Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Nursing and midwifery"
Number of items: 54. AAddison, Ray and Lopez, Jane (2001) Bladder retraining. Nursing Times, 97(5), pp. 45-46. ISSN (print) 0954-7762 Arber, Anne (2001) Student nurses' knowledge of palliative care: evaluating an education module. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 7(12), pp. 597-603. ISSN (print) 1357-6321 BBest, Carolyn and Thomas, Sue (2001) Improving practice with a nurse nutrition team. Nursing Standard, 15(19), pp. 41-44. ISSN (print) 0029-6570 Blair, Jim and Faulkner, Anne (2001) Mapping the future: an innovative way of bringing education and practice together. Learning disability Practice, 4(2), pp. 22-26. ISSN (print) 1465-8712 Blane, D., Berney, L. and Montgomery, S. M. (2001) Domestic labour, paid employment and women's health : analysis of life course data. Social Science & Medicine, 52(6), pp. 959-965. ISSN (online) 0277-9536 Bott, Jane (2001) Postnatal depression: can midwives help? British Journal of Midwifery, 9(12), pp. 758-762. ISSN (print) 0969-4900 CChambers, M., Ryan, A. A. and Connor, S. L. (2001) Exploring the emotional support needs and coping strategies of family carers. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 8(2), pp. 99-106. ISSN (print) 1351-0126 Chambers, Mary and Cutcliffe, John JR (2001) The dynamics and processes of 'ending' in clinical supervision. British Journal of Nursing, 10(21), pp. 1403-1411. ISSN (print) 0966-0461 Chang, A.M., Lee, F.K., Chau, J.P.C., Lee, Diana T.F., Wootton, Y. and Ip, W.Y. (2001) Promoting students' critical thinking: the use of videotaped vignettes in a baccalaureate nursing programme. In: Kember, D , Candlin, S and Yan, L, (eds.) Further case studies of improving teaching and learning from the Action Learning Project. Hong Kong : Action Learning Project. pp. 111-117. ISBN 9623672950 Chapman, Jane, Raynor, Sarah and Drennan, Vari (2001) Developing patient group directions. Nursing Times, 97(36), pp. 37-38. ISSN (print) 0954-7762 Chau, J.P.C., Chang, A.M, Lee, I.F.K., Ip, W.Y., Lee, D.T.F. and Wootton, Y. (2001) Effects of using videotaped vignettes on enhancing students' critical thinking ability in a baccalaureate nursing programme. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(1), pp. 112-119. ISSN (print) 0309-2402 DDrennan, Vari and Williams, Glenn (2001) An assessment of dual-role primary care nurses in the inner city. British Journal of Community Nursing, 6(7), pp. 336-341. ISSN (print) 1462-4753 EEberhardie, Christine (2001) Coping: A practical guide for people with life-challenging diseases and their care givers. Nursing Standard, 15(50), p. 29. ISSN (print) 0029-6570 Ellison, George T H and de Wet, Thea (2001) Shoe size, stature and caesarean delivery. South African Medical Journal, 91(10), pp. 846-848. ISSN (print) 0256-9574 FFarmer, Roger and Greenwood, Nan (2001) General practitioners' management of problem drinkers: attitudes, knowledge and practice. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 8(2), pp. 119-129. ISSN (print) 0968-7637 Furne, Angela, Ross, Fiona and Rink, Elizabeth (2001) The integrated nursing team in primary care: views and experience of participants exploring ownership, objectives and a team orientation. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 2(3), pp. 187-195. ISSN (print) 1463-4236 GGriffiths, Peter, Harris, Ruth, Richardson, Gerald, Hallett, Nancy, Heard, Shelley and Wilson-Barnett, Jenifer (2001) Substitution of a nursing-led inpatient unit for acute services: randomized controlled trial of outcomes and cost of nursing-led intermediate care. Age and Ageing, 30(6), pp. 483-488. ISSN (print) 0002-0729 HHarris, Ruth and Dyson, Elizabeth (2001) Recruitment of frail older people to research: lessons learnt through experience. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(5), pp. 643-651. ISSN (print) 0309-2402 IIp, Wan-Yim, Chau, Janita P.C., Chang, Anne M. and Lui, May H.L. (2001) Knowledge of and attitudes toward sex among Chinese adolescents. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 23(2), pp. 211-223. ISSN (print) 0193-9459 KKoppel, Ivan, Barr, Hugh, Reeves, Scott, Freeth, Della and Hammick, Marilyn (2001) Establishing a systematic approach to evaluating the effectiveness of interprofessional education. Issues in Interdisciplinary Care, 3(1), pp. 41-49. ISSN (print) 1531-5150 LLam, Danny and Cheng, Linda (2001) Cognitive behaviour therapy approach to assessing dysfunctional thoughts. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 14(3), pp. 255-265. ISSN (print) 0951-5070 Lam, Danny (2001) Cognitive behaviour therapy to treating bulimia nervosa: a case study. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 14(1), pp. 1-13. ISSN (print) 0951-5070 Lee, Diana TF (2001) New millennium, new opportunity for nursing in Hong Kong. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 7(3), p. 139. ISSN (print) 1322-7114 Litchfield, Belinda (2001) Promoting health in vascular nursing. In: Murray, Shelagh, (ed.) Vascular disease: nursing and management. London, UK : Whurr. pp. 69-95. ISBN 1861562195 MMackenzie, Ann (2001) Strategies for advanced nursing research in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Nursing Journal, 37(4), pp. 12-14. ISSN (print) 0073-3253 Marks-Maran, Diane (2001) Using information technology. In: Maslin-Prothero, Sian, (ed.) Baillière's study skills for nurses. Edinburgh : Bailliere Tindall in association with the RCN. pp. 75-96. ISBN 0702026026 Marshall-Lucette, Sylvie (2001) Book Review of: Nursing models and nursing practice by P. Aggleton & H. Chalmers. Critical Public Health, 11(1), pp. 96-98. ISSN (print) 0958-1596 Mason, J.A. and Mcnabb, M. (2001) Folic acid: magic bullet or potential toxin. AIMS Journal, 13(2), pp. 8-11. ISSN (print) 1357-9657 McGraw, Caroline and Drennan, Vari (2001) Self-administration of medicine and older people. Nursing Standard, 15(18), pp. 33-36. ISSN (print) 0029-6570 McHale, Jean, Gallagher, Ann and Mason, Isobel (2001) The UK Human Rights Act 1998: implications for nurses. Nursing Ethics, 8(3), pp. 223-233. ISSN (print) 0969-7330 McLaren, Susan and Green, Sue (2001) Nutritional factors in the aetiology, development and healing of pressure ulcers. In: Morison, Moya J, (ed.) The prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. Edinburgh, UK : Mosby. pp. 195-216. ISBN 0723431582 Mcnabb, Mary (2001) Maternal hormones. In: Bates, Carol, (ed.) Midwifery clinical practice: the second stage of labour. London, U.K. : Royal College of Midwives. pp. 9-13. (Brown Study Series, (2)) ISBN 1870822064 Mcnabb, Mary (2001) Physiological insights. In: Bates, Carol, (ed.) Midwifery clinical practice: the second stage of labour. London, U.K. : Royal College of Midwives. (Brown Study Series, (2)) ISBN 1870822064 Murray, Shelagh, ed. (2001) Vascular disease: nursing and management. London, UK : Whurr. 452p. ISBN 1861562195 PPerry, L. and McLaren, S. (2001) Eating disabilities and dietary intake after stroke. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing, 5(2), pp. 88-92. ISSN (print) 1361-9004 Perry, Lin (2001) Dysphagia: the management and detection of a disabling problem. British Journal of Nursing, 10(13), pp. 837-844. ISSN (print) 0966-0461 Perry, Lin (2001) Screening swallowing function of patients with acute stroke. Part one: identification, implementation and initial evaluation of a screening tool for use by nurses. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 10(4), pp. 463-473. ISSN (print) 0962-1067 Perry, Lin (2001) Screening swallowing function of patients with acute stroke. Part two: detailed evaluation of the tool used by nurses. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 10(4), pp. 474-481. ISSN (print) 0962-1067 Pudner, Rosie (2001) Alginate and hydrofibre dressings in wound management. Journal of Community Nursing, 15(5), pp. 38-42. Pudner, Rosie (2001) Amorphous hydrogel dressings in wound management. Journal of Community Nursing, 15(6), pp. 43-46. Pudner, Rosie (2001) Deodorising dressing products in wound management. Journal of Community Nursing, 15(10), pp. 40-45. Pudner, Rosie (2001) Foam, hydrocellular and hydropolymer dressings in wound management. Journal of Community Nursing, 15(11), pp. 26-32. Pudner, Rosie (2001) Hydrocolloid dressings in wound management. Journal of Community Nursing, 15(4), pp. 44-48. Pudner, Rosie (2001) Iodine impregnated dressings. Journal of Community Nursing, 15(7), pp. 35-36. Pudner, Rosie (2001) Low/non-adherent dressings in wound management. Journal of Community Nursing, 15(8), pp. 12-17. Pudner, Rosie (2001) Post-operative dressings in wound management. Journal of Community Nursing, 15(9), pp. 33-37. Pudner, Rosie (2001) Vapour-permeable film dressings in wound management. Journal of Community Nursing, 15(12), pp. 20-25. RRoss, Fiona, McLaren, Susan, Relfeirn, Sally and Warwick, Cathy (2001) Partnerships for changing practice: Lessons from South Thames Evidence-based Practice project (STEP). Nursing Times Research, 6(5), pp. 817-828. ISSN (print) 1361-4096 TTreacy, Colm (2001) Medically unexplained symptoms in A&E. In: DMS A&E Conference; 29-30 Nov 2001, Aldershot, U.K.. (Unpublished) Twycross, Alison (2001) Achieving consensus about pain content for child branch curricula. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 34(1), pp. 51-60. ISSN (print) 0309-2402 Twycross, Alison (2001) Oral dosing of dexamethasone was as effective as intramuscular dosing for outpatient treatment of children with moderate croup. Evidence Based Nursing, 4(3), p. 79. ISSN (print) 1367-6539 VVernon, Susan (2001) Use of standardised scales in community nursing assessment. Journal of Community Nursing, 15(9), pp. 50-53. ISSN (online) 0140-0908 WWatts, Tessa, Jones, Melanie, Wainwright, Paul and Williams, Anne (2001) Methodologies analysing individual practice in health care: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 35(2), pp. 238-256. ISSN (print) 0309-2402 Wilson-Barnett, Jenifer, Davis, Therese, Griffiths, Peter, Harris, Ruth and Heard, Shelly (2001) Evaluating nurse-led inpatient units. Nursing Standard, 15(37), pp. 40-42. ISSN (print) 0029-6570 |