Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Politics and international studies"

Bennett, R J, Fuller, C and Ramsden, M (2004) Local government and local economic development in Britain: an evaluation of developments under labour. Progress in Planning, 62(4), pp. 209-274. ISSN (print) 0305-9006
Brivati, Brian (2004) Honest John. Progress,
Carpenter, Keri, Nardi, Bonnie, Moore, James, Robertson, Scott, Drezner, Daniel, Benson, Ian, Foot, Kirsten and Jett, Quintus (2004) Online political organizing: lessons from the field. CSCW '04 Proceedings of the 2004 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, 6(3), pp. 59-62.
Castellino, Joshua and DomÃnguez-Redondo, Elvira (2004) Minority rights in China : a legal overview. European Yearbook of Minority Issues, 4(1), pp. 51-83. ISSN (print) 1570-7865
Ennals, Richard (2004) Europe as a knowledge society: integrating universities, corporations, and government. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 17(3), pp. 237-248. ISSN (print) 1094-429X
Ennals, Richard (2004) Job insecurity and union membership. UK WON Journal, pp. 10-12. ISSN (print) 1740-0139
Fuller, C, Bennett, R J and Ramsden, M (2004) Local government and the changing institutional landscape of economic development in England and Wales. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 22(3), pp. 317-347. ISSN (print) 0263-774X
Hallward, Peter (2004) Enough imperial crusades. The Guardian, p. 17. ISSN (print) 0261-3077
Hallward, Peter (2004) Haitian inspiration: notes on the bicentenary of independence. Radical philosophy(123), pp. 2-7. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Hallward, Peter (2004) Option zero in Haiti. New Left Review(27), pp. 23-47. ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Hallward, Peter (2004) Why they had to crush Aristide: Haiti's elected leader was regarded as a threat by France and the US. The Guardian, p. 24. ISSN (print) 0261-3077
Ker-Lindsay, James and Webb, Keith (2004) Cyprus. European Journal of Political Research, 43(7-8), pp. 969-979. ISSN (print) 0304-4130
Favretto, Ilaria (2004) Alle radici della svolta autonomista: PSI e Labour Party, due vicende parallele 1956-1970. Rome, Italy : Carocci. 299p. (Studi storici Carocci, 54) ISBN 8843028499
Ichijo, Atsuko (2004) Scottish nationalism and the idea of Europe: concepts of Europe and the nation. London, U.K. : Routledge. 176p. ISBN 0714655910
Book Section
Beck, Peter J. (2004) Antarctica. In: Calvert, Peter, (ed.) Border and territorial disputes of the world. 4th ed. London, U.K. : John Harper Publishing. pp. 123-152. ISBN 9780954381134
Canning, John (2004) Nationalism(s) as local practice(s) : Re-examining Quebec nationalisms in the Eastern Townships. In: Bryan, Christopher and Ramsey, Doug, (eds.) The structure and dynamics of rural territories : geographical perspectives. Manitoba, U.S. : Rural Development Institute, Brandon University. pp. 43-61. ISBN 9781895397765
Ennals, Richard (2004) Regional workplaced forums for the modernisation of work. In: Fricke, Werner and Totterdill, Peter, (eds.) Action research in workplace innovation and regional development. Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 289-312. (Dialogues on work and innovation) ISBN 9789027217851
Ker-Lindsay, James (2004) Turkish foreign policy after Iraq and post-enlargement. In: Papacosma, S. Victor , Theophanous, Andreas and Sperling, James, (eds.) EU enlargement and new security challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean. Nicosia, Cyprus : Intercollege Press. pp. 155-170. ISBN 9789963634194
Conference or Workshop Item
Carey, Brycchan (2004) Friends, Methodists, and good Samaritans: sentiment and faith in the eighteenth-century debate over the slave trade. In: Restoration to reform: 1660-1832 : British literary, social, cultural, itellectual, and political history in the long eighteenth century; 29 Nov 2004, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Carey, Brycchan (2004) Olaudah Equiano and the Channel Islands slave trade. In: Displacement, Relocation, Identity: Revisioning Histories of Slavery and Empire; 03 Mar 2004, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K..
Nuttall, Jeremy (2004) Left culture and individual character in Britain, 1931-1959. In: Rethinking Britain 1918-59; 18 - 19 Mar 2004, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Nuttall, Jeremy (2004) Rights and responsibilities; equality and freedom: synthesis in post-war British politics. In: Centre for Contemporary British History Seminar Series; 28 Jan 2004, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Pettitt, Robin T. (2004) The members and the message: membership influence on party policy in Western Europe. In: 54th Political Studies Association Annual Conference; 05 - 08 Apr 2004, Lincoln, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Pettitt, Robin T. (2004) The members and the message: membership influence on party policy in western Europe. (Working Paper) Manchester, U.K. : European Policy and Research Unit, University of Manchester. 35 p. (Manchester papers in politics EPRU series, no. 1/2004)
Staples, Kelly (2004) The norms and ethics of deliberative democracy beyond liberalism. (Working Paper) University of Manchester. 13 p.
Andrews, Roy Edward (2004) An age of transition in local politics? The Kingston upon Thames experience 1886-1914. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University, .