Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Politics and international studies"

Agnoletto, Stefano (2013) Periodic crises in capitalism: pathological or restorative? Science & Society, 77(4), pp. 459-485. ISSN (print) 0036-8237
Blackbourn, Jessie (2013) The UK’s anti-terrorism laws: does their practical use correspond to legislative intention? Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, 8(1), pp. 19-34. ISSN (print) 1833-5330
Cerella, Antonio (2013) Religion and political form : Carl Schmitt's genealogy of politics as critique of Jurgen Habermas's post-secular discourse. Review of International Studies, 38(5), pp. 975-994. ISSN (print) 0260-2105
Choat, Simon (2013) Politics, power and the state: a Marxist response to postanarchism. Journal of Political Ideologies, 18(3), pp. 328-347. ISSN (print) 1356-9317
Due-Gundersen, Nicolai (2013) Is Libya's energy future green? Geopolitical Monitor, ISSN (online) 1927-3045
Due-Gundersen, Nicolai (2013) Tamoil : Libya's stagnating business arm. Oil, Gas and Energy Law, 5, ISSN (online) 1875-418X
Higginbottom, Andrew (2013) The political economy of foreign investment in Latin America: dependency revisited. Latin American Perspectives, 40(3), pp. 184-206. ISSN (print) 0094-582X
Howarth, Anita (2013) The weakest link in existing studies: media–government risk interactions. Journal of Risk Research, 16(1), pp. 1-18. ISSN (print) 1366-9877
Linton, David (2013) New insecurities, new form, new identity - national identity and raciologies in Eightpence A Mile (1913). Studies in Musical Theatre, 7(1), pp. 9-22. ISSN (print) 1750-3159
Nuttall, Jeremy (2013) Pluralism, the people, and time in Labour party history, 1931-1964. The Historical Journal, 56(3), pp. 729-756. ISSN (print) 0018-246X
Ryder, Nicholas and Turksen, Umut (2013) Banks in defence of the homeland : nexus of ethics, legality and suspicious activity reporting in the United States of America. Contemporary Issues in Law, 12(4), pp. 311-338. ISSN (print) 1357-0374
Simsek, Dogus (2013) Book Review of: ‘Minority Internal Migration in Europe’, by Nissa Finney and Gemma Catney (eds.). Migration Letters, 10(3), pp. 399-400. ISSN (print) 1741-8984
Townend, Dan (2013) Meeting the enemy: tales of extraordinary camaraderie between British and German soldiers. Express,
Woodbridge, Steven (2013) Book review of: 'Defining Democracy: Electoral Reform and the Struggle for Power in New York City' by Daniel Prosterman (2013). e-Extreme, Electronic Newsletter of the ECPR Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy, 14(4), pp. 8-10.
Woodbridge, Steven (2013) Rebellion revisited? Sunbury National Citizens Union, 1928-1931. Journal of the Sunbury and Shepperton Local History Society(71), pp. 11-15. ISSN (print) 0140-1114
Ichijo, Atsuko (2013) Nationalism and multiple modernities: Europe and beyond. New York, U.S.A. : Palgrave Macmillan. 176p. (Identities and modernities in Europe) ISBN 9781137008749
Miller, David , Blackbourn, Jessie , Dhanda, Rani and Dexter, Helen, eds. (2013) Critical terrorism studies since 11 September 2001: what has been learned? London, U.K. : Routledge. 156p. ISBN 9780415838528
Spalek, Basia (2013) Terror crime prevention with communities. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 173p. ISBN 9781849664813
Book Section
Blackbourn, Jessie (2013) Power without responsibility? There is no valid scrutiny of Australia’s anti-terrorism laws. In: Baldino, Daniel, (ed.) Spooked: The Truth About Intelligence in Australia. Sydney, Australia : NewSouth Publishing. pp. 264-287. ISBN 9781742233888
Castellino, Joshua and Domínguez-Redondo, Elvira (2013) The identity question : who are the Sahrawis and what is their ‘home’? In: Boukhars, Anouar and Roussellier, Jacques, (eds.) Perspectives on Western Sahara : myths, nationalisms and geopolitics. Lanham, U.S. : Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 29-54. ISBN 9781442226852
Cinpoes, Radu (2013) Right-wing extremism in Romania. In: Melzer, Ralf and Serafin, Sebastian, (eds.) Right-wing Extremism in Europe: Country Analyses, Counter-strategies and Labor-Market Oriented Exit Strategies. Berlin, Germany : FES. pp. 160-197. ISBN 9783864985225
