Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Politics and international studies"

Craig, John (1999) State enterprise and privatisation in Zambia 1968-1998. (PhD thesis), The University of Leeds, .
Ennals, Richard and Gustavsen, Björn (1999) Regionale Entwicklungskoalitionen: Konzept und Erfahrungen [Regional development coalitions]. In: Fricke, Werner, (ed.) Arbeitsorganisation, regionale Entwicklung und industrielle Demokratie. Bonn : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. pp. 131-152. ISBN 3860777777
Ennals, Richard and Gustavsen, Björn (1999) Work organization and Europe as a development coalition. Amsterdam, Netherlands : John Benjamins Publishing Co. 209p. (Dialogues on work and innovation, 7) ISBN 9789027217776
Mazzonis, Danielle and Ennals, Richard (1999) The Emilia-Romagna model of development coalitions. Concepts and Transformation, 4(1), pp. 57-68. ISSN (print) 1384-6639
Woodbridge, Steven (1999) Plots Against the World. Magonia Magazine(67), pp. 3-6.