Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Business and Law (until 2017) > Centre for Research in Employment, Skills and Society (CRESS)"

Bougheas, Spiros and Georgellis, Yannis (1999) The effect of divorce costs on marriage formation and dissolution. Journal of Population Economics, 12(3), pp. 489-498. ISSN (print) 0933-1433
Clark, Andrew E. (1999) Are wages habit-forming? Evidence from micro data. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 39(2), pp. 179-200. ISSN (print) 0167-2681
Coller, Xavier, Edwards, Tony and Rees, Chris (1999) Difusion e Isomorfismo en las Organizaciones : el caso de las Multinacionales. Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 86(2), pp. 79-94. ISSN (print) 0210-5233
Edwards, Tony, Rees, Chris and Coller, Xavier (1999) Structure, politics and the diffusion of employment practices in multinationals. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 5(3), pp. 286-306. ISSN (print) 0959-6801
Gratton, Lynda, Hope-Hailey, Veronica, Stiles, Philip and Truss, Catherine (1999) Linking individual performance to business strategy: the people process model. Human Resource Management, 38(1), pp. 17-31. ISSN (print) 0090-4848
Gratton, Lynda, Hope-Hailey, Veronica, Stiles, Philip and Truss, Catherine (1999) Linking individual performance to business strategy: the people process model. In: Schuler, Randall S. and Jackson, Susan E., (eds.) Strategic human resource management. Oxford, UK : Blackwell Publishers. pp. 142-176. ISBN 0631216014
Gratton, Lynda, Hope-Hailey, Veronica, Stiles, Philip and Truss, Catherine (1999) Strategic human resource management: corporate rhetoric and human reality. Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press. 248p. ISBN 0198782039
Rees, Chris (1999) Teamworking and service quality: the limits of employee involvement. Personnel Review, 28(5/6), pp. 455-473. ISSN (print) 0048-3486
Sloman, Martyn (1999) A handbook for training strategy. 2nd ed. Aldershot, U.K. : Gower. 287p. ISBN 0566081288
Truss, Catherine (1999) Human resource management: gendered terrain? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 10(2), pp. 180-200. ISSN (print) 0958-5192