Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Psychiatry, neuroscience and clinical psychology"

Borschmann, R D, Gillard, S, Turner, K, Chambers, M and O'Brien, A (2010) Section 136 of the Mental Health Act: a new literature review. Medicine, Science and the Law, 50(1), pp. 34-39. ISSN (print) 0025-8024
Borschmann, Rohan, D., Gillard, Steven, Turner, Kati, Lovell, Kath, Goodrich-Purnell, Norman and Chambers, Mary (2010) Demographic and referral patterns of people detained under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act (1983) in a south London Mental Health Trust from 2005 to 2008. Medicine, Science and the Law, 50(1), pp. 15-18. ISSN (print) 0025-8024
Felisberti, F M, Bates, L, Rabadia, J, Kato, Y and Schembri, M (2010) How well do we know our own faces? In: 33rd European Conference on Visual Perception; 22-26 August 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Gallagher, Ann, Arber, Anne, Chaplin, Rob and Quirk, Alan (2010) Service users' experience of receiving bad news about their mental health. Journal of Mental Health, 19(1), pp. 34-42. ISSN (print) 0963-8237
Gillard, Steven, Borschmann, Rohan, Turner, Kati, Goodrich-Purnell, Norman, Lovell, Kathleen and Chambers, Mary (2010) 'What difference does it make?' Finding evidence of the impact of mental health service user researchers on research into the experiences of detained psychiatric patients. Health Expectations, 13(2), pp. 185-194. ISSN (print) 1369-6513
Guise, Veslemoy, Chambers, Mary, Valimaki, Maritta and Makkonen, Pekka (2010) A mixed-mode approach to data collection: combining web and paper questionnaires to examine nurses' attitudes to mental illness. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 66(7), pp. 1623-1632. ISSN (print) 0309-2402
Lawlor, Caroline, Johnson, Sonia, Cole, Laura and Howard, Louise M. (2010) Ethnic variations in pathways to acute care and compulsory detention for women experiencing a mental health crisis. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, pp. 1-13. ISSN (print) 0020-7640
Lim, Phek (2010) Unmet need: policy and related recommendations. In: Grant, Alec, (ed.) Cognitive Behavioural Interventions for Mental Health Practitioners. UK : Learning Matters. pp. 8-17. ISBN 9781844452101
Malabou, Catherine (2010) Trace psychique et trace synaptique parlent-elles la meme langue? In: Magistretti, Pierre and Ansermet, Francois, (eds.) Neurosciences et psychanalyse: une rencontre autour de la singularite. Paris, France : Odile Jacob. pp. 51-72. (College de France) ISBN 9782738124159
Patel, N. H., Vyas, N. S., Puri, B. K., Nijran, K. S. and Al-Nahhas, A. (2010) Positron emission tomography in schizophrenia: a new perspective. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 51(4), pp. 511-520. ISSN (print) 0161-5505
Samara, Muthanna, Johnson, Samantha, Lamberts, Koen, Marlow, Neil and Wolke, Dieter (2010) Eating problems at age 6 years in a whole population sample of extremely preterm children. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 52(2), e16-e22. ISSN (print) 0012-1622
Vyas, N.S., Patel, N. H., Nijran, K. S., Al-Nahhas, A. and Puri, B. K. (2010) Insights into schizophrenia using positron emission tomography: building the evidence and refining the focus. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 197(1), pp. 3-4. ISSN (print) 0007-1250
Vyas, Nora S, Kumra, Sanjiv and Puri, Basant K (2010) What insights can we gain from studying early-onset schizophrenia? The neurodevelopmental pathway and beyond. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 10(8), pp. 1243-1247. ISSN (print) 1473-7175