Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > History"

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Number of items: 37.


Al Thobaiti, Maryam (2020) The family in the works of Aphra Behn. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Andrews, Maggie and Carter, Fan (2020) The pursuit of pleasure and politics: women's magazines and women's enfranchisement. In: Conboy, Martin and Bingham, Adrian, (eds.) The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 3: Competition and Disruption, 1900 -2017. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. (The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, 3) (In Press)

Brown, Douglas (2020) Book Review of 'Life courses of young convicts transported to Van Diemen's land' by Emma D. Watkins. Family & Community History, 23(2), pp. 151-153. ISSN (print) 1463-1180

Brown, Douglas (2020) New geographies of the new Poor Law in England and Wales. In: Gestrich, A. , Gruner, E. and Hahn, S., (eds.) Poverty in modern Europe : spaces, localities, institutions. Oxford University Press. (In Press)

Brown, Douglas H.L. (2020) Book Review of 'Writing the lives of the English poor, 1750s-1830s' by Steven King. Labour/Le Travail, 86, pp. 222-224. ISSN (print) 0700-3862

Brown, Douglas H.L., Green, David R., McIlvenna, Kathleen and Shelton, Nicola (2020) The beating heart of the system : the health of postal workers in Victorian London. Journal of Historical Geography, 68, pp. 75-85. ISSN (print) 0305-7488

Brown, Ian (2020) Performing Scottishness : enactment and national identities. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. 278p. ISBN 9783030394066

Dodsworth, Francis (2020) Fighting for the right to the streets : the politics and poetics of women's self-defence. In: Watson, Sophie, (ed.) Spatial justice in the city. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 118-135. (Space, Materiality and the Normative) ISBN 9780815394532

Durston, Gregory J. (2020) Jacks, knaves and vagabonds : crime, law, and order in Tudor England. Hook, U.K. : Waterside Press. 736p. (Crime History Series) ISBN 9781909976764

Ferrari, Diego [Artist] (2020) Space at the Centre – London 1995 to 2007. .

Flintham, Matthew (2020) Vile incubator : a pathology of the Cold War bunker. Journal of War & Culture Studies, 13(1), pp. 11-32. ISSN (print) 1752-6272

Garcia de la Huerta, Carlos (2020) Securing the revolutionary state : the development of French counter-espionage, 1791-1794. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Green, David R., Brown, Douglas and McIlvenna, Kathleen (2020) Addressing ill health : sickness and retirement in the Victorian Post Office. Social History of Medicine, 33(2), pp. 559-585. ISSN (print) 0951-631X

Hodson, Claire M. [Reviewer] (2020) Book Review of: 'Outside Roman London : roadside burials by the Walbrook stream' by S. Ranieri and A.Telfer. The London Journal, 45(3), pp. 347-349. ISSN (print) 0305-8034

Hunter, I.Q. and Melia, Matthew, eds. (2020) The 'Jaws' book : new perspectives on the classic summer blockbuster. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 288p. ISBN 9781501347528

Jensen, Meg (2020) Speaking trauma and history : the collective voice of testimonial literature. In: Hammond, Andrew, (ed.) The Palgrave handbook of Cold War literature. Cham. Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 323-343. ISBN 9783030389727

Jones, Ray (2020) A history of the personal social services in England : feast, famine and the future. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. 494p. ISBN 9783030461232

Lambe, Simon (2020) 'Towards God religious, towards us most faithful' : the Paulet family, the Somerset gentry and the early Tudor monarchy, 1485–1547. In: Ward, Matthew and Hefferan, Matthew, (eds.) Loyalty to the Monarchy in Late Medieval and Early Modern Britain, c.1400-1688. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 85-106. ISBN 9783030377663

McIlvenna, Kathleen, Brown, Douglas H.L. and Green, David R. (2020) 'The natural foundation of perfect efficiency' : medical services and the Victorian Post Office. Social History of Medicine, 33(2), pp. 539-558. ISSN (print) 0951-631X

Mears, Charlotte (2020) A social history of the Aufseherinnen of Auschwitz. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Melia, Matthew (2020) Ken Russell's unfinished projects and unmade films, 1956-1968 : the BBC years. In: Fenwick, James , Foster, Kieran and Eldridge, David, (eds.) Shadow cinema : the historical and production context of unmade films. New York, U.S. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 91-108. ISBN 9781501351594

Nuttall, Jeremy [Reviewer] (2020) Book Review of: 'Comrades in conflict: labour, the trade unions and 1969’s In Place of Strife' by Peter Dorey. Social History, 45(1), pp. 142-144. ISSN (print) 0307-1022

Renshaw, Layla (2020) Book review of: 'Manufactured bodies : the impact of industrialisation on London health' by Gaynor Western and Jelena Bekvalac. The London Journal, 45(3), pp. 351-353. ISSN (print) 0305-8034

Renshaw, Layla (2020) Ethical considerations in the investigation and commemoration of mass graves from the Spanish Civil War. In: Squires, Kirsty , Errickson, David and Márquez-Grant, Nicholas, (eds.) Ethical approaches to human remains : a global challenge in bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology. Cham, Switzerland : Springer. pp. 519-539. ISBN 9783030329259

Renshaw, Layla (2020) Unrecovered objects : narratives of dispossession, slow violence and survival in the investigation of mass graves from the Spanish Civil War. Journal of Material Culture, 25(4), pp. 428-446. ISSN (print) 1359-1835

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2020) Boundary objects of communism : assembling the Soviet past in museums and public spaces. In: Iordachi, Constantin and Apor, Peter, (eds.) Occupation and communism in Eastern European museums : re-visualizing the recent past. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350103726 (In Press)

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2020) Chernobyl as technoscience. Technology and Culture, 61(4), pp. 1178-1187. ISSN (print) 0040-165X

Ross, Linda M. (2020) Dounreay experimental research establishment. In: Charlton, Susannah and Harwood, Elain, (eds.) 100 20th-Century gardens and landscapes. London, U.K. : Batsford. pp. 108-108. ISBN 9781849945295

Smith, Harry, Bennett, Robert J. and van Lieshout, Carry (2020) Entrepreneurship in Birmingham and Manchester, 1851-1911 : a tale of two cities? Midland History, 45(3), pp. 357-380. ISSN (print) 0047-729X

Smith, Stuart W. R. (2020) The official and unofficial treatment of war widows and disabled ex-service personnel in Britain, Ireland and Northern Ireland 1900-2000. (MPhil thesis), Kingston University, .

Van Den berg, Richard and Russell, Daniel (2020) Turgot's calculations on the effects of indirect taxation. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 27(6), pp. 983-1010. ISSN (print) 0967-2567

Walford, Nigel Stephen (2020) Demographic and social context of deaths during the 1854 cholera outbreak in Soho, London : a reappraisal of Dr John Snow's investigation. Health & Place, 65, p. 102402. ISSN (print) 1353-8292

Woodbridge, Steven (2020) Anti-alien agitation in Richmond. Richmond History Journal, 2020(41), pp. 40-47. ISSN (print) 0263-0958

Woodbridge, Steven (2020) Book Review of: 'Fascists among us : online hate and the Christchurch Massacre' by Jeff Sparrow. e-Extreme (Newsletter of the ECPR Standing Group on Extremism & Democracy), 21(2), pp. 19-21.

Woodbridge, Steven (2020) One of the first deniers? Conspiracy and early Holocaust denial in the post-war writings of Arnold Leese. The British Association for Holocaust Studies (BAHS) website,

Woodbridge, Steven (2020) The admiral who admired Hitler : Sir Barry Domvile, Nazism and early historical revisionism. The British Association for Holocaust Studies (BAHS) website,

van den Berg, Richard (2020) Keynes, Schumpeter, mercantilism and liquidity preference : some reflections on how we do history of economic thought. In: Marcuzzo, Maria Cristina , Deleplace, Ghislain and Paesani, Paolo, (eds.) New perspectives on political economy and its history. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 323-342. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought) ISSN (print) 2662-6578 ISBN 9783030429249

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