Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Nursing and midwifery"

Burke, Linda M. and Smith, Pam (2000) Developing an audit tool for health promotion learning opportunities in clinical placements. Nurse Education Today, 20(6), pp. 475-484. ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Burke, Linda M. (2000) Education and training consortia: leading the way for the new British NHS. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31(4), pp. 865-874. ISSN (print) 0309-2402
Burke, Linda M. and Harris, Debbie (2000) Education purchasers' views of nursing as an all graduate profession. Nurse Education Today, 20(8), pp. 620-628. ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Chan, Sally, Mackenzie, Ann, Ng, Dominic Tin-Fu and Leung, Jessie Ka-yi (2000) An evaluation of the implementation of case management in the community psychiatric nursing service. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31(1), pp. 144-156. ISSN (print) 0309-2402
Davies, N. and Curtis, M. (2000) Providing palliative care in end-stage heart failure. Professional Nurse, 15(6), pp. 389-392. ISSN (print) 0266-8130
Davies, Nigel (2000) Carers' opinions and emotional responses following cardiac surgery : cardiac rehabilitation implications for critical care nurses. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 16(2), pp. 66-75. ISSN (print) 0964-3397
Davies, Nigel (2000) Patients’ and carers’ perceptions of factors influencing recovery after cardiac surgery. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32(2), pp. 318-326. ISSN (print) 0309-2402
Davies, Nigel and Gould, Dinah (2000) Updating cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills: a study to examine the efficacy of self-instruction on nurses’ competence. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 9(3), pp. 400-410. ISSN (print) 0962-1067
Eberhardie, C. (2000) Health care and Europe. Nursing Standard, 14(51), p. 33. ISSN (print) 0029-6570
Goodburn, Ann and Drennan, Vari (2000) The use of directly observed therapy in TB: a brief pan-London survey. Nursing Standard, 14(46), pp. 36-38. ISSN (print) 0029-6570
Green, S.M., McCoubrie, M. and Cullingham, C. (2000) Practice Nurses' and Health Visitors' knowledge of obesity assessment and management. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 13(6), pp. 413-423. ISSN (print) 0952-3871
Griffiths, P, Wilson-Barnett, J, Richardson, G, Spilsbury, K, Miller, F and Harris, Ruth (2000) The effectiveness of intermediate care in a nursing-led in-patient unit. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 37(2), pp. 153-161. ISSN (print) 0020-7489
Hamilton, S. and McLaren, S.M. (2000) Evidence-based practice in stroke assessment and recording: an evaluation of the implementation of guidelines using a multifaceted strategy. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing, 4(4), pp. 173-179. ISSN (print) 1361-9004
Khalil, A. and Davies, N. (2000) The experiences of nurses returning to work after childbirth: ‘making a difference’. Journal Of Nursing Management, 8(6), pp. 337-344. ISSN (print) 0966-0429
Lam, Danny and Gale, Julia (2000) Cognitive behaviour therapy: teaching a client the ABC model - the first step towards the process of change. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 31(2), pp. 444-451. ISSN (print) 0309-2402
McGraw, Caroline and Drennan, Vari (2000) The use of medication compliance devices by district nursing services. British Journal of Community Nursing, 5(7), pp. 326-331. ISSN (print) 1462-4753
McLaren, S.M.G. and Ross, F. (2000) Implementation of evidence in practice settings: some methodological issues arising from the South Thames Evidence Based Practice Project. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing, 4(3), pp. 99-108. ISSN (print) 1361-9004
McLaren, S.M.G. and Dickerson, J.W.T. (2000) Measurement of eating disability in an acute stroke population. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing, 4(3), pp. 109-120. ISSN (print) 1361-9004
Mein, Gill, Martikainen, Pekka, Stansfeld, Stephen A., Brunner, Eric J., Fuhrer, Rebecca and Marmot, Michael G. (2000) Predictors of early retirement in British civil servants. Age and Ageing, 29(6), pp. 529-536. ISSN (print) 0002-0729
Pedley, G. (2000) Is blood pressure a clinical predictor of pressure ulcer development? Journal of wound care, 9(9), pp. 408-412. ISSN (print) 0969-0700
Perry, L. and McLaren, S. (2000) Dysphagia screening, assessment and outcomes in stroke patients: phase 1 of an evidence-based practice project. Journal of Clinical Excellence, 1, pp. 201-208. ISSN (print) 1465-9883
Perry, L. and McLaren, S. (2000) An evaluation of implementation of evidence-based guidelines for dysphagia screening and assessment following acute stroke: phase 2 of an evidence-based practice project. Journal of Clinical Excellence, 2(3), pp. 147-156. ISSN (print) 1465-9883
Quinn, T. (2000) Review: Is nurse-led thrombolysis clinically safe, beneficial and acceptable? Journal of Research in Nursing, 5(3), pp. 235-236. ISSN (print) 1361-4096
Ross, Fiona, Rink, Elizabeth and Furne, Angela (2000) Integration or pragmatic coalition? An evaluation of nursing teams in primary care. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 14(3), pp. 259-267. ISSN (print) 1356-1820
Ross, Fiona and Southgate, Lesley (2000) Learning together in medical and nursing training: aspirations and activity. Medical Education, 34(9), pp. 739-743. ISSN (print) 0308-0110
Triggs, E., Victor, C., Ross, F. and Axford, J. (2000) Primary care-based evaluation of patient education for osteoarthritis of the knee. Methods of Information in Medicine, 39(3), pp. 241-245. ISSN (print) 0026-1270
Tye, Christopher C. and Ross, Fiona M. (2000) Blurring boundaries: professional perspectives of the emergency nurse practitioner role in a major accident and emergency department. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 31(5), pp. 1089-1096. ISSN (print) 0309-2402
Vernon, Susan, Ross, Fiona and Gould, Mairi A. (2000) Assessment of older people: politics and practice in primary care. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 31(2), pp. 282-287. ISSN (print) 0309-2402
Ward, J. and Wood, C. (2000) Education and training of healthcare staff: the barriers to its success. European Journal Of Cancer Care, 9(2), pp. 80-85. ISSN (print) 0961-5423
Wilmshurst, P, Purchase, A, Webb, C, Jowett, C and Quinn, T (2000) Improving door to needle times with nurse initiated thrombolysis. Heart, 84(3), pp. 262-266. ISSN (print) 0007-0769
Wood, C. and Ward, J. (2000) A general overview of the cancer education needs of non-specialist staff. European Journal Of Cancer Care, 9(4), pp. 191-196. ISSN (print) 0961-5423
Rink, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona and Furne, Angie (2000) Integrated nursing teams in primary care. London, U.K. : NT Books. 13p. (Nursing Times Clinical Monographs, (49)) ISBN 1902499999