Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing (until 2017) > School of Geography, Geology and the Environment"

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Number of items: 24.


Brown, Douglas [Reviewer] (2014) Book Review of: ' Poverty, gender and life-cycle under the English Poor Law, 1760-1834 ' by Samantha Williams. Family & Community History, 17(1), pp. 83-84. ISSN (print) 1463-1180


Coke, Alexia (2014) 'Where do we go from here?' Transition strategies for a low carbon future. (Working Paper) University of Surrey. (PASSAGE Working Papers Series, no. 14-03)


Dowman, Emma (2014) Mineralisation and fluid processes in the alternation zone around the Chilwa Island and Kangankunde carbonatite complexes, Malawi. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Du Vivier, Alice D. C., Selby, David, Sageman, Bradley B., Jarvis, Ian, Groecke, Darren R. and Voigt, Silke (2014) Marine Os-187/Os-188 isotope stratigraphy reveals the interaction of volcanism and ocean circulation during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 389, pp. 23-33. ISSN (print) 0012-821X


Eisank, Clemens, Smith, Michael and Hillier, John (2014) Assessment of multiresolution segmentation for delimiting drumlins in digital elevation models. Geomorphology, 214, pp. 452-464. ISSN (print) 0169-555X


Grant, Michael J., Stevens, Chris J., Whitehouse, Nicki J., Norcott, David, Macphail, Richard I., Langdon, Catherine, Cameron, Nigel, Barnett, Catherine, Langdon, Peter G., Crowder, John, Mulhall, Nicola, Attree, Kevin, Leivers, Matt, Greatorex, Richard and Ellis, Chris (2014) A palaeoenvironmental context for Terminal Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic activity in the Colne Valley: Offsite records contemporary with occupation at Three Ways Wharf, Uxbridge. Environmental Archaeology, 19(2), pp. 131-152. ISSN (print) 1461-4103

Greatbatch, Ian and Kleinsmith, Andrea (2014) How emotion-sensing movie technology could save lives of elite rescue workers. The Conversation,

Greatbatch, Ian and Kleinsmith, Andrea (2014) Motion-capture technology for USAR: only a matter of time. Fire and Rescue Magazine, ISSN (online) 0964-9727

Greatbatch, Ian (2014) Quantifying search dog effectiveness in a terrestrial SAR environment. In: Ochrana obyvatelstva a krizoveho rizeni : Civil Protection and Crisis and Emergency Management; 22-25 April 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. (Unpublished)

Greatbatch, Ian (2014) Resources and training are crucial as search for Gareth Huntley steps up in Malaysia. The Conversation,


Hillier, John K. and Smith, Michael J. (2014) Testing techniques to quantify drumlin height and volume: synthetic DEMs as a diagnostic tool. Earth Surface Processes And Landforms, 39(5), pp. 676-688. ISSN (print) 0197-9337

Hooda, Peter S., Wilkinson Jr, John and Millier, Helen (2014) Phosphorus and emerging micro-pollutants in surface waters: challenges and prospects for water quality improvement. International Journal of Sustainable Water and Environmental Systems, 6(1), pp. 27-33. ISSN (print) 1923-7537

Hunt, J. E., Talling, P. J., Clare, M. A., Jarvis, I. and Wynn, R. B. (2014) Long-term (17 Ma) turbidite record of the timing and frequency of large flank collapses of the Canary Islands. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(8), pp. 3322-3345. ISSN (online) 1525-2027


Lambert-Smith, J. S. (2014) The geology, structure and metallogenesis of the world class Loulo-Bambadji Au district in Mali and Senegal, West Africa. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Lopes, Domingos, Nunes, Leonia, Walford, Nigel S, Aranha, Jose, Sette, Carlos Jr, Vianna, Helder and Hernandez, Carmen (2014) A simplified methodology for the correction of Leaf Area Index (LAI) measurements obtained by ceptometer with reference Pinus Portuguese forests. IForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 7, pp. 186-192.


Miles, Andrew, Graham, Colin, Hawkesworth, Chris, Gillespie, Martin, Dhuime, Bruno and Hinton, Richard (2014) Using Zircon isotope compositions to constrain crustal structure and pluton evolution in a complex lithotectonic terrane : the Iapetus suture zone granites in Northern Britain. Journal of Petrology, 55(1), pp. 181-207. ISSN (print) 0022-3530


Pogge Von Strandmann, P.A.E., Forshaw, J. and Schmidt, D.N. (2014) Modern and Cenozoic records of seawater magnesium from foraminiferal Mg isotopes. Biogeosciences, 11(18), pp. 5155-5168. ISSN (print) 1726-4170


Shaheen, S. M., Shams, M. S., Ibrahim, S. M., Elbehiry, F. A., Antoniadis, V. and Hooda, P. S. (2014) Stabilization of Sewage Sludge by Using Various By-products: Effects on Soil Properties, Biomass Production, and Bioavailability of Copper and Zinc. Water Air And Soil Pollution, 225(7), ISSN (print) 0049-6979

Shaheen, Sabry M., Hooda, Peter S. and Tsadilas, Christos D. (2014) Opportunities and challenges in the use of coal fly ash for soil improvements – a review. Journal of Environmental Management, 145, pp. 249-267. ISSN (print) 0301-4797

Smith, Mike J. (2014) Editorial: Summary of activities 2013. Journal Of Maps, 10(1), pp. 1-8. ISSN (print) 1744-5647


Uličný, D., Jarvis, I., Gröcke, D.R., Čech, S., Laurin, J., Olde, K., Trabucho-Alexandre, J., Švábenická, L. and Pedentchouk, N. (2014) A high-resolution carbon-isotope record of the Turonian stage correlated to a siliciclastic basin fill: Implications for mid-Cretaceous sea-level change. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 405, pp. 42-58. ISSN (print) 0031-0182


Vera-Sanso, P, Barrientos, A, Damodaran, L, Gilhooly, K, Goulding, A, Hennessey, C, Murray, M, Newman, A, Olphert, W, Tew, P, Thompson, J L, Victor, C and Walford, N (2014) Participation and Social Connectivity. In: Walker, A, (ed.) The New Science of Ageing. Bristol, UK : Policy Press. (The new dynamics of ageing) ISBN 9781447314660


Why, S., Alexandrou, P. and Greatbatch, I. (2014) An assessment of arson and arson prevention practices in London. In: Annual Conference: Fire Related Research and Developments (RE14); 13 Nov 2014, Moreton-in-Marsh, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Wulf, S, Keller, J, Paterne, M, Lauterbach, S, Opitz, S, Sottili, G, Giaccio, B, Albert, P, Satow, C, Tomlinson, E, Viccaro, M and Brauer, A (2014) The 100–133 ka record of Italian explosive volcanism and revised tephrochronology of Lago Grande di Monticchio. Quaternary Science Reviews, 58, pp. 104-123. ISSN (print) 0277-3791

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