Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Sociology"

Blitz, Brad, K. (2009) Libyan nationals in the United Kingdom: geo-political considerations and trends in asylum and return. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, 10(2), pp. 106-127. ISSN (print) 1817-4574
Burchell, Kevin, Franklin, Sarah and Holden, Kerry (2009) Public culture as professional science: final report of the ScoPE project (Scientists on public engagement: from communication to deliberation?). (Project Report) London, U.K. : London School of Economics and Political Science. 85 p.
Burchell, Kevin (2009) A helping hand or a servant discipline? Interpreting non-academic perspectives on the roles of social science in participatory policy-making. Science, Technology & Innovation Studies, 5(1), pp. 49-61. ISSN (online) 1861-3675
Burchell, Kevin [Editor] and Holden, Kerry [Editor] (2009) The roles of social science in public dialogue on science and technology: report of a one-day stakeholder workshop, 4 July 2008. (Project Report) London, U.K. : BIOS, London School of Economics and Political Science. 23 p.
Calestani, Melania (2009) An anthropology of 'The Good Life' in the Bolivian Plateau. Social Indicators Research, 90(1), pp. 141-153. ISSN (print) 0303-8300
Carey, Brycchan (2009) Abolishing the slave trade on the London stage 1760-1807. In: Lunchtime talk; 19 Mar 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Carey, Brycchan (2009) "We contradict and are against this traffick of men-body": re-reading the first protest against the slave trade, Germantown, 1688. In: English seminar; 25 Nov 2009, St Andrews, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Carey, Brycchan (2009) "You surpass Holland and Germany in this thing": remembering the 1688 Germantown antislavery protest. In: Black Knowledges, black struggles, civil rights: transnational perspectives. 8th International Conference of the Collegium for African American Research; 25 - 29 Mar 2009, Bremen, Germany. (Unpublished)
Casey, Emma (2009) Gambling at home: domestic experiences of risk. In: Calculated risks: new perspectives on gambling; 17-18 September 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Casey, Emma (2009) Gambling at home: the family and risky consumption practices. In: Gambling Research Group: Glasgow University Sociology Department seminar series; 29 Apr 2009, University of Glasgow. (Unpublished)
Casey, Emma (2009) Women, consumption and risk. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference; 16-18 April 2009, Cardiff, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Casey, Emma (2009) Women, pleasure and the gambling experience. In: Gambling, gender and society: international research conference; 24 September 2009, Helsinki, Finland. (Unpublished)
Cathcart, Brian (2009) Deepcut's dead demand justice., ISSN (print) 0261-3077
Cooper, Geoff , King, Andrew and Rettie, Ruth, eds. (2009) Sociological objects: reconfiguration of social theory. Ashgate Publishing Limited. 218p. ISBN 9780754672685
Darbyshire, Penny (2009) The lamp that shows that freedom lives - is it worth the candle? In: Brooks, Thom, (ed.) The right to a fair trial. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 251-264. (The international library of essays on rights) ISBN 9780754628088
Davidson, Julia and Lorenz, M (2009) CEOP & NAO evaluation of TUK programme and young people’s internet safety research. Report one - survey findings. (Project Report) The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2009) Childhood trauma in the lives of sex offenders: A qualitative approach. In: 11th European Conference on Traumatic Stress; 15-18 Jun 2009, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2009) The European online grooming project: using offender accounts to inform young people’s online safety. In: Child Safety on the Internet – Prevention, Education and Cooperation; 12- 13 Nov 2009, Moscow, Russia. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia, Lorenz, Mia, Grove-Hills, Julie and Martellozo, Elena (2009) Evaluation of CEOP ThinkUknow internet safety programme and exploration of young people's internet safety knowledge: Final report. (Project Report) Centre for Abuse and Trauma Studies & Kingston University & The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). 57 p.
Davidson, Julia [Expert] (2009) G8 Global Symposium for examining the relationship between online and offline offences and preventing the sexual exploitation of children. In: G8 Global Symposium for Examining the Relationship between online and offline offences and preventing the sexual exploitation of children; 5 -7 Apr 2009, North Carolina, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2009) Internet child abuse: understanding offender online grooming behaviour. In: Advances in the Analysis of Online Paedophile Activity; 2 -3 Jun 2009, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2009) Internet child abuse: understanding offender online grooming behaviour. In: EU Kids Online Conference; 11 June 2009, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia and Martellozzo, Elena (2009) Internet sex offenders: individual autonomy, ‘Folk Devils’ and state control. In: Sclater, S , Ebtehaj, F , Jackson, E and Richards, M, (eds.) Regulating autonomy: sex, reproduction and family. Hart Publishing. pp. 129-146. ISBN 9781841139463
Davidson, Julia and Bifulco, Antonia (2009) Investigative police practice in the UK: achieving best evidence in work with young victims of abuse. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 1(3), pp. 19-46. ISSN (print) 2074-2738
Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Petter (2009) Online groomers: profiling, policing and prevention. Lyme Regis, U.K. : Russell House Publishing. 208p. ISBN 9781905541560
Davidson, Julia (2009) Using internet offenders accounts to inform young people’s online safety practices. In: 3rd International Conference “Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online”; 29 - 30 Sep 2009, Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)
Dobson, Rachael (2009) 'Insiderness', 'involvement' and emotions: impacts for methods, 'knowledge' and social research. People, Place & Policy Online, 3(3), pp. 183-195. ISSN (online) 1753-8041
Doggett, Luke (2009) The Adventures of Sociologists on Foreign Soil. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 4(6), pp. 15-22. ISSN (online) 1833-1882
Doggett, Luke (2009) The Prodigal Son: Myth and Science in Modernity. The International Journal of Science and Society, 1(3), pp. 99-104. ISSN (online) 1836-6236
Durrant, Abigail, Frohlich, David, Sellen, Abigail and Lyons, Evanthia (2009) Home curation versus teenage photogtaphy: photo displays in the family home. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 67(12), pp. 1005-1023. ISSN (print) 1071-5819
Eccles, Timothy and Holt, Andrew (2009) Kunktator: Retoryka i Przekonanie o Jawnosci w Kulturze Profesjonalnej kulturze. In: Jednosc i roSnorodnosc: kultura vs. kultury; 23 Apr 2009, Katedra Socjologii Kultury w Instytucie Socjologii Uniwersytetu Kardynala Stefana.
Eccles, Timothy S. (2009) Professional identity in high modernity: the English building industry. In: Wisniewski, Rafal, (ed.) Refleksyjnosc jako kategoria analizy socjologiczne: koncepcje, badania, porownania. Warszawa, Poland : ASPRA-JR. pp. 125-133. ISBN 9788375451580
Ennals, Richard (2009) Editorial: The enlightened workplace. AI & Society, 23(1), pp. 1-2. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Glinavos, Ioannis (2009) Book review of: 'Arresting development: the power of knowledge for social change' by Craig Johnson. Development And Change, 40(3), pp. 579-580. ISSN (print) 0012-155X
Gullino, Silvia (2009) From transport nodes to places: the contribution of railway stations to the social sustainability of suburbs. In: Unequal places: planning and territorial cohesion : UK-Ireland Planning Resarch Conference 2009; 01 - 03 Apr 2009, Newcastle, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Harris, Frances, Lyon, Fergus and Clarke, Sarah (2009) Doing interdisciplinarity: motivation and collaboration in research for sustainable agriculture in the UK. Area, 41(4), pp. 374-384. ISSN (print) 0004-0894
Hines, Gill and Baverstock, Alison (2009) It's not fair! Parenting your bright and challenging child. London, U.K. : Piatkus. 304p. ISBN 9780749940461
Huq, Rupa (2009) A young concept in a new country: the institutionalization of the citizenship question in the UK and its generational impact. Young: Nordic journal of youth research, 17(4), pp. 443-455. ISSN (print) 1103-3088
Ichijo, Atsuko (2009) Book review of: Who cares about Britishness? A global view of the national identity debate by Vron Ware. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32(3), pp. 580-581. ISSN (print) 0141-9870
Ichijo, Atsuko (2009) Nationalism and religion: the case of Japanese nationalism and state Shinto. In: Hvithamar, Annika , Warburg, Margit and Jacobsen, Brian Arly, (eds.) Holy nations and global identities: civil religion, nationalism, and globalisation. Leiden, Netherlands : Brill. pp. 121-136. ISBN 9789004178281
Ichijo, Atsuko (2009) The place of Scotland's European past. Litteraria Pragensia: studies in literature and culture, 19(38), pp. 60-74. ISSN (print) 0862-8424
Jaspal, Rusi and Coyle, Adrian (2009) Reconciling social psychology and sociolinguistics can have some benefits : language and identity among second generation British Asians. Social Psychological Review, 11(2), 3 - 14.
Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann, Normann, Roger, Karlsen, James and Ennals, Richard (2009) Democratic innovation. In: Nolin, Thomas P., (ed.) Handbook of regional economics. New York : Nova Science Publishers. pp. 397-449. ISBN 9781607410362
Kennedy, Adam James (2009) Branded art : advertising promotion and the cultural economy. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Kibler, Ewald, Kautonen, Teemu and Tornikoski, Erno (2009) Exploring the impact of regional factors on entrepreneurial intentions: preliminary results from Finland. In: RENT XXIII Conference: Entrepreneurial Growth of the Firm; 19-20 Nov 2009, Budapest, Hungary.
King, Andrew and Rettie, Ruth (2009) Concluding thoughts: reconfigurations of social theory. In: Cooper, Geoff , King, Andrew and Rettie, Ruth, (eds.) Sociological objects: reconfiguration of social theory. Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 191-202. ISBN 9780754672685
King, Andrew (2009) 'Mind the Gap' : Reassessing transitions to adulthood using young people's accounts of undertaking short-term employment. In: Brooks, Rachel, (ed.) Transitions from Education to Work: New Perspectives from Europe and Beyond. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 201-216. ISBN 9780230201637
Locke, Simon (2009) Considering comics as medium, art and culture - the case of 'From Hell'. SCAN: Journal of media, art and culture, 6(1), ISSN (online) 1449-1818
Locke, Simon (2009) Conspiracy culture, blame culture, and rationalisation. The Sociological Review, 57(4), pp. 567-585. ISSN (print) 0038-0261
McFall, Liz and Dodsworth, Francis (2009) Fabricating the market: the promotion of life assurance in the long nineteenth-century. Journal Of Historical Sociology, 22(1), pp. 30-54. ISSN (print) 0952-1909
Morgan, J. and Farsides, T. (2009) Psychometric evaluation of the meaningful life measure. Journal of Happiness Studies, 10(3), pp. 351-366. ISSN (print) 1389-4978
Paliokosta, Panagiota (2009) Reading between the lines: rhetoric and policies for inclusive education and the role of the additional adult in English schools. In: ECER 2009 (European Conference on Educational Research); 28 - 30 Sept 2009, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)
Peggs, Kay (2009) A hostile world for nonhuman animals : human identification and the oppression of nonhuman animals for human good. Sociology, 43(1), pp. 85-102. ISSN (print) 0038-0385
Peggs, Kay (2009) The social constructionist challenge to primacy identity and the emancipation of oppressed groups : human primacy identity politics and the human/'animal' dualism. Sociological Research Online, 14(1), ISSN (online) 1360-7804
Rettie, Ruth (2009) Mobile phone communication: extending Goffman to mediated interaction. Sociology, 43(3), pp. 421-438. ISSN (print) 0038-0385
Rindzeviciute, Egle (2009) From authoritarian to democratic cultural policy : making sense of de-Sovietisation in Lithuania after 1990. Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift, 12(1), pp. 191-221. ISSN (print) 1403-3216
Rindzeviciute, Egle (2009) Soviet cybernetics: The politics of scientific governance in an authoritarian regime. In: Verwissenschaftlichung von Politik im 20. Jahrhundert [The Scientification of Politics in the 20th Century]; 24-25 Sep 2009, Bonn, Germany. (Unpublished)
Rindzeviciute, Egle, Jurginiene, Dalia [Contributor], Maskoliunas, Rolandas [Contributor], Rekleviciene, Danguole [Contributor] and Telksnys, Laimutis [Contributor] (2009) Šaltasis karas ir modernėjanti Lietuva : mokslas, technika ir kultūra [Cold War and modernising Lithuania : science, technology and culture]. In: Šaltojo karo metų modernizmas. Menas ir dizainas suskilusiame pasaulyje : 1945-1975 [Cold War Modern : Design 1945-1970]; 10-13 Nov 2009, Vilnius, Lithuania. (Unpublished)
Roseneil, Sasha, Crowhurst, Isabel, Hellesund, Tone, Santos, Ana Cristina and Stoilova, Mariya (2009) Policy contexts and responses to changes in intimate life. (Working Paper) Bergen, Norway : Femcit. 394 p.
Sharma, Sonya, Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl and Cochrane, Marie (2009) Practising the awareness of embodiment in qualitative health research: methodological reflections. Qualitative Health Research, 19(11), pp. 1642-1650. ISSN (print) 1049-7323
Sophocleous, Andry (2009) Language attitudes towards the Greek-Cypriot dialect : social factors contributing to their development and maintenance. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Theobald, Delphine and Farrington, David P. (2009) Effects of getting married on offending : results from a prospective longitudinal survey of males. European Journal of Criminology, 6(6), pp. 496-516. ISSN (print) 1477-3708
Upstone, Sara [Speaker] (2009) Can literature save the world? In: Kingston Reader's Festival; 23 Apr - 22 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Villejoubert, Gaelle, Almond, Louise and Alison, Laurence (2009) Interpreting claims in offender profiles: the role of probability phrases, base rates and perceived dangerousness. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23(1), pp. 36-54. ISSN (print) 0888-4080
Ware, Vron (2009) Qui se préoccupe de l'identité national? In: Agudelo, Carlos , Boidin, Capucine and Sansone, Livio, (eds.) Autour de "l'Atlantique Noir": une polyphnie de perspectives. Paris, France : IHEAL. pp. 183-189. ISBN 9782915310931
Ware, Vron (2009) Why Critical Whiteness Studies needs to think about warfare. Sociologisk Forskning, 46(3), pp. 55-62. ISSN (print) 0038-0342
Ware, Vron (2009) The ins and outs of Anglo-Saxonism. In: Perryman, Mark, (ed.) Breaking up Britain: four nations after a Union. London, U.K. : Lawrence & Wishart. pp. 133-149. ISBN 9781905007967