Goldsworthy, Vesna (2013) Yugoslavia: a defeated argument? In: Gorup, Radmila, (ed.) After Yugoslavia: the cultural spaces of a vanished land. Stanford, California : Stanford University Press. pp. 38-52. ISBN 9780804784023
Howarth, Anita (2013) Newspaper campaigning in Britain in the late 1990s. In: Howley, K., (ed.) Media Intervention. New York, U.S.A. : Peter Lang. pp. 37-54. ISBN 9781433112119
Howarth, Anita (2013) Participatory politics, environmental journalism and newspaper campaigns. In: Bodker, Henrik and Nervala, Irene, (eds.) Environmental journalism. London, U.K. : Routledge. (Journalism Studies, (160)) ISBN 9780415827492
Spencer, Philip and Di Palma, Sara Valentina (2013) Antisemitism and the politics of Holocaust Memorial Day in the UK and Italy. In: Jikeli, Günther and Allouche-Benayoun, Joëlle, (eds.) Perceptions of the Holocaust in Europe and muslim communities. Dordrecht : Springer Verlag. pp. 71-83. (Muslims in Global Societies Series, 5) ISBN 9789400753075
Conference or Workshop Item
Faramelli, Anthony (2013) Fanon and the contest of historiographies: the limits of strategic essentialism. In: History, postcolonialism and tradition: The Postcolonial Studies Association conference 2013; 12 - 13 Sep 2013, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Finn, Peter (2013) Beyond Abu Ghraib – military detention, abuse, Iraq and US power. In: British International Studies Association (BISA) 38th Annual Conference; 19 - 21 Jun 2013, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Gilmore, Jonathan (2013) "Cosmopolitan-minded" militaries: beyond the national military but before UNEPS? In: Workshop on 'Peacekeeping and Rapid Reaction'; 8th July 2013, Bradford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Gilmore, Jonathan (2013) Managing the ‘Cosmopolitan Genie’: the merger of values and interests in UK foreign policy. In: Workshop on 'Interpreting Foreign Policy' , 41st ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops; 11-16 Mar 2013, Mainz, Germany. (Unpublished)
Gilmore, Jonathan (2013) The Uncertain Merger of Values and Interests in UK Foreign Policy. In: ‘British Foreign Policy and the National Interest’ Conference; 12 July 2013, Chatham House, London. (Unpublished)
May, Anthony (2013) The depiction of the Miami Showband Massacre in Eoin McNamee's 'The Ultras'. In: History, postcolonialism and tradition: The Postcolonial Studies Association conference 2013; 12 - 13 Sep 2013, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Woodbridge, Steven (2013) Extremely Nazi: the ideology and networking activities of a British extreme right 'umbrella' group. In: The British Far Right in Transition; 28 Jun 2013, Northampton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Iqbal, Nasir and Daly, Vince (2013) Rent seeking opportunities and economic growth in transitional economies. (Working Paper) Islamabad, Pakistan : Pakistan Institute of Development Economics. 22 p. (PIDE Working Papers, no. 2013:87)
Moving Image/Broadcast
O'Sullivan, Shane [Director] (2013) Killing Oswald. (Documentary).
Agnoletto, Stefano (2013) Building an economic ethic niche. Italian immigrants in the Toronto construction industry (1950s - 1970s), a case study. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Hancock, David (2013) Morality and political modernity: the relationship between the political philosophy of Leo Strauss and the cultural politics of neoconservatism. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Herron, Michael Francis (2013) Denial of the Armenian genocide in American and French politics. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
May, Anthony (2013) The construction of national identity in Northern Ireland and Scotland: culture and politics after Thatcher. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Sempijja, Norman (2013) Inter-organisational cooperation for peace: burgeoning relationship or opportunistic liaison? A study of the cooperation between the European Union and United Nations peace operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo 2003-2008. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .