Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Philosophy"

Gillam, Adam [Artist] (2017) Oh, OK Then. (sculptural).
Balibar, Etienne (2017) Fremde, nicht Feinde. In Richtung eines neuen Kosmopolitismus? Allgemeine Zeitschrift fur Philosophie, 42, pp. 127-143. ISSN (print) 0340-7969
Benjamin, Andrew (2017) Inexhaustibility at the outset : notes on Hamacher and philology. Philosophy Today, 61(4), pp. 995-1004. ISSN (print) 0031-8256
Benjamin, Andrew (2017) Oikonomia, incarnation and immediacy : the figure of the Jew in St John of Damascus. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 25(3), pp. 407-422. ISSN (print) 0967-2559
Benjamin, Andrew (2017) Recovering anoriginal relationality. Research in Phenomenology, 47(2), pp. 250-261. ISSN (print) 0085-5553
Benjamin, Andrew (2017) Two forms of gesture : notes on Aby Warburg and Walter Benjamin. Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell'estetico, 10(1), pp. 21-40. ISSN (online) 2035-8466
Benjamin, Andrew (2017) The predicament of life. Epoche, 22(1), ISSN (print) 1085-1968
Benjamin, Andrew (2017) The world in ruins : Heidegger, Poussin, Kiefer. Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, 4(2), pp. 101-123. ISSN (print) 2053-9320
Benjamin, Andrew (2017) The world of striving : Walter Benjamin’s 'Notes to a study on the category of justice'. Anthropology & Materialism(1), ISSN (online) 2364-0480
Buse, Peter (2017) Psychoanalysis on Sunday : Lacan, cinema, comedy. Genre, 50(2), pp. 219-238. ISSN (print) 0016-6928
Chanter, Tina (2017) Derrida and beyond : living feminism affirmatively. PhiloSOPHIA, 7(1), pp. 67-77. ISSN (print) 2155-0891
Gough, Tim (2017) GE Moore's Principa ethica. Footprint, 20, pp. 11-22. ISSN (print) 1875-1504
Hallward, Peter (2017) Blanqui and Marx : A reply to William Roberts. Jacobin, ISSN (online) 2158-2602
Hallward, Peter (2017) Concentration or representation : the struggle for popular sovereignty. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 4(1390916), ISSN (online) 2331-1983
Hunt, Andrew (2017) Gonzo curating. Art Monthly, 403, pp. 6-11. ISSN (print) 0142-6702
Kay, Lesley, Downe, Soo, Thomson, Gill and Finlayson, Kenny (2017) Engaging with birth stories in pregnancy : a hermeneutic phenomenological study of women’s experiences across two generations. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17(283), ISSN (online) 1471-2393
Kay, Lesley (2017) Studying for a doctorate : wanting a strong voice. The Practising Midwife, 20(4), pp. 18-20. ISSN (print) 1461-3123
Malabou, Catherine (2017) The brain of history or the mentality of the Anthropocene. SAQ : South Atlantic Quarterly, 116(1), pp. 39-53. ISSN (print) 0038-2876
Miller, James (2017) Notes Towards a Deranged Realism. Berfois,
Morgan Wortham, Simon (2017) Antinomies of the super-ego : Etienne Balibar and the question of the psycho-political. Philosophy Today, 61(4), pp. 863-876. ISSN (print) 0031-8256
Morgan Wortham, Simon (2017) What is a complex? Journal for Cultural Research, 21(2), pp. 127-139. ISSN (print) 1479-7585
Osborne, Peter (2017) Redemption through discourse? New Left Review, 108, ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Radnik, Borna (2017) The absolute plasticity of Hegel's absolutes. Crisis and critique, 4(1), pp. 352-375. ISSN (print) 2311-8172
Sandford, Stella (2017) Freud, Bion and Kant : epistemology and anthropology in The interpretation of dreams. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 98(1), pp. 91-110. ISSN (print) 0020-7578
Thomson, Di, Gowing, Francesca, English, Michael and Hassenkamp, Ann-Marie (2017) Exploring the role of mindfulness as a potential self-management strategy for physiotherapy students when on placement. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care, 5(2), pp. 19-37. ISSN (online) 2051-6223
Verkerk, Willow (2017) Nietzsche's joyful friendship : Epicurean elements in the middle works. The Agonist, X(II), pp. 25-40.
Verkerk, Willow (2017) Transgendering Nietzsche : male mothers and phallic women in Derrida's ' Spurs '. PhiloSOPHIA, 7(1), pp. 99-108. ISSN (print) 2155-0891
Weslati, Hager (2017) The Inexistent in the Ontology of Alexandre Kojève. China Media Research, 13(4), pp. 48-56. ISSN (print) 1556-889X
Woodford, Peter (2017) The evolution of altruism and its significance for environmental ethics. Environmental Ethics, 39(4), pp. 413-436. ISSN (print) 0163-4275
Woodford, Peter (2017) The very possibility of a science of religion : Ernst Troeltsch and neo-Kantianism. The Journal of Religion, 97(1), pp. 56-78. ISSN (print) 0022-4189
Benjamin, Andrew and Malpas, Jeff, eds. (2017) Rethinking philosophical anthropology. London, U.K. : Taylor & Francis. 119p. (International journal of philosophical studies, (25:3)) ISSN (print) 0967-2559
Caygill, Howard (2017) Kafka: in light of the accident. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 264p. ISBN 9781472595423
Cerella, Antonio and Odysseos, Louiza, eds. (2017) Heidegger and the global age. London, U.K. : Rowman & Littlefield. 338p. (New Heidegger research) ISBN 9781786602305
Chanter, Tina (2017) Art, politics and Rancière: broken perceptions. London : U.K. : Bloomsbury Publishing. 208p. ISBN 9781472510563
Lewis, Julia Rose and Miller, James (2017) Strays. U.K. : HVTN. 116p. ISBN 9781999867003
Malabou, Catherine (2017) Metamorphoses de l'intelligence : que faire de leur cerveau bleu? Paris, France : Presses Universitaires de France. 184p. ISBN 9782130796084
Morgan Wortham, Simon (2017) Resistance and psychoanalysis : impossible divisions. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. 288p. ISBN 9781474429610
Morgan Wortham, Simon (2017) Samuel Weber : acts of reading. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 164p. (Routledge revivals) ISBN 9781138709195
Book Section
Benjamin, Andrew (2017) Drawing Jerusalem : notes on Hans Bol's 'Jerusalem, with Christ and the Good Shepherd' (1575). In: Stoppani, Teresa , Ponzo, Giorgio and Themistokleous, George, (eds.) This thing called theory. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 99-114. (Critiques : Critical Studies in Architectural Humanities, (12)) ISBN 9781138222991
Benjamin, Andrew (2017) Gesture and expression: interrupting Lament's repetition: Walter Benjamin and Sophocles' Electra. In: Figal, Gunter and Zimmermann, Bernhard, (eds.) International Yearbook for Hermeneutics. Tubingen, Germany : Mohr Siebeck Press. pp. 13-29. 16 ISSN (print) 2196-534X ISBN 9783161553486
Benjamin, Andrew (2017) Reading, seeing and the logic of abandonment : Rembrant's 'Self portrait as the apostle Paul'. In: van der Heiden, Gert-Jan , van Kooten, George and Cimino, Antonio, (eds.) Saint Paul and philosophy. Berlin, Germany : Walter de Gruyter. pp. 21-46. ISBN 9783110543148
Cerella, Antonio (2017) El umbral y el limite: reflexiones sobre el sentido etico-politico de la alteridad en la era global. In: Atienza de Frutos, David and Garcia-Ramos Gallego, David, (eds.) La construccion de la identidad en tiempos de crisis: el papel de la violencia y la religion. Barcelona, Spain : Anthropos Editorial. pp. 41-65. (Pensamiento critico / Pensamiento utopico, (224)) ISBN 9788416421626
Cerella, Antonio (2017) Images of the world: ontology and history in the work of Foucault, Schmitt and Heidegger. In: Cerella, Antonio and Odysseos, Louiza, (eds.) Heidegger and the global age. London, U.K. : Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 109-136. (New Heidegger research) ISBN 9781786602305
Cerella, Antonio and Odysseos, Louiza (2017) Introduction: de-framing the global. In: Cerella, Antonio and Odysseos, Louiza, (eds.) Heidegger and the global age. London, U.K. : Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 1-22. (New Heidegger research) ISBN 9781786602305
Cerella, Antonio (2017) Space and sovereignty: a reverse perspective. In: Howland, Douglas , Lillehoj, Elizabeth and Mayer, Maximilian, (eds.) Art and sovereignty in global politics. New York, U.S. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 31-58. ISBN 9781349950157
Chanter, Tina (2017) Feminist art: disrupting and consolidating the police order. In: Bray, Patrick M., (ed.) Understanding Ranciere, understanding modernism. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 147-160. ISBN 9781501311383
Chanter, Tina (2017) Historicizing feminist aesthetics. In: Garry, Ann , Khader, Serene J. and Stone, Alison, (eds.) The Routledge companion to feminist philosophy. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 463-473. ISBN 9781138795921
Chanter, Tina (2017) Who is the peasant woman who trudges through the fields? Provincializing the Eurocentric artistic space. In: Cerella, Antonio and Odysseos, Louiza, (eds.) Heidegger and the global age. London, U.K. : Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 161-186. (New Heidegger research) ISBN 9781786602305
Colman, Felicity (2017) Preface [Affectology: on desiring an affect of one's own]. In: Angerer, Marie-Luise, (ed.) Ecology of affect : intensive milieus and contingent encounters. Luneburg, Germany : Meson Press. pp. 7-13. ISBN 9783957960955
Malabou, Catherine (2017) "Idealism": a new name for metaphysics : Hegel and Heidegger on a priori synthesis. In: Gabriel, Markus and Rasmussen, Anders Moe, (eds.) German idealism today. Berlin, Germany : Walter de Gruyter. pp. 189-202. ISBN 9783110500288
