Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics (until 2011)"

Adedoyin, S., Fernando, W., Karim, H., Hewage, C. and Kondoz, A. (2008) Scalable multiple description coding with side information using motion interpolation. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 54(4), pp. 2045-2052. ISSN (print) 0098-3063
Alsop, G., Annesley, J., Cai, Z., Campos, A., Colbert, M., Livingstone, D., Smith, G. and Orwell, J. (2008) Issues Raised Developing AQuRate. In: Research into E-Assessment; 8 July - 9 July 2008, Loughborough, U.K.. (International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference, no. 12)
Amanatidis, Dimitrios.E (2008) Motion estimation and segmentation of colour image sequences. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Annesley, James and Orwell, James (2008) Video surveillance application format: reference software. In: 83rd MPEG Meeting: Coding of Moving Pictures and Audio; 14-18 Jan 2008, Antalya, Turkey. (Unpublished)
Annesley, James Alexander Grove (2008) An investigation into the generation, encoding and retrieval of CCTV-derived knowledge. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Arachchi, H.K., Hewage, C.T.E.R., Dogan, S., Mrak, M., Barbosa, V., Andrade, M. T. and Kondoz, A.M. (2008) Context-aware adaptation of SVC scalability structure for improved coding efficiency. In: 50th International Symposium ELMAR; 10 - 12 Sept. 2008, Zadar, Croatia. ISSN (print) 1334-2630 ISBN 9781424433643
Argyriou, V., Vlachos, T. and Piroddi, R. (2008) Gradient-Adaptive Normalized Convolution. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 15, pp. 489-492. ISSN (print) 1070-9908
Argyriou, V., Kotoulas, L. and Petrou, M. (2008) Optimal azimuth illumination directions for photometric stereo. In: 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: New Information Technologies; 14 Sept- 20 Sept 2008, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
Argyriou, Vasileios, Barsky, Svetlana and Petrou, Maria (2008) Generalisation of photometric stereo technique to Q-illuminants. In: British Machine Vision Conference; 1 Sept - 4 Sept 2008, Leeds, U.K..
Argyriou, Vasileios and Petrou, Maria (2008) Photometric stereo: an overview. Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, 156, pp. 1-54. ISSN (print) 1076-5670
Argyriou, Vasileios and Petrou, Maria (2008) Recursive photometric stereo when multiple shadows and highlights are present. In: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; 23 June - 28 June 2008, Anchorage, Alaska. ISSN (print) 1063-6919 ISBN 9781424422425
Atkins, Nigel, May, Steve, Marks-Maran, Diane and Gay, Jane (2008) A civic university's approach to the 'mathematics problem' in society. Journal of Access Policy and Practice, 6(1), pp. 21-34. ISSN (print) 1740-1348
Barkatou, Moulay A., Broughton, Gary and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2008) Regular systems of linear functional equations and applications. In: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) 2008; 20-23 Jul 2008, Hagenberg, Austria. (Proceedings of the twenty-first international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation) ISBN 9781595939043
Bhanahbai, H., Kumarapeli, P. and De Lusignan, S. (2008) The use of silence in the computer mediated consultation. In: Society for Academic Primary Care Annual Scientific Meeting (SAPC ASM); 9-11 Jul 2008, Galway, Eire.
Bidgood, P., Goda, D., Hunt, N., Jolliffe, N., Marriott, A. and Retkute, R. (2008) Promoting variety in statistics assessment. In: CETL-MSOR Conference 2008; 08 - 09 Sep 2008, Lancaster, U.K..
Boragno, S., Boghossian, B., Makris, D. and Velastin, S. (2008) Object classification for real-time video-surveillance applications. In: 5th International Conference on Visual Information Engineering; 29 July - 1 Aug 2008, Xian China. ISBN 9780863419140
Buch, N., Orwell, J. and Velastin, S.A. (2008) Detection and classification of vehicles for urban traffic scenes. In: 5th International Conference on Visual Information Engineering; 29 July - 1 Aug 2008, Xian China. ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 9780863419140
Chan, Leanne (2008) An e-fashion shopping tool for home and away. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Chattratichart, Jarinee and Lindgaard, Gitte (2008) A comparative evaluation of heuristic-based usability inspection methods. In: 20th Annual CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; 5 Apr - 10 Apr 2008, Florence, Italy. ISBN 978160558012X
Choudhury, Islam, de Cesare, Sergio and Di Florida, Emily (2008) An Object-Oriented Abstraction Mechanism for Generic Enterprise Modeling. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 4(1), 48 -62. ISSN (print) 1548-1115
Colbert, Martin, Lewis, Makayla, Chattratichart, Jarinee and Edwards, Nalini (2008) Persuading users to perform follow-on tasks - An initial case study. In: 15th European conference on Cognitive ergonomics : the ergonomics of cool interaction; 16 - 19 Sept 2008, Funchal, Portugal. (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, no. 369) ISBN 9781605583990
Colbert, Martin (2008) Problems Rendezvousing: A diary study. In: Lumsden, Joanna, (ed.) Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Moblie Technology. New York, USA : Information Science Reference. pp. 35-54. I ISBN 9781599048710
Colombo, Alberto, Orwell, James and Velastin, Sergio (2008) Colour constancy techniques for re-recognition of pedestrians from multiple surveillance cameras. In: Workshop on Multi-camera and Multi-modal Sensor Fusion; 18 Oct 2008, Marseille, France.
Dagiuklas, Tassos and Politis, Christos (2008) IMS-based telecommunication with a special focus on security and services issues. In: 4th International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference (MobiMedia); 7 July - 9 July 2008, Oulu, Finland.
Davies, A.C. (2008) WW2 British Army battlefield wireless communications equipment. In: IEEE History of Telecommunications Conference; 11 Sept - 12 Sept 2008, Paris, France. ISBN 9781424425303
Davis, M. and Koenders, M.A. (2008) Combined gravity and mean flow effects on agitated slurries in a dead-end filtration set-up. Powder Technology, 182(2), pp. 307-312. ISSN (print) 0032-5910
Dee, Hannah M. and Velastin, Sergio A. (2008) How close are we to solving the problem of automated visual surveillance? A review of real-world surveillance, scientific progress and evaluative mechanisms. Machine Vision and Applications, 19(5-6), pp. 329-343. ISSN (print) 0932-8092
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Amin, Hamdan, Valdivieso, Manlio and Ye, Xujiong (2008) Segmentation of pulmonary nodules in thoracic CT scans: a region growing approach. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 27(4), pp. 467-80. ISSN (print) 0278-0062
Denholm-Price, J.C.W., Hunter, G.J.A., Jalan, S, Pfluegel, E. and Wigmore, A.M (2008) The 'KU-Talk' Project at Kingston University - a Speech-Driven User-Computer Interface for Use in a University Environment. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics (U.K.), 30(1), pp. 37-41.
Denholm-Price, James, Hunter, Gordon, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Wigmore, Angela (2008) Speech recognition and mathematics: Development of the "TalkMaths" application at Kingston University. In: 4th European Workshop on Mathematical and Scientific e-Contents; 11-13 Sept 2008, Trondheim, Norway.
Dixon, Johnny [Editor], Politis, Christos [Editor], Wijting, Carl [Editor], Mohr, Werner [Contributor], Legutko, Christoph [Contributor] and Jian, Jiao [Contributor] (2008) Considerations in the choice of suitable spectrum for mobile communications. (Other) Zurich, Switzerland : Wireless World Research Forum. 13 p. (Visions and research directions for the Wireless World)
Dyrka, W., Kotulska, M and Nebel, J.-C. (2008) Structure prediction of a protein channel based on probabilistic formal grammars and the continuous ion flow model. In: European Conference on Computational Biology; 22 Sept - 26 Sept 2008, Cagliari, Italy.
