Items where Kingston Author is "Dowman, Emma"

Dowman, Emma, Wall, Frances and Treloar, Peter (2022) A comparison of the fenites at the Chilwa Island and Kangankunde carbonatite complexes, Malawi. Mineralogical Magazine, ISSN (print) 0026-461X (Epub Ahead of Print)
Elliott, H.A.L., Wall, F., Chakhmouradian, A.R., Siegfried, P.R., Dahlgren, S., Weatherley, S., Finch, A.A., Marks, M.A.W., Dowman, Emma and Deady, E. (2018) Fenites associated with carbonatite complexes : a review. Ore Geology Reviews, 93, pp. 38-59. ISSN (print) 0169-1368
Dowman, Emma, Wall, Frances, Treloar, Peter J. and Rankin, Andrew H. (2017) Rare-earth mobility as a result of multiple phases of fluid activity in fenite around the Chilwa Island Carbonatite, Malawi. Mineralogical Magazine, 81(6), pp. 1367-1395. ISSN (print) 0026-461X
Dowman, Emma, Wall, Frances, Jeffries, Teresa, Treloar, Peter, Carter, Andrew and Rankin, Andrew (2017) Granitoid zircon forms the nucleus for minerals precipitated by carbonatite-derived metasomatic fluids at Chilwa Island, Malawi. Gondwana Research, 51, pp. 64-77. ISSN (print) 1342-937X
Dowman, Emma (2014) Mineralisation and fluid processes in the alternation zone around the Chilwa Island and Kangankunde carbonatite complexes, Malawi. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .