan. 205p. ISBN 0333771516

Hubble, Nick (2005) Five English disaster novels, 1951-1972. Foundation: the international review of science fiction, 34(95), pp. 89-103. ISSN (print) 0306-4964

Hubble, Nick (2005) Suburbans wake: Orwell's 'Coming up for air'. In: Literary London 2005 : Representations of London in literature; 14-16 July 2005, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Hughes, Kathryn (2005) The short life and long times of Mrs Beeton. London, UK : Fourth Estate. 400p. ISBN 1841153737


Jordan, Jane (2005) Kitty O'Shea: an Irish affair. Stroud, Gloucestershire, UK : Sutton Publishing. 278p. ISBN 0750933429

Jordan, Jane (2005) Sex in the suburbs: the Parnell divorce scandal of 1890. In: Literary London 2005 : Representations of London in literature; 14-16 July 2005, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Kiernan, Anna (2005) Power, pleasure and performativity in chick-lit's new literary heroines. In: The erotic: exploring critical issues, 2nd global conference; 09-11 May 2005, Budapest, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Kiernan, Anna (2005) The growth of reading groups as a feminine leisure pursuit: cultural democracy or dumbing down? In: Third international conference on the book; 11-13 Sep 2005, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Kirkland, Ewan (2005) Restless dreams in 'Silent Hill': approaches to video game analysis. The Journal of Media Practice, 6(3), pp. 167-178. ISSN (print) 1468-2753

Kirkland, Ewan (2005) The caucasian persuasion of Buffy the vampire slayer. In: Bring your own subtext: social life, human experience and the works of Joss Whedon; 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2005, Huddersfield, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Kureishi, Hanif (2005) The word and the bomb. London : Faber and Faber. 100p. ISBN 0571231721


Lambrou, Marina (2005) Story patterns in oral narratives : a variationist critique of Labov and Waletzky's model of narrative schemas. (PhD thesis), Middlesex University, .

Lipsedge, Karen (2005) Representations of the domestic parlour in Samuel Richardson's Clarissa. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 17(3), pp. 391-423. ISSN (print) 0840-6286


Mellor, Noha (2005) The making of Arab news. Lanham, Maryland, U.S. : Rowman & Littlefield. 161p. ISBN 9780742538191


Osborne, Peter (2005) How to read Marx. London, U.K. : Granta. 136p. (How to read) ISBN 1862077711

Osborne, Peter (2005) On comparability: Kant and the possibility of comparative studies. Boundary 2, 32(2), pp. 3-22. ISSN (print) 0190-3659


Parker, David (2005) Christmas and Charles Dickens. New York, USA : AMS Press. 355p. ISBN 0404644643

Pinnock, Winsome (2005) One under. London, UK : Faber and Faber. 113p. (StageScripts) ISBN 9780571228515

Preston, Rebecca (2005) "To the people gardens, and to the children playgrounds": a history of Myatt's Fields Park. The London Gardener, 10, pp. 32-34.


Reuben, Catherine (2005) "Crossing the Reed Sea": translating colours in the Bible from Luther to King James. In: Renaissance and Reformation, Society for Reformation Studies 12th Annual Conference; 30 Mar - 1 Apr 2005, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Rowe, Anne (2005) The symbolism of suburbia in Graham Swift's 'The light of day'. In: Literary London 2005 : Representations of London in literature; 14-16 July 2005, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Sandford, Stella (2005) Book Review of: Simone de Beauvoir, edited by Margaret A Simons with Marybeth Timmerman and Mary Beth Mader. Radical Philosophy(133), pp. 52-55. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Sandford, Stella (2005) Thinking sex politically: rethinking 'Sex' in Plato's Republic. South Atlantic Quarterly, 104(4), pp. 613-630. ISSN (print) 0038-2876

Sandford, Stella (2005) Writing as a man: Levinas and the phenomenology of Eros. In: Katz, Claire and Trout, Lara, (eds.) Emmanuel Levinas: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 369-387. IV ISBN 0415310547

Sceats, Sarah (2005) Appetite, desire and belonging in the novels of Rose Tremain. In: Acheson, James and Ross, Sarah C. E., (eds.) The contemporary British novel. Edinburgh, UK : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 165-176. ISBN 0748618945

Sceats, Sarah (2005) Flights of fancy : Angela Carter's transgressive narratives. In: Hart, Stephen M. and Ouyang, Wen-chin, (eds.) A companion to magical realism. Woodbridge, UK : Tamesis. (Colección Tamésis. Serie A: Monografías, (220)) ISBN 1855661209

Sparks, Colin and Yilmaz, Aybige (2005) United Kingdom: The triumph of quality? In: van der Wurff, Richard and Lauf, Edmund, (eds.) Print and online newspapers in Europe: a comparative analysis in 16 countries. Amsterdam, The Netherlands : Het Spinhuis. pp. 259-274. ISBN 9789055892389


Tarr, Carrie (2005) Reframing difference: beur and banlieue filmmaking in France. Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press. 230p. ISBN 0719068762

Teverson, Andrew [Reviewer] (2005) Book review of: When borne across: literary cosmopolitics in the contemporary Indian novel by Bishnupriya Ghosh. MFS: Modern Fiction Studies, 51(3), pp. 703-706. ISSN (print) 0026-7724

Teverson, Andrew (2005) Rushdie's last lost homeland: Kashmir in Shalimar the clown. The Literary Magazine, 1(1),


Upstone, Sara (2005) Preoccupied with the past: negotiations of migrant London in Zadie Smith's 'White teeth' and Monica Ali's 'Brick Lane'. In: Literary London 2005 : Representations of London in literature; 14-16 July 2005, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Yeh, Jane (2005) Marabou. Manchester, UK : Carcanet. 51p. ISBN 1857547888

Yilmaz, Aybige [Reviewer] (2005) Book Review of: Framing the bride: globalizing beauty and romance in Taiwan's bridal industry by Bonnie Adrian. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC), 2(1), pp. 122-124. ISSN (print) 1744-6708

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