Dyrka, Witold, Nebel, Jean-Christophe and Kotulska, Margaret (2008) Poster: Structure prediction of a protein channel based on probabilistic formal grammars and the continuous ion flow model. In: Gliwice Scientific Meetings; 21 - 22 Nov 2008, Gliwice, Poland.
deLusignan, Simon, Kumarapeli, Pushpa, Chan, Tom, Pflug, Bernhard, vanVlymen, Jeremy, Jones, Beryl and Freeman, George (2008) The ALFA (Activity Log Files Aggregation) Toolkit: a method for precise observation of the consultation. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 10(4), ISSN (print) 1439-4456
Elsidani Elariss, Haifa (2008) A new visual query language and query optimization for mobile GPS. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Florez-Revuelta, F., Casado-Díaz, J. M., Martínez-Bernabeu, L. and Gómez-Hernández, R. (2008) A memetic algorithm for the delineation of local labour markets. In: Parallel Problem Solving from Nature: 10th International Conference (PPSN X); 13-17 Sep 2008, Dortmund, Germany.
Fraz, M.M., Javed, M.Y. and Basit, A. (2008) Evaluation of retinal vessel segmentation methodologies based on combination of vessel centerlines and morphological processing. In: 4th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies; 18-19 Oct 2008, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. ISBN 9781424422104
Fraz, M.M., Javed, M.Y. and Basit, A. (2008) Retinal vessels extraction using bit planes. In: 8th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing; 1-3 Sep 2008, Palma De Mallorca, Spain. ISBN 9780889867598
García-Rodríguez, J., Florez-Revuelta, F. and García-Chamizo, J. M. (2008) Hybrid GNG architecture learns features in images. In: 3rd International Workshop on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS 2008); 24-26 Sep 2008, Burgos, Spain.
García-Rodríguez, J., Florez-Revuelta, F. and García-Chamizo, J. M. (2008) Learning and comparing trajectories with a GNG-based architecture. In: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2008 (DCAI 2008); 22-24 Oct 2008, Salamanca, Spain.
Gatzidis, C., Papakonstantinou, S., Brujic-Okretic, V. and Baker, S. (2008) Recent advances in the user evaluation methods and studies of non-photorealistic visualisation and rendering techniques. In: 12th International Conference on Information Visualisation; 4 - 11 July 2008, London, U.K.. ISSN (print) 1550-6037 ISBN 9780769532684
Gatzidis, Christos, Brujic-Okretic, Vesna, Liarokapis, Fotis and Baker, Stuart (2008) Towards rapid generation and visualisation of large 3D urban landscapes for mobile device navigation. In: IEEE Virtual Reality Workshop on Virtual Cityscapes: Key Research Issues in Modeling Large-Scale Immersive Urban Environments; 08 - 09 Mar 2008, Reno, Nevada, U.S..
Greenhill, D, Renno, J, Orwell, J and Jones, GA (2008) Occlusion analysis: Learning and utilising depth maps in object tracking. In: 15th Annual British Machine Vision Conference; 7 Sept - 9 Sept 2004, London, U.K..
Greenhill, D., Renno, J., Orwell, J. and Jones, G.A. (2008) Occlusion analysis: learning and utilising depth maps in object tracking. Image and Vision Computing, 26(3), pp. 430-441. ISSN (online) 0262-8856
Hannuksela, J, Barnard, M, Sangi, P and Heikkila, J (2008) Adaptive motion-based gesture recognition interface for mobile phones. In: 6th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems; 12 - 15 May 2008, Santorini, Greece.
