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Number of items: 105.


Abbass, Jad, Nebel, Jean-Christophe and Mansour, Nashat (2014) Ab initio protein structure prediction: methods and challenges. In: Elloumi, Mourad and Zomaya, Albert Y., (eds.) Biological Knowledge Discovery Handbook: preprocessing, mining and postprocessing of biological data. New Jersey, U.S. : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 703-724. (Bioinformatics: Computational Techniques and Engineering) ISBN 9781118132739

Adigun, Olayinka (2014) Energy and spectrum efficient future wireless networks. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Aghayan, Reza, Ellis, Tim and Dehmeshki, Jamshid (2014) Planar numerical signature theory applied to object recognition. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 48(3), pp. 583-605. ISSN (print) 0924-9907

Al Rokabi, A. S. and Politis, C. (2014) SOAP: A Cognitive Hybrid Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. In: CROWNCOM'14. 9th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks.; 2-4 June 2014, Oulu, Finland.

Alkahtani, Munahi (2014) Business organisation knowledge management integrated social ontology (BOKMISO) framework for the telecommunication industry in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Almazán, Emilio J. and Jones, Graeme A. (2014) A depth-based polar coordinate system for people segmentation and tracking with multiple RGB-D sensors. In: IEEE ISMAR 2014 Workshop on Tracking Methods and Applications; 08 Sep 2014, Munich, Germany. (Unpublished)

Alsubaie, Hatab (2014) Crowd control and management enterprise modelling (CCMEM) utilising the MECCA (mega event coordination and control architecture) framework. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Altalabani, Osama (2014) An automatic machine-learning framework for testing service-oriented architecure. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Appuhami, H.D., Martini, M.G. and Hewage, C.T.E.R. (2014) Using 3D Structural Tensors in Quality Evaluation of Stereoscopic Video. In: IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (IEEE VCIP 2014) Conference; 7-10 Dec 2014, Valletta, Malta.

Appuhami Ralalage, Harsha Nishantha Deepal (2014) Cross-layer design for scalable/3D wireless video transmission over IP networks. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Argyriou, Vasileios, Zafeiriou, Stefanos and Petrou, Maria (2014) Optimal illumination directions for faces and rough surfaces for single and multiple light imaging using class-specific prior knowledge. Computer Vision And Image Understanding, 125, pp. 16-36. ISSN (print) 1077-3142

Attanayake, D.R., Hanke, J and Lal, S (2014) Using Multiplayer Game Development to Integrate HND Modules and Develop Practical Understanding of Database Concepts. In: HEA STEM (Computing): TLAD 2014 (Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Databases); 4 Jul 2014, Southampton, UK.

Attanayake, Dilaksha Rajiv (2014) Statistical language modelling and novel parsing techniques for enhanced creation and editing of mathematical e-content using spoken input. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Bagherinakhjavanlo, Bashir (2014) Partial differential equations for medical image segmentation. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Bakas, S., Makris, D., Sidhu, P.S. and Chatzimichail, K. (2014) Automatic Identification and Localisation of Potential Malignancies in Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Liver Scans Using Spatio-Temporal Features. In: Sixth International Workshop on Abdominal Imaging: Computational and Clinical Applications; 14 Sep 2014, Boston, U.S.A.. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 8676) ISBN 9783319136912

Bakas, S., Hunter, G. and Labbe, B. (2014) Making the Best Use of Fifty (or More) Shades of Gray: Intelligent Contrast Optimisation for Image Segmentation in False-Colour Video. In: International Conference on Intelligent Environments; 30 June - 4 July 2014, Shanghai, China.

Bakas, S., Sidhu, P., Sellars, M., Hunter, G. J. A., Makris, D. and Chatzimichail, K. (2014) Non-invasive offline characterisation of contrast-enhanced ultrasound evaluations of focal liver lesions: dynamic assessment using a new tracking method. In: European Congress of Radiology; 6-10 Mar 2014, Vienna, Austria.

Bloom, V. R., Argyriou, V. and Makris, D. (2014) G3Di: A Gaming Interaction Dataset and Real Time Interaction Evaluation Framework. In: ChaLearn Looking at People: pose recovery, action/interaction, gesture recognition; 6-12 Sept 2014, Zurich, Switzerland.

Bloom, Victoria, Makris, Dimitrios and Argyriou, Vasileios (2014) Clustered Spatio-temporal Manifolds for Online Action Recognition. In: 2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR); 24-28 Aug 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. ISSN (print) 1051-4651

Bloom, Victoria, Argyriou, Vasileios and Makris, Dimitrios (2014) G3Di: A Gaming Interaction Dataset with a Real Time Detection and Evaluation Framework. In: Computer Vision-ECCV 2014 Workshops; 6-7 and 12 Sept 2014, Zurich, Switzerland. (Computer Vision – ECCV 2014 Workshops, Proceedings, Part I) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783319161778

Buch, N. and Velastin, S.A. (2014) Local Feature Saliency Classifier for Real-Time Intrusion Monitoring. Optical Engineering, 53(7), 073108. ISSN (print) 0091-3286


Chaaraoui, A.A. and Florez-Revuelta, F. (2014) Adaptive human action recognition with an evolving bag of key poses. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 6(2), pp. 139-152. ISSN (print) 1943-0604

Chaaraoui, Alexandros and Florez Revuelta, Francisco (2014) A Low-Dimensional Radial Silhouette-Based Feature for Fast Human Action Recognition Fusing Multiple Views. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2014(547069), ISSN (online) 2356-7872

Chattratichart, J. (2014) Peer's contribution to group work: what it means to students. In: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies; 7-9 Jul 2014, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN 9788461705573

Chen, Z., Yan, Y and Ellis, T. J. (2014) Lane detection by trajectory clustering in urban environments. In: 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems; 8-11 Oct 2014, Qingdao, China.

Clarke, C. A., Pfluegel, E. and Tsaptsinos, D. (2014) Hide-as-you-Type : an approach to natural language steganography through sentence modification. In: 16th IEEE Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) 2014; 20-22 Aug 2014, Paris, France. (Unpublished)

Climent-Perez, Pau, Mauduit, Alexandre, Monekosso, Dorothy and Remagnino, Paolo (2014) Detecting Events in Crowded Scenes using Tracklet Plots. In: 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications; 5-8 Jan 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

Climent-Pérez, P., Monekosso, D.N. and Remagnino, P. (2014) Multi-view event detection in crowded scenes using tracklet plots. In: 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition; 24-28 Aug 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. ISSN (print) 1051-4651

Climent-Pérez, P., Lazaridis, G., Hummel, G., Russ, M., Monekosso, D.N. and Remagnino, P. (2014) Telemetry-Based Search Window Correction for Airborne Tracking. In: Bebis, George , Boyle, Richard , Parvin, Bahram , Koracin, Darko , McMahan, Ryan , Jerald, Jason , Zhang, Hui , Drucker, Steven M. , Kambhamettu, Chandra , El Choubassi, Maha , Deng, Zhigang and Carlson, Mark, (eds.) Advances in Visual Computing. Springer. pp. 457-466. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (8887)) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783319142487

Colbert, M., Oliver, A. and Oikonomou, E. (2014) The Effect of Credibility of Host Site Upon Click Rate Through Sponsored Content. In: 9th International Conference on Persuasive Technology; 21-23 May 2014, Padua, Italy. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 8642) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783319071268

Cope, James S (2014) Computational methods for the classification of plants. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Dehmeshki, J., Ion, A., Ellis, T.J., Doenz, F., Jouannic, A.M. and Qanadli, S. (2014) Computer Aided Detection and Measurement of Peripheral Artery Disease. In: Lovis, Christian , Séroussi, Brigitte , Hasman, Arie , Pape-Haugaard, Louise , Saka, Osman and Andersen, Stig Kjær, (eds.) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. IOS Press. pp. 1153-1157. 205 ISSN (print) 0926-9630 ISBN 9781614994312

Doulgerakis, Matthaios, Argyriou, Vasileios, Tzimiropoulos, George and Pierscionek, Barbara K. (2014) Non-Intrusive Action Symmetry Measurement for Dementia and Rehabilitation. In: Medical Image Understanding and Analysis - MIUA 2014. 18th Annual Conference; 9-11 Jul 2014, Egham, U.K..

Dupre, R., Argyriou, V. and Greenhill, D. (2014) Prediction of physics simulations for graphics and animation. In: Proceedings of SIGRAD 2014, Visual Computing; 12-13 Jun 2014, Göteborg, Sweden.


Ellis, T. J. and Chen, Z. (2014) A self-adaptive Gaussian mixture model. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 122, pp. 35-46. ISSN (print) 1077-3142

Entezami, F., Tunnicliffe, M. and Politis, C. (2014) Find the weakest link : statistical analysis on wireless sensor network link-quality metrics. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 9(3), pp. 28-38. ISSN (print) 1556-6072

Entezami, Fariborz and Politis, Christos (2014) An Analysis of Routing Protocol Metrics in Wireless Mesh Networks. Journal of Communications and Networking, 4(12), ISSN (print) 2160-4258

Entezami, Fariborz and Politis, Christos (2014) An Analytic study on Link Quality metrics: RSSI, LQI and ETX in Wireless Sensor Network. In: Wireless World Research Forum Meeting 32; 20-22 May 2014, Marrakech, Morocco.

Entezami, Fariborz and Politis, Christos (2014) Deploying Parameters of Wireless Sensor Networks in Test Bed Environment. In: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking conference; 4-9 April 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.

Esmaielbeiki, R. and Nebel, J.C. (2014) Scoring docking conformations using predicted protein interfaces. BMC Bioinformatics, 15(171), ISSN (online) 1471-2105


Ferrandez-Pastor, Francisco Javier, Garcia-Chamizo, Juan Manuel, Nieto-Hidalgo, Mario, Romacho Agud, Vicente and Florez Revuelta, Francisco (2014) Using Wavelet Transform to Disaggregate Electrical Power Consumption into the Major End-Uses. In: Hervás, Ramón , Lee, Sungyoung , Nugent, Chris and Bravo, José, (eds.) Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Personalisation and User Adapted Services. Switzerland : Springer. pp. 272-279. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (8867)) ISSN (online) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783319131016

Firoozbakht, Mohsen (2014) Regions-of-interest-driven medical image compression. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Fraz, M. M., Rudincka, A. R., Owen, C. G., Strachan, D. P. and Barman, S. P. (2014) Automated arteriole and venule recognition in retinal images using ensemble classification. In: 9th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP); 5 - 8 Jan 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

Fraz, Muhammad Moazam and Barman, Sarah A. (2014) Computer vision algorithms applied to retinal vessel segmentation and quantification of vessel caliber. In: Ng, E. Y. K. , Acharya, U. Rajendra , Suri, Jasjit S. and Campilho, Aurelio, (eds.) Image Analysis and Modeling in Ophthalmology. Boca Raton, U.S. : CRC Press. pp. 49-84. ISBN 9781466559301

Fraz, Muhammad Moazam, Rudnicka, Alicja R., Owen, Christopher G. and Barman, Sarah A. (2014) Delineation of blood vessels in pediatric retinal images using decision trees-based ensemble classification. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 9(5), pp. 795-811. ISSN (print) 1861-6410

Fraz, Muhammad Moazam and Barman, Sarah A. (2014) Ensemble classification applied to retinal blood vessel segmentation: theory and implementation. In: Ng, E. Y. K , Acharya, U. Rajendra , Suri, Jasjit S. and Campilho, Aurelio, (eds.) Image Analysis and Modeling in Ophthalmology. Boca Raton, U.S. : CRC Press. pp. 23-48. ISBN 9781466559301


Haddad, Nazar S., Istepanian, Robert, Philip, Nada, Khazaal, Faris A. K., Hamdan, Thamer A., Pickles, Timothy, Amso, Nazar and Gregory, John W. (2014) A Feasibility Study of Mobile Phone Text Messaging to Support Education and Management of Type 2 Diabetes in Iraq. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 16(7), pp. 454-459. ISSN (print) 1520-9156

Hajiesmaeili, M., Dehmeshki, J. and Ellis, T. J. (2014) Analysis of partial volume effects on accurate measurement of the hippocampus volume. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2, ISSN (print) 1672-6464

Hajiesmaeili, M., Dehmeshki, J., Bagheri Nakhjavanlo, B and Ellis, T. J. (2014) Initialisation of 3D level set for hippocampus segmentation from volumetric brain MR images. In: Sixth International Conference on Digital Image Processing; 5 Apr 2014, Athens, Greece. (SPIE Proceedings, no. 9159)

Hajiesmaeili, Maryam (2014) Semi-automatic segmentation of the hippocampus using magnetic resonance images. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Hatton, L. (2014) Conservation of Information: Software's Hidden Clockwork? IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 40(5), pp. 450-460. ISSN (print) 0098-5589

Head, C. H. (2014) Business information services: the future ICT function? Northampton, U.K. : Socitm Insight. 48p. (Insight reports) ISBN 9781907608346

Head, C. H. (2014) Making do with less. Northampton, U.K. : Socitm Insight. (Benchmarking the ICT service) ISBN 9781907608377

Hewage, C.T., Appuhami, H., Martini, M.G., Smith, R., Rockall, T. and Jourdan, I. (2014) Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video. In: SSH: IEEE International Workshop on Service Science for eHealth; 15 - 18 Oct 2014, Natal, Brazil.

Hewage, Chaminda (2014) 3D video processing and transmission fundamentals. Ventus Publishing. 102p. ISBN 9788740308105


Jablonski, Konrad, Argyriou, Vasileios and Greenhill, Darrel (2014) Crowd simulation for dynamic environments based on information spreading and agents’ personal interests. In: The Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2014 (PED 2014); 22 - 24 Oct 2014, Delft, The Netherlands. (Transportation Research Procedia, no. 2) ISSN (online) 2352-1465

Japunya, Teeranoot, Jitpakdee, Parisut, Uyyanonvara, Bunyarit, Aimmanee, Pakinee, Philippaki, Eva, Hull, Chris and Barman, Sarah (2014) Software for the Quantification of Glistenings in Intra-Ocular Lenses. In: World Congress on Engineering 2014; 2-4 Jul 2014, London, U.K.. (Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2014, no. 1) ISSN (print) 2078-0958 ISBN 9789881925275

Jones, C., Pereira, S., Wertheim, D., Shah, D. and Kempley, S. (2014) PC.51 Variability of blood pressure in extremely preterm infants in the first 72 hrs of postnatal adaptation. Archives of disease in childhood Fetal and neonatal edition, 99(Sup. 1), A53-A54. ISSN (print) 0003-9888


Keramaris, V. and Danas, K. (2014) Development of Medical Ontology "HoPRO" (Hospital PRocess Ontology). In: 12th International Conference on Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare; 10 - 13 July 2014, Athens, Greece.

Keramaris, Vasilios A and Danas, Konstantinos (2014) Development of Medical Ontology "HoPRO" (Hospital PRocess Ontology). In: Mantas, John , Househ, Mowafa S. and Hasman, Arie, (eds.) Integrating Information Technology and Management for Quality of Care. IOS Press. pp. 75-78. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, (202)) ISBN 9781614994220

Khan, N. and Martini, M.G. (2014) Resource Allocation and Scheduling for Video Transmission over LTE/LTE-A Wireless Systems. In: Mavromoustakis, C. , Pallis, E. and Mastorakis, G., (eds.) Resource Management in Mobile Computing Environments. Springer. pp. 551-578. (Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 3(V)) ISSN (print) 2196-7326 ISBN 9783319067032

Khan, Nabeel, Martini, Maria G. and Staehle, Dirk (2014) QoS-aware composite scheduling using fuzzy proactive and reactive controllers. Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications And Networking, 2014(August), p. 138. ISSN (print) 1687-1472

Khan, Nabeel (2014) Quality-driven multi-user resource allocation and scheduling over LTE for delay sensitive multimedia applications. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Kiruthika, J. (2014) An integrated software quality model and its adaptability within monolithic and virtualized cloud environments. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Kiruthika, Jay and Khaddaj, S. A. (2014) Performance Issues and Query Optimization in Big Multidimensional Data. In: 13th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science; 24-27 Nov 2014, Xian Ning, Hubei, China. ISBN 9781479941704

Kiruthika, Jay and Khaddaj, Souheil (2014) Performance driven cloud provisioning. In: 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; 20-22 Aug 2014, Paris, France.

Kiruthika, Jay, Khaddaj, Souehil. A. and Herrara, Raul (2014) Performance issues of gesture based communication systems. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC), 2(9), pp. 1-5. ISSN (print) 2320-2084

Kiruthika, Jay, Khaddaj, Souheil and Herrera Acuna, Raul (2014) Performance issues of gesture based communication systems. In: 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering; 24 Aug 2014, Coimbatore, India.


