Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > History of art, architecture and design"

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Number of items: 11.


Fatsar, Kristof (2000) Anton Erhard Martinelli 1720. évi tevékenysége Süttörön. Ars Hungarica, 28(1), pp. 191-196.

Fatsar, Kristof (2000) Franz Rosenstingl als Gartenarchitekt in Ungarn. Die Gartenkunst, 12(1), pp. 153-160.

Fatsar, Kristof (2000) A Magyar Kerttörténeti Archívum informatikai kialakítása. In: Galavics, Géza and Alföldy, Gábor, (eds.) Történeti kertek : kertművészet és műemlékvédelem / Historic Gardens in and around Hungary. Studies on Research and Restoration. Budapest, Hungary : MTA Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet, Mágus Kiadó. pp. 96-100.

Fatsar, Kristof (2000) A pozsonyi királyi vár kertjei Mária Terézia korában. Magyar Múzeumok, 6(3), pp. 21-22.


Kubicki, Kathy (2000) Art from Scandinavia. In: Shaul, Matthew, (ed.) Our friends from the North : contemporary art from Finland, Norway and Sweden. Hatfield, U.K. : University of Hertfordshire Galleries. pp. 7-20. ISBN 1898543534


Lara Betancourt, Patricia (2000) La sala domestica en Santa Fe de Bogota. Siglo XIX el decorado: la sala barroca. Historia Critica(20), pp. 93-111. ISSN (print) 0121-1617

Lokko, Lesley Naa Norle, ed. (2000) White papers, black marks: architecture, race, culture. London, U.K. : Althone Press. 378p. ISBN 0485006022


Massey, Anne (2000) Hollywood beyond the screen: design and material culture. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. 203p. (Materializing Culture) ISBN 9781859733219


Rice, Charles (2000) The drama of identification: reflexivity, the apparatus and Peter Greenaway's The Draughtsman's Contract. Critical Quarterly, 42(2), pp. 92-107. ISSN (print) 0011-1562


Sparke, Penny (2000) Cookware to cocktail shakers: the domestication of the aluminium object in the United States, 1900-1939. In: Nichols, Sarah, (ed.) Aluminum by design. Pittsburgh, U.S. : Carnegie Museum of Art. pp. 112-139. ISBN 0810967219

Stara, Alexandra (2000) On the problem of history in the museum. Annals For Aesthetics, 39, pp. 163-174. ISSN (print) 1105-0462

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