Hatton, L. (2008) Invited Talk: The role of empiricism in improving the reliability of future software. In: Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference Practice and Research Techniques.; 29 - 31 Aug 2008, Windsor, U.K.. ISBN 9780769533834
Hatton, L. (2008) Testing the value of checklists in code inspections. IEEE Software, 25(4), pp. 82-88. ISSN (print) 0740-7459
Hatton, Les (2008) The broadband acoustic output of marine seismic airgun sources. In: Underwater Noise Measurement, Impact and Mitigation; 14 Oct - 15 Oct 2008, Southampton, U.K.. ISBN 9781605606774
Head, Christopher, Greenwood, Martin, Hooper, Anna, Madgwick, Terry, Serle, John and Worrall, Les (2008) Benchmarking services: summary for 2007. (Technical Report) Northampton, U.K. : Society of Information Technology Management. (Socitm Insight) ISBN 1904414842
Head, Christopher, Greenwood, Martin, Jones, Sue, Colledge, Allen, Phythian, Mick and Rickard, Roger (2008) Planning for ICT – the information and technology architectures. (Technical Report) Northampton : Society of Information Technology Management. (Socitm Insight) ISBN 1904414834
Head, Christopher and Greenwood, Martin (2008) Planning for ICT: the process guide. (Technical Report) Northampton, U.K. : Society of Information Technology Management. 38 p. (Socitm Insight) ISBN 1904414818
Head, Christopher and Greenwood, Martin (2008) Planning for ICT: the service framework. (Technical Report) Northampton, U.K. : Society of Information Technology Management. 52 p. (Socitm Insight) ISBN 1904414826
Hewage, C. (2008) Redundant Motion Vectors for Improved Error Resilience in H.264/AVC Coded Video. In: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo 2008 (ICME2008); 23-26 June 2008, Hanover, Germany. (Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo 2008 (ICME2008)) ISBN 9781424425709
Hewage, C.T.E.R, Worrall, S.T., Dogan, S. and Kondoz, A.M. (2008) Prediction of stereoscopic video quality using objective quality models of 2-D video. Electronics Letters, 44(16), pp. 963-965. ISSN (print) 0013-5194
Hewage, C.T.E.R., Worrall, S., Dogan, S. and Kondoz, A.M. (2008) Frame concealment algorithm for stereoscopic video using motion vector sharing. In: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo; 23 - 26 June 2008, Hannover, Germany. ISBN 9781424425709
Hewage, C.T.E.R., Worrall, S.T., Dogan, S. and Kondoz, A.M. (2008) A Novel frame concealment method for depth maps using corresponding colour motion vectors. In: 3DTV Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video; 28-30 May 2008, Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN 9781424417605
Hunter, G.J.A., Zienowicz, K. and Shihab, A.I. (2008) The Use of Mel Cepstral Coefficients and Markov Models for the Automatic Identification, Classification and Sequence Modelling of Salient Sound Events Occurring During Tennis Matches. In: Acoustics 08; June 29 - July 4 2008, Paris, France.
Hunter, Gordon J., Zienowicz, Krzysztof and Shihab, Ahmed I. (2008) The Use of Mel Cepstral Coefficients and Markov Models for the Automatic Identification, Classification and Sequence Modelling of Salient Sound Events Occurring During Tennis Matches. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), 123(5), p. 3431. ISSN (print) 0001-4966
Ignatiadis, Ioannis, Tektonidis, Dimitrios, Svirskas, Adomas, Briggs, Jonathan, Katriou, Stamatia-Ann and Koumpis, Adamantios (2008) A service oriented and agent-based architecture for the e-collaboration of SMEs. In: 8th IFIP International Conference on e-Business, e-Service, and e-Society; 16 - 24 Sept 2008, Tokyo, Japan.
Istepanian, R.S.H., Philip, N., Martini, M.G., Amso, N. and Shorvon, P. (2008) Subjective and objective quality assessment in wireless teleultrasonography imaging. In: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; 20 Aug - 25 Aug 2008, Vancouver, Canada. ISSN (print) 1557-170X ISBN 9781424418145
Istepanian, Robert S.H., Sungoor, Ala and Nebel, Jean-Christophe (2008) Fractal dimension and wavelet decomposition for robust microarray data clustering. In: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society; 20 - 24 Aug 2008, Vancouver, Canada. ISSN (print) 1557-170X
Janjua, Faiza Younas (2008) Maximum embedding capacity of JPEG images in a secure steganographic system. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Jones, Graeme A. (2008) Guest Editorial: Special issue on Intelligent visual surveillance. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 111(1), p. 1. ISSN (print) 1077-3142
Karim, H.A., Hewage, C., Worrall, S. and Kondoz, A. (2008) Scalable multiple description video coding for stereoscopic 3D. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 54(2), pp. 745-752. ISSN (print) 0098-3063
Kiruthika, Jayaramakrishnan (2008) UWLAN positioning system and analysis of WiFi data in single hop and multi hop environment. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Kumarapeli, P., De Lusignan, S, Koczan, P, Jones, B. and Sheeler, I (2008) The feasibility of using UML to compare the impact of different brands of computer system on the clinical consultation. Informatics in Primary Care, 15(4), pp. 245-253. ISSN (print) 1476-0320
Kuo, Paul, Makris, Dimitrios, Megherbi, Najla and Nebel, Jean-Christophe (2008) Integration of local image cues for Probabilistic 2D pose recovery. In: Bebis, George , Boyle, Richard , Parvin, Bahram , Koracin, Darko , Remagnino, Paolo , Porikli, Fatih , Peters, Jörg , Klosowski, James , Arns, Laura , Chun, Yu Ka , Rhyne, Theresa-Marie and Monroe, Laura, (eds.) Advances in Visual Computing. Berlin : Springer. pp. 214-223. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (5359)) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783540896456
Lamy-Bergot, C, Martini, M.G., Hammes, P., Amon, P., Vehkapera, J., Panza, G., Hanzo, L., Chiani, M., Jeney, G., Feher, G. and Tarrant, D. (2008) Optimisation of multimedia over wireless IP links via X-layer design. In: 2nd European Symposium on Mobile Media Delivery (EUMOB) 2008,; 9 July 2008, Oulu, Finland.