Lewandowski, Michal, Makris, Dimitrios, Velastin, Sergio A and Nebel, Jean-Christophe (2014) Structural Laplacian eigenmaps for modeling sets of multivariate sequences. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 44(6), pp. 936-949. ISSN (print) 2168-2267

Lim, M.K., Chan, C.S., Monekosso, D.N. and Remagnino, P. (2014) Detection of salient regions in crowded scenes. Electronics Letters, 50(5), pp. 363-365. ISSN (print) 0013-5194

Lim, Mei Kuan, Chan, Chee Seng, Monekosso, Dorothy and Remagnino, Paolo (2014) Refined particle swarm intelligence method for abrupt motion tracking. Information Sciences, 283, pp. 267-287. ISSN (print) 0020-0255


Madeo, Simone, Pelliccia, Riccardo, Salvadori, Claudio, Martínez del Rincón, Jesus and Nebel, Jean-Christophe (2014) An optimized stereo vision implementation for embedded systems: application to RGB and Infra-Red images. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, ISSN (print) 1861-8200

Mahendiran, K., Elie, C., Nebel, J-C., Ryan, A. and Pierscionek, B.K. (2014) Primary sequence contribution to optical function of the eye lens. Scientific Reports, 4, p. 5195. ISSN (online) 2045-2322

Makris, D. (2014) Action recognition and pose tracking using advanced dimensionality reduction methods. In: Invited Talk at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University; 09 Apr 2014, Suzhou, China.

Makris, D. (2014) Graph-based particle filter for human tracking with stylistic variations. In: Invited Talk at Cardiff University; 20 Mar 2014, Cardiff, Wales, UK.

Martini, Maria G., Hewage, Chaminda T.E.R. and Nasralla, Moustafa M. (2014) 3D Robotic surgery and training at a distance. In: Kondoz, Ahmet and Dagiuklas, Tasos, (eds.) 3D Future Internet Media. New York : Springer. pp. 257-274. IV ISBN 9781461483724

Martínez del Rincón, J, Lewandowski, M., Nebel, J.C. and Makris, D. (2014) Generalised Laplacian Eigenmaps for Modelling and Tracking Human Motions. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 44(9), pp. 1646-1660. ISSN (print) 2168-2267

Mastorakis, Georgios and Makris, Dimitrios (2014) Fall detection system using Kinect’s infrared sensor. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 9(4), pp. 635-646. ISSN (print) 1861-8200

Mellor, R. B. (2014) Knowledge valley theory. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 5(1), pp. 5-16. ISSN (print) 2040-4468

Mellor, Robert (2014) The use of knowledge assets: Modelling the potential effect of adding innovators to low-innovation and high-innovation SMEs. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 5(4), pp. 367-380. ISSN (print) 2040-4468


Nasralla, M.M., Hewage, C.T.E.R. and Martini, M.G. (2014) Subjective and Objective Evaluation and Packet Loss Modeling for 3D Video Transmission over LTE Networks. In: International conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU); 28-30 July 2014, Heraklion, Greece.

Nebel, J.C. (2014) Computational intelligence in bioinformatics. Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics, S9:e00, ISSN (print) 0974-276X


Odeh, B., Philip, N., Kayyali, R., Elnabhani, S., Griffiths, C., Wigmore, B., Robinson, P. and Wallace, C. (2014) Acceptability of telehealth by elderly patients. In: British Geriatrics Society Autumn Meeting; 20-23 Nov 2013, Yorkshire.

Odeh, Bassel, Kayyali, Reem, Elnabhani-Gebara, Shereen and Philip, Nada (2014) Implementing a telehealth service: nurses' perceptions and experiences. British Journal of Nursing, 23(21), pp. 1133-1137. ISSN (print) 0966-0461

Odeh, Bassel, Kayyali, Reem, Elnabhani, Shereen, Philip, Nada and Pierscionek, Barbara (2014) Telehealth: what do we know and what is the future? In: Kingston Connections 2014; 21 - 29 Jun 2014, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Oppong, Eric Asamoah (2014) A QoS framework for modeling and simulation of distributed services within a cloud environment. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Patel, Ahmed, Nordin, Rosdiadee and Al-Haiqi, Ahmed (2014) Beyond ubiquitous computing: The Malaysian Honey Bee project for Innovative Digital Economy. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 36(5), pp. 844-854. ISSN (print) 0920-5489

Pedagadi, S., Orwell, J. and Boghossian, B. (2014) Integral line scan features for pedestrian detection. In: 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition; 24-28 Aug 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. ISSN (print) 1051-4651

Pereira, S.S., Jones, C., Shah, D.K., Wertheim, D. and Kempley, S. (2014) PC.120 Relationship between EEG and continuously measured invasive blood pressure in extremely preterm infants in the first three days of life. In: Perinatal Medicine 2014; 9–11 June 2014, Harrogate, U.K..

Pesaran Behbahani, Masoud (2014) EBusiness analytics framework (EBAF) - to enable SMEs to gain business intelligence for competitive advantage. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Pirmoradian, M., Politis, C. and Adigun, O. (2014) Entropy-based opportunistic spectrum access for cognitive radio networks. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, ISSN (online) 2161-3915

Pirmoradian, Mahdi, Adigun, Olayinka and Politis, Christos (2014) Radio Spectrum Issues and Cognitive Mobile Computing. In: Mavromoustakis, Constandinos , Pallis, Evangelos and Mastorakis, George, (eds.) Resource Management in Mobile Computing Environments. Heidelberg, Germany : Springer-Verlag. pp. 131-143. (Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies (MOST), 3) ISSN (print) 2196-7326 ISBN 9783319067032

Pirmoradian, Mahdi, Adigun, Olayinka and Politis, Christos (2014) Sensing optimization in cooperative cognitive radio networks. In: 9th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications; 17-20 Aug 2014, Ontario, Canada.


Razaak, M., Martini, M.G. and Savino, K. (2014) Rate-Distortion and Rate-Quality Performance Analysis of HEVC compression of Medical Ultrasound Videos. In: First International Workshop On Wireless Solutions For Healthcare Applications (Concerto 2014); 8-9 Sep 2014, Rome, Italy.

Razaak, M., Martini, M.G. and Savino, K. (2014) A study on quality assessment for medical ultrasound video compressed via HEVC. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 18(5), pp. 1552-1559. ISSN (print) 2168-2194

Redelinghuys, Ferdinand, Argyriou, Vasileios and Petrou, Maria (2014) Cast shadows estimation and synthesis using the Walsh transform. Pattern Recognition Letters, 48, pp. 93-99. ISSN (print) 0167-8655

Ryan, Ali, Kaplan, Elise, Nebel, Jean-Christophe, Polycarpou, Elena, Crescente, Vincenzo, Lowe, Edward, Preston, Gail M and Sim, Edith (2014) Identification of NAD(P)H Quinone Oxidoreductase Activity in Azoreductases from P. aeruginosa: Azoreductases and NAD(P)H Quinone Oxidoreductases Belong to the Same FMN-Dependent Superfamily of Enzymes. PloS ONE, 9(6), e98551. ISSN (online) 1932-6203


Santofimia, Maria J., Martinez del Rincon, Jesus and Nebel, Jean-Christophe (2014) Episodic reasoning for vision-based human action recognition. Scientific World Journal, 2014(270171), ISSN (print) 2356-6140

Swiatek, P., Martini, M.G., Wac, K. and Patrick, K. (2014) Guest Editorial: Service Science for e-Health. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 18(5), pp. 1515-1517. ISSN (print) 2168-2194


Tsaptsinos, D., Papadopoulos, I. and Dupont, A. (2014) Big Data and Analytics Use Case for the 5G deployment. In: 33rd Wireless World Research Forum; 24-26 Sept 2014, Guildford, U.K..

Tselenti, Panagiota and Danas, Konstantinos (2014) A Review of Trust-Aware Recommender Systems Based on Graph Theory. In: International Conference on Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Social Media; 12-14 Dec 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece.


Welikala, R.A., Dehmeshki, J., Hoppe, A., Tah, V., Mann, S., Williamson, T.H. and Barman, S. A. (2014) Automated detection of proliferative diabetic retinopathy using a modified line operator and dual classification. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 114(3), pp. 247-261. ISSN (print) 0169-2607

Welikala, Roshan A., Tah, Vikas, Williamson, Tom H., Hoppe, Andreas, Dehmeshki, Jamishid and Barman, Sarah (2014) Differing matched filter responsivity for the detection of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. In: Computer Graphics and Imaging / 798: Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications (CGIM 2013); 12-14 Feb 2013, Innsbruck, Austria. ISSN (print) 0146-664X

Welikala, Roshan Alex (2014) Automated detection of proliferative diabetic retinopathy from retinal images. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Yasakethu, S.L.P., Adigun, O. and Politis, C. (2014) Towards a secure next generation PPDR communication: SALUS approach. eForensics Magazine, 3(12), pp. 65-71. ISSN (print) 2300-6986

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