Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Music"

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Number of items: 49.


Ben-David, Anat (2015) Oscillation and disturbance in the OpeRaArt. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Ben-Tal, Oded [Composer] (2015) Metaphors of Space and of Time. (solo instrument and electronics). 1.

Ben-Tal, Oded [Composer] (2015) Non Sequitur. (music).

Blake, Charlie and van Elferen, Isabella (2015) Sonic media and spectral loops. In: Edwards, Justin D., (ed.) Technologies of the Gothic in Literature and Culture: Technogothics. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 60-70. (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature) ISBN 9781138797192

Brar, Dhanveer Singh (2015) 'James Brown', 'Jamesbrown', James Brown: Black (music) from the getup. Popular Music, 34(3), pp. 471-484. ISSN (print) 0261-1430

Brooker, Will (2015) Time again : narrative, history and identity in the work of David Bowie. In: The Stardom and Celebrity of David Bowie; 17-18 Jul 2015, Melbourne, Australia. (Unpublished)

Brooker, Will (2015) Time again : the David Bowie chronotope. In: Cinque, Toija , Moore, Christopher and Redmond, Sean, (eds.) Enchanting David Bowie : space time body memory. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 87-102. ISBN 9781628923049


Campbell, Iain (2015) Experimental practices of music and philosophy in John Cage and Gilles Deleuze. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Cohen, Sara , Knifton, Robert , Leonard, Marion and Roberts, Les, eds. (2015) Sites of popular music heritage: memories, histories, places. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 267p. (Routledge Studies in Popular Music) ISBN 9780415824507

Constantinou, Stace (2015) Processes of creative patterning : a compositional approach. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Cope, Andrew (2015) Lucien Haudebert's 'Dieu Vainqueur' in context. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University, .


Gatt, Michael, Smith, Simon and Martin, Brona (2015) Hear Th↓s Space performance. Full of Noises.

Gatt, Michael (2015) Humanising electroacoustic music analysis. In: Being Human : Humanising music technology; 16 Nov 2015, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Gatt, Michael (2015) The OREMA project : a call for the liberation of sound analysis. Organised Sound, 20(3), pp. 316-322. ISSN (print) 1355-7718

Gatt, Michael [Composer] and Smith, Stuart [Designer] (2015) Sound Tree. Make||Sound Festival. .


Hallett, Rachel and Lamont, Alexandra (2015) How do gym members engage with music during exercise? Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7(3), pp. 411-427. ISSN (print) 2159-676X


Kardos, Leah (2015) Activating Digital Creativities in Higher Music Education. In: Burnard, Pamela and Haddon, Elizabeth, (eds.) Activating Diverse Musical Creativities: Teaching and Learning in Higher Music Education. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 223-240. ISBN 9781472589118

Kardos, Leah (2015) Can you hear me? Analysing the recurring sonic and musical gestures in David Bowie’s recorded works. In: The Stardom and Celebrity of David Bowie; 17-18 Jul 2015, Melbourne, Australia. (Unpublished)

Kardos, Leah (2015) PLANET BOWIE: Multiple creativities in practice. In: Pedagogy, Language, Arts & Culture in Education (PLACE) Group Seminars; 11 Nov 2015, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Kardos, Leah [Composer] and Alexander, Ariane [Instrumentalist] (2015) Waiting at Rosamond Rd. (MP3, Compilation, Stereo, 320 kbps).

Kardos, Leah (2015) You can’t hide beat : a collection of David Bowie cover versions created using samples from his own famous recordings. In: The Stardom and Celebrity of David Bowie; 17-18 Jul 2015, Melbourne, Australia. (Unpublished)

Kardos, Leah (2015) The sonic vernacular : considering communicative timbral gestures in modern music production. In: 138th Audio Engineering Society Convention; 07 - 10 May 2015, Warsaw, Poland.


Minors, Helen Julia [Reviewer] (2015) Book Review of 'Performing Salome, revealing stories' edited by Clair Rowden. Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association, 71(3), pp. 519-522. ISSN (print) 0027-4380

Minors, Helen Julia [Reviewer] (2015) Book Review of: 'Music and ultra-modernism in France: a fragile consensus, 1913-1939' by Barbara L. Kelly. Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association, 71(3), pp. 509-512. ISSN (print) 0027-4380

Minors, Helen Julia (2015) Dukas @ 150 : philosopher and comparative artist. In: Music, Intertextulaity and Inter-Art Forms in Third Republic France: Remembering Paul Dukas at 150; 03 - 05 Jul 2015, Maynooth, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Minors, Helen Julia [Interviewee] and Ford, Andrew [Interviewer] (2015) Paul Dukas on The Music Show. (Audio Broadcast). Sydney, Australia : RN Australia. The Music Show.

Minors, Helen Julia (2015) Paul Dukas’s modern aesthetic revealed in funereal mode : Le Tombeau in La Revue musicale. In: Royal Musical Association Annual Conference; 09 - 11 Sep 2015, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Minors, Helen Julia [Author-contributor] (2015) Score Preface: George Gershwin, Cuban Overture. In: Musikproduktion Jurgen Hoflich, (ed.) Cuban Overture. Munich, Germany : Musik Produktion Jurgen Hoflich. pp. 1-3.

Minors, Helen Julia [Author-contributor] (2015) Score Preface: Vincent d'Indy Médée (Incidental Music) Op. 47. In: Musikproduktion Jurgen Hoflich, (ed.) Medee : Suite for orchestra. Munich, Germany : Musik Produktion Jurgen Hoflich. pp. 1-4. 1

Minors, Helen Julia [Interviewer] and Thompson, Walter [Interviewee] (2015) Soundpainting interview with Walter Thompson. Part 1: contextualising soundpainting. (Video). (Soundpainting Interviews with Walter Thompson)

Minors, Helen Julia [Interviewer] and Thompson, Walter [Interviewee] (2015) Soundpainting interview with Walter Thompson. Part 2: live composing. (Video). (Soundpainting Interviews with Walter Thompson)

Minors, Helen Julia [Interviewer] and Thompson, Walter [Interviewee] (2015) Soundpainting interview with Walter Thompson. Part 3: soundpainting in education. (Video). (Soundpainting Interviews with Walter Thompson)

Minors, Helen Julia [Interviewer] and Thompson, Walter [Interviewee] (2015) Soundpainting interview with Walter Thompson. Part 4: looking forward. (Video). (Soundpainting Interviews with Walter Thompson)

Minors, Helen Julia (2015) What is soundpainting? Composing and gesturing in the moment. In: Research Forum, Centre for Musical Research and Performance Research Centre; 08 Jan 2015, Bath, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Minors, Helen Julia (2015) The value and range of music and creative practice in UK HEIs. In: Symposium on Music in Higher Education in Ireland: Challenges, Possibilities and Future Directions; 01 Apr 2015, Dublin, Ireland.


Potter, Caroline (2015) Erik Satie's musique d'ameublement and Max Jacob's Ruffian toujours, truand jamais. Revue de musicologie, 101(2), pp. 345-366. ISSN (print) 0035-1601

Price, Elizabeth [Artist] (2015) K. .


Redgate, Christopher [Performer] and Archbold, Paul (2015) Spectral morphology in performance. In: Reflective conservatoire conference 2015 : Creativity and changing cultures; 26 Feb - 01 Mar 2015, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Reid, George (2015) Affect, empathy and a sense of belonging through interaction with videogame music. In: Thirty-Sixth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts : The Scientific Imagination; 18-22 Mar 2015, Orlando, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Reid, George (2015) Videogame music fans : artefacts, media literacy, and affectionate musical storytelling. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University, .


Salazar, Diana and Salgado Llopis, Maria (2015) Dialogues in sound and movement : research-led teaching in contemporary choreography and sound composition. In: Reflective Conservatoire Conference 2015 : creativity and changing cultures; 26 Feb - 01 Mar 2015, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)


van Elferen, Isabella (2015) Liminality, Moebius time, and music in David Lynch's Twin Peaks. In: Vom Suchen, Verstehen und Teilen... Wissen in der Fantastik; 24 - 27 Sep 2015, Tubingen, Germany. (Unpublished)

van Elferen, Isabella and Raeymaekers, Sven (2015) Silent dark : the orders of silence. Journal for Cultural Research, 19(3), pp. 262-273. ISSN (print) 1479-7585

van Elferen, Isabella (2015) Sonic descents : musical dark play in survival and psychological horror. In: Mortensen, Torill Elvira , Linderoth, Jonas and Brown, Ashley ML, (eds.) The dark side of game play : controversial issues in playful environments. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 226-241. (Routledge Advances in Game Studies, (4)) ISBN 9781138827288

van Elferen, Isabella (2015) The lure of timbre: paradoxical realism between the sublime and the grain. In: Musical Modernity, the Beautiful and the Sublime; 30 - 31 Oct 2015, Aberdeen, U.K.. (Unpublished)

van Elferen, Isabella (2015) The timbre out of space. In: Thirty-Sixth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts : The Scientific Imagination; 18-22 Mar 2015, Orlando, U.S.. (Unpublished)


White, Meredith [Composer] (2015) Crocodile Perambulator Disco. (Jazz trio). Performance/Music score. (Unpublished)

White, Meredith [Composer] (2015) Sprig. (Jazz trio). Musical score. (Unpublished)

Wilson, Scott (2015) Stop making sense : music from the perspective of the real. London, U.K. : Karnac Books. 228p. (Psychoanalysis and popular culture) ISBN 9781782201984

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