Lazarevic-McManus, N., Renno, J.R., Makris, D. and Jones, G.A. (2008) An object-based comparative methodology for motion detection based on the F-Measure. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 111(1), pp. 74-85. ISSN (print) 1077-3142
Leung, V, Colombo, A., Orwell, J. and Velastin, S.A. (2008) Modelling periodic scene elements for visual surveillance. IET Computer Vision, 2(2), pp. 88-98. ISSN (print) 1751-9632
Leung, V., Orwell, J and Velastin, S.A. (2008) Performance evaluation of re-acquisition methods for public transport surveillance. In: 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision; 17 - 20 Dec 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam. ISBN 9781424422869
Lewis, Makayla Miranda (2008) The evaluation of different on-line design technologies that demonstrate within-website or web application advertising: the case study of an academic integrity quiz. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Lynch, Andre and Politis, Christos (2008) Mobile WiMAX: A broadband solution for rural UK. In: Wireless World Research Forum Meeting 21; 13 Oct - 15 Oct 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
Makoond, B., Khaddaj, S., Ong, D. CC, Oudrhiri, R. and Tunnicliffe, M. (2008) Distributed Computing Techniques for Wireless Messaging Systems. Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology, 21(3), pp. 429-446. ISSN (print) 1748-3018
Makoond, Bippin Lall (2008) An integrated modelling framework for the design and construction of distributed messaging systems. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Makris, Dimitrios, Ellis, Tim and Black, James (2008) Intelligent Visual Surveillance: Towards Cognitive Vision Systems. The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal, 2, pp. 219-229. ISSN (online) 1874-110X
Martinez del Rincon, Jesus (2008) Feature-based human tracking: from coarse to fine. (PhD thesis), University of Zaragoza, .
Martini, M.G., Istepanian, R.S.H., Mazzottii, M. and Philip, N. (2008) 3G/WLAN cross-layer design for medical video transmission in wireless robotic teleultrasonography. In: Xiao, Y and Chen, H, (eds.) Mobile Telemedicine: a computing and networking perspective. Boca Racton, Florida, U.S. : Auerbach Publications CRC Press. ISBN 9781420060461
Martini, M.G. and Tralli, V (2008) Video quality based adaptive wireless video streaming to multiple users. In: 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting; 31 Mar - 02 Apr 2008, Las Vegas, U.S.. ISBN 9781424416486
Martini, M.G. (2008) Wireless broadband multimedia health services: current status and emerging concepts. In: IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications; 15 - 18 Sept 2008, Cannes, France. ISBN 9781424426430
Martini, Maria (2008) Mobile broadband and future healthcare applications: Facts and Challenges. In: ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit; 10 - 12 June 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
Martini, Maria (2008) Role of cross-layer design in wireless tele-robotic ultrasonography. In: e-Health: Electronic healthcare for the 21st century; 8 - 9 Sept 2008, London, U.K..
Martini, Maria G. (2008) Emerging technologies involving wireless applications in medicine. In: Computers in Cardiology conference; 14 - 17 Sept 2008, Bologna, Italy.
Martínez, J., Nebel, J.-C., Makris, D. and Orrite, C. (2008) Tracking human body parts using particle filters constrained by human biomechanics. In: British Machine Vision Conference; 1 Sept - 4 Sept 2008, Leeds, U.K..
May, Steve, Gay, Jane, Atkins, Nigel and Marks-Maran, Diane (2008) Preparing potential teachers for the transition from employment to teacher training: an evaluative case study of a Maths Enhancement Course. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 60(2), pp. 149-158. ISSN (print) 1363-6820
Medrano, C., Igual, R., Martinez del Rincon, J. and Orrite-Urunuela, C. (2008) Multi-target tracking with occlusion management in a mean field framework. In: Eighth International Workshop on Visual Surveillance - VS2008; 17 Oct 2008, Marseille, France.
Mellor, Robert B. (2008) Entrepreneurship for everyone: a student textbook. London : Sage. 242p. ISBN 9781412947763
Moessner, K., Kalliojarvi, K., Cook, C. and Politis, Christos (2008) Panel Presentation: Cognitive Radio: Hype or Reality? In: Wireless World Research Forum Meeting 20; 22-24 April 2008, Ottawa, Canada.
Monekosso, D.N. (2008) A hierarchical model-based system for discovering atypical behavior. In: Third International Conference on Digital Information Management; 13-16 Nov. 2008, London, U.K.. ISBN 9781424429165
Monekosso, Dorothy , Remagnino, Paolo and Kuno, Yoshinori, eds. (2008) Intelligent environments, methods, algorithms and applications. London, U.K. : Springer Verlag. 202p. (Advanced information and knowledge processing) ISBN 9781848003453
Monekosso, Dorothy (2008) A distributed architecture for an assisted living system. In: Third International Symposium on Smart Home; 13 - 15 Dec. 2008, Hainan Island, China.
Monekosso, Dorothy N. and Remagnino, Paolo (2008) Anomalous Behaviour Detection: Supporting Independent Living. In: Monekosso, Dorothy , Remagnino, Paolo and Kuno, Yoshinori, (eds.) Ambient Intelligence Techniques and Applications. Springer. pp. 33-48. (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing) ISBN 9781848003453
Mullen, Robert J., Monekosso, Dorothy, Barman, Sarah, Remagnino, Paolo and Wilkin, Paul (2008) Artificial ants to extract leaf outlines and primary venation patterns. In: Dorigo, Marco , Birattari, Mauro , Blum, Christian , Clerc, Maurice , Stützle, Thomas and Winfield, Alan F.T., (eds.) Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence. Berlin : Springer. pp. 251-258. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (5217)) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783540875260
Nascimento, A., Rodriguez, J., Mumtaz, S., Gameiro, A. and Politis, C. (2008) Dynamic resource allocation architecture for IEEE802.16e: design and performance analysis. Mobile Networks and Applications, 13(3-4), pp. 385-397. ISSN (print) 1383-469X
Onwubiko, Cyril (2008) Data fusion in security evidence analysis. In: The Third Conference on Advances in Computer Security and Forensics (ACSF 2008); 10-11 Jul 2008, Liverpool, UK.
Onwubiko, Cyril (2008) Multisensor message exchange mechanism. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, 1(4), pp. 387-400. ISSN (print) 1751-911X
Onwubiko, Cyril (2008) Multisensor message exchange mechanism. In: Global e-security: 4th International Conference, ICGeS 2008; 23-25 Jun 2008, London, U.K..
Onwubiko, Cyril (2008) Security framework for attack detection in computer networks. Saarbrucken, Germany : VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG. 240p. ISBN 9783639089349
Onwubiko, Cyril (2008) A security framework for detecting enterprise-wide attacks in computer networks. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Orrite, Carlos, Rodriguez, Mario, Martinez, Francisco and Fairhurst, Michael (2008) Classifier ensemble generation for the majority vote rule. In: 13th Iberoamerican congress on Pattern Recognition; 9 - 12 Sept 2008, Havana, Cuba. ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783540859192
Owen, Christopher G., Newsom, Richard S.B., Rudnicka, Alicja R., Barman, Sarah A., Woodward, E. Geoffrey and Ellis, Tim J. (2008) Diabetes and the tortuosity of vessels of the bulbar conjunctiva. Ophthalmology, 115(6), e27-e32. ISSN (print) 0161-6420
Panaousis, Emmanouil A. (2008) Optimizing IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks performance in a shared spectrum. (Other thesis), Athens University of Economics and Business, .
Pfluegel, Eckhard (2008) A rational decomposition-lemma for systems of linear differential-algebraic equations. In: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation; 20 - 23 Jul 2008, Hagenberg, Austria.
Pflug, B., Kumarapeli, P., van Vlymen, J., Chan, T., Ammenwerth, E. and De Lusignan, S. (2008) Measuring the impact of the computer on the consultation: an application to synchronise multi-channel video, automated monitoring, and rating scales. In: Healthcare Computing 2008 (HC2008); 21-23 April 2008, Harrogate, U.K..
Philip, Nada Y. (2008) Medical quality of service for optimized ultrasound streaming in wireless robotic tele-ultrasonography system. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Politis, C., Dagiuklas, T., Rebahi, Y. and Rodriguez, J. (2008) PEACE: IP-based emergency applications and services for next generation networks. In: International conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU); 16 July - 18 July 2008, Ierapetra, Crete,.
Politis, Christos (2008) Dynamic spectrum access for NGN. In: 5th International Workshop on Next Generation Networking Middleware; 22 Sept - 26 Sept 2008, Samos Island, Greece.
Ragheb, H, Velastin, S.A., Remagnino, P. and Ellis, T. (2008) Human action recognition using robust power spectrum features. In: 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing; 12 Oct - 15 Oct 2008, San Diego, U.S.A.. ISSN (print) 1522-4880 ISBN 9781424417650
Refsum, Charlotte, Kumarapeli, Pushpa, Gunaratne, Aruni, Dodds, Richard, Hasan, Ali and De Lusignan, Simon (2008) Measuring the impact of different brands of computer systems on the clinical consultation: a pilot study. Informatics in Primary Care, 16(2), pp. 119-127. ISSN (print) 1476-0320
Ren, Jinchang, Orwell, James, Jones, Graeme A. and Xu, Ming (2008) Real-time modeling of 3-D soccer ball trajectories from multiple fixed cameras. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 18(3), pp. 350-362. ISSN (print) 1051-8215
Riding, T and Head, C. H. (2008) The technology challenge 2008. (Technical Report) Northampton, U.K. : Society of Information Technology Management. 36 p. (Socitm Insight) ISBN 190441480X
Rogez, G., Orrite-Urunuela, C. and Martinez del Rincon, Jesus (2008) A spatio-temporal 2d-models framework for human pose recovery in monocular sequences. Pattern Recognition, 41(9), pp. 2926-2944. ISSN (print) 0031-3203
Saini, Navdeep, Williamson, Tom, Barman, Sarah, Uyyanonvara, Bunyarit, Sopharak, Akara and Duanggate, Cattleya (2008) Automated detection of age-related macular degeneration for screening programmes. In: Imaging in the Eye IV; 28 May 2008, London, U.K..
Soon Choi, Gyoung, Oehlmann, Ruediger and Cottington, David (2008) Towards a framework for cross-cultural colour design. In: Seoul design conference; 9 Oct - 12 Oct 2008, Seoul, Korea.
Soon Choi, Gyoung, Oehlmann, Ruediger and Cottington, David (2008) A study on cross-cultural understanding of color in design. Journal of Digital Interaction Design, 7(2), pp. 59-69.
Sopharak, Akara, Nwe, Khine Thet, Moe, Yin Aye, Dailey, Matthew N., Uyyanonvara, Bunyarit and Barman, Sarah (2008) Automatic exudate detection with a support vector machine classifier. In: Imaging in the Eye IV; 28 May 2008, London, U.K..
Svirskas, Adomas, Roberts, Bob and Ignatiadis, Ioannis (2008) Adaptive service choreography support in virtual enterprises. In: Protogeros, Nicolaos, (ed.) Agent and web service technologies in virtual enterprises. Hershey, U.S. : Information Science Reference. pp. 66-75. (Premier reference source) ISBN 9781599046488
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