Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > History of art, architecture and design"

Alliez, Eric (2009) The dislocation of the IMAGE-grip. In: Undoing the aesthetic image; 24 Jan 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bick, Andrew [Speaker] (2009) Redrawing the shadows; a look at affinities in constructed art. In: United enemies? Rethinking sculpture in Britain in the 1960s and 1970s; 6 Mar 2009, Leeds, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2009) Fathoming the British temperament: Hans Schleger and the art of poster design c.1935-45. In: MacDougall, Sarah and Dickson, Rachel, (eds.) Forced journeys: artists in exile in Britain c.1933-45. London, U.K. : Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum of Art. pp. 74-79. ISBN 9780900157134
Black, Jonathan (2009) 'The past is immaterial': the enigma of Dora Gordine (1895-1991). In: Jensen, Meg and Jordan, Jane, (eds.) Life writing: the spirit of the age and the state of the art. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 152-165. ISBN 9781443805261
Chaplin, Sarah and Stara, Alexandra (2009) Introduction. In: Chaplin, Sarah and Stara, Alexandra, (eds.) Curating architecture and the city. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 1-5. (AHRA Critiques: Critical studies in architectural humanities) ISBN 9780415489836
Charny, Daniel (2009) Can Britain still make it? :product. In: Sudjic, Deyan, (ed.) Design in Britain: big ideas (small island). London, U.K. : Conran Octopus. pp. 8-39. ISBN 9781840915426
Chick, Anne (2009) Living the sustainable life: a case study of the Beddington Zero Enenergy Development (BedZED) sustainable interior. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 275-285. ISBN 9781847882882
Depper, Corin (2009) Theatres of memory and restraint: Matthew Barney amongst the Neo-Platonists. In: Georganta, Konstanta , Collignon, Fabienne and Millim, Anne-Marie, (eds.) The apothecary’s chest: magic, art and medication. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholar's Publishing. pp. 71-82. ISBN 1443804940
Farinati, Lucia (2009) Public art in the UK. Cues and reflections on the "Found Wanting" project. In: Campitelli, M and Vladilo, E, (eds.) Public art a Trieste e dintorni. Milan, Italy. : Silvana. pp. 189-191. ISBN 9788836613106
Fatsar, Kristof (2009) Geländeforschungen in historischen gärten - ein komplexes verfahren. Historische garten : mitteilungen der Osterreichischen gesellschaft fur historische garten, 15(2), pp. 30-35. ISSN (print) 2078-8541
Fatsar, Kristof (2009) Zádor Anna és az Angol tájképi kert. Enigma(58), pp. 5-16. ISSN (print) 1218-8069
Fatsar, Kristof (2009) A romantika kertművészete. In: Gurka, Dezső, (ed.) A romantika terei : az irodalom, a művészetek és a tudományok intézményei a romantika korában. Budapest, Hungary : Gondolat Kiadó. pp. 95-106. ISBN 9789636930752
Fatsar, Kristof (2009) Átváltozások: Eszterháza nagy parterjének vázlatos története. In: Fatsar, Kristof, (ed.) MM XC: tanulmányok és esszék a 90 éves Mőcsényi Mihály tiszteletére : a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia dísztermében rendezett Tájépítészeti Konferencia kötete. Budapest, Hungary : BCE Tájépítészeti Kar. pp. 77-90. ISBN 9789635034048
Fatsar, Kristof (2009) A történeti kertekben végzett terepkutatások összetett eljárásai = A comprehensive approach to the restoration of historic gardens. 4D - tájépítészeti és kertművészeti folyóirat(13), pp. 36-55. ISSN (print) 1787-6613
Fisher, Fiona (2009) Kenneth Wood - modern architecture for an art collector, the Stanley Picker House (1968) and other work. In: 'Suburban modernity' - modern homes in Surrey; 19 Feb 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Fisher, Fiona (2009) Privacy and supervision in the modernised public house, 1872-1902. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 41-52. ISBN 9781847882882
Frizell, Hazel Elizabeth (2009) Representations of specific concerns of the women's liberation movement in British feminist art 1970-1978. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Frost, Christian (2009) Time, Space and Order: The Making of Medieval Salisbury. Oxford, U.K. : Peter Lang. 279p. ISBN 9783039119431
Fryman, Olivia (2009) 'Venerable relics': state beds and the conservation of monarchical memories. In: Living in the Past: Histories, Heritage and the Interior: 6th Modern Interiors Research Conference; 14 - 15 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Gough, Tim (2009) Agency and gift of architecture. Field, 3(1), pp. 146-152. ISSN (online) 1755-0068
Gough, Tim (2009) Cura. In: Chaplin, Sarah and Stara, Alexandra, (eds.) Curating architecture and the city. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 93-102. (AHRA Critiques: Critical studies in architectural humanities) ISBN 9780415489836
Gough, Tim (2009) The specificity of baroque light. In: Barok/Licht , Farbe; 28 Jun - 02 Jul 2009, Einsiedln, Switzerland.
Gough, Timothy (2009) Architectural thought: history and theory entangled. In: Geschichte und Theorie im Architekturunterricht; 20 - 22 Nov 2009, Einsiedeln, Switzerland. (Unpublished)
Gray, Maggie (2009) Seriously into Comics. In: Thought Bubble Comics Festival; 19-22 Nov 2009, Saviles Hall, Leeds. (Submitted)
Gray, Maggie (2009) ’The fantasy bribe’ : comics and punk. In: Schneider, Norbert, (ed.) Bildwissenschaft und Visual Culture Studies in der Diskussion [Bildwissenschaft and Visual Culture Studies in Conversation]. Göttingen, Germany : Universitätsverlag Osnabrück at V&R unipress. pp. 63-67. (Kunst und Politik : Jahrbuch der Guernica-Gesellschaft [Art and Politics : Guernica-Gesellschaft Yearbook], (10)) ISBN 9783899715309
Grewcock, Duncan (2009) Disrupting the museum: doing museology differently. (PhD thesis), University College London, .
Hanische, Ruth and Spier, Steven (2009) History is not the past but another mightier presence: the founding of the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta) at the Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich and it's effects on Swiss architecture. The Journal of Architecture, 14(6), pp. 655-686. ISSN (print) 1360-2365
Horrocks, Christopher (2009) Dora Gordine: sculptor, designer, artist. (DVD).
Ioannidou, Ersi (2009) Structuralism and metabolism. In: Structuralism in Architecture & Urbanism RELOADED; 19-22 Nov 2009, Munich, Germany. (Unpublished)
Keeble, Trevor (2009) Introduction. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 218-231. ISBN 9781847882882
Keeble, Trevor (2009) 'Plate glass and progress': Victorian modernity at home. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior : from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 31-39. ISBN 9781847882882
Keeble, Trevor (2009) An unknown radical: Dennis Chapman and the home and social status. Design and culture, 1(3), pp. 329-344. ISSN (print) 1754-7075
Kirkham, Pat and Perkins, Scott (2009) Furniture, patterns and perfection: the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum's interiors. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) The Guggenheim: Frank Lloyd Wright and the making of the modern museum. New York, U.S.A. : Guggenheim Museum Publications. pp. 111-118. ISBN 9780892073856
Kirkham, Pat (2009) Saul Bass: a life in design and film; Saul and Elaine Bass: a collaboration in film and life. In: Aynsley, Jeremy and Atkinson, Harriet, (eds.) The Banham Lectures: essays on designing the future. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 143-155. ISBN 9781847883025
Kirkham, Pat (2009) Vertigo (title sequence), Alfred Hitchcock (1958). Design and culture, 1(2), pp. 218-222. ISSN (print) 1754-7075
Kirkham, Patricia (2009) New environments for modern living: 'At home with the Eameses'. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior : from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 171-182. ISBN 9781847882882
Knifton, Robert (2009) Curating the city. In: Tormey, Jane and Whiteley, Gillian, (eds.) Telling stories: countering narrative in art, theory and film. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 100-111. ISBN 9781443805322
Knifton, Robert (2009) The Liverpool artists' sessions. In: Biggs, Bryan and Sheldon, Julie, (eds.) Art in a city revisited. Liverpool, U.K. : Liverpool University Press. pp. 123-149. ISBN 9781846310836
Kristensen, Juliette (2009) Take a run and jump. KIOSK(3), pp. 86-89. ISSN (print) 1755-9626
Kubicki, Kathy (2009) The Archive : Francis Bacon Archive, Tate Britain, London. Photography & Culture, 2(2), pp. 195-200. ISSN (print) 1751-4517
Kubicki, Kathy (2009) Photography at play. In: Bate, David, (ed.) Dying to Know. University of Westmister. pp. 6-9. (MA Photographic Studies, University of Westminster)
Lloyd, Fran (2009) Ernst Eisenmayer: a modern Babel. In: MacDougall, Sarah and Dickson, Rachel, (eds.) Forced journeys: artists in exile in Britain c.1933-45. London, U.K. : Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum of Art. pp. 64-73. ISBN 9780900157134
Lloyd, Fran and Black, Jonathan (2009) Subtlety and strength: the drawings of Dora Gordine. London, U.K. : Philip Wilson Publishers. 93p. ISBN 9780856676758
Mancke, Carol (2009) Expanding the public realm through curated collaborative action: the Echigo Tsumari abandoned house project. In: Chaplin, Sarah and Stara, Alexandra, (eds.) Curating architecture and the city. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 179-192. (AHRA Critiques: Critical studies in architectural humanities) ISBN 9780415489836
Martin, Brenda [Interviewee] and Black, Jonathan [Interviewee] (2009) Dora Gordine. (radio broadcast). (8 min.)
Martin, Brenda [Curator] (2009) Dora Gordine: sculptor artist designer. Dora Gordine: sculptor artist designer. , 11 February - 4th May 2009 , Kingston Museum and Dorich House Museum.
Massey, Anne (2009) Nationalism and design at the end of the empire: interior design and the ocean liner. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 207-216. ISBN 9781847882882
Massey, Anne and Micklethwaite, Paul (2009) Unsustainability: towards a new design history with reference to British utility. Design philosophy papers(2), ISSN (online) 1448-7136
Narotzky, Viviana (2009) Selling the nation: identity and design in 1980s Catalonia. Design Issues, 25(3), pp. 62-75. ISSN (print) 0747-9360
O'Brien, Sorcha (2009) Images of Ardnacrusha: photography, electrical technology, and modernity in the Irish Free State. In: Flannery, Eoin and Griffin, Michael, (eds.) Ireland in Focus: film, photography, and popular culture. Syracuse, New York, U.S. : Syracuse University Press. pp. 71-85. (Irish Studies) ISBN 9780815632030
O'Brien, Sorcha (2009) Photographic connections: electrical technology in the making of Ireland in the 1920s. In: Glynne, Jonathan , Hackney, Fiona and Minton, Viv, (eds.) Networks of design: proceedings of the 2008 annual international conference of the Design History Society (UK): University College Falmouth 3-6 September. Boca Raton, Florida, U.S. : Universal Publishers. pp. 246-253. ISBN 9781599429069
Parker, Julia (2009) Reinvention and continuity in the making of an historic visitor attraction : control access and display at Hampton Court Palace, 1838-1938. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Phillippy, Patricia (2009) Painted women, women painters. In: Vigarello, Georges, (ed.) 100 000 ans de beaute. Paris, France : Gallimard. pp. 228-229. Age cl(3: Age) ISBN 207012844X
Potkin, Helen (2009) In-habiting site: contemporary art practices within the historic interior. In: Living in the Past: Histories, Heritage and the Interior: 6th Modern Interiors Research Conference; 14 - 15 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Rice, Charles (2009) 'So the flaneur goes for a walk in his room': interior, arcade, cinema, metropolis. In: Di Palma, Vittoria , Periton, Diana and Lathouri, Marina, (eds.) Intimate metropolis: urban subjects in the modern city. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 72-89. ISBN 9780415415064
Rice, Charles (2009) The geography of the diagram: the Rose Seidler house. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 131-143. ISBN 9781847882882
Rice, Charles (2009) The inside of space: some issues concerning heterogeneity, the interior, and the weather. In: Hensel, Michael , Menges, Achim and Hight, Christopher, (eds.) Space reader: heterogeneous space in architecture. London, U.K. : Wiley. pp. 185-193. (AD Reader) ISBN 9780470519424
Rossi, Catharine (2009) Furniture, feminism and the feminine: women designers in post-war Italy, 1945 to 1970. Journal of Design History, 22(3), pp. 243-257. ISSN (print) 0952-4649
Smith, Marquard (2009) Visual culture studies: questions of history, theory, and practice. In: Preziosi, Donald, (ed.) The art of art history: a critical anthology. 2nd ed. Oxford, U.K : Oxford University Press. pp. 455-467. (Oxford History of Art) ISBN 9780199229840
Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, eds. (2009) Designing the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. 311p. ISBN 9781847882882
Sparke, Penny (2009) General introduction. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781847882882
Sparke, Penny (2009) Introduction. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 146-158. ISBN 9781847882882
Sparke, Penny (2009) Introduction. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 67-78. ISBN 9781847882882
Sparke, Penny (2009) Italy's new domestic landscape, 1945-1972. In: Sparke, Penny , Massey, Anne , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Designing the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. pp. 183-193. ISBN 9781847882882
Spier, Steven (2009) There's just something about Switzerland: the Swissness of Swiss architecture. AA files(59), pp. 50-55. ISSN (print) 0261-6823
Stara, Alexandra (2009) Phenomenology as architectural praxis: two houses in East Anglia. In: Architecture + phenomenology; 26-29 Jun 2009, Kyoto, Japan. (Unpublished)
Stara, Alexandra [Curator] (2009) Strange places: urban landscape photography. Strange places: urban landscape photography. , 30 Sep - 21 Nov 2009 , Kingston-upon-Thames, U.K..
Stara, Alexandra (2009) Urban fictions with the office for subversive architecture. In: Chaplin, Sarah and Stara, Alexandra, (eds.) Curating architecture and the city. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 233-245. (AHRA Critiques: Critical studies in architectural humanities) ISBN 9780415489836
Stara, Alexandra (2009) A journey elsewhere: in search of Steffi Klenz's Dagenham Heathway. London Independent Photography, Spring(12), pp. 24-25. ISSN (print) 1746-4153
Thomas, Sarah (2009) Slavery, a "Scandal to Christian Nations": Charles Darwin, Augustus Earle and the compass of morality. In: Hoorn, Jeanette, (ed.) Reframing Darwin: evolution and art in Australia. Carlton, Australia : Victoria Miegunyah Press. ISBN 9780522856842
Thomas, Sarah (2009) The Wanderer, the Slave and the Aboriginal: Augustus Earle in Rio de Janeiro and Sydney in the 1820s. In: Anderson, Jaynie, (ed.) Crossing cultures: conflict, migration and convergence. Carlton, Australia : Miegunyah Press. (The Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress in the History of Art) ISBN 9780522857108
Tromans, Nicholas (2009) Book Review of: 'Painting out of the ordinary: modernity and the art of everyday life in early nineteenth-century Britain' by David H. Solkin. The Burlington Magazine, 151(1273), pp. 247-248. ISSN (print) 0007-6287
Tromans, Nicholas (2009) Exhibition Review of: 'G.F. Watts: London and Harrogate'. Burlington Magazine, 151(1273), pp. 256-257. ISSN (print) 0007-6287
Tromans, Nicholas (2009) The age of Goya. In: Baker, Christopher , Howarth, David and Stirton, Paul, (eds.) The discovery of Spain: British artists and collectors, Goya to Picasso. Edinburgh, U.K. : National Galleries of Scotland. pp. 29-45. ISBN 9781906270186
Tromans, Nick (2009) The psychiatric sublime. In: The Sublime in Crisis? New Perspectives on the Sublime in British Visual Culture, 1760-1900; 14 - 15 Sep 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Webb, Iain (2009) Bill Gibb : fashion and fantasy. In: The Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival; 29 Mar - 05 Apr 2009, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Webb, Iain R [Curator] (2009) Bill Gibb: A Personal Journey. .
Webb, Iain R. (2009) Foale and Tuffin: the sixties : a decade in fashion. Woodbridge, U.K. : ACC Editions. 220p. ISBN 9781851496068