Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Politics and international studies"

Bastow, Steve (2000) Inter-war French fascism and the neo-socialism of Marcel Déat: the emergence of a 'third way'. In: Howarth, David R. , Norval, Aletta J. and Stavrakakis, Yannis, (eds.) Discourse theory and political analysis: identities, hegemonies and social change. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 38-51. ISBN 9780719056642
Bastow, Steve (2000) Le Mouvement national républicain: moderate right-wing party or party of the extreme right? Patterns of Prejudice, 34(2), pp. 3-18. ISSN (print) 0031-322X
Brivati, Brian and Heffernan, Richard (2000) Introduction. In: Brivati, Brian and Heffernan, Richard, (eds.) The Labour Party: a centenary history. Basingstoke : Macmillan Press. pp. 1-7. ISBN 0333746503
Brivati, Brian and Heffernan, Richard, eds. (2000) The Labour Party: a centenary history. Basingstoke : Macmillan Press. 512p. ISBN 0333746503
Brivati, Brian (2000) Labour's litery dominance. In: Brivati, Brian and Heffernan, Richard, (eds.) The Labour Party: a centenary history. Basingstoke : Macmillan Press. pp. 485-502. ISBN 0333746503
Brivati, Brian (2000) 'The future Labour offered': industrial modernisation projects in the British Labour Party from Gaitskell to Blair. In: Brivati, Brian and Heffernan, Richard, (eds.) The Labour Party: a centenary history. Basingstoke : Macmillan Press. pp. 346-362. ISBN 0333746503
Carey, Brycchan [Speaker] (2000) "This extraordinary negro": Johnsonian biography, slave narrative and Joseph Jekyll's Life of Ignatius Sancho. In: Centre for Life History Research: Tuesday Lunchtime Seminar Series; 29 Feb 2000, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Childs, S. (2000) The new Labour women MPs in the 1997 British Parliament: Issues of recruitment and representation. Women's History Review, 9(1), pp. 55-73. ISSN (print) 0961-2025
Craig, John (2000) Evaluating privatisation in Zambia: a tale of two processes. Review of African Political Economy, 27(85), pp. 357-366. ISSN (print) 0305-6244
Favretto, Ilaria (2000) 1956 and the PSI; the end of 'ten winters'. Modern Italy, 5(1), pp. 25-45. ISSN (print) 1353-2944
Favretto, Ilaria (2000) New Labour and the Italian Left compared: a review essay. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 5(1), pp. 101-117. ISSN (print) 1354-571X
Favretto, Ilaria (2000) 'Wilsonism' reconsidered: Labour party revisionism 1952-1964. Contemporary British History, 14(4), pp. 54-80. ISSN (print) 1361-9462
McQuillan, Martin (2000) Clintonism: the phantom menace. In: Bewes, Timothy and Gilbert, Jeremy, (eds.) Cultural capitalism: politics after New Labour. London, U.K. : Lawrence & Wishart Ltd. pp. 81-100. ISBN 9780853159179
Sassoon, Anne Showstack (2000) Gramsci and contemporary politics: beyond pessimism of the intellect. London, U.K. : Routledge. 173p. (Routledge innovations in political theory) ISBN 0415162149
Sassoon, Anne Showstack (2000) The space for politics: globalization, hegemony, and passive revolution. In: Schmidt, Johannes Dragsbaek and Hersh, Jacques, (eds.) Globalization and social change. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 69-81. (Routledge Advances in International Political Economy) ISBN 9780415241717
Woodbridge, Steven (2000) Book Review of: 'Fascism in Britain: from Oswald Mosley's Blackshirts to the National Front', by Richard Thurlow. e-Extreme, 1(4),