Using videos and case studies in a professional special education teacher training course : a Hong Kong experience

Lam, Sze Ching and Ho, Fuk Chuen (2017) Using videos and case studies in a professional special education teacher training course : a Hong Kong experience. In: Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017; 31 May - 02 Jun 2017, Singapore. (Unpublished)


Professional Special Education training in Hong Kong is usually arranged in the lecture format. Furthermore, the provision of such courses for in-service teachers were often limited by the short duration of time. Videos, therefore, show the powerfulness to create learning experience in individual lessons for teacher training, as well as showing how the videos, combined with case studies, to complement the entire course as well as the practicum. Individual interviews were conducted to understand the process of the whole process of video learning. By applying the concept of scaffolding, the influence of videos and case studies on teaching and learning comes from the articulation of the participants, as well as the summative assessments. It is hoped that this article will inform the practitioners or teacher educators who would like to use videos and case studies to help teachers in understanding the needs of students with special needs.

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