Malabou, Catherine (2017) Power and performance at play : a question of life or death. In: Street, Anna , Alliot, Julien and Pauker, Magnolia, (eds.) Inter views in performance philosophy: crossings and conversations. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 127-138. (Performance philosophy) ISBN 9781349951918
Malabou, Catherine (2017) Transcendental epigenesis. In: Morgan, Anthony, (ed.) The Kantian catastrophe? : conversations on finitude and the limits of philosophy. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, U.K. : Bigg Books. pp. 239-252. ISBN 9781999841300
Miers, John (2017) Bacon and the cartoonist : the emergence of the figure through two opposing diagrams. In: de Assis, Paulo and Giudici, Paolo, (eds.) The dark precursor : Deleuze and artistic research. Leuven, Belgium : Leuven University Press. pp. 375-385. 2 ISBN 9789462701182
O Maoilearca, John O (2017) The animal way : on Malabou's deconstructed life. In: Street, Anna , Alliot, Julien and Pauker, Magnolia, (eds.) Inter views in performance philosophy: crossings and conversations. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 139-143. (Performance philosophy) ISBN 9781349951918
Sandford, Stella (2017) Beauvoir's transdisciplinarity: from philosophy to gender theory. In: Hengehold, Laura and Bauer, Nancy, (eds.) A companion to Simone de Beauvoir. Hoboken, U.S. : Wiley Blackwell. pp. 15-27. (Blackwell companions to philosophy, (65)) ISBN 9781118796023
Sandford, Stella (2017) Kant's legacy. In: Morgan, Anthony, (ed.) The Kantian catastrophe? Conversations on finitude and the limits of philosophy. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, U.K. : Bigg Books. pp. 65-80. ISBN 9781999841300
Scholze, Jana (2017) Wonder : a state of passion, absorption and distraction. In: Cormier, Brendan, (ed.) Values in Design. Shanghai, China : Shanghai Fine Arts Publisher. ISBN 9787547916483
Conference or Workshop Item
Chanter, Tina (2017) Aporias of perception. In: Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association; 06 – 09 Jul 2017, Utrecht, Netherlands. (Unpublished)
Kay, Lesley (2017) Engaging with the 'modern birth story' in pregnancy : everydayness, absorption and the 'idle talk' of birth. In: 12th International Normal Labour and Birth Research Conference; 02-04 Oct 2017, Grange Over Sands, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Perazzo, Daniela (2017) Diffracting dance : im/possibilities and ethical entanglements in current choreographic practices. In: Theatre and Performance Research Association Annual Conference 2017; 30 Aug - 01 Sep 2017, Salford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Perazzo, Daniela (2017) Im/possible choreographies : dis/orientation, diffraction and/as dance's response to the contemporary moment. In: Dialogues on Dance, Philosophy, and Performance in the Contemporary Neoliberal Moment; 01 - 02 June 2017, Coventry, U.K.. (Unpublished)
van Elferen, Isabella (2017) The paradoxes of timbre : musical epistemology between idealism and materialism. In: MPSG 2017 : 6th Conference of the Royal Musical Association Music and Philosophy Study Group; 13-14 Jul 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Pratt, Katie [Artist], Bick, Andrew [Artist] and Parsons, Johnathon [Artist] (2017) The Order of Things. The Order of Things. .
Moving Image/Broadcast
Lillie, Rachel [Designer] and de Botton, Alain (2017) Do we have free will or are we predetermined? (Animated film).
Malabou, Catherine [Interviewee], Deloche, Alain [Interviewee] and Lefay, Philippe [Interviewer] (2017) Alain Deloche et Catherine Malabou : la coeur et le cerveay à l'ouvrage. (Online Interview). (Des mots De Minuit)
Chehonadskih, Maria (2017) Soviet epistemologies and the materialist ontology of poor life : Andrei Platonov, Alexander Bogdanov and Lev Vygotsky. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Garcia Quesada, George Ivan (2017) Karl Marx, historian of social times and spaces. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Hernandez Velazquez, Yaiza Maria (2017) Art criticism in the age of curating : from judgment to autonomy. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Howard, Stephen (2017) Kant and force : dynamics, natural science and transcendental philosophy. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Jimenez Monroy, Mijael (2017) Experience and the crisis of tradition : history, memory and practice in the philosophy of Walter Benjamin. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Palmusaari, Jussi (2017) For revolt : breaks from time and uses of spatiality in the work of Jacques Ranciere. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Potter, William (2017) The idea of the generic : the problem of form in the work of Alain Badiou. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Washington, Michael (2017) Giving an account of the queer subject : plasticity, psychoanalysis, and queer theory. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Wikstrom, Josefine (2017) Practices of relations in task-dance and the event-score : towards a new concept of performance